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truthful news scource


Full Member
Aug 11, 2010
florida 32621
i'm looking for an on line news source that reports the truth. LOL i guess. i get epoch times. it is useful but way too "chinese" medicine,shen yun,touchy feely. prob keep it as it is very anti ccp. i can get in depth opinion stuff from carlson,hansen,sowell,macgregor et al. am looking for a current news source that works like cnn etc but reports the truth and not woke,nwo and gov lies. newsmax dropped l.logan because she went off on the nwo very aggressively,so they seem compromised. fox is obviously controlled where the rubber hits the road. you tube is useful but highly censored. just looking for recommendations for stuff to follow things like get posted here. getting news from a shooting web site is kinda??? i don't watch or even get TV for the past 25+ years,so...any recommendations to check out?
i'm looking for an on line news source that reports the truth. LOL i guess. i get epoch times. it is useful but way too "chinese" medicine,shen yun,touchy feely. prob keep it as it is very anti ccp. i can get in depth opinion stuff from carlson,hansen,sowell,macgregor et al. am looking for a current news source that works like cnn etc but reports the truth and not woke,nwo and gov lies. newsmax dropped l.logan because she went off on the nwo very aggressively,so they seem compromised. fox is obviously controlled where the rubber hits the road. you tube is useful but highly censored. just looking for recommendations for stuff to follow things like get posted here. getting news from a shooting web site is kinda??? i don't watch or even get TV for the past 25+ years,so...any recommendations to check out?
Does not exist....hasn't for a very long time.
If you didn't see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears......it's probably slanted one way or the other.
I thought Newsmax was trustworthy until they had the Pillow Guy Mike Lindell on there dropping truth bombs about how the 2020 election was stolen and the news anchor couldn't shut him up.

So the Newsmax anchor just bailed the interview and when the camera cut back to him there was nothing but an empty chair. LOL
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News and commentary 🤣🤣
This is the one thing I actually miss from my time working for Uncle Sugar. Among other roles, my teams did the daily briefs for the AF’s G.O.s so we had a lot of access to raw intel and news feed from around the world…plus aggregators like the Blue Line and the Early Bird, plus intel feeds from other services and agencies at all levels of classification.

I miss just “the facts”…or at least as close to the facts as one can get without being there.

The old/original Drudge report was in the same ballpark at a very basic level, but that’s now gone too.
tx for replies. yes looking at foreign sources is a +. same prob,who to believe? bbc used to be a good place to go. no longer for sure,totally co-opted now. will look around and see what i find. lefty source also a plus to check. so much hysteria and such superficial lies that most are even hard to read without shock and anger. not productive,that.
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Does not exist....hasn't for a very long time.
If you didn't see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears......it's probably slanted one way or the other.
Or comes to me from someone I know and have known personally and they saw it with their own eyes
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I’ve never been a fan but I like what Dr Phil is saying about his new network. He is spot on with COVID closing schools and the border crisis.
Maybe Epoch Times??
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"citizen free press" dot com.
It's a news aggregator, and I feel I learn more about what's going on than I do from reading most other sources.
I've given up on finding a "one stop shopping for truth". I read lots. And decide on what sounds more reasonable to me.
I no longer view it as 'The News'

Its more like heavily opinioned commentary on some current topic, more like everything is now a letter to the editor instead of actual news reporting.

Take a current news story that should be pretty clear cut

Augusta University nursing student Laken Riley's death

Foxnews even though they suck donkey dick had more of 'just the facts' in their story about this murder

the leftist washingpost has to make claims that illegals (immigrants as they lovingly put it) do not commit many crimes


Fucking CNN did the same shit, but at least they did it at the end of the article after most of the facts were stated


I like to read all the sources on a story such as this one that is pretty clear cut. You can see everyone's agenda.

There is no news anymore
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Link? They could've buried it.
i subscribe and didn't see it either. may have missed it but read that section closely. maybe pulled? doubtful. a staff writer article or from the reader section? that poss difference matters. issue date?
hate to tell you,but,everyone here should understand that censorship of anything anywhere is problematic. it has been weaponized against us. there are reasons to use it eg. porn in a grade school library. the use of it should be carefully controlled by some authority-LOL these days,but....
anyone is free to boycott an issue,product,expression. vote with use your time and money. but,there are good reasons why the 1A should be sacred and inviolate.
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news nation is pretty decent
When I was in a PSYOP's unit I learned to never believe what I see on TV again. I started noticing the propaganda techniques being used by "news agencies" and I don't believe any of them.
Of the current offerings News Nations ranks high with me but it is like picking the lesser evil.
AllSides seems to do a good job of rating the direction which most information sources lean if you need some assistance.