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Say what you will about Russia

We should just make both our countries one country. They got hot women and rockin' tunes! Maybe their crime syndicates which control most of the major cities and LE could teach our oligarchs over here something new, then folks like 308buttpirate can get paid the big bux to sit around and be a creepy fucking asshole. Think about it for a second, seriously. It would surely solve the problem of foreign investors avoiding Russia like the fucking economic house of cards perpetually falling over the horizon into an orbit of sustained artificial growth that it is.

Damn, it's like we should have been friends all along. All that puppet fighting we been up to when we could have been eating chili dogs and letting shit slide, the mind goddamn boggles I tell ya.

Make no mistake about it, if Russia could get away with it they would slit every one of your coffin dodging, oxygen thieving, myopic and idealistic throats overnight then they motherfucking would. The cold war did not end, it just went underground. Wake the fuck up.
We should just make both our countries one country. They got hot women and rockin' tunes! Maybe their crime syndicates which control most of the major cities and LE could teach our oligarchs over here something new, then folks like 308buttpirate can get paid the big bux to sit around and be a creepy fucking asshole. Think about it for a second, seriously. It would surely solve the problem of foreign investors avoiding Russia like the fucking economic house of cards perpetually falling over the horizon into an orbit of sustained artificial growth that it is.

Damn, it's like we should have been friends all along. All that puppet fighting we been up to when we could have been eating chili dogs and letting shit slide, the mind goddamn boggles I tell ya.

Make no mistake about it, if Russia could get away with it they would slit every one of your coffin dodging, oxygen thieving, myopic and idealistic throats overnight then they motherfucking would. The cold war did not end, it just went underground. Wake the fuck up.

Stop! You'll maybe make people think...

Thirsting to be like Russia or thinking we can be 'allies' with them is being the ultimate cuck'. It really is the weirdest thing to see Americans taking a benevolent view of Russia.
Stop! You'll maybe make people think...

Thirsting to be like Russia or thinking we can be 'allies' with them is being the ultimate cuck'. It really is the weirdest thing to see Americans taking a benevolent view of Russia.
We had good relations w/ russia prior to their communist revolution. When their commie gov finally collapsed, we did everything we could to fuck them. Thank you HW, Clinton, W, BO, for insuring we had an enemy in russia.

Raise your hand if you have ever actually been to Russia, lol.....

Saying Russia is out to get you based on indirect information, media provided information, even our own Gov provided information is like saying everyone in the USA has the same political and economic views as Gov of California because Twitter said so.

The Dumbocrats and Repubs are the danger to the USA.
Next danger behind our own Political Rats is China.


Raise your hand if you have ever actually been to Russia, lol.....

Saying Russia is out to get you based on indirect information, media provided information, even our own Gov provided information is like saying everyone in the USA has the same political and economic views as Gov of California because Twitter said so.

The Dumbocrats and Repubs are the danger to the USA.
Next danger behind our own Political Rats is China.

We better warm up to Russia sooner than later...
We're gonna need all the help we can get taking on China

Raise your hand if you have ever actually been to Russia, lol.....

Saying Russia is out to get you based on indirect information, media provided information, even our own Gov provided information is like saying everyone in the USA has the same political and economic views as Gov of California because Twitter said so.

The Dumbocrats and Repubs are the danger to the USA.
Next danger behind our own Political Rats is China.


I've been to Poland, does that count?

You're saying the cold war is dead and buried, which is either a mistake or a lie.
Somebody go ahead and show me another competing power you fancy us getting close to while we've been shit fighting them in a puppet war, a puppet war which has literally injured US forces mind you, in very recent history. I'll even give you bonus points for small titted women who turn into fat raisins by 35 like Russian women do.

I don't think China when people are buzzing and bumping our Navy ships or our military aircraft, undermining our energy and security interests the world over, and has been known to play the most insidious game of democratic sabotage the world has ever known. That is Russia. Now I don't like China either, the dichotomy is hardly necessary in my opinion to the point of lumping them both into the same bag of assholes who pull this shit, but that doesn't leave Russia as a potential ally. If you think their society or system is to be envied in the slightest you're fucking retarded. Half of you would've been thrown in jail for sucking a cock in college and the other half would be beaten face down in a gutter somewhere for wanting to work in a free market economy today.

The cold war did not end. I'll tell you right now if you can't imagine such, even as a possibility, it will rise up again and we will lose. The Russians are known for a level of cruel patience that us here in our rose garden can hardly fathom, and if you can't even entertain the caution it takes to deflect that cruelty it will eventually befall you. In any conflict you must be more aggressive and more violent than your enemy, otherwise you're never going to win. I say again, wake the fuck up.
I live in California, Commies 6,000 miles away are the least of my concerns.

re-read what Bodie posted. If you think the ones here and the ones there aren't interlinked then you're just not paying attention.

Not saying this specifically to you, but sometimes, the small-mindedness here is such that it's hard to see any mind at all...

So it is RUSSIA that is allowing USA cities to be looted and burned or is it USA Gov?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing USA Constitution to be chipped away or is it USA Gov?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing USA Gov to sponsor the staggering amount of H1B1 Visas into the country when we have Americans that can do those jobs?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing USA Gov to send trillions of dollars every year to other countries for economic and military relief aide?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing the USA Gov to monitor each and every bank account owned by an American?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing the USA Gov to force businesses to close due to a China released agent?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing the USA Gov to give millions of dollars in the Covid stimulus package to multibillion dollar companies while the mom and pop companies got nothing?
List goes on and on.......

You keep focusing on the cold war with Russia while our own Gov is allowing our own cities to be turned into chaos.
You keep focusing on the cold war while our own Gov erodes the very Constitution it was built on.


"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." -Ephesian 6:12 NIV

There is a spritual darkness that has been at work since the beginning of time. It has ebbed and flowed to one part of the world or another as opportunity has presented itself.

For the first time in history, wealth and technology has made it possible for the entire world to be vulnerable to propaganda and cultural manipulation at the same time. The cancer is metastasizing before our eyes.

The Russians, the Chinese, the N.Koreans, the communists within our own borders... they don't need coordination...they don't need cooperation...they work in concert because they are of the same mind. They are of the same spirtual bent. Spiritually, they are of the same father.

What is coming...what is here...is global, and it has been coming for a very long time. It will run it's course until it is spiritually and supernaturally destroyed.

Getting back to the OP, all these communist anthems all have the same plodding, rolling tone to them. Ours was based on a drinking song. It was "pop" before "pop" existed.

I like it better.
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Guess I need to move to Russia.

I might suggest no.

America is still way better in my opinion.

By the time you really think it's time to leave America, there will be nowhere on the planet to go and the only choice will be figure out how to get off the planet for good.
In N Texas we have a lot of Soviet block imigrants.

Most I have met were amiable people and seemed very happy to be here.

Also whether or not our government gave them a job or not they were all employed and didn't show any liberal tendency.
I would rather fuck a Russian Communist chick then in American Communist chick. The difference is our Communist are big enough you could almost count that as a 3some.
And you would really need to look hard to find a Russian Communist Chick.

Russians ditched communism 3 decades ago and nowadays only commies you find there are retires

So it is RUSSIA that is allowing USA cities to be looted and burned or is it USA Gov?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing USA Constitution to be chipped away or is it USA Gov?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing USA Gov to sponsor the staggering amount of H1B1 Visas into the country when we have Americans that can do those jobs?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing USA Gov to send trillions of dollars every year to other countries for economic and military relief aide?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing the USA Gov to monitor each and every bank account owned by an American?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing the USA Gov to force businesses to close due to a China released agent?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing the USA Gov to give millions of dollars in the Covid stimulus package to multibillion dollar companies while the mom and pop companies got nothing?
List goes on and on.......

You keep focusing on the cold war with Russia while our own Gov is allowing our own cities to be turned into chaos.
You keep focusing on the cold war while our own Gov erodes the very Constitution it was built on.


Oh boy. Not surprising you're gaslighting my argument, which actually centers around the topic of this thread unlike your reply. I don' think I've ever seen you admit you've been wrong on this site. You've had more than a few chances that I've seen, but you always choose to slither back to your roundhouse for egotistical security. A roundhouse I've long since gathered in short order to be built on engineering obscure shit that will never make it to the American market, doxing people with LexisNexis (when the mods here don't do it themselves with iplookup), and in general being a creepy autistic asshole with more ceremonial undertone "Hi, Sincerely" posts outside the scope of the arguments you cannot win.

I'm pretty sure you're a fucking foreigner expounding American ideals or critiques to us, and 308buttpirate is a fucking yankee latino constantly on some racist or poser ass militant shit. I swear to god this site is a fucking joke anymore. You wanna know why dudes like Gunfighter and AJ don't give a fuck about it? Because it's full of gay faggot snowcunts like yall. Seems like even Tucker can't even be assed to come around anymore just to ban fucktards and people allergic to kid gloves like me, and I can't blame him, it's about as enriching to be here as talking to a clogged public toilet that some mall ninja took a twelve pound shit in.
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@MtnCreek nailed it

Instead of welcoming them out of Communism, we just pissed all over them. Some people here and you know who I'm talking about, are fucking clueless cold war relics.
folks that rely on wars for jobs never have any interest in ending them.
kind if why you can't get hamas to make peace, cause that would force them to get a real job.

finally the documents that show putin preferred clinton (who had already taken millions in bribes for Uranium One, crimea etc...) may be coming out.
brennan personally changed the nature of the threat from trying to sabotage trump to trying to help him.
Oh boy. Not surprising you're gaslighting my argument, which actually centers around the topic of this thread unlike your reply. I don' think I've ever seen you admit you've been wrong on this site. You've had more than a few chances that I've seen, but you always choose to slither back to your roundhouse for egotistical security. A roundhouse I've long since gathered in short order to be built on engineering obscure shit that will never make it to the American market, doxing people with LexisNexis (when the mods here don't do it themselves with iplookup), and in general being a creepy autistic asshole with more ceremonial undertone "Hi, Sincerely" posts outside the scope of the arguments you cannot win.

I'm pretty sure you're a fucking foreigner expounding American ideals or critiques to us, and 308buttpirate is a fucking yankee latino constantly on some racist or poser ass militant shit. I swear to god this site is a fucking joke anymore. You wanna know why dudes like Gunfighter and AJ don't give a fuck about it? Because it's full of gay faggot snowcunts like yall. Seems like even Tucker can't even be assed to come around anymore just to ban fucktards and people allergic to kid gloves like me, and I can't blame him, it's about as enriching to be here as talking to a clogged public toilet that some mall ninja took a twelve pound shit in.
Well, idk about Theis, but my point is however bad Russia is, China is 2x worse. And its gonna take a WW2-like alliance if we wanna defeat them without blowing up the entire world with nukes.
Unfortunately China has nukes too, and I aint sure a conventional war would be possible with them. But if it is, I hope we have Russia(and everyone else that we can get) on our side.
Somebody go ahead and show me another competing power you fancy us getting close to while we've been shit fighting them in a puppet war, a puppet war which has literally injured US forces mind you, in very recent history. I'll even give you bonus points for small titted women who turn into fat raisins by 35 like Russian women do.
you seem to believe that obama and brennan were right about Syria, and that Russia was wrong to help protect Assad's government (and most syrians).
i disagree and that is about as polite as i can say it.
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We used to have a member here, someone who ripped-off bolt handles or something like that. Or maybe it was the hobbyist/teacher, but either way at a time like this there would be a quote and a link to the site rules.

Wait for it!

So it is RUSSIA that is allowing USA cities to be looted and burned or is it USA Gov?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing USA Constitution to be chipped away or is it USA Gov?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing USA Gov to sponsor the staggering amount of H1B1 Visas into the country when we have Americans that can do those jobs?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing USA Gov to send trillions of dollars every year to other countries for economic and military relief aide?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing the USA Gov to monitor each and every bank account owned by an American?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing the USA Gov to force businesses to close due to a China released agent?
So it is RUSSIA that is allowing the USA Gov to give millions of dollars in the Covid stimulus package to multibillion dollar companies while the mom and pop companies got nothing?
List goes on and on.......

You keep focusing on the cold war with Russia while our own Gov is allowing our own cities to be turned into chaos.
You keep focusing on the cold war while our own Gov erodes the very Constitution it was built on.

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I wish I could say otherwise but I don’t see a point he made that’s incorrect.