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So wait, I wasn't allowed to go outside this entire time?

I'm one of the sheeple and I haven't worn a mask outside in over a year. In fact its pretty rare to see anyone with a mask outside.

Cool story bro: Went to a college with my daughter and we walked into the hotel with our masks on and they looked at us like we were retards (in Dallas, most people wear em in stores). Never one to cause trouble, I lost my mask immediately. I asked our tour guide when the mask mandate stopped and he said "bout 2 weeks ago, but even before that we didn't bother" Since this was in my home state I had a big laugh (Lol! I'm home!). I only wore one to not cause trouble/stay anonymous.

We hopped over to TN for another college visit and it was about 50/50 even though every place had signs posted. So I just said F it and didn't wear one at all.

When I came back I just stopped wearing one period in public indoors (even at the airport after my flight)--I'm defintly the odd man out indoors in DFW, but I'm trying to start a trend.

PS I might get the vaccine so I can go to Europe on my 25(+1) anniversary trip. But I;m still at dose 0 of 2.
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I got kicked out of PetCo 2 weeks ago for refusing to wear one after the clerk made himself look stupid af with some of the "science" shit he said.
CDC also not long ago came out with "eased" guidance on air travel, saying something to the effect of 'if you're vaccinated, you can resume air travel if you wear a mask' SMH. The guidance has been you could air travel you just had to wear a mask, and vaccination status wasn't a factor. With them now saying if you're vaccinated you can now travel if you wear a mask, either they've made it more restrictive for un-vaccinated people with no change for vaccinated people or they are clueless on what the guidance was before they updated the guidance.

Regardless, the language they often use shows what they think about we the people. They see themselves as rulers keeping us low life imbeciles alive by their extreme intelligence. DTOM.
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I walk around and enter buildings in PA without my face diaper. Nobody ever says anything to me. Haven't received any complaints about it either. I have, however, had many people stop and stare. That's about it.

Went to FL 3 weeks ago for vacation. It was nice being around others who laugh at the maskurbators wearing theirs inside their vehicle. It was also nice being able to mingle in public spaces in crowded places without having to wear one. I bet the maskurbators will be happy to bend over and take a huge probe if the CDC makes it a thing.
While everyone wears masks on planes, I'm gonna go ahead and bet that 90% is non-essential travel. We visited my dad over christmas. I did those campus visits and my wife did one too. Nobody is enforcing it at all. The airlines get dicky about masks but that is about it.

And none of us were vaccinated. (My wife did get hers afterwards, my daughter had her first shot, my son and I are like 'meh')
I haven't worn one hardly at all since this shit started. I'd say 50/50 on folks that wear them. I pass folks with out the mask, we look at each other and kinda nod if you know what I mean. ;) We know who WE are!
I haven't worn one ever. Used to see people wearing them, now it's very seldom. The vast majority of people I encounter on my walks, nobody has one.
Nobody wears a mask in my town. I do go down to McKinney and always find it funny to see people in their car wearing a mask. No one else in the car just some idiot wearing a mask, who voted for xiden.
Where in TX? I'm curious what its like outside the city. Rural Iowa was in full revolt, and the gun range i got to near greenville has always been like "meh we don't care" but that's gun people in general.
Where in TX? I'm curious what its like outside the city. Rural Iowa was in full revolt, and the gun range i got to near greenville has always been like "meh we don't care" but that's gun people in general.
Im in Van Alstyne. I know B Tactical out in Cado Mills, close to Greenville, doesn't give a shit about mask. I was shopping in Lowes in McKinney over the weekend not wearing a mask nobody said shit. I did get stares from those wearing mask and they keep their distance which is nice. Hell they would even get out of your way.
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I, for one, am going to miss the mask mandate.
It's all bullshit, part of the "how do we get more people to want to get vaccinated" tyranna-rhetoric...

Holy shit, how much of our tax dollars went into the production of this INFOGRAPHIC... that shows a mask on for the majority of activities.

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Haven't worn a mask outside since day one except when on the interior of projects under construction only because company policy. Always thought the mask mandates were bullshit since cloth masks and N95's are not going to stop a virus. Clinical studies from years ago came to that conclusion. It absolutely befuddles me to see people outside walking, running, cycling or driving alone in a car with a mask on. One of my carpenters wound up with pneumonia and his doctor thought it was from wearing a mask all the time. The lockdowns only made the situation worse by confining people indoors which is the last place you should be.
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It's all bullshit, part of the "how do we get more people to want to get vaccinated" tyranna-rhetoric...

Holy shit, how much of our tax dollars went into the production of this INFOGRAPHIC... that shows a mask on for the majority of activities.

View attachment 7613476
Is masturbating outside while wearing a mask kosher? Asking for a friend.............
Sadly there are people who have followed this guidance and stayed indoors for the better part of a year with nothing but paid programming, fake news, and social media as their window to the world.

I say that was the plan to begin with.
Ahh, I didn't know you lived by me...and watched the child abuse across the street happen where they didn't let their kids outside for 13 months to play. They didn't have many friends anyway, now they have none. They've ROYALLY FUCKED UP THEIR CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's see...socially immature children...leave them inside for 13 months, not even so much as playing more than 15 minutes in the front yard for at least 99% of the entire 13 months. Son is in 2nd or 3rd grade and doesn't know how to ride a bike. WTF!!!!!!!!!

Of course, they worship the #$$@ of PJ and his skank. Shocking...not.
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Survival rate is even higher than that.
I had it a year ago. I was one of the first 10 cases in the county I lived in at the time. I've had worse cases of flu than that shit. The mutated flu bug that went around in late 2011/early 2012 fucked me up much, much worse, and lingered for almost a month after the initial ass kicking.
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The only reason I wear a mask indoors was to not cause trouble for the business itself. When Colorado did it’s mandate I didn’t care in the slightest, but attacking the small businesses I support and fine and shut them down because of it was disgusting. I would throw it on, do my business, then get the F out!
But if I was outside, no matter what, I did not have it on. Why? Because I’m outside and can easily keep people 6ft away just with my inviting and friendly stare.
Haha, I imagine you could cause quite the reaction in certain circles with a statement like that.
My mom, who has been afraid of the virus since the beginning, is a Democrat, and watches CNN all day, apparently got an email or text message update from... well, whatever iphone news thing she has, that said as much, apparently. Since she seems to believe anything Fauci, Biden, and Anderson Cooper says, it must be true!
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Never wore one except in the likker store....priorities. Been doing the regular weekly date night with the wife, bars etc the whole time except the short shut down. Hunting trip drive to Texas, beach trips, restaurants, whatever, just as usual and NC has had a mask mandate the whole time. Always just walked right on by the door people at businesses with mask compliance greeters and now they haven't been at business doors in months. Obviously I am out and about often with no mask so it's still a "rule" but not enforced whatsoever. What kills me is sheeple in all the places where compliance is ignored still wearing the diaper. The lack of logic, ignorance of the efficacy of the cotton placebo and general conformity of independent rural Americans has shocked me. There are plenty like me here but also plenty of the folks who will at least loosely follow the totalitarian bullshit. I completely understand now why only 3% of colonists freed this country.
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Never wore one except in the likker store....priorities. Been doing the regular weekly date night with the wife, bars etc the whole time except the short shut down. Hunting trip drive to Texas, beach trips, restaurants, whatever, just as usual and NC has had a mask mandate the whole time. Always just walked right on by the door people at businesses with mask compliance greeters and now they haven't been at business doors in months. Obviously I am out and about often with no mask so it's still a "rule" but not enforced whatsoever. What kills me is sheeple in all the places where compliance is ignored still wearing the diaper. The lack of logic, ignorance of the efficacy of the cotton placebo and general conformity of independent rural Americans has shocked me. There are plenty like me here but also plenty of the folks who will at least loosely follow the totalitarian bullshit. I completely understand now why only 3% of colonists freed this country.
I found it reversed. Rural america raised a giant middle finger to the whole thing while urban areas were more compliant.
i went for a walk the other day and ran into a neighbor (a psychologist).
she was wearing a mask and of course i wasn't.

she did lower her mask to talk to me and was extremely excited about having gotten vaccinated. so excited in fact, that she felt the need to narrate her experiences and relate how easy it was for her and how quick it was. she went on to ask me if i was vaccinated yet and i explained to her that i would not exercise my privilege by getting vaccinated before all my brown and black brothers without ID are given theirs.

this seemed to upset her for some reason, but not as much as when i told her it was a shame that she doesn't believe the vaccine works, since she is still wearing a mask.
Yup, my little town, no one masking-up (cafe's, bars, gas stations/quikee marts). Big cities, people running around in their cars, walking from the far end of parking lots, only people outside a restaurant, public ball fields (3 fields) and maybe 5-6 people scattered about, all masked up, except me and the wifey. F I'm gonna die! Mac😱
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got to love political leaders that are that far off the curve they think any one is waiting for there permission to get on with there lives . Not sure we ever stopped seeing family going out or doing the things we wanted to do when we wanted to do them . will never ask there permission for anything see no reason to change that now including family cook outs bbqs or any other function including going out shooting , buying more supplies or what guns we want next.
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Haven't worn a mask outside since day one except when on the interior of projects under construction only because company policy. Always thought the mask mandates were bullshit since cloth masks and N95's are not going to stop a virus. Clinical studies from years ago came to that conclusion. It absolutely befuddles me to see people outside walking, running, cycling or driving alone in a car with a mask on. One of my carpenters wound up with pneumonia and his doctor thought it was from wearing a mask all the time. The lockdowns only made the situation worse by confining people indoors which is the last place you should be.
It makes me laugh when I bring up the fact we only had 1200 reported flu cases this year, and they tell me, "masks and social distancing." And I ask, "Why didn't it work in 1918 then?"
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I found it reversed. Rural america raised a giant middle finger to the whole thing while urban areas were more compliant.
Cause all you city slickers er skeered sum wun gonna give ya a dirty look. That is the only reason mask mandates have lasted this long. People too scared to exercise their freedom. At least 60% of the country knows they are total bull shit.
Dear Lord and Savior St. Fauci, and my fellow COVID WITNESSES, We've been blessed today by our supreme leader on what a free society and people can do, and not do, outside in the public space they own, pay taxes to maintain, and have occupied for 245+ years.


🤡 🌏
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I have very rarely worn a mask since the mask thing became a thing. For a while, our grocery store required one...their employees could get fined or fired for interacting with customers not wearing a mask. It was not unusual to see others not wearing masks. Those other rebels and I have even stood close to conversate after shaking hands! HAHA!!
The mask mandate was recently lifted statewide and locally, so it has now become really apparent who is compliant with everything they are told to do.
Two things amaze me in this thread. First, that people wear masks outside. Second, that so many people are sure they know exactly why other people decide to or not to wear a mask. It's laughable.
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