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Eat her lunch?

While I completely disagree with you and absolutely refute all the statements in your first like as utter B.S. and the kind of propaganda pushed on men by women and simps to make men slaves to women,

I think it's interesting what you mention about ships.

Back around the time the whole Suffrage movement was raging the first of the new culture wars, there was actually quite the outrage because all these women wanted their "rights" and wanted to be treated equal with men and all that B.S. stuff they put out to this day.
But there were a couple ship sinkings and as you might have guessed, almost none of the women died and the dead were almost all men.

The newspapers of the time printed it quite well.

On land they want their "rights"
But on water they want their "privileges"

All this stuff you think is so great about "how you should treat women" was made up by a bunch of incel virgins poets and writers around the 1400 and 1500 most of whom killed themselves later on when they found out it still didn't get them laid.

If you want to be 50/50 right down the middle I’m happy to go along with that. The car needs new brake pads and the jack is in the garage, and yes, that dress makes you look fat. Now stop crying and get your shit together.

Or…. Make me a sandwich while I run to Pep Boys. I’ll tell you how beautiful you look even though you look like a pale version of Lizzio.

Your choice, but you can’t have your cake and eat it too sweetheart.
I want a fucking refund for school.
You, me, and anybody else say over age 40 (don't know how old you are, but this seems to be a trend of the last 20 years). Debra LaFave was first case I ever heard about.

That said, she's still, as UKDslayer said, a pedophile. Matters not that a 16 year old with hormones out of control would do it if it presented itself. Her responsibility as an adult is not to seduce children!!
Because men have believed the propaganda that has been pushed on them for hundreds of years, telling them that for some reason women (who there are usually actually more of) are somehow more important than them, and more special then them just because of their genitals.

Even on here, I often have raging debates with folks that think their daughters are god's gift to the world and other people's sons are just trash.
Folks that think women should be able to say whatever they want, do anything they want and everybody just take it, but want to get all chest thumpy if some man gives them the same thing back.

Men have allowed themselves to be made into slaves to women and men oppress other men who try to break free from it.

And for all that, the women will usually chose to mate with the type that treat them like garbage, and then go back to their simping beta males and have those males be slaves to them and raise the children of the actual men who are willing to not cower.

Females shouldn't be treated any differently than males or have any extra special consideration.
After all that's what they demand so give it to them and tell men to stop being simps & slaves to females.

Men mistakenly think women have all the power because they control access to one side of the heterosexual sexual experience, many call it the supply side (which I disagree with, but that's what they call it.)
Men have all the power on the other side of the equation. Cut off demand and those that think Supply gives them the power are instantly powerless as that's all they have. Men can mostly do fine without women (except for the whole needing to raise a family thing, which one day science will fix).

You, me, and anybody else say over age 40 (don't know how old you are, but this seems to be a trend of the last 20 years). Debra LaFave was first case I ever heard about.

That said, she's still, as UKDslayer said, a pedophile. Matters not that a 16 year old with hormones out of control would do it if it presented itself. Her responsibility as an adult is not to seduce children!!
Mine was very planned from the first time I saw her. She planned it out to get me in the sack. I would say her build was roughly the same as the gal in this case. Not fat, but not thin as well, and a little junk in the trunk. But she planned it out to the 10's. And it worked.

I was 17, a couple months away from 18. Just for the sake of argument what makes a 17 year old two months away from his 18th birthday not able to make the "right" decision, and at 18 he can. Same for any age. If you say the law, ok granted, but in some places that gets very fuzzy. In some locations a 18yr old boy and his 17yr old girlfriend having sex, that boy could be charged as a sex offender and have that follow him for the rest of his life, other places not. New laws in Cali really stand that on its ear with 10 years difference being ok.

My point is making a hard and fast law my be the only way to do it, but it is not the best way to do it.

In my case I met my wife at 20, she was 17, and we had sex. So I guess I am guilty, no matter we have been married 37 years. Law is the law. But no adult pushed it because the adults while not happy with what was going on, knew the reasons.....those soft factors behind the act made all the difference. And that is where the rule of law falls apart.

I don't have a good answer, but myself, as well as my son had sex with women that are "under age" that went on to become our wife.

You can't put a pretty bow on it, just will not work.

My under age thing was not love, and yet again hard to fit into a nice little package. She was in the middle of a divorce, her husband and her daughter called her openly a fat cow, she had major self worth issues. I think I was a way to say to herself she can still land a young goodlooking guy.
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She don't look 31, but that ass looks fat.

Had multiple chances to do shit like this when I was in school, didn't seem worth it lol...

Part of me regrets it now, I wasn't the one trying to break laws.

Here's a book every man needs to read. Then, reread it. Read it again and then pass it down to his son(s) if he has them.

It saved me A LOT of grief and headache. There are few things on earth more dangerous to men than the predatory female. It's how our brains are wired, they know that and will abuse it till the end of time.

Carry on. ;) 🤜
You, me, and anybody else say over age 40 (don't know how old you are, but this seems to be a trend of the last 20 years). Debra LaFave was first case I ever heard about.

That said, she's still, as UKDslayer said, a pedophile. Matters not that a 16 year old with hormones out of control would do it if it presented itself. Her responsibility as an adult is not to seduce children!!

Just you know, don't get all hung up on your made up 18 year old number as some kind of word from god.
It's a totally made up number that got moved down from 25 then to 21 then to 18 then back up to 21 for some things.
I mean if you can be executed for crimes you commit when you are 18 I think you could decide if you wanted to smoke or drink you know...
Oh and you can be tried as an adult for your crimes down to like 14 if it's convenient for the state, which goes to show it's pure B.S. with this age stuff as the state is happy to completely ignore such things when the state wants to.

16 years old is the age of consent in a lot of western countries.
And guess what, that works out perfectly well.

I would strongly argue that a 16 year old having willing, uncoerced sexual relations with someone older, is NOT necessarily a victim but may in fact be a willing participant in an action for which they used their own agency and made their own choice.

It's pretty stupid to say that older teenagers in their 15 and 16 year old ranges don't actually have any agency of their own and can't actually make decisions about sex for themselves ever and that they are always some kind of victim even if they are the sexual agressors with someone older.

Oh your precious little "children" are out robbing, raping, kidnapping, murdering, carjacking all at the young tender ages as low as 12 or 13 so... you know spare me the whining about a 16 year old being some innocent little child who didn't know what they were doing.
Don't forget people in this country got married legal at much younger ages, Loretta Lynn and Jerry Lee Lewis cousin are two pretty famous examples most folk know. Lewis cousin was only 13. For me that is a bit much, but like we are dancing around it is hard to set that age.
Just you know, don't get all hung up on your made up 18 year old number as some kind of word from god.
It's a totally made up number that got moved down from 25 then to 21 then to 18 then back up to 21 for some things.
I mean if you can be executed for crimes you commit when you are 18 I think you could decide if you wanted to smoke or drink you know...
Oh and you can be tried as an adult for your crimes down to like 14 if it's convenient for the state, which goes to show it's pure B.S. with this age stuff as the state is happy to completely ignore such things when the state wants to.

16 years old is the age of consent in a lot of western countries.
And guess what, that works out perfectly well.

I would strongly argue that a 16 year old having willing, uncoerced sexual relations with someone older, is NOT necessarily a victim but may in fact be a willing participant in an action for which they used their own agency and made their own choice.

It's pretty stupid to say that older teenagers in their 15 and 16 year old ranges don't actually have any agency of their own and can't actually make decisions about sex for themselves ever and that they are always some kind of victim even if they are the sexual agressors with someone older.

Oh your precious little "children" are out robbing, raping, kidnapping, murdering, carjacking all at the young tender ages as low as 12 or 13 so... you know spare me the whining about a 16 year old being some innocent little child who didn't know what they were doing.

That is the kicker right there. It is no doubt that the younger a person is the more easy it is to manipulate them. They just don't know and have the life experience to know they are being taken advantage of. If that person is willing based on lies or evil intent where does that go, how do you prove that they are not in love but it did not work out. You can't.

This is what the laws are trying to stop, but it really does not work. In my case I knew what was going on after it started, being a stupid kid I did not figure it out till I was in a pool house and her ass was pressed against my....... That was when the lightbulb went on, kids are not smart. Now at 57 would I know from the get go, sure at 17 nope.

There is also a big difference between bedding a 30yr old and car jacking. As the movie said, it is not the same ballpark it is not even the same fucking sport.

I can only think back to me at 16 and the farthest I got was a case of stink finger. I think it would not take long for that boys lightbulb to come on and know what was going to happen, he had a choice there, and he made his. He knew the birds and bees and what the end result would be.

IMHO there is a huge difference between kids today vs. back 30-40 years ago, I doubt you would find any teen that did not know the basics, and if they are in a situation where the road is leading to calvins on the floor of the car, they know and are willing. It all goes back to intent, and that is where the issue is.
I had an almost 30 year old girlfriend when I was under age I didn't miss out I just didn't have any sex with employees at school

I thought about mine several years ago, looked her up and found her to be passed on. I thought about it quite a bit and tried to think if I was "damaged" in any way. I don't think so, I learned a great deal, and had a huge amount of fun. There was some heart stopping moments when we got caught.
Here’s an interesting hypothesis based on facts…

A nation sends all its men into battle. All but 2 die. They come home to 5000 women.

Within 100 years the nation is flourishing again and those two dudes are worshipped like Abraham.

Reverse, all the women went to battle. Two return to 5000 men.

Within 2 months those pussies are brutalized, and they are likely dead with the few necros attempting to fornicate with the corpses.

Mankind ends.

Just sayin…
Here’s an interesting hypothesis based on facts…

A nation sends all its men into battle. All but 2 die. They come home to 5000 women.

Within 100 years the nation is flourishing again and those two dudes are worshipped like Abraham.

Reverse, all the women went to battle. Two return to 5000 men.

Within 2 months those pussies are brutalized, and they are likely dead with the few necros attempting to fornicate with the corpses.

Mankind ends.

Just sayin…

Completely unrealistic and not based on history.
In normal distribution there is usually equality of numbers with a slight edge to more females.
If men are incredibly scarce, men become more valuable and are claimed and protected as property by the women at the top of the hierarchy.
If women are incredibly scarce, women become more valuable and are claimed and protected as property by the men at the top of the hierarchy.
In either case anyone not at the top of the hierarchy is pretty much SOL.
And the rare men or rare women get to live out their lives in gilded cages.
That's how history always actually worked.

Also if you lost that many folks in battle, then it probably means you were defeated and either the victors or somebody else would come along and invade you and do the gene mixer, like it or not, as is the entire history of human civilization.

This is actually the reason for Monogamy being the thing, because otherwise women all naturally want to go only pay attention to the guy at the top of the hierarchy and all belong to that person and nobody else gets a shot at having a wife and family. That was the way it was in tribal things until monogamy or marriage number limits became a thing. It's also how it is in the dating / hook up world currently, the top 5% of males get 95% of the mating females.
It's also the problem with various cults that start embracing multiple marriages, the idea is fine of itself BUT what happens is the "elders" at the top of the social hierarchy get all the females and there is none for the low hanging guys.

Back when divorce was not allowed, it put the brakes hard on all this stuff, but now that everybody can get divorced as many times as they want, you get to see once again women eager to ditch what they have for something better.
Here’s an interesting hypothesis based on facts…

A nation sends all its men into battle. All but 2 die. They come home to 5000 women.

Within 100 years the nation is flourishing again and those two dudes are worshipped like Abraham.

Reverse, all the women went to battle. Two return to 5000 men.

Within 2 months those pussies are brutalized, and they are likely dead with the few necros attempting to fornicate with the corpses.

Mankind ends.

Just sayin…

You just described China. The one child policy is hitting them hard. Japan is the same way, it has a climbing "elder" population. I saw a news story the other day there are towns in Japan where they will GIVE you a house free and clear if you agree to stay there for 20 years. That is it. They said the school has gone from like 50 kids to 4. The town is just slowly going away. And it looked like a real nice place.

China the females and low birth rate are going to hit them hard, many articles are written about this. Just another card in their house of cards, and more proof that whatever .gov touches it destroys
I’m willing to help Japan and China repopulate. All I need are contracts saying I’m not responsible for any child support and shit.

Unlike western folks, Japanese and Chinese tend to be exceptionally racists and don't want no low class white mongrel savages sniffing around their women.
Sure they can pretend to be nice, but if you live around them long enough or grow up with them, eventually they will clearly tell you that you are an inferior race and genetically stupid savages.
Unlike western folks, Japanese and Chinese tend to be exceptionally racists and don't want no low class white mongrel savages sniffing around their women.
Sure they can pretend to be nice, but if you live around them long enough or grow up with them, eventually they will clearly tell you that you are an inferior race and genetically stupid savages.

Are the Japanese still mad that we used their country as a test site for atomic bombs?
Unlike western folks, Japanese and Chinese tend to be exceptionally racists and don't want no low class white mongrel savages sniffing around their women.
Sure they can pretend to be nice, but if you live around them long enough or grow up with them, eventually they will clearly tell you that you are an inferior race and genetically stupid savages.

That was a pretty rough way of saying that, but it is true. You could be a white boy born there and speak the language natively but you are still an outsider. It is a very different culture. I know Japan is that way, never been to China.