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Defense Secretary Warned Congress U.S. Troops Could Be Deployed If Ukraine Aid Is Not Sent


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Feb 25, 2017

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin speaks during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the conclusion of military operations in Afghanistan and plans for future counterterrorism operations, Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2021, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Patrick Semansky, Pool/AP)

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Congress on Tuesday during a private briefing that if they do not pass more aid to Ukraine, it would “very likely” lead to U.S. troops fighting a war in Europe.
“If [Vladimir] Putin takes over Ukraine, he’ll get Moldova, Georgia, then maybe the Baltics,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told The Messenger, after Austin and other senior Biden administration officials briefed House lawmakers on their request for more aid for Ukraine.
“And then the idea that we’ll have to put troops on the ground in Secretary Austin’s word was very likely,” McCaul added. “That’s what we’re trying to avoid.”
The Messenger reported that the warning “did little” to win over Republican skeptics, who oppose more aid to Ukraine without more accountability and transparency on how it will help Ukraine.
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) told the outlet, “I don’t think we got the clarity that we’ve been requesting,” and that “It remains to be seen whether members are satisfied with the answers provided.”
The Biden administration has requested a $106 billion aid package from Congress, with the bulk of it — $61 billion — going to Ukraine. That would be an addition to the $113 billion that has been allocated to support Ukraine in its war with Russia since February 2022.
Rep. John Duarte (R-CA) told the Messenger that the briefing was “prescriptive and staged.”
“I didn’t get a sense that any minds were changed in there,” he said. “It wasn’t impressive or insightful in any way other than what you might see in the news. It was just a hopeful pressure effort.”
Duarte reportedly said President Joe Biden needed to “start negotiating and quit screwing around with vacuous briefings that tell us things we already know.”
Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) told The Messenger the classified Ukraine briefing was “boring,” and said, “These guys are just speechifying about most of the stuff you guys already report on the news.”
“Joe Biden needs to do his job, secure our border,” he added. “You do that, then members of Congress will talk."

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This is called extortion. Bilk the taxpayers for more Billion$$ of money for Ukraine or I will start WW3. Congress should say, “oh yeah? General you are now invited to a Congressional hearing” where they determine if he keeps his job or not.

It’s not discussed often, but the Consitution gives CongRees broad powers over the military. Article I gives Congress the power to “declare War,” “raise and support Armies,” “provide and maintain a Navy,” and provide for calling state militias into federal service. It also empowers Congress to “make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces.“. So Speaker of the House should call the General in to explain why he thinks he can deploy troops as leverage for demanding more funding.
Election year coming up - would be interesting to see how "they" plan on sending US ground forces officially into Ukraine. 1) President just does it through executive action? 2) Senate declares war?

I don't think so and embarrassing weak bluff.

US Army so weak now, would require mobilizing the Army and Air National Guard.
Fuck Ukraine and FUCK AUSTIN too. He wants to send troops. He should send the dykes and the trannys.
That's the military that he has built for the leftists and the swamp! Not one single white Heterosexual Christian male troop should be deployed to fuckin Ukraine! Fight the next MIC profit war with the Mentally ill and gender confused Military they have been pushing for the last 3 years.
This is called extortion. Bilk the taxpayers for more Billion$$ of money for Ukraine or I will start WW3. Congress should say, “oh yeah? General you are now invited to a Congressional hearing” where they determine if he keeps his job or not.

It’s not discussed often, but the Consitution gives CongRees broad powers over the military. Article I gives Congress the power to “declare War,” “raise and support Armies,” “provide and maintain a Navy,” and provide for calling state militias into federal service. It also empowers Congress to “make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces.“. So Speaker of the House should call the General in to explain why he thinks he can deploy troops as leverage for demanding more funding.
What the Republicans should do is publicly call his/their bluff.

The American taxpayers are fed up with this Ukraine shit and the dims would be committing political suicide by doing so.

I'd love to see them do it, but it ain't gonna happen. Even they're not that stupid......

This is but one more example of Austin demonstrating just how much of a Duncecap he really is.

Mars attacks Donut.gif

The real reason is because ukraine is getting its ass handed to them. Notice the shift in news reporting lately.

They can send fag of snipe trolls and post as many super sniper propaganda pieces that they want. Doesn’t change anything.

This administration has wanted to feed America’s youth to the grinder since the get go. I’m a firm believer that most western countries anointed politicians want a world war to stop all the red pilling that had been happening.
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This is called extortion. Bilk the taxpayers for more Billion$$ of money for Ukraine or I will start WW3. Congress should say, “oh yeah? General you are now invited to a Congressional hearing” where they determine if he keeps his job or not.

It’s not discussed often, but the Consitution gives CongRees broad powers over the military. Article I gives Congress the power to “declare War,” “raise and support Armies,” “provide and maintain a Navy,” and provide for calling state militias into federal service. It also empowers Congress to “make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces.“. So Speaker of the House should call the General in to explain why he thinks he can deploy troops as leverage for demanding more funding.
Congress gave President power to mobilize/deploy National Guard troops for 6 months and one free extension for 6 months (12 moths total) without Congressional approval prior to Desert Storm. Congress may want to rethink all the "power" they gave away after 9/11.
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Has something changed, wouldn’t Congress have to vote on committing US military for direct combat activity? The authority for war is with Congress and not the President.
Has something changed, wouldn’t Congress have to vote on committing US military for direct combat activity? The authority for war is with Congress and not the President.
The president can deploy troops anywhere he wants. He can put them in harms way and when attacked can retaliate but cannot run a sustained action without Congress.
You mean like they did in Korea...or Vietnam...or Iraq...or Afghanistan...?

The US hasn't been involved in a war since ww2......weve been on "peace keeping" missions
Congress authorized Bush to use the military 10/16/2002 with Resolution Iraq. Both Korea and Vietnam” police action”, whatever that encompasses and honestly cannot recall about Afghanistan. Appreciate what you identify with your response and do not disagree with you at all, this ain’t no proxy war if US military is directly engaging the Russians on behalf of Ukraine. Maybe I would be game on if Patton was still around, but with this asshat Miley and Sleepy Joe, Congress needs to reassert some power and cut the purse strings needed to wage war.
What makes them so sure Putin is going to go after the Baltic states next? Seems like he has his hands full in Ukraine at the moment. Unless SECDEF’s statement is code for “we’re going to do shit to Kaliningrad next and force Putin’s hand”
Also ....who give a fuck if he does?

Why should I, an American living in America, give a shit what happens to a country ive never been to, and doesnt impact me, half way around the world?

Because I guarantee you the baltic states don't give a fuck about us

Well, the Baltic states are members of NATO and we have a treaty with them that an attack on one is an attack on us all. They - or at least some of NATO - did show up in Afghanistan after 9/11 to help us.

But @232593 is right. Putin is absolutely getting his ass kicked in Ukraine. What Guards Tank Army is he doing to use to attack the Baltics? Unless he goes nuclear, his army is a spent, wrecked force that has been badly exposed as unprepared for modern combat. He has no air force, no navy, no precision fires. All he has is ground fodder for PrSMs, SDBs and ATGMs. He knows it, NATO knows it, and SECDEF should know it too. A stupid comment like "US troops will have to deployed" fools no one. Austin is only embarrassing himself with his novice political advice.
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FFS is the defense secretary a dipshit too. Wait, I know the answer. Part of the war mongering deep state. Problem is some in Congress will believe this bullshit and attempt to throw more billions on the bonfire. SMDH
Well, the Baltic states are members of NATO and we have a treaty with them that an attack on one is an attack on us all. They - or at least some of NATO - did show up in Afghanistan after 9/11 to help us.

But @232593 is right. Putin is absolutely getting his ass kicked in Ukraine. What Guards Tank Army is he doing to use to attack the Baltics? Unless he goes nuclear, his army is a spent, wrecked force that has been badly exposed as unprepared for modern combat. He has no air force, no navy, no precision fires. All he has is ground fodder for PrSMs, SDBs and ATGMs. He knows it, NATO knows it, and SECDEF should know it too. A stupid comment like "US troops will have to deployed" fools no one. Austin is only embarrassing himself with his novice political advice.
Not sure if Russia is getting their ass kicked, hard to tell. They are not making significant advances but they have maintained & consolidated gains made during their operation. Now, is that because they have culminated or is it because they have achieved their planned objectives? Hard to tell. But I do think they are decisively fixed in Ukraine. And I wonder if they would have the spare capability to open up a new front in the Baltics, at least with conventional capabilities.

WRT precision fires I think the Russians do indeed have that but it’s looking like they don’t have the IC capability to detect & asses deep in both time and operational space, or their is a significant lag somewhere in their kill chain.

I agree with your Air Force assessment, for some odd reason the Russian AF seems to be quite disappointing. Now is that because of their inability to look deep and target those Ukrainian AD assets to enable them FOM in the air or is it something else?
Could it possibly be that the Russkies are intentionally holding back ?
It would be a very smart play by Putin to not let the west know of their real capabilities and intentionally keeping some assets back would also be a smart move.

I don't think Putin has ever been considered dumb, by anyone.
Myself, I don't like the guy, but I don't think he's either a fool or anyone else's stooge.

I've seen a few youtube videos from shit like restaurant reviews in Russia taken over the last few weeks to last few days.
You wouldn't have a clue it's a country at war.
Kinda telling to me....

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin speaks during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the conclusion of military operations in Afghanistan and plans for future counterterrorism operations, Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2021, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Patrick Semansky, Pool/AP)

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Congress on Tuesday during a private briefing that if they do not pass more aid to Ukraine, it would “very likely” lead to U.S. troops fighting a war in Europe.
“If [Vladimir] Putin takes over Ukraine, he’ll get Moldova, Georgia, then maybe the Baltics,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told The Messenger, after Austin and other senior Biden administration officials briefed House lawmakers on their request for more aid for Ukraine.
“And then the idea that we’ll have to put troops on the ground in Secretary Austin’s word was very likely,” McCaul added. “That’s what we’re trying to avoid.”
The Messenger reported that the warning “did little” to win over Republican skeptics, who oppose more aid to Ukraine without more accountability and transparency on how it will help Ukraine.
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) told the outlet, “I don’t think we got the clarity that we’ve been requesting,” and that “It remains to be seen whether members are satisfied with the answers provided.”
The Biden administration has requested a $106 billion aid package from Congress, with the bulk of it — $61 billion — going to Ukraine. That would be an addition to the $113 billion that has been allocated to support Ukraine in its war with Russia since February 2022.
Rep. John Duarte (R-CA) told the Messenger that the briefing was “prescriptive and staged.”
“I didn’t get a sense that any minds were changed in there,” he said. “It wasn’t impressive or insightful in any way other than what you might see in the news. It was just a hopeful pressure effort.”
Duarte reportedly said President Joe Biden needed to “start negotiating and quit screwing around with vacuous briefings that tell us things we already know.”
Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) told The Messenger the classified Ukraine briefing was “boring,” and said, “These guys are just speechifying about most of the stuff you guys already report on the news.”
“Joe Biden needs to do his job, secure our border,” he added. “You do that, then members of Congress will talk."


Some hoaxes are irritants. The Russian/Trump collusion hoax. Jessie Smollett noose hoax. The George Floyd hoax.

But the "Russia is going to take over the world" hoax is not only comical, it is dangerous. Very dangerous.

Is a reporter ever going to ask Austin or Kirby or Biden or Sullivan to produce the evidence that Russia has the capability and intent to take any country, anywhere? Three Russian-speaking provinces on your border is not the same as another country.

While we are here..................................the $200 billion grift known as Ukraine funding is nothing compared to the rebuilding grift that is coming. A few hundred billion for cleanup. A few hundred billion for mine clearing. A few hundred billion for roads. A few hundred billion for schools. A few hundred billion for hospitals. Etc etc Pretty soon 3 or 5 trillion starts to add up. Of course, there will be nothing to show for it.
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If we fight a war, and any future war, it should no longer be a war of attrition but a war of annihilation. If you as a voter, are not comfortable with that, then there is no point in wasting our resources (people, money, equipment) on such fruitless endeavors. War is about one side winning until the other side is destroyed, sues for peace, or unconditional surrender. No more of this 20 year war bullshit.
If we fight a war, and any future war, it should no longer be a war of attrition but a war of annihilation. If you as a voter, are not comfortable with that, then there is no point in wasting our resources (people, money, equipment) on such fruitless endeavors. War is about one side winning until the other side is destroyed, sues for peace, or unconditional surrender. No more of this 20 year war bullshit.
I agree, but would add that when we win we need to keep all the losing countries wealth and resources for the betterment of America.
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