Hunting & Fishing Coyote Calling HELP!


Full Member
Mar 3, 2010
North Carolina
Just started calling for coyotes in eastern north carolina with no luck yet. I know the coyotes are in the area by tracks and droppings everywhere. We see them all during deer season so im for sure they are around. I got the fox pro with a quiver critter decoy and spray rabbit urin around my setup and hunt the wind. Anyone hunt this area with any luck? What sounds work the best and for what time of year. Any info will be great.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

If your area is hunted by other predator hunters,the dogs that are still alive won't fall for the basic rabbit calls everyone uses.I use turkey calls in the day,pups in distress,cat + fox calls at night.If you hunt near water,try calling like a hurt goose.Bait piles work too,they won't turn down a free meal.Good Luck.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

All Day,but no night hunting ? Night hunting is your best bet in heavily hunted areas.How many spots do you hunt in a day ? If your calling in the same area all the time,they'll scent you and you'll never see them.If you have access to a trail camera,use it over a bait pile and maybe you'll get a time frame for when they'll be around.It sounds like they've got you figured out.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TapoutSniper</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Unfortunately, night Hunting isn't legal in North Carolina. </div></div>
That sucks.We may not be able to own suppressors,full autos and Hi cap mags in NY,but we can coyote hunt at night.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

Shoots100- We move spots and never re-hunt the same area within 2 weeks. We only stay for 20 minutes of calling. Ive got a Firestorm with a Mojo Critter. We also use scent away laundry soap, Spray, and the deodorant.
Night hunting isnt an option because we dont have scope lights or nightvision.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Forest12</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Shoots100- We move spots and never re-hunt the same area within 2 weeks. We only stay for 20 minutes of calling. Ive got a Firestorm with a Mojo Critter. We also use scent away laundry soap, Spray, and the deodorant.
Night hunting isnt an option because we dont have scope lights or nightvision. </div></div>
The dogs are seeing or senseing somthing then.Red spotlights are getting cheaper,so you might want to invest in one and maybe your luck will change with some night hunting.The dogs are hunted pretty good during the day in my neck of the woods,so Night hunting is my time to go out and play.Sound travels better,Special camo isn't really neccesary and they're easier to call into the fields and open trails I hunt.When the weather gets pretty bad,I usually set up a couple of pop up blinds near bait piles and wait.Somthing will usually come around.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

Yeah, as you can see im from Washington State and from the western side... To see any public hunting land i have to drive an hour or two. And then its super duper thick cover woods, its hard hunting. Any recommendations?
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

Find a decent clear spot,put out a bait pile and hunt from a portable ladder stand.You get a better/longer view from up high.I set up around 50yds away on the high side,so my scent will hopefully travel over them.Some of the best spots I hunt at night are state land hiking trails.It's easier hunting at night,where you'll have less of a chance running into hikers and tree huggers.Find a ledge overlooking a trail and give a few calls.No takers,move down the trail and try again.The dogs are used to human scent being around and it's an easy/easier walk for you and them.I hunt some pretty old growth/thick state land where your not supposed to leave stands up and thats the method I use there.
The thick ladder stand spots are my goto spots,as the dogs retreat to these areas when the pressure is on.These aren't 20 minute hunting spots either.I will usually sit for over an hour and do some bark/howl calls if nothings moving around.Some of My spots are 20 minutes from my house,not two hours.I don't think I'd be doing alot of coyote hunting with that much travel time involved.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

Are they still there?

Not knowing your geographic location, its tough to tell. But just because you saw coyotes during "deer season" which may or may not have been a while ago, those animals may not be there.

I know our coyotes follow the deer, and in some areas, our deer travel 20, 30, 40 or more miles to winter areas, the coyotes follow. Makes for a lot of "empty space" where there once wasnt.

Are there a lot of coyotes there?

One coyote can make a lot of tracks and scat in an evening. He can also be seen quite a bit which makes many believe there are far more coyotes in an area than there really is.

Are they being hunted by others? Are they being hunted to much by you? How much land are you hunting and how often are you hunting it.

Coyotes are EXTREMELY intelligent animals that can and will absolutely shut down under heavy hunting pressure (much like hard hunted wild hogs). To much hunting usually has the reverse effect on taking big numbers of coyotes.

A coyote caller can burn through an aweful lot of ground in short order. Its important to not burn ground out (I never call the same area more than once every couple weeks).
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

Yes there is lots of coyotes here and nobody is really hunting them. I have only been been 2 days and set up about 8 different places. There is plenty of land for me to hunt i just have to find them I guess. Nobody even traps them that I know of. I would really like to know what call would work best for me because im new to this game and dont have any real confidence on one particular sound. Night hunting is illegal here in NC so that is not an option.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Powerman</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yes there is lots of coyotes here and nobody is really hunting them. I have only been been 2 days and set up about 8 different places. There is plenty of land for me to hunt i just have to find them I guess. Nobody even traps them that I know of. I would really like to know what call would work best for me because im new to this game and dont have any real confidence on one particular sound. Night hunting is illegal here in NC so that is not an option. </div></div>
If you know dogs are in the area,you're going to have to try different calls and see what works.I've never found one call that brings them in all the time,so your just going to have to put more time in the field and do some night scouting.Just like finding where the turkey are roosting before you hunt them the next morning.
Someone must be hunting them,or you're not seeing them before they spot or scent you.Try to find a spot with a good view and call away.Keep movement and chatter(if you're hunting with someone,cell phone off)to a minimum.
When I'm hunting a new spot,I use a pop up blind and set the speaker and mojo angled about 50 yds away down wind.They usually focus on the mojo and I know my movement and scent will be better contained in the blind,so I'll be less likely to spook them.Good Luck.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

Are you hunting the same spots over and over/ If so, you are educating them. I only hunt spots once a month, or less.

I use lightning jack sound on my foxpro. Colder the better when you go to call.

Check the wind, hunt accordingly. I will run my call for approx 20-25 min per set.

Good luck, and let us know how you do.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

Are you relying on an answer to your howls to confirm the coyotes are there? I would let the howl ie female long howl or female yodel rip and as soon as you start the call search with your binos. A lot of times you won't get a response but you will have one working towards you. Imo at least where I hunt the binos are the most important tool you have. And as far as the calling goes sometimes less is more.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

I couldn't find an experienced hunter to tutor me so I started out hunting 'yotes by my lonesome. It was about four months hunting two or three times a week before I ever started getting any responses. The frustrating part was that I couldn't tell whether I was doing something wrong or if there just weren't any coyotes about.

But the opposite can be just as frustrating. Last week I called until dark and then gathered up my kit and headed out of the field. I'd turned my back and taken about five steps and the 'yotes started in howling, and they couldn't have been more than a few yards within the treeline, so I'm sure they'd been scoping me out. I knew at that moment, 1) I'd screwed up my attempts to call 'em in, and 2) I'd just given them another free lesson in how to avoid getting shot.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Powerman</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ive herd some sounds work that are not native to an area. For example using a jackrabbit where im at and there are none here. </div></div>
Lightning Jack is my most productive call but there's no jackrabbits here.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

Around Roanoke Rapids. I hunt halifax, martin, and northhampton county. Went again Friday and still no luck. However I did hear some that afternoon. IM GONNA KILL A COYOTE DAMMIT! haha. What part of nc are u from?
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

Eastern NC yotes are tough to hunt.

Find places you can sneak in unseen and set up downwind of thick cover, preferably where there are large fields or open areas behind you so they cannot circle around and wind you.

Start calling at low to moderate levels as there may be yotes just inside the woodline. Use binoculars and really search the woodline, as they will often come just inside the edge of thick cover and look out into the fields.

I have yet to call a yote out into the open around here.

Keep in mind that no matter what you do, some days they just will not come to the call no matter what you do.

Good luck and have fun
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TapoutSniper</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Unfortunately, night Hunting isn't legal in North Carolina.</div></div>

You are legally raccoon hunting right? *hint hint* lol

Yeah I can't seem to call any coyotes here in the piedmont of NC, but foxes came in just fine.
Re: Coyote Calling HELP!

Good luck powerman. I have hunted Robeson County for years and have only once seen a coyote. I was up on a stand for deer season it was around 8 am. Caught him crossing a field coming from the direction of our gut hole.