Well, my booger hooker is my pinky. It just fits better.
Keeping your index finger away from and off of the trigger until you're ready to fire is absolutely the answer.
I have triggers that are set as low as 2-oz. Yep, 2-oz. I don't get ADs.
After more than 4 decades of doing maintenance work, including 21 years of aircraft stuff, my index fingers are twisted, racked with arthritis and the pads have no sensitivity left in them. In fact, I can lightly touch my phone screen and not even feel it, but the phone will react.
My index finger does not go into the trigger guard until I'm ready to begin the firing sequence.
Hand has to be in the proper place on the grip. Thumb placed on the rest. Slight rearward pressure, then the index finger begins to curl into the trigger guard. Finger touches trigger shoe. Slight pressure to take up first stage. Feel the little wall. Break when ready. If sight picture and alignment on target are off, then the finger comes completely out of the trigger guard. Restart trigger sequence when ready.
All of that happens very quickly and took way, way longer to write than it would have to empty a 10 round magazine on target.
I'll reiterate what was said early.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to fire.