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    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread TT and Vortex Gen3 in PRS.
      Be careful what you wish for. When dealing with politicians, everything has a price. ILya
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread TT and Vortex Gen3 in PRS.
      It is. I did some testing and modeled it for a range of designs based on several different objective lens focal lengths. Unless there...
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread TT and Vortex Gen3 in PRS.
      Not a chance. That is several orders of magnitude larger than the expansion rate of aluminum or brass or stainless steel or any other...
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread Budget AR Red Dot <$400.
      If you can live with the chevron for an aiming point, I'd pick up Primary Arms' Gen2 MD-25 for a couple hundred. It works very nicely...
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread TT and Vortex Gen3 in PRS.
      Only during full moon.
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread TT and Vortex Gen3 in PRS.
      I was disabused of that illusion years ago. When I miss, I know it is me. ILya
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread TT and Vortex Gen3 in PRS.
      It is unlikely. Very unlikely. I suspect Rob's take on it is spot on. ILya
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread TT and Vortex Gen3 in PRS.
      I am not sure of the whole range of specifics, since I do not shoot FT. I was going to, but then I moved out of California and a whole...
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread TT and Vortex Gen3 in PRS.
      Field Target is unsupported. You can adjust side focus, magnification and turrets as you shoot through the course, but no bipods...
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread TT and Vortex Gen3 in PRS.
      They use side focus wheel to measure distance and adjust for drop based on that. Tyler goes over it for a few minutes: Field Target...
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread TT and Vortex Gen3 in PRS.
      I'll be kicking off a livestream in half hour to discuss thermal effects in riflescopes. Tyler Patner will join for a while. FIeld...
    • koshkin
      It is a K624i, but the reticle is something non-standard if memory serves me right. ILya
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread “Budget Bino” for son.
      That's a decent bino, but the FOV is strangely narrow. Apparent FOV is only around 50 degrees. If you are looking for a low power, I...
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread “Budget Bino” for son.
      They are made in China. I just spent a weekend with them at BOTC. I can comfortably recommend the 10x42. ILya
    • koshkin
      koshkin replied to the thread TT and Vortex Gen3 in PRS.
      I am going to experiment a little bit with it since I am curious. I will be surprised if I find anything because from what I know of...
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