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You kind of keep side stepping the question, and I’ve read Daniel lol. The Most High (God), has power over the kingdom (government) of men, and sets over it (the government) whomever he chooses. Moreover, God sets over the Kingdom (government) the basest of men (Nebuchadnezzar). How is that in line with God having nothing to do with government and absolving us of submitting to authority.

Don’t get me wrong. I agree our government is bad, as are all of them I imagine. But I believe they are bad for a reason, and God has a purpose for it. God had a reason to set Nebuchadnezzar on the throne. God hardened Pharaoh’s heart against Moses and the Jews, and said he was going to do so. We may not like where we are with our government, but I can’t believe God isn’t in it.
Nothing evil happens that is God's will. God is incapable of evil. We humans have a this crazy thing called, free will and many times we act outside God's will, that's why it's a great idea to have a personal relationship with Him and continuously seek His will and guidance. Yes, God forewarned He would harden Pharaoh's heart, because He knew what Pharaoh's choice was going to be, so He vexed him, with every plague. Had Pharaoh made the righteous choice, there would have been no plagues. Tyranny was evil then and it is evil, now.

Edmund Burke said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing," so don't give us your drivel that we should accept tyranny because tyranny is God's will. God has absolute power and no government is in place, without Him allowing it to be. However, I don't think you understand what the United States Federal Government was designed to be. The Founding Fathers designed the government to serve the citizens and intended for the government to be WEAK, with POWER in the hands of the CITIZENS, as given to us by the ALMIGHTY.

Read the Federalist Papers, The Bill of Rights and The Constitution. Study American Government and Civics. You will see how limited, small and weak the American government should actually be. You will see how convoluted and tyrannical it has become. The Founding Fathers and Patriots fought for something and that something still exists. That something is Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and we must fight for it continually and ongoing, or those who wish to take it from us will gain the upper hand and tyranny will flourish. Go study.
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Attorneys Robert Barnes and Warner Mendenhall speak to Charlie Kirk about the upcoming Covid Litigation Conference in Atlanta on March 25-26.

Learn more at https://www.vacsafety.org/events

The Covid Litigation Conference 2023 (CLC 2023) is a unique gathering of trial lawyers advancing Covid-19-related litigation. Over the next 10 years, Covid lawsuits are projected to experience tremendous growth. The conference will offer networking opportunities and panel discussions led by attorneys engaged in Covid-19 litigation. The conference is designed for an attorney audience; however, the public is also welcome to purchase tickets.
You can count on revenge jabs here. The remaining 20% of the population that resisted are going to be forced to take it and this time around, they will get the "bad batches".

I may lose the chance at a Kidney Transplant, but I will not get the shots and boosters. That like trading the electric chair for the gas chamber.

Calling BS. The International Nuclear Arms Comittee says they already have enough for seeral nukes. They just hadn't installed them into weapons yet.
Nothing evil happens that is God's will. God is incapable of evil. We humans have a this crazy thing called, free will and many times we act outside God's will, that's why it's a great idea to have a personal relationship with Him and continuously seek His will and guidance. Yes, God forewarned He would harden Pharaoh's heart, because He knew what Pharaoh's choice was going to be, so He vexed him, with every plague. Had Pharaoh made the righteous choice, there would have been no plagues. Tyranny was evil then and it is evil, now.

Edmund Burke said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing," so don't give us your drivel that we should accept tyranny because tyranny is God's will. God has absolute power and no government is in place, without Him allowing it to be. However, I don't think you understand what the United States Federal Government was designed to be. The Founding Fathers designed the government to serve the citizens and intended for the government to be WEAK, with POWER in the hands of the CITIZENS, as given to us by the ALMIGHTY.

Read the Federalist Papers, The Bill of Rights and The Constitution. Study American Government and Civics. You will see how limited, small and weak the American government should actually be. You will see how convoluted and tyrannical it has become. The Founding Fathers and Patriots fought for something and that something still exists. That something is Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and we must fight for it continually and ongoing, or those who wish to take it from us will gain the upper hand and tyranny will flourish. Go study.
Study? What makes you think I haven’t read the federalist papers? Show me where I said God was capable of evil. I fear God and wouldn’t dare. You assume too much, but God used an evil man for his purposes and for his glory in the example of Pharaoh I cited.

“But I will harden Pharaoh's heart that I may multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭7‬:‭3‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

That is God speaking, not me.

God handed Job over to Satan for testing, but it was for His glory.

“Then the Lord said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power, only do not put forth your hand on him." So Satan departed from the presence of the Lord.”
‭‭Job‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

He lost his children, his servants, his possessions, and his health for a season. His friends accused him of hiding unconfessed sin. His wife urged him to curse God and die. That was not evil, but in the short term was very “bad” on Job, but God had a reason and a plan. There was a place beyond that testing.

Neither did I advocate to “bend the knee” to government. The three did not bend the knee to worship Nebuchadnezzar in the face of the furnace, and they were right to do so. Nor would I if I am what I say I am.

God also removes His hand of protection and/or chastises those He loves. Ask the Jews. That is not evil, but it can certainly be “bad” in the moment on the receiving end. Some might argue that our current situation is God giving us the government we deserve, rather than the government we would like.

I just don’t look at what’s happening in the world and think God is not in it. God is ALL in it, and he will accomplish his ends, by his means. The Israelites didn’t like Pharaoh, and I don’t like Biden, but I think God is at the wheel no less today than he was then.

You can call it drivel, but you ought to back it up with some scripture.
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The system that was set in place during the Exodus was instituted and givin authority by God regardless of whether or not it was corrupted by man . Man corrupts everything he touches .
The verse he quoted clearly says there is no authority less it come from and is instituted by God !
I see scripture in Leviticus doing just that .
I see nowhere in scripture where God has givin or authorized his authority to my local building inspector , trash man or popo.

Believe what you wish .

Your ESV version adds the word taxes .
I'm reading from the Geneva bible , the one that the pilgrims and our founding fathers read and built this country on , of which gives a different reading .
You know , back when men actually read their Bible instead of sitting in a pew with there little beak open waiting to be fed whatever doctrine the pastor chooses to drop in their mouth .
Believe what you choose.
Have a nice day .

Except.....the founding fathers read lots of things.
Bad as I hate to admit. Few of them were "christians".

SSI was designed as a ponzi scheme. When enacted the average life expectancy of males was 59.9 and for females was 63.9. SSI was to be given at age 65. Basically you were never meant to receive it. So, today the average life expectancy of males is 74.5 and females is 80.2.

Point being you shouldn't count on every receiving SSI and plan accordingly. If you do that you wont give a shit about them raising the age to 70. Shit they way it was designed it should be raise to 82.

Wait..wait,wait,.....so you are saying they stole my money?
Thats preposterous........

Next you'll be telling me covax is a plan to kill SSI checks...
Cannot figure Cotton out. Part of me likes him; part of me says he is a globalist and relates more to a Neocon than a staunch Constitutionalist.
That he voted for some of this pork (granted, he's from Razorback central) and such, makes me view him in a less than positive light. I think, IIRC, he even voted for some of this gun legislation that popped up mid-late 2022.
Cannot figure Cotton out. Part of me likes him; part of me says he is a globalist and relates more to a Neocon than a staunch Constitutionalist.
That he voted for some of this pork (granted, he's from Razorback central) and such, makes me view him in a less than positive light. I think, IIRC, he even voted for some of this gun legislation that popped up mid-late 2022.
What is there to figure out. He is politician therefore he is an evil piece of shit.
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Study? What makes you think I haven’t read the federalist papers? Show me where I said God was capable of evil. I fear God and wouldn’t dare. You assume too much, but God used an evil man for his purposes and for his glory in the example of Pharaoh I cited.

“But I will harden Pharaoh's heart that I may multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭7‬:‭3‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

That is God speaking, not me.

God handed Job over to Satan for testing, but it was for His glory.

“Then the Lord said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power, only do not put forth your hand on him." So Satan departed from the presence of the Lord.”
‭‭Job‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

He lost his children, his servants, his possessions, and his health for a season. His friends accused him of hiding unconfessed sin. His wife urged him to curse God and die. That was not evil, but in the short term was very “bad” on Job, but God had a reason and a plan. There was a place beyond that testing.

Neither did I advocate to “bend the knee” to government. The three did not bend the knee to worship Nebuchadnezzar in the face of the furnace, and they were right to do so. Nor would I if I am what I say I am.

God also removes His hand of protection and/or chastises those He loves. Ask the Jews. That is not evil, but it can certainly be “bad” in the moment on the receiving end. Some might argue that our current situation is God giving us the government we deserve, rather than the government we would like.

I just don’t look at what’s happening in the world and think God is not in it. God is ALL in it, and he will accomplish his ends, by his means. The Israelites didn’t like Pharaoh, and I don’t like Biden, but I think God is at the wheel no less today than he was then.

You can call it drivel, but you ought to back it up with some scripture.
My point is that it appears you don't understand that WE are the bosses, here. Those elected to office, SERVE us. They REPRESENT us and we have the right and duty to relieve them of their positions, should they fail to follow the law, first with the vote, then with the rifle and cannon.

John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” God gave Americans a great gift and put us in control, until our society became Godless and immoral. I do believe we are suffering the consequences of our collective choices, having to deal with tyrannical officials and policies. We can take it back, but I'm convinced it won't be by the vote. If we are not so far apart, great, but it sure seemed like you were advocating accepting the tyranny we have and the tyranny to come, simply because the government is the government. That's the drivel I was referring to.

“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭13‬:‭1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

We are the governing authorities, or at least that's the way the Founding Fathers intended it.
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how do you just watch it happen?

Its a financial decision really, they have the system set up if you intervene with a firearm and kill the perp to save the bum then you loose everything you have. Now if they change the system then who won't want to give that perp a eight ball hemorrhage with any number of calibers.
Its a financial decision really, they have the system set up if you intervene with a firearm and kill the perp to save the bum then you loose everything you have. Now if they change the system then who won't want to give that perp a eight ball hemorrhage with any number of calibers.
lol, i was thinking along the lines of banging on the window. :p
Cannot figure Cotton out. Part of me likes him; part of me says he is a globalist and relates more to a Neocon than a staunch Constitutionalist.
That he voted for some of this pork (granted, he's from Razorback central) and such, makes me view him in a less than positive light. I think, IIRC, he even voted for some of this gun legislation that popped up mid-late 2022.

Remember he is a WEF GYL, and attended the last Davos meeting. Still can't figure it out?
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My point is that it appears you don't understand that WE are the bosses, here. Those elected to office, SERVE us. They REPRESENT us and we have the right and duty to relieve them of their positions, should they fail to follow the law, first with the vote, then with the rifle and cannon.

John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” God gave Americans a great gift and put us in control, until our society became Godless and immoral. I do believe we are suffering the consequences of our collective choices, having to deal with tyrannical officials and policies. We can take it back, but I'm convinced it won't be by the vote. If we are not so far apart, great, but it sure seemed like you were advocating accepting the tyranny we have and the tyranny to come, simply because the government is the government. That's the drivel I was referring to.

“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭13‬:‭1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

We are the governing authorities, or at least that's the way the Founding Fathers intended it.
You and I are not apart at all, I believe. That’s the same scripture I quoted. I despise tyranny. More specifically I despise subjugation, and I’m afraid you may be right about not being able to vote our way out. You’re entirely right about what our government was intended to be, and about what’s happened to it.

What I’m trying to say is believe in order, because I believe God believes in order. If my wife is supposed to submit to my authority as her husband, is there anyone between me and God who’s authority I am to submit to?
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Now we are being hit with all the reports saying that Covid did actually come from the Chinese lab. Does anyone else feel like this is just another distraction from something else we should be watching? I just don’t see the powers that be releasing information that would serve to vindicate so many people who they had labeled as conspiracy theorists unless they are trying to divert our attention.
Does anyone else feel like this is just another distraction from something else we should be watching?

Well there is the BILLIONS of dollars being laundered in Ukraine... but that's not being hidden. Basically DC saying FU were padding our pockets and not a damn thing that you can do about it.

I really despise all the dollars that we don't have going overseas when it could be used at home. I hope that the Supreme Court rules against Potato Head and college loan/debt forgiveness, but that's another topic altogether. It's just one effin thing after another.

Never ending demise....
You and I are not apart at all, I believe. That’s the same scripture I quoted. I despise tyranny. More specifically I despise subjugation, and I’m afraid you may be right about not being able to vote our way out. You’re entirely right about what our government was intended to be, and about what’s happened to it.

What I’m trying to say is believe in order, because I believe God believes in order. If my wife is supposed to submit to my authority as her husband, is there anyone between me and God who’s authority I am to submit to?
You and I should submit to the original intent of the Bill of Rights and Constitution. We are meant to be the authority. That's what is special about the USA. We are to submit to the government of the people and the laws of God; the Almighty; the Creator. We were never meant to be ruled. We are no longer a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Our American Way has been systematically hijacked by the godless tyrants of globalism. Our current government largely illegitimate, from the top down. I won't submit to the false, anti-American tyrants and their Anti-American policies.

The reason why the USA achieved greatness is because its citizens were self-governing and sought to stay in God's will, and follow God's laws, as intended from the beginning, but that system only works when society as a whole seeks to be righteous. We have turned our backs on God and we have what we have. We were never a perfect nation, but we were the best that the world had ever seen and still are, even with all our problems, but maybe we can put her back on track. Hopefully, we can do it peacefully.
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I saw a bright bulb in a big box store sporting a mask today. Stupid still lives.
I saw lady wearing a mask to eat in an absolutely packed Golden Coral. It is the dunce flap.
I've heard 3 different stories.
I'm not going to argue with you here. Its my opinion, you are welcome to yours. My opinion hasn't changed.
She pulled her gun and shot the dog cause she could. You or I could not. You can try, but it won't end well. You'd be up on animal cruelty charges. Now if you've got a shiny superman badge...well...
I have a friend who shot a dog coming after him. He called the police, they came and took a report. Then left. He said he was like hey, don't you want to see my CC licenses. They said no and left.

Fallout from Ohio? If so this is really bad!
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