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Suppressors New HUXWRX Flow 762


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Oct 18, 2020
Looks like huxwrx just announced there new follow on can to the Flow 556k

PEW Science already up:

The pew science material is pretty interesting. The fact that this new can performs as well as a compatible titanium baffle cans on a bolt gun really makes it jack of all trades and maybe master of all. I’ll get a bunch of backlash by the oss haters, but this new cans performance and features are gonna get hard to dispute. The fact that they have it down to less than 12oz and it comes with the qd mount now, I’m not sure what people will have left to bitch about other than it not being free. I can’t wait for the reviews to come out. They sold out on silencershop in 24 hours. Very interested.
The pew science material is pretty interesting. The fact that this new can performs as well as a compatible titanium baffle cans on a bolt gun really makes it jack of all trades and maybe master of all. I’ll get a bunch of backlash by the oss haters, but this new cans performance and features are gonna get hard to dispute. The fact that they have it down to less than 12oz and it comes with the qd mount now, I’m not sure what people will have left to bitch about other than it not being free. I can’t wait for the reviews to come out. They sold out on silencershop in 24 hours. Very interested.
My main concern is the 100% Ti construction, without the blast chamber or baffles being made from a more durable material. I understand the challenges of only being able to use one material with 3D printing, and weight/cost as a penalty of making the entire 7.62 can out of 17-4 like the Flow 556k, it would no longer be 12 oz.

Passing the 6 SURGE cycles is awesome, but I wonder what "survived" means, like did it pass with zero baffle erosion, or was the inside totally beat to shit?
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That's an interesting thought, although I would think part of the benefit of the 3d construction would be allowing for more material to be added to high stress/blast areas and lessening material in low stress areas. Also an interesting point on "survival" and erosion. No idea. But I'm guessing the term survived is just indicative of the high stress of the test and less about the ending integrity of the can itself.
I think the mid to long term future for 3D printed metals is multiple metal disposition. I'm pretty sure it can be done already.

Either combining two different sintered powders into a mixture (like Ti and Inco), or printing different materials in different areas where you want them. That would be like an Inco blast baffle and core with a Ti outer wall, similar to how traditional welded Ti cans are made now.
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My main concern is the 100% Ti construction, without the blast chamber or baffles being made from a more durable material. I understand the challenges of only being able to use one material with 3D printing, and weight/cost as a penalty of making the entire 7.62 can out of 17-4 like the Flow 556k, it would no longer be 12 oz.

Passing the 6 SURGE cycles is awesome, but I wonder what "survived" means, like did it pass with zero baffle erosion, or was the inside totally beat to shit?
Wouldn't the muzzle device itself be the sacrificial blast chamber that takes a lot of the abuse?
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I predict really poor performance when firing a 308 round through the Velos which is a 5.56 can. ;) Now if we wanted to compare against the Flow 556, that might be a different story. But Huxwrx is now on their third or fourth gen of flow through cans so my inclination would be the Huxwrx will be a better performer and is a good bit lighter with a simpler but extremely effective mounting system.
I really hate the ultra militarized police in ads. And ads for "hunting" always get a chuckle out of me too.

Will be interesting to see some at ear DB testing for ARs. The material surface looks shitty but that's a side effect of the 3D printing.
Yes, they use lefty threads so your muzzle device will never come off while removing the suppressor. The angle of the gasses emitted from the end of the can also keep it locked on to the muzzle device. Hand tight and you're good to go. I do use a bit of high temp anti-seize but have never had an issue getting the suppressor off.

No idea on the flatter shooting other than you'll pick up about 50fps in velocity.
Going to be purchasing one on Friday for my 9" Spear LT in 300blk, any reason not too? At first I thought it was an awful looking can and now I'm in love.
How are yall liking yours? Worth it?
Anyone get hands on with this yet? I've got one coming, can't wait to try it.
Got mine on Wednesday, haven't had a chance to use it yet but going to the range tomorrow come hell or high water. Will be "testing" it against the HXQD762Ti as well as a Diligent Defense Enticer S Ti on a number of different hosts, gas guns and bolt, 308, 556 and 300 blackout.
Have one and just took it to the range today.

A lot of flash due to it being titanium and having a lot of residue left over inside the can from the manufacturing process. Huxwrx said this would clear out in 300 rounds or so.
The more you shoot, the tighter it gets on the mount. You will have to use the included wrench to take it off.

Pretty good decibel reduction at the shooters ear. And I’m shooting a 10.5 5.56.
Pretty much eliminates any gas blowback. This is the most important thing. I don’t want excess gas in my eyes or weapons malfunctions due to excess gas/bolt carrier speed.

Overall, I really like this can a lot and I currently own 9 cans. It’s lightweight, tough, and does a good job on sound suppression. Can’t speak to flash suppression as it’s still sparking like crazy but hopefully that should clear up soon.
I made it out to the range as well to test it and the new Garmin Xero.

Testing it against the older HXQD762Ti, the greatest difference in perceived noise level was with 300 subs and 5.56. I tested two 5.56 hosts, a 12.5" and a 16" barrel. With 5.56, I could hear the bullet ripping through the air with the Flow and not with the older model. More noise was being mitigated with the Flow and it was pretty darn quiet on the SBR and even more so on the 16". It's like the Flow removed a layer of noise and you could hear the fine details. Best way I can explain it.

For 300 Blackout, there was a noticeable difference with subs and less so with supers and I'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between them. I also tested the Flow against the Diligent Defense Enticer S Ti which is a standard baffle design, subs only. The Enticer had a slightly deeper tone but overall wasn't much quieter than the Flow. Really splitting hairs as unscientific as it is. I went back and forth a few times which is a pain as Hux's HUB mount isn't out yet so I had to go between direct thread and the Hux muzzle device. I didn't test supers between those two.

There was less of a difference with a DI .308 gas gun but the Flow was seemingly a hair quieter than the HXQD, again splitting hairs and I was using active ear pro with the sound on one. Zero POI shift between the two which was interesting. I was maybe expecting more of a difference but it could have a lot to do with how much of a change is needed to detect differences. I probably should have turned the ambient noise completely off on my ear pro. I suspect that had a lot to do with equalizing volume.

The one thing I did not get a chance to test was on the 20" bolt gun in .308. Just ran out of time. I may try to do that tomorrow if I'm able.

Overall I was pretty impressed especially with 5.56. Feels super light vs. the older model which has the heft to club baby seals to death. Ok an exaggeration but for some reason, the Flow just feels airy in comparison. It seems to cool down fairly quickly too.

I didn't notice any sparks/flashing but it's Texas and it was sunny out today. Zero issues with any of the gas gun functions and no changes necessary as usual. I didn't have any issues with gas but I was at an outdoor range and there was a bit of a breeze. I think I put about 150 rounds through it in total today.

Overall I'm pretty damn happy with it but will reserve final judgement until I test it on the bolt gun.
Interesting to hear how 300 subs did. The flow through design is supposed to not work well on those. I've got a long wait for mine, thanks for sharing your experience.
I was pleasantly surprised to be honest. I was really expecting the standard baffle design suppressor to be much, much quieter but I really only noticed a slight tone difference between them. This was with amplified/active hearing protection, volume turned to 1, lowest setting. You can hear people speaking well enough at that setting. I may try turning the volume all the way off and redo the experiment. Sounds counter intuitive but I want to make sure the earbuds aren't leveling everything out electronically.
I was pleasantly surprised to be honest. I was really expecting the standard baffle design suppressor to be much, much quieter but I really only noticed a slight tone difference between them. This was with amplified/active hearing protection, volume turned to 1, lowest setting. You can hear people speaking well enough at that setting. I may try turning the volume all the way off and redo the experiment. Sounds counter intuitive but I want to make sure the earbuds aren't leveling everything out electronically.
Anymore outings with the 300 subs? Trying to decide between running my Nomad or the 762ti on my 300 blackout. Thanks!
Is the flow 762 hearing safe with supers in a semi? I run thermal at night and looking for flow through suppressor to get rid of the blowback. It would be on a 16” 6arc. I currently run the banish 30 and sound is fine no ringing. Thanks
No, it's not hearing safe with supers. No suppressor really is. I will say this, look at the Radical Defense LS3 in titanium, it's a "flow through" but quite a bit quieter than the Huxwrx Flow762 according to TBAC's big silencer summit shootout. And it's quite light. As soon as I have time to run over to my local dealer, I'll be ordering one of those. I already have the short version in Haynes 282 (CS3) in time out.
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Is the flow 762 hearing safe with supers in a semi? I run thermal at night and looking for flow through suppressor to get rid of the blowback. It would be on a 16” 6arc. I currently run the banish 30 and sound is fine no ringing. Thanks
Depends on who you ask, and depends on the setup. I have several different setups and it's "hearing safe" to me. Hearing safe defined as no ringing...
Does it really stop most of the buildup of crap coming back into the gun and magazine? It would be on a 16” 6mm arc. Debating the flow 762 or the new ventum 7.62. Really whichever is better at getting the gas out of the gun would be better.


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I just got mine, on a 18" 22 arc I can shoot without earpro for a bit. I will continue to wear my ear buds tho. On a 28" 6 CM bolt gun it's much quieter.
My ears always ring so I can't comment on that.
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Does it really stop most of the buildup of crap coming back into the gun and magazine? It would be on a 16” 6mm arc. Debating the flow 762 or the new ventum 7.62. Really whichever is better at getting the gas out of the gun would be better.
In my experience significantly less chamber and mag crud. Also runs good with no tuning on every semi I have used.
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I should have the Radical Defense LS3 Ti to test vs the Flow 762 shortly assuming Silencer Shop gets moving and actually files my paperwork. Held the Haynes version of the CS3 and she’s a chunky monkey and very solid in feel. The LS3 in Haynes would be a boat anchor.
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I should have the Radical Defense LS3 Ti to test vs the Flow 762 shortly assuming Silencer Shop gets moving and actually files my paperwork. Held the Haynes version of the CS3 and she’s a chunky monkey and very solid in feel. The LS3 in Haynes would be a boat anchor.
You're going to like the LS3. I'm a big fan of RD cans, I really think they're a hidden gem. Their cans are always in stock too so people haven't caught onto them yet.
The LS3 in titanium was out of stock for a bit and still is at Capitol. I haven't looked at LS5 stock lately. The Haynes 282 version isn't the lightest in its full size configuration unfortunately which is why I purchased the CS version in that material instead. The CS3/5 intrigue me the most if the suppression is better than the K cans out there (like my Sierra 5) but without the penalty of excessive back pressure (like my Sierra 5) and will actually last a long time (unlike my Sierra 5).

I'd really like to see something in between the two, say in the 6-6.5" range, even if it's larger in diameter. I'm not a physicist who specializes in the flow dynamics of hot gasses under pressure but I'd have to think it's possible to make something that still crushes the other flow through suppressors but comes in at a similar length and weight. The LS is as long as I'd ever want to go personally. Total length on my 9" barrel will be almost 17" with the hub adapter.

But I do think you're right...until the silencer summit, I'd not heard of them. There aren't a lot of YT videos out there but they seem to be doing some highly effective stuff with full auto machine guns and some serious suppressors. And the pricing isn't stupid high like some other offerings.
The CS3/5 intrigue me the most if the suppression is better than the K cans out there (like my Sierra 5) but without the penalty of excessive back pressure (like my Sierra 5) and will actually last a long time (unlike my Sierra 5).

I run a CS5 on one of my 22-250s. The suppression, for a smaller can, as well as on a 22-250, is quite good.
CS3Ti looks super intriguing for a match bolty. I need something in the near future when MPA finishes my build.