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Taxes as legalized theft?

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"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"
Full Member
  • Jul 27, 2007
    The other day I saw some comments to that effect. I call bullshit, I like paying my taxes. They build the Interstate highways that make travel easy. They pay for a military to protect our land. They pay for schools (that are unfortunately being gutted of true intelligence). I do object to some f the ways they are used like handouts to parasites, and worthless wars.

    My thought is that its not legalized theft because unlike complete tyrannies, you have at least three options:

    -Vote them out

    -Run for office and steal most of them for your personal use.

    -Get in your vehicle, or walk, either north or south east of west, til you find someplace you dont have to pay taxes and reside there. Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

    But if you want to stay here pay like the rest of us.
    I'm not one to go starting a pissing match on the Hide, but I will say this.

    I would have zero problems paying for toll roads and private schools had I not have to pay taxes on them and instead, paying for what I use.

    I am a very strong proponent of a consumption tax, based solely on what a person spends/buys.
    I'm not one to go starting a pissing match on the Hide, but I will say this.

    I would have zero problems paying for toll roads and private schools had I not have to pay taxes on them and instead, paying for what I use.

    I am a very strong proponent of a consumption tax, based solely on what a person spends/buys.

    Can you explain how that would work? How did the DDE Interstate Highway System get built? How does it get maintained (granted, at this point not so well)?
    flat 11-15% sales tax would be amazing and we could drop income, death, and property tax. Taxes are typically used as a deterrent, i.e. tobacoo, NFA items, alcohol, etc. Why would you want to deter making income and owning property? How about just deter spending. The millionaires and billionaires will still buy their yachts, 3rd or 4th homes, etc. Also, this tax will include everyone and everyone will pay their "fair share." It effects all current tax brackets and income classes and there aren't any write offs or loop holes. The fed would actually make more money. I would be ok paying more for my normal goods when im bring home more of my earned money, and i have the control of what i buy. The more money people make and keep of their own, the more they spend thus boosting the economy. At what point of my labor is another person or entity entitled to? At what percentage does it turn from "taxes" to slavery?? Nobody knows. Your income tax doesn't even go towards the roads, municipalities, schools, etc. Your income tax goes directly to the interest on the deficit. Your fuel tax, license fees, etc. go towards the infrastructure. Property taxes and other random taxes goes to the municipalities and schools. Im not saying ALL forms or taxes are theft. Just a hand full. The tax code is 1000's of pages long. If im not mistaken, the income tax code is only a couple pages. The entire tax code could be a couple pages long and could be completely restructured and still meet all the fed and state level needs.
    Can you explain how that would work? How did the DDE Interstate Highway System get built? How does it get maintained (granted, at this point not so well)?

    Private parties would purchase XX miles of road. After purchase, said party would be responsible for all maintenance of that section of road. If they fail to maintain it, drivers would stop using it, causing them to lose money.

    When there becomes a need for more roads, private parties would need to purchase any land needed to construct the new road, effectively eliminating eminent domain at the same time. Well, at least when it comes to roads.
    flat 11-15% sales tax would be amazing and we could drop income, death, and property tax. Taxes are typically used as a deterrent, i.e. tobacoo, NFA items, alcohol, etc. Why would you want to deter making income and owning property? How about just deter spending. The millionaires and billionaires will still buy their yachts, 3rd or 4th homes, etc. Also, this tax will include everyone and everyone will pay their "fair share." It effects all current tax brackets and income classes and there aren't any write offs or loop holes. The fed would actually make more money. I would be ok paying more for my normal goods when im bring home more of my earned money, and i have the control of what i buy. The more money people make and keep of their own, the more they spend thus boosting the economy. At what point of my labor is another person or entity entitled to? At what percentage does it turn from "taxes" to slavery?? Nobody knows. Your income tax doesn't even go towards the roads, municipalities, schools, etc. Your income tax goes directly to the interest on the deficit. Your fuel tax, license fees, etc. go towards the infrastructure. Property taxes and other random taxes goes to the municipalities and schools. Im not saying ALL forms or taxes are theft. Just a hand full. The tax code is 1000's of pages long. If im not mistaken, the income tax code is only a couple pages. The entire tax code could be a couple pages long and could be completely restructured and still meet all the fed and state level needs.


    Im good with big reform, seriously needed.

    Flat tax is simple and easy, and I agree, but its still tax.

    As to the interest on the debt, thats not the fault of taxation but of stupid spending. Love or hate him, when Slick Willie left office we had a surplus. The deficit and all that came with it started with Bush the Second, and then maximized by Lord Obama. Its so big now Im not sure it can be corrected with out a cataclysmic event. Can you imagine doing what Mexico did years back, just dropping a 0 or two so a $100 bill is now a $1 bill.:eek:
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    In its present implementation, it is stealing

    If everyone paid, I may view it differently. But when my hard earned money is given away to the looters and lazy and to fund anything but infrastructure and defense, enough is enough.

    No argument there, but dont blame 'taxation' itself, blame 'corruption'.
    No argument there, but dont blame 'taxation' itself, blame 'corruption'.

    Corruption may be a small part but the definition of corruption does not apply in this case. It is purely overreach. Give them an inch and they will expand it. I don't necessarily believe that the money goes into the pocket of the politician. Sometimes it does but not necessarily.
    flat 11-15% sales tax would be amazing and we could drop income, death, and property tax. Taxes are typically used as a deterrent, i.e. tobacoo, NFA items, alcohol, etc. Why would you want to deter making income and owning property? How about just deter spending. The millionaires and billionaires will still buy their yachts, 3rd or 4th homes, etc. Also, this tax will include everyone and everyone will pay their "fair share." It effects all current tax brackets and income classes and there aren't any write offs or loop holes. The fed would actually make more money. I would be ok paying more for my normal goods when im bring home more of my earned money, and i have the control of what i buy. The more money people make and keep of their own, the more they spend thus boosting the economy. At what point of my labor is another person or entity entitled to? At what percentage does it turn from "taxes" to slavery?? Nobody knows. Your income tax doesn't even go towards the roads, municipalities, schools, etc. Your income tax goes directly to the interest on the deficit. Your fuel tax, license fees, etc. go towards the infrastructure. Property taxes and other random taxes goes to the municipalities and schools. Im not saying ALL forms or taxes are theft. Just a hand full. The tax code is 1000's of pages long. If im not mistaken, the income tax code is only a couple pages. The entire tax code could be a couple pages long and could be completely restructured and still meet all the fed and state level needs.

    Sales tax here is already 10%.
    Taking by force what you have not earned is robbery, period. Under color of law makes it worse, not better. Jefferson was unequivocal in stating that in a just government there is no forced taxation. It must always be a choice.

    The 16th Amendment is an anathema to just government, and the central reason we live with a government completely out of control.
    Taking by force what you have not earned is robbery, period. Under color of law makes it worse, not better. Jefferson was unequivocal in stating that in a just government there is no forced taxation. It must always be a choice.

    The 16th Amendment is an anathema to just government, and the central reason we live with a government completely out of control.

    " It must always be a choice. "

    Not being disrespectful, but you (or anyone else) have that choice, and are free to leave if you dont want to pay. No one is forcing you to stay. If you stay you need to play by the rules or change them. Simple.
    One thing that gets me is if you over pay they do not pay interest on that money. However, if you're audited and found to have under paid in 2015 they charge you interest and penalties. Sounds like the Mob except they don't threaten to break your legs; they threaten to throw your ass in jail.

    For the record I have never been audited, at least not yet.
    Taxation is legalized theft quite simply because if you don't pay up or can't pay up, men with guns "just following orders" will be around to take your stuff at gunpoint and kill you if you resist....

    Taxation, ESPECIALLY on things you should "own" like your property or your possessions is pretty much the definition of theft.
    If you decide to say no, you will be promptly gunned down or have your property taken from you at gun point.

    You are forced to pay for "public good" stuff even if you don't need it, don't use it or are fundamentally against it. INCLUDING paying for money to be given to other people.

    It's like this, most people consider it wrong to go get a gun and rob somebody themselves.
    But those same folks are more than happy to get other people with guns to go rob you at gunpoint to pay for stuff they want, or for benefits for themselves or their little brats.
    Taking by force what you have not earned is robbery, period. Under color of law makes it worse, not better. Jefferson was unequivocal in stating that in a just government there is no forced taxation. It must always be a choice.

    The 16th Amendment is an anathema to just government, and the central reason we live with a government completely out of control.

    That needs to be repeated over and over.

    Once the government gained unlimited and unchecked power to tax anything or use taxation to control & restrict things, our country was doomed eventually to fall just like the founders said it would once people started voting themselves gifts from the public treasury.
    Taxation is legalized theft quite simply because if you don't pay up or can't pay up, men with guns "just following orders" will be around to take your stuff at gunpoint and kill you if you resist....

    Taxation, ESPECIALLY on things you should "own" like your property or your possessions is pretty much the definition of theft.
    If you decide to say no, you will be promptly gunned down or have your property taken from you at gun point.

    You are forced to pay for "public good" stuff even if you don't need it, don't use it or are fundamentally against it. INCLUDING paying for money to be given to other people.

    It's like this, most people consider it wrong to go get a gun and rob somebody themselves.
    But those same folks are more than happy to get other people with guns to go rob you at gunpoint to pay for stuff they want, or for benefits for themselves or their little brats.

    Taxes can be fair and should be expected in a organized society.

    We have a spending problem because we have lost control of our Govt. They do what they want and get bribed to do.

    Personal income taxes are less than half the US Govt total incoming revenue.

    They effin spend too much.

    There’s nowhere to go. This is liberty’s last stand. I’m staying and fighting for all it’s worth, and I will oppose thieves and policies of thievery whether they come from communists, socialists, progressives, or whatever they’re calling themselves.

    The inability of the Federal Government to directly tax citizens was a huge check on their power that was a central pillar of the Constitution. Since that check was removed in 1916 we’ve had exponential growth of government and trillions stolen and wasted. It turned politics into an organized crime racket. We must repeal both the 16th (which controlled tether theft) and 17th (which neutered states) amendments to restore our Constitution.
    Taxes can be fair and should be expected in a organized society.

    We have a spending problem because we have lost control of our Govt. They do what they want and get bribed to do.

    Personal income taxes are less than half the US Govt total incoming revenue.

    They effin spend too much.

    Thats the problem, lack of citizen supervision. Had we paid more attention instead of going for the 2nd beach house, and spare BMW, we might not be where we are. Blame us.

    There’s nowhere to go. This is liberty’s last stand. I’m staying and fighting for all it’s worth, and I will oppose thieves and policies of thievery whether they come from communists, socialists, progressives, or whatever they’re calling themselves.

    The inability of the Federal Government to directly tax citizens was a huge check on their power that was a central pillar of the Constitution. Since that check was removed in 1916 we’ve had exponential growth of government and trillions stolen and wasted. It turned politics into an organized crime racket. We must repeal both the 16th (which controlled tether theft) and 17th (which neutered states) amendments to restore our Constitution.

    I dont know your age but I remember back to before the Interstate Highway system was completed. Took 11-12 hours to drive from our home in Virginia to family in north Jersey. Now its 6-7 and and easy trip.

    Wehn i first left home in 69 and went to Texas for school there were huge gaps in it through Louisiana, Mississippi, and most of the south. it could be a long agonizing and dangerous trip. the bayous were dangerous with huge pot holes. Now its an easy 2 day trip on the interstates.

    Taxes built and paid for that. The states alone couldnt do that. As stated above, taxes maintain the best military in the world which keeps us free.

    The problem is, as Nik said, overreach, and as I said, corruption, not in taxation itself.

    Please, if youre unhappy leave. Or work to change it for the better.
    I think the Social Security program is a great example of our governments
    fiscal responsibility in action.
    We are so far past "infrastructure" and "public works" any argument to the contrary
    isn't interested in the truth.


    I think its a great program. Pays me a nice chunk of dough every month, and free (paid for in advance) medical care.

    The problem is that parasites raped it for their own benefit.

    Just first off, "just leaving" is a bit harder than you might imagine. The US government is one of the few in the world that thinks they can collect taxes from anyone who is a citizen even if they don't live in the country. So to actually leave you have to give up your USA citizenship, which also is not easy as the IRS wants to go over you with a fine tooth comb and make you pay an "Exit tax" and then if you say it's because of taxes you get even more penalties. Plus you have to get some other country to first grant you citizenship there.

    Here is probably a better answer and one that you'd understand even if it makes you mad.

    How about if a bunch of us decided the country should be based on let's say Christian religion (just as an example, but could be any other one) instead of just laws, and everyone had to believe in a specific faith or be converted at gunpoint and we told you "You have every right to leave, where's the problem"

    I mean the majority voted it right?
    If we get in a new constitutional amendment saying the government has the right to demand everyone be christian (or some other faith) then all good right?
    I mean we feel it would be for the greater good?
    So how about you up and leave if you don't agree?
    Think of the children being better off in a confessional state?

    Bet you have some ideas now about "rights" and "protecting the individual from being oppressed by the masses".

    Why should I be forced to leave my country, property and all my stuff if I don't want to have money taken at gunpoint to be given to others?

    It's why they had to manipulate public opinion and brainwash the sheeple to get them to vote a constitutional amendment to let them go tax crazy because it wasn't constitutional to begin with.
    I think its a great program. Pays me a nice chunk of dough every month, and free (paid for in advance) medical care.

    The problem is that parasites raped it for their own benefit.
    The only reason you are is people paying into it now.
    What would you say to those who'll be SOL when their day comes?
    I got mine tough shit?
    The parasites are a drop in the bucket compared to the theft by our own government.

    Just first off, "just leaving" is a bit harder than you might imagine. The US government is one of the few in the world that thinks they can collect taxes from anyone who is a citizen even if they don't live in the country. So to actually leave you have to give up your USA citizenship, which also is not easy as the IRS wants to go over you with a fine tooth comb and make you pay an "Exit tax" and then if you say it's because of taxes you get even more penalties. Plus you have to get some other country to first grant you citizenship there.

    Here is probably a better answer and one that you'd understand even if it makes you mad.

    How about if a bunch of us decided the country should be based on let's say Christian religion (just as an example, but could be any other one) instead of just laws, and everyone had to believe in a specific faith or be converted at gunpoint and we told you "You have every right to leave, where's the problem"

    I mean the majority voted it right?
    If we get in a new constitutional amendment saying the government has the right to demand everyone be christian (or some other faith) then all good right?
    I mean we feel it would be for the greater good?
    So how about you up and leave if you don't agree?
    Think of the children being better off in a confessional state?

    Bet you have some ideas now about "rights" and "protecting the individual from being oppressed by the masses".

    Why should I be forced to leave my country, property and all my stuff if I don't want to have money taken at gunpoint to be given to others?

    It's why they had to manipulate public opinion and brainwash the sheeple to get them to vote a constitutional amendment to let them go tax crazy because it wasn't constitutional to begin with.

    Point taken, however....

    If the masses voted that way Id say they were entitled th the hell they were creating and as long as they didnt stop me from leaving it AOK.

    As to exit tax, I want aware of all that so Id say be smart and move everything off shore quietly then dont announce your departure until youve got everything else lined up. Of course there arent many worthwhile options...Mars, maybe? :unsure:

    Id rather outwit an idiot (meaning in this case and oppressive gubmint) than fight him. Fortunately for me Im old and wont have to worry about it for long.
    The only reason you are is people paying into it now.
    What would you say to those who'll be SOL when their day comes?
    I got mine tough shit?
    The parasites are a drop in the bucket compared to the theft by our own government.


    By parasites I meant our gubmint.
    You telling me to leave my country, a country I've served and risked my life for, is more than just insulting. It really demonstrates who you are. You are making all the socialist arguments, so you're either just being extremely rude playing Devil's advocate, or you're a fucking commie.

    Do you know what the Annual Federal Expenditure for the Interstate Highway System is? Look it up. You're going to need a lot of zeros after the decimal point to express that number as a portion of the Federal Budget. The entire transportation budget is less than 2%!!!!
    You are either criminally uninformed, or...well, you know what you are.

    These are exactly the socialist arguments used to fleece us of our earnings. The dirty secret is that the middle class bears the full brunt of the theft, for which you seem to be an advocate. Good to know where you stand though. I would not have guessed before this unfortunate thread.
    You telling me to leave my country, a country I've served and risked my life for, is more than just insulting. It really demonstrates who you are. You are making all the socialist arguments, so you're either just being extremely rude playing Devil's advocate, or you're a fucking commie.

    Do you know what the Annual Federal Expenditure for the Interstate Highway System is? Look it up. You're going to need a lot of zeros after the decimal point to express that number as a portion of the Federal Budget. The entire transportation budget is less than 2%!!!!
    You are either criminally uninformed, or...well, you know what you are.

    These are exactly the socialist arguments used to fleece us of our earnings. The dirty secret is that the middle class bears the full brunt of the theft, for which you seem to be an advocate. Good to know where you stand though. I would not have guessed before this unfortunate thread.

    I question everything. I love playing Devils's Advocate because it makes me think out side the box. Too bad if it offends you but thats what freedom is about.

    You really need to improve youre reading comprehension.

    I never told you to leave. I said you have the right to. Big difference. Or to change it. Options are what its about.

    How are all of the politicians senators etc paid only around 170.000.00 a year but they are all millionaires? Their all fucking crooks and they are stealing your hard earned money! Don’t be fooled!

    Congress and Senate as a perk are allowed insider stock trading, you do that and you get prison time big time. Its hard to amass 200 million like Pelosi making 170K a year without making deals with your government position. Hillary amassed over 2 billion while in office not bad for government work.

    Sheep get fleeced its just part of the world order, keep handing over your wool or else its prison.
    Congress and Senate as a perk are allowed insider stock trading, you do that and you get prison time big time. Its hard to amass 200 million like Pelosi making 170K a year without making deals with your government position. Hillary amassed over 2 billion while in office not bad for government work.

    Sheep get fleeced its just part of the world order, keep handing over your wool or else its prison.

    Pelousy actually comes from one of the richest political tribes in Commiefornia. Im sure her gubmint work hasnt hurt.
    Here’s a little example of the commies in action. Our public boat ramps where I live we’re upkept by a park and recreation. All they do is empty the trash once a week out of the garbage cans. Local taxpayer money funds this side show to the city. The ramps and maintenance were paid by city taxpayers. The city took over 2 months ago and started charging 5 dollar parking fees . So they are charging and also getting city taxpayer money The landings have been paid for over 35 hrs ago by the taxpayer. In the meantime our commie mayor and city government are putting sidewalks in around every road in the county. Nobody uses the ones they have for the most part! I’d like to hang all these wasteful motherfuckers!
    Pelousy actually comes from one of the richest political tribes in Commiefornia. Im sure her gubmint work hasnt hurt.

    Grant you that but for sure she profited off of deals through her position. Dianne Feinstein wrote government contracts to firms that her husband runs in China. She let a Chinese Spy work for her for 20 FUCKING YEARS passing him all the intell Dianne was incharge of. When confronted by the FBI about it she gave the old " I had no idea" dumb answer. China gave Biden's son 1.5 billion while in office thats why Biden states to people China is not a threat. They sell you out everyday for a buck , but don't forget to be Patriotic and pay your fair share of taxes and make sure you abide by their laws written to fuck you over.
    Here’s another to chew on. I’m fishing couple weeks ago . There’s a government boat going everywhere and shocking up fish to see if their healthy . I stopped and ask em what they were doing. They said checking fish. Then I ask em, what u gonna do if they don’t look good. The guy looked at me and said nothing! I looked at him and said. Nice cushy job u have there commie!
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    " It must always be a choice. "

    Not being disrespectful, but you (or anyone else) have that choice, and are free to leave if you dont want to pay. No one is forcing you to stay. If you stay you need to play by the rules or change them. Simple.
    FUCK NO. Taxes are theft and I was born here. I don’t have to choose to stay or go. Maybe you should talk to some people getting on social security.. after having money stole from them their whole life the gov only pays them off what they made the last 10 years. Or explain to me how places like commifornia hand out my tax money to people that aren’t even legal here. Buy property.. build a house out of pocket with your sweat and tears, then pay the occupying tyrants every year a percentage of the assigned value until you die. Then your kids can take on this “debt” you built for them. If you are happy being shackled that’s your business. Don’t expect me to willingly pay for my shackles though. How much money did the thief obama steal from Americans just to give to outright terrorist organizations?
    That’s a chicken shit argument. This republic belongs to the citizens. The politicians have used blatant lies and distortions to persuade citizens to give them the power to take a portion of their lives to use as they see fit, then once they have that power, they change the rules. Take the income tax for example. Congress used the argument that if they got the power to tax incomes, it would only be 2% and they would never raise that rate. Within one year of the law being passed, they promptly raised the rates, and have been manipulating them ever since.
    You use the argument that we can either vote them out or leave. Well, we can’t vote a law out, only try to elect enough people to vote them out. And there are far too many people directly benefiting from other people’s money for that to happen. So, that leaves moving away. Or in other words, giving even more of my life and property for the privilege of relocating to another place that’s gonna steal my life and property. Still theft....
    Taxes are worse than theft, they are enslavement, full on controlling enslavement by an increasingly despotic and violent government who answers to no one, no petition, no vote, now will ,,, they are actual despots, and the popo and fed popo who think themselves the good guys are actually the bad guys that will talk themselves into doing the worst and most despicable crimes against their fellow citizens in the name of the "law"... we need a bloody revolution more now than we did the first one.

    Agree or disagree with the above, I dont care, fuck you all, pussies.
    Taxes are worse than theft, they are enslavement, full on controlling enslavement by an increasingly despotic and violent government who answers to no one, no petition, no vote, now will ,,, they are actual despots, and the popo and fed popo who think themselves the good guys are actually the bad guys that will talk themselves into doing the worst and most despicable crimes against their fellow citizens in the name of the "law"... we need a bloody revolution more now than we did the first one.

    Agree or disagree with the above, I dont care, fuck you all, pussies.
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    The government uses the word "tax" as a means to take something of value. If they can get people to think it is a "tax", regardless of what is being taxed, people will pay it and those in government know that. Look at Europe, they "tax" everything of value and that is where we are heading.

    For years the democrats tried to create a tax that said if you owned something you were saving money it would cost to rent that item. And that savings should be added into your income. Example, if you owned a home that would rent for $1,000 a month then you would be require to pay income tax on an additional $12,000 a year. They wanted to include vehicles as well as the contents of your home. Luckily it kept getting bored down but at some point it will come up again.

    I would love to see a national sales tax instead of an income tax. But that will never happen because it gives the citizens the power to control the purse strings of our government. It also removes income tax returns which are used to influence votes and change family structures and values. Right now it is more beneficial to remain unwed with children and we have seen the damage that has caused in some communities.

    If we had a national sales tax it would tax everyone equally instead of the income tax punishing those who are productive for the benefit of those who are not. Those who work under the table, such as drug dealers and illegals, would finally pay their fair share.
    @Dolomite_Supafly ,,,,but then they wouldn't be able to control people, read my post. buy more guns and ammo, buy lots of AR's, your government holds you in the same contempt the worst of the worst slave owners held their slaves in,, name one thing in your daily life that is not controlled by the government, just one thing... they hate you and want you to die young before you spend money on medical care. Your government hates you and they hate our Constitution.

    Cool Screen Name BTW
    How did the DDE Interstate Highway System get built? How does it get maintained (granted, at this point not so well)?
    Research that an get back to us about the increases in fuel taxes that happened. While your at it explain why the SS trust fund was raided to fund the VN war? What has war got to do with stealing from SS? Tell my why you are required to pay the fuel tax that was set up to pay for all roads, then in some states your required to pay a sales tax over the fuel tax? Why should you have to pay a tax on a used item that was taxed when new, yet is taxed every time it is resold? There is a federal mandated P/R tax on all sporting goods, yet you have to pay a state sales tax on the same item? When payroll taxes where introduce it was to fund what for how long? Why are we still paying that tax? Why in some places do the trades have to inventory their tools an pay a tax on tools they use to make a living with, that is then taxed about 5-6 more times? Taxes have become a cash cow for all forms of gov an the only thing that will end the greed an stealing from me/you/us to pay people to be sorry, will never end until blood flows. When you pay people to be sorry, they will never disappoint you an they will always vote to take keep stealing what you have worked for. Why? Because they vote for free shit (hence they are call the FSA,... free shit army) You can not compete with Santa when people that make the laws are sucking from the same free tit that employs them. Both of those types of people could give a shit about the tax payer, because if you don't pay your taxes they will jail your ass, then steal more from the other tax payers to fund your jail time. Most people see a pattern, some only want to bitch about taxes being to low when "THEY" are not getting free shit they never worked for in the first place. Where in the CTOTUS does it say I'm/you/us are required to support people who have proved they can not control their lifes, be it health, a roof, food ect. Mother nature culls the weak for a reason, That said I have no issue helping those who NEED help, but being a slave to those fucks that play the system, or make the laws that force me to be a fucking tax slave, can suck my dick!!!
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