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SSSS on boarding pass for wrong think


Fuck your democracy
Full Member
May 25, 2022
First off the tsa doesn’t have that kind of manpower. Second if someone required that much extra security they wouldn’t be allowed to fly. Now I Won’t discount or put above this administration or any other for that matter, from targeting certain people. But if you are on a terrorist watch list you wouldn’t be allowed through security.

These people are full of shit.
My wife told me about her getting a SSSS on her way back from New Guinea and what a huge pain in the ass it was. And she had Global Entry!
In New Guinea or stateside? Seeing as how it’s a very dangerous country I’m not shocked about extra screening upon return.

Global doesn’t exempt you from extra screening. It just makes it less likely but if you go to certain countries you could probably expect a little extra scrutiny.
TSA can (and does) absolutely put you on a scrutinized travel list.

SSSS is a global standard, not just TSA. I’ve had Special Screening on boarding passes everywhere in the world. Even Kazakhstan.

Part of it is so TSA can, at their discretion, search ALL of your electronics at any entry/exit port in America (technically within 100 miles of the border, which virtually all PoE’s are) — with no warrant and zero justification.

Welcome to the USSA.
No the SSSS thing is real. They’re full of shit about all the extra screening and escorts and dogs and shit. The worst that happens is they search your bag and maybe swab a few things and your hands. It’s inconvenient but takes like 10 minutes
Exactly. It’s more of an inconvenience. I’ve seen it personally on someone flying with me after he got mouthy with a gate agent at the beginning of our flight. I believe she flagged him but can’t confirm.
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Has there been any suggestion that New Guinea has exported any of its domestic political violence to the US?
While it is a dangerous place for a foreigner (and locals) it seems absofuckinglutely laughable that traveling there should get you on a list.

On the other hand, making people safe sometimes carries a cost, and we should all be ready to carry that load. Go TSA, you're awesome.
Exactly. It’s more of an inconvenience. I’ve seen it personally on someone flying with me after he got mouthy with a gate agent at the beginning of our flight. I believe she flagged him but can’t confirm.
Gate agents dont have that authority. Any additional screening is handled by and from TSA.
Seems like the title of this thread is wrong. It should be “…for wrong action” not “wrong think”.

You can think anything you like.

When you start buying one way tickets to countries with known drug export economies or repeatedly being a loudmouth cunt to TSA agents at the airport or you are a big shot in organizations whose members take group field trips to political events for the express purpose of disruption, it’s going to get the attention of the wrong people. You may not agree, but it’s the action that gets you on a list.
Quiet Skies and Silent Partner both exist and have been a thing for years. Being flagged by either doesn’t equate to being on the TWL/NFL.
…however QS is now being used on everyone who flew into the DC area during the month and year we don’t speak of.
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I once worked with a lesbian that was trying to get on to the TSA because she wanted to feel up other attractive women.

I got swabbed for "explosives" in Florida coming back from Disney with my girls, the guy looked like Sloth from the Goonies. I bet he was TSA because he couldn't pass the entrance exam to be a cop.

If i can't drive there, I guess I won't be going there. I'm unlikely to fly ever again. You could take the collective IQ average from the athletes in the special olympics, and i'm certain it will be higher than that of the TSA.

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