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My irrelevant take on the future of America...


Nest-stirring pot-poker.
Full Member
  • Jan 17, 2014
    NO AL
    ...feel free to offer yours.

    My personal perspective is pessimistic and dire. The unabate far-left media onslaught for the past 5 years has taken its toll. Americans are programmed and conditioned — a sufficient number of us anyway — and have wearied under their onslaught of hate, lies, and fear. Not only will Trump NOT be reelected, but with a Biden / Female Communist administration, a dominant majority in the House, the left poised to take back the Senate in landslide fashion, and a SCOTUS who has clearly signaled the white flag on all things 2A, those of our idealogical persuasion are dinosaurs on the brink of extinction.

    Dear friends and fellow patriots, the Regressive Left has won. Their final installment into power and forced silencing of all opposition is little more than an inevitable formality at this point. Trump cannot save us. The SCOTUS will not save us. We are unable to save US.

    Dour times indeed.

    Darkness has become light, and light has become darkness. Wrong has become right and right has become wrong. Love has become hate, and hate has become love.
    I think Trump will win. Either way I see Armed conflict in America. If Trump looses then it will be obvious that the fight for the constitution is now or never. If Trump wins we will have all the left pushed to their breaking point and killing people left and right like the blm/aunt Tiffa types are now.
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    It don't matter who wins POTUS/Congress, etc.

    People like us are the enemy of ANY politician. I could care less if Trump wins or not. He is a complete failure with strengthening and legitimizing 2A.

    In fact, it is probably better for Biden and his female VP to win so we can get on with the getting on...

    Open season on White people is going to take-off after November
    well I am doing what I can to ensure trump wins . I am voting for him not like there are many options its either socialism or republicans . I am sure there are a few democrats that are not for the whole socialism idea , but none of them will or would be able to stand alone to defeat the majority of there parties socialist ways or laws the dims want to pass they would just end up totally out numbered and out voted and eventually pushed aside . I do not plan to leave my home even if trump looses and nothing is over till it is , I'll just hold out hope that there are more Americans who want there freedoms and the country to remain America than there are snowflakes that want to see it all burn . so reguarless of the out come of the election I will keep my property till I die . And keep those that matter most to me a bit closer in case things get really hairy .
    Hmm, should be easy to get responses with mutual feelings of dispair.

    I agree with this though, I also think Trump will lose in Nov. Dems in house, senate and exec.
    • Like
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    Hmm, should be easy to get responses with mutual feelings of dispair.

    I agree with this though, I also think Trump will lose in Nov. Dems in house, senate and exec.

    I respectfully, and with hope, disagree. Trump is not siant or genius but just take a good look at Creepy Joe. Jesus Fucking Christ, what a joke.

    Never the less, to quote a former member,

    For those that think Trump won’t win I would like to know what state?

    I personally think Trump will win, the silent majority is stronger than ever. People are fed up with the media and all the Covid and BLM bullshit .

    I personally think the severity of Covid is a hoax. I think Covid is real but no worse than the common flu.

    Don’t get me started on BLM and all that shit.

    I also foresee medaling with the election results as we have seen before by foreign country.

    Regards from Alabama
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    62 grain green tip

    Too 1980. Let’s update to at least 2015 with A1. :love:

    I’ve been watching the death wish movies lately. It’s amazing how those movies in the 80s have come true today. Except for the part that Paul Kersey hasn’t evolved! Yet!
    • Like
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    ........... we will have all the left pushed to their breaking point and killing people left and right like the blm/aunt Tiffa types are now.

    BLM and Antifa are killing people left and right?
    Sounds like a slaughter going on, how many have they killed so far? Who and where?

    Not trying to step in your shit Blutroop or dispute your claim, just haven't heard that one.
    It’s defiantly time to do what you can for family.
    BLM and Antifa are killing people left and right?
    Sounds like a slaughter going on, how many have they killed so far? Who and where?

    Not trying to step in your shit Blutroop or dispute your claim, just haven't heard that one.
    they don’t make media but are happening.
    if I was tech savvy enough I’d post links.
    Dad shot while walking his daughter down the street.
    Mom shot while walking with mom and fiancée after saying “all lives matter” and getting into a little debate.
    86 yo vet and wife killed in a vet cemetery
    80something killed and lit on fire by black neighbor..
    I think most of these stories have been posted to snipers hide
    correct me if im wrong but doesnt your electoral collage pic whos your president vs majority vote of the people?

    no time to explain. Read/watch this:

    • Like
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    no time to explain. Read/watch this:

    what i got out of that video is a Snipers Hide Political Party with Frank becoming President, cant lose! :)
    • Haha
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    Actually, I'm optimistic. Five or so years from now both Trump and Biden will be a bad memory and we'll have a decent, real Republican in office (and likely a Repub senate after the Dems overreach from their big 2020 win) and this personality cult experiment gone horribly wrong will be recognized for the quixotic fool's errand it always was. Just gotta make it through the next 5yrs is all. I'm beyond hopeful, actually.
    Actually, I'm optimistic. Five or so years from now both Trump and Biden will be a bad memory and we'll have a decent, real Republican in office (and likely a Repub senate after the Dems overreach from their big 2020 win) and this personality cult experiment gone horribly wrong will be recognized for the quixotic fool's errand it always was. Just gotta make it through the next 5yrs is all. I'm beyond hopeful, actually.

    Pretty sure you just quoted the dictionary definition of “Delusional” — but I like your enthusiasm.
    Almost thirty were killed during the riots. They have been shooting and beating motorists. Once again you are in Australia. You have no fucking clue.

    Your country is having a big enough issue with race as it is. Black on white crime. Are you a sympathizer?

    im surprised you arent still terrified of covid 19. Afterall Australia has had 111 deaths in a country of 25,000,000 people. I’m surprised that only 99.9995% of you guys have actually survived so far considering your complete over reaction from the start

    Blutroop your other name wade?
    Or you just can't help flapping that gaping hole in the front of your head?

    I said I wasn't disputing the claim, or did you miss that in your outrage. I was simply asking for information.

    Wash some of the sand out of your vagina girly.
    It’s defiantly time to do what you can for family.

    they don’t make media but are happening.
    if I was tech savvy enough I’d post links.
    Dad shot while walking his daughter down the street.
    Mom shot while walking with mom and fiancée after saying “all lives matter” and getting into a little debate.
    86 yo vet and wife killed in a vet cemetery
    80something killed and lit on fire by black neighbor..
    I think most of these stories have been posted to snipers hide

    That's fucked up, Blutroop.
    Thanks for clarifying that.
    I'm pretty wary about the media, they're always pushing the barrow of some rich cunt or other.
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    correct me if im wrong but doesnt your electoral collage pic whos your president vs majority vote of the people?

    We are The United States.

    The States choose the President of the Federal Government.

    The People indirectly choose the President by determining who their states electors will support for President.

    Its ingenious in ensuring States get fair representation in the Federal government.

    The way our Constitution is structured the States are the primary actor. The Constitution defines the limited powers for the Federal Govt while the States are intended to have more leeway to enact the will of citizens in the State.

    With popular vote 4 or 5 cities in the US could determine the President. States will have no power. Senate and Congress would be accountable to providing only what those big cities require. Large areas of the country would be stripped of resources to provide for the cities.

    Without the Electoral College the whole country risks being Chicago.
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    Actually, I'm optimistic. Five or so years from now both Trump and Biden will be a bad memory and we'll have a decent, real Republican in office (and likely a Repub senate after the Dems overreach from their big 2020 win) and this personality cult experiment gone horribly wrong will be recognized for the quixotic fool's errand it always was. Just gotta make it through the next 5yrs is all. I'm beyond hopeful, actually.

    You can vote Communism in at the ballot box, you can only remove it via the cartridge box.

    Dont know who said it but its true.

    Trump is the only one that is vocally against the disdain for the People and the lawlessness of the combined Republican/Democrat factions that are of the mind the People are to be screwed with and their freedoms can be infringed on at their will.

    Im sorry, anyone that is incapable of seeing the abuses of Fast and Furious, the Lois Lerner IRS crimes, the NSA information vacuum, the spying on a political rival and the framing of that candidates confidants is someone that agrees with those crimes, doesnt care about law and supports the imposition of a government that operates corruptly and with malice toward good people that just want to enjoy their lives.

    Whoever is described by that last is not an American nor are they a friend, they are an enemy.
    whats wrong with chicago? ferris bueller's day off was filmed there ;)

    Coming from Australia I cant be sure your question is serious or not.

    I am pretty sure that anyone from outside the United States that thinks they know what the United States should be doing is wrong.

    Your experience has no similarity to our history and traditions.
    Actually, I'm optimistic. Five or so years from now both Trump and Biden will be a bad memory and we'll have a decent, real Republican in office (and likely a Repub senate after the Dems overreach from their big 2020 win) and this personality cult experiment gone horribly wrong will be recognized for the quixotic fool's errand it always was. Just gotta make it through the next 5yrs is all. I'm beyond hopeful, actually.
    Yea LOL, that shit was working so good.
    Back to the R and D pony show.
    I judge the man on who hates him.
    All the right motherfuckers do.
    Donny isn't perfect but has followed through with more promises than any in my lifetime.

    • Like
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    Coming from Australia I cant be sure your question is serious or not.

    I am pretty sure that anyone from outside the United States that thinks they know what the United States should be doing is wrong.

    Your experience has no similarity to our history and traditions.

    my question was serious. i never delved into US politics before and how they work. most certainly different from here. here we vote for our local member of parliament that tells the best lie. we dont actually vote for who we want as prime minister, the party votes for who is to lead them and if that party wins an election the parties head becomes the PM.

    now going back to the 2016 election, what i heard was that the electoral college picked Trump even though hitlery apparently had the majority of the peoples vote. silentstalkr quoted me and posted a link to a video on how it works there, i watched it and was schooled. obviously there is a lot more but that gave me the basics of how US elections happen.

    the only time i get serious is when my kid acts up, the rest of the time i just plod along. life is too short to be an adult so soon even though i consider myself a middle aged old fart who loves a laugh and there are plenty of laughs on here :)
    I do so enjoy the wide spectrum of views, opinions and beliefs of everyone here. It's what validates my belief in our unique nation and my family tradition of service to the ideal. That American Judeo-Christian ideal has mostly driven my life so, my .02, hope you can understand...

    I happen to be a devout believer and follower in Jesus, the Savior. I know, believe and have fervent faith in the verbal plenary inspiration of the Bible. That merely means that I have faith that EVERY single word of the Bible is the inspired Word of the Living God. Some of you know all that entails. If any others are curious PM me and we can have that discussion. I'm not a slobbering fanatic, but after 4 attempts to put me down for a long dirtnap, I have personal faith.

    As a man, veteran, husband and father, I naturally worry about our nation and her survival from a natural perspective. I fervently pray every day that we as believers can pray, agree and turn the corner for our nation. If not, things are about to get darker than any of us can imagine. My faith is a hope that sustains me to always believe the best for us as a people, as a nation. Some of my amigos have said that's my flaw. I'll step back and keep my ego in check and family safe until I can't. I've had to ask God for forgiveness for things and believe I have it. 'nuf said...

    The Word says I will hear a trumpet and I'll be gone from this. Until that time I'll be the best I can at helping every veteran, brother and sister I can, every day I can. Y'all have the decision to make for yourself to accept or reject the very God/man that this nation was founded and built on. It's that simple...

    Fast forward … you're right, I'm wrong and the world burns...I'll be back to back with you all.

    BUT I'm not wrong. My best every day you all, even and especially the curmudgeons...
    300 million mail in ballots apiece from California and New Jersey, the real vote won't mean shit. We cannot co-exist, one side must be eliminated.

    Um, do what? If that’s true I want a link and I’m going to go ahead and spread it like wildfire and to my Congress critters because if that is the case then there will be massive fraud. There is only 352,000,000 people in the country, roughly. A good percentage of those are not voting age. So there is zero reason why two states would need that many ballots!
    • Like
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    my question was serious. i never delved into US politics before and how they work. most certainly different from here. here we vote for our local member of parliament that tells the best lie. we dont actually vote for who we want as prime minister, the party votes for who is to lead them and if that party wins an election the parties head becomes the PM.

    now going back to the 2016 election, what i heard was that the electoral college picked Trump even though hitlery apparently had the majority of the peoples vote. silentstalker quoted me and posted a link to a video on how it works there, i watched it and was schooled. obviously there is a lot more but that gave me the basics of how US elections happen.

    the only time i get serious is when my kid acts up, the rest of the time i just plod along. life is too short to be an adult so soon even though i consider myself a middle aged old fart who loves a laugh and there are plenty of laughs on here :)

    Your Parliamentry system is what the Founding Fathers hoped to avoid. It leads to back room deals to form a government and someone is getting fucked in the process. Our Republic is designed to create a two party system unlike a chaotic 40 party interest parliament.

    The problem our Founders suffered from is that as successful self made men they had such disdain for public service they never thought it would become something a person would embed themselves into like a wood tick in order to serve themselves.

    George Washington in his departing address warned of the problem of political parties reaching a point where they serve themselves at the expense of the People. That reality has always been the case but until recently there was enough animosity of the two parties against each other that they had to vie for the favor of the people. Now it seems the Republicans and Democrats have a gentlemans agreement to have a show of conflicting goals but in legislation they do what promotes interests contrary to American ideals and interests.

    In 2016 Hillary won the popular vote (who knows how many votes were fraudulent - Michigan stopped its Democrat requested recount because it was showing district with vote counts exceeding residents). This has happened before.

    The Founders realized a conflict between populated areas and rural areas. The Founders realized that in "Democracy" the majority can outvote the minority and take advantage on the minority.

    The US does not operate on the principle of "Majority" the primacy is to the "Individual" and the individuals pursuit of happiness. We are a Republic based on law and State Constitutions as well the United States Constitution and all are written to protect the individual.

    The Founders recognized that population centers if allowed "popular vote" would take advantage of the citizens in the rural areas. Many of the Founders being farmers realized the result would be the looting of their livelihoods by the cities. The Electoral College has no precedent that I am aware of and the fact that they developed such a unique system is genius.

    States were the primary sovereign construct at the time of the Revolution. The Founders built a Republic to ensure the States maintained their primacy and the governance of the country was not to be done by city population centers.

    Suggestion otherwise is an erosion of one of the primary considerations in our Constitution. The document has been much watered down already by changes. Shifting power to the cities will make it useless as a document that serves all the People.

    I yearn for a time not so long ago when I didnt think so seriously about the machinations of the government. Since 9/11 things have changed so much that I no longer believe my kids will experience the great opportunity I have. I dont want to see the loss of a great country. Not taking this shit seriously among Americans that do is impolite and unappreciated. If you delve into and learn the details I think you will begin to understand.

    As far as this effecting OZ consider your China problems. Keep in mind China gave Bidens kid $1B. What do they get in return? Have a good time when he green lights the South West Pacific to them.
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    I do so enjoy the wide spectrum of views, opinions and beliefs of everyone here. It's what validates my belief in our unique nation and my family tradition of service to the ideal. That American Judeo-Christian ideal has mostly driven my life so, my .02, hope you can understand...

    I happen to be a devout believer and follower in Jesus, the Savior. I know, believe and have fervent faith in the verbal plenary inspiration of the Bible. That merely means that I have faith that EVERY single word of the Bible is the inspired Word of the Living God. Some of you know all that entails. If any others are curious PM me and we can have that discussion. I'm not a slobbering fanatic, but after 4 attempts to put me down for a long dirtnap, I have personal faith.

    As a man, veteran, husband and father, I naturally worry about our nation and her survival from a natural perspective. I fervently pray every day that we as believers can pray, agree and turn the corner for our nation. If not, things are about to get darker than any of us can imagine. My faith is a hope that sustains me to always believe the best for us as a people, as a nation. Some of my amigos have said that's my flaw. I'll step back and keep my ego in check and family safe until I can't. I've had to ask God for forgiveness for things and believe I have it. 'nuf said...

    The Word says I will hear a trumpet and I'll be gone from this. Until that time I'll be the best I can at helping every veteran, brother and sister I can, every day I can. Y'all have the decision to make for yourself to accept or reject the very God/man that this nation was founded and built on. It's that simple...

    Fast forward … you're right, I'm wrong and the world burns...I'll be back to back with you all.

    BUT I'm not wrong. My best every day you all, even and especially the curmudgeons...

    The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse may very well already be here. Our pastor laid out Paul’s checklist in 1 Thessalonians 5, we only got 4/9 last weekend. Will get the last 5 this Sunday

    1.) Run with Covering
    2.) Run with Ministry
    3.) Run with Grace
    4.) Run with joy

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    The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse may very well already be here. Our pastor laid out Paul’s checklist in 1 Thessalonians 5, we only got 4/9 last weekend. Will get the last 5 this Sunday

    1.) Run with Covering
    2.) Run with Ministry
    3.) Run with Grace
    4.) Run with joy

    Is that where you go to church? Can you expound on this for others?
    Is that where you go to church? Can you expound on this for others?
    Yes, Highlands is where I go to church.

    I linked the sermon and attached the message notes in my previous post.

    Revelations is the final book of the New Testiment covering the Apocalypse. God has a scroll with seven seals. The first 4 seals are the Four Horsemen.

    Paul outlines in 1 Thessalonians 5 how he combats the Apocolypse.
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    @Gee Kay

    If you need an idea of what is at stake.......this is what we are being forced to accept.

    View attachment 7375722

    With a few possible exceptions, I think the NMAAHC (one of my customers, ironically) nailed "Whiteness" right on the head -- and I have no problem with that description / definition. Most of those attributes they cite, in my opinion, are admirable and are indeed what America was "founded upon."
    With a few possible exceptions, I think the NMAAHC (one of my customers, ironically) nailed "Whiteness" right on the head -- and I have no problem with that description / definition. Most of those attributes they cite, in my opinion, are admirable and are indeed what America was "founded upon."

    But their intent is that these are "negative" attributes or attributes that we need to either apologize for or despite their positive outcomes we should accept their opposites within our culture.

    The issue is confusing race and culture.

    Race is nothing, its arbitrary, its superficial.

    Culture is how you order and what you value in your society.

    Culture is not defined by race. Any race can participate in American Culture. We are being told that race is separate from culture and races should only engage in the culture historically associated with their race.

    Should we accept Central American indigenous chopping out hearts and tossing bodies from pyramids in celebration of their Aztec past.

    The attributes in the poster are hallmarks of American Culture.

    Its not about changing attitudes about Race, this clearly shows its about changing/rejecting American Culture.
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