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Finding a wife

My heart goes out to you. I met my wife over 20 years ago on match.com. She's not Christian and her parents were Democrats both government employees BUT we basically we ran a nuclear family just like the one I grew up in and while she doesn't care at all about shooting and finds it boring, she's not an anti. If anything she loves getting me and our sons out of the house so she can clean it and cook so we're out of her hair, we spend the day at the range exhausting ourselves and come back home stuffing our face on deliciousness that she prepares.

She mentioned being very happy that I and our sons are very proficient in guns & shooting when the coronacraziness hit, especially the violence erupted that summer.

I wouldn't know what to do these days as telling people you barely know that you own guns opens doors to all kind of red flag law baloney if the woman is crazy and wants to ruin your life she can do it with just a phone call.

My strategy was to be slightly nerdy and inappropriate at strategic moments. A properly 'strong' woman can take certain light slings to her ego. If she is weak the provocations will drive her away or at least take the mask of sanity off. I would talk about wringing the neck of chickens and rabbits as a kid on my grandparents farm, was sly like a fox in that sense!

Look up "borderline personality disorder" familiarizing yourself with its signature and if you see those signs RUN AWAY.
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You guy's take some time and read about Ty Monroe Murray, is an American nine-time World Champion professional rodeo cowboy.
First wife was Jewel and second wife is Paige Duke. Appears Paige is happy being a Mom, wife and sharing the ranch.
Any of you homo’s have a SE MI single girl you know who’s looking for a boyfriend to potentially grow into a husband? Jesus Christ I’m turning 30 Friday and still single. Where are the good Christian girls who love spending copious amounts of money on guns, are rock solid conservatives, and have good morales/values?
My dear departed Mother told me this gem of wisdom, which I had a hard time doing for years… She said NEVER get involved with a woman that has more problems than you do !!
Sound advice even 60 years later 👍
Any of you homo’s have a SE MI single girl you know who’s looking for a boyfriend to potentially grow into a husband? Jesus Christ I’m turning 30 Friday and still single. Where are the good Christian girls who love spending copious amounts of money on guns, are rock solid conservatives, and have good morales/values?
Hard to find a perfect woman these days !
To me it would be a deaf dumb blind nymphomanic that owns a Liquor Store 😜 🍻
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Men on the other hand are nomadic and have to go it alone, much like the old lion who gets beaten in combat, loses his lion pride, and often lives a lonely existence until death.
Better that than the continuous torture of living with a bitch. Modern western women are too entitled and proclaim their independence...

UNTIL they get into divorce court or have to pick up the dinner check.

It’s not 1953 anymore. Any man getting married today without some sort of pre-nuptial agreement is retarded.

Prenuptial agreements are not worth the paper they are written on in most states. It doesn't take much of an excuse for the judge to vacate and nullify the agreement.

Then everything that the husband owns is up for grabs.

The bitch will walk away with cash and prizes.
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Better that than the continuous torture of living with a bitch. Modern western women are too entitled and proclaim their independence...

UNTIL they get into divorce court or have to pick up the dinner check.

Prenuptial agreements are not worth the paper they are written on in most states. It doesn't take much of an excuse for the judge to vacate and nullify the agreement.

Then everything that the husband owns is up for grabs.

The bitch will walk away with cash and prizes.
There is a reason for this headline. Go figure.
I met my bride at College, (DON'T TRY THAT NOWADAYS), we hit 49 years, 1st day of spring.
She shoots, is conservative, as a young woman had a killer figure, raised 3 big boys, and is still taking care of me.
If I was 30, TODAY, and single, I'd lease or rent, not marry.
Why take the risk?
She takes half your stuff, half your pay and all your kids, makes life miserable, and is actually not init for the long run.
Every woman I meet younger than us (me and the wife) are flakes, mentally ill, or liberals, or mercenary.
Worse, they have no skills. Can't cook, take no enjoyment in it, no sense of exploration or accomplishment. They rarely have any general knowledge and rarely are up to date on world events. No outside interests, no outdoor skills, no knowledge of history, no handy skills. Can't garden, or can, or plan a menu or inventory food storage.
I've known men who mail ordered brides, and I've seen it rarely works. As soon as they get here, they move their mother in, and start haranguing their husband. Chinese, Ukrainian, doesn't seem to matter.
Just my take on it, I could be wrong, but nearly 50 years of personal experience with a real country woman, says, something is right.
Are we still on this?

If he hasn't found one by now he's looking too hard.

Just give up, and focus on yourself. Be the best person you can be and the sane women will flock to you.
The crazies won't even look at you, because you won't seem nearly exciting enough. They want someone crazier than they are, which is why you go to their house and give them a fake name for the 1 night stands.
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Better that than the continuous torture of living with a bitch. Modern western women are too entitled and proclaim their independence...

UNTIL they get into divorce court or have to pick up the dinner check.

Prenuptial agreements are not worth the paper they are written on in most states. It doesn't take much of an excuse for the judge to vacate and nullify the agreement.

Then everything that the husband owns is up for grabs.

The bitch will walk away with cash and prizes.

You don't even need to be married for the 'partner' to be entitled to 50% of wealth created while living together
Many states have common law marriage. If you live together longer than that, your are legally married.
Texas, you can simply state you are married by saying it in public and it's binding. Just hope she can't do that behind your back!

OP probably already found a wife... and is now divorced.

Montana is simple. Doesn't have a timeframe, but you and any close friends have to refer to yourself as husband and wife. As well as represent each other as a spouse to the government.

I torment some of my buddies referring to their girlfriends as their wives. They don't find it nearly as funny as I do.
Montana is simple. Doesn't have a timeframe, but you and any close friends have to refer to yourself as husband and wife. As well as represent each other as a spouse to the government.

I torment some of my buddies referring to their girlfriends as their wives. They don't find it nearly as funny as I do.

Texas I think is 30 days and present yourselves to others as married and yep done.
So if your girlfriend moves in and starts telling the neigbours you are married... watch out...
Be 50 years come November for Brenda Lea and I. Has it been easy? Take a guess, and if your answer is longer than two letters, You are WRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOGGGGG! Has it been worth it, Married to a conservative young lady who hunts, fishes, shoots better than about 90% of the men And Can back a Trailer! Do you really have to ask? She also cooks and occasionally cleans house. but I’ll gladly spend time with a lady that shoots over a clean freak.

Now, here is the problem. It pretty much has become a fact. In these days and times, with some exceptions, if you haven’t found your truly beloved by the time you are leaving high school……..Forget IT! Several young men I know basically all say the same thing. Girls don’t want to have a home or family, they want to have a free drunk and a one night stand. Plus they all have ugly hair like that USA hating soccer player.
Any of you homo’s have a SE MI single girl you know who’s looking for a boyfriend to potentially grow into a husband? Jesus Christ I’m turning 30 Friday and still single. Where are the good Christian girls who love spending copious amounts of money on guns, are rock solid conservatives, and have good morales/values?
Poland 🇵🇱 for beautiful women with 1950's mentality and strong Christian beliefs. They don't need much food because they actually give a shit about their appearance for their whole lives, can cook like a chef, suck the chrome from a tow hitch, fuck like a porn star, hate communists, taxes, and government as a whole.

American women, for the most part, have lost their collective shit. There are exceptions.

I found my Polish girl in Norway LOL. Thanks Instagram 😊 🫂
What strikes me as sad is the condition of so many American Women. It seems fat is beautiful has really gone way too far out. Frankly, fat is not beautiful, curvey is a great way to die early, live unhealthy and run up a lot of unnecessary health bills and frankly, FAT Is NOT Beautiful

Why have we chosen thin bodies with good figures as beautiful, instead of ponderous, fat layered hypos? Decades before man started recording such and also became “enlightened” by the lazy, men choose women who were most healthy and most importantly, were best able to successfully raise their children. Good health and vitality were the cause of primarily success in that endeavor. So, what evolved, was men choosing women who, met those standards. Those women, as said were reasonably thin, had good figures all of which promoted health, vitality and of course, the Best Ability to raise their children. That was considered beautiful.

Hence, go for the gold, not the fat.

Makes me proud to see my Brenda in and around her family. Most make two or three of her. And she obsesses with looking good. Still the smart move for a 73 year old broad.
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One thing that annoys me is a hairy vag & rosebud... Ladies, please wax that undercarriage! I hate wool underpants, a.k.a. winterbush. It's a hygiene issue!

The only hair on a woman should be eyebrows, eyelashes, and the hair on her head. A small, neatly groomed strip above the hood is fine too.
Better that than the continuous torture of living with a bitch. Modern western women are too entitled and proclaim their independence...

UNTIL they get into divorce court or have to pick up the dinner check.

Prenuptial agreements are not worth the paper they are written on in most states. It doesn't take much of an excuse for the judge to vacate and nullify the agreement.

Then everything that the husband owns is up for grabs.

The bitch will walk away with cash and prizes.
Yea, if you download it on the internet, or think a two liner is going to do it. Trusts and RLT's are not going to be penetrated. I good pre-nup costs roughly two grand, and it will be eight to ten pages itemizing everything. A one page pre-nup is going to cost ten times that in legal fees if you get divorced (not that a good one won't also cost a bejillion dollars in court) and it's not going to stand up, especially of you live in a No-Fault and 50/50 state. From what I've seen it is often cheaper for the middle class to just go mediated and 50/50 than it is to get into a fist fight, which is what the attorneys want.

A very wealthy friend recently concluded a 5 year divorce, and his ex-wife went after the trusts. She didn't get any of what she was after (he paid both sides) but it cost him almost $300K in legal and accounting bills. She is going to live very comfortably for the rest of her life, but she is not going to be filthy rich with all the generational wealth his side of the family has. After the first year it was clear she was not going to penetrate the trusts, but her and her attorneys just drew it out wanting full audits for every building they own (a couple of million feet of commercial property) for maximum pain. The saddest thing was that all their real estate was already in trusts in their kid's names, and she tried to unwind that too. His comment the day it was over was priceless, "She didn't get anything not because I was ever afraid of getting divorced. She got nothing because I was so afraid of the IRS I had everything wired shut."

The more protected your assets are, from anyone and everything, the better off you will be when disaster strikes. Rich people have been protecting their wealth and defeating government thieves through trusts for a very long time. They work far better than any swiss cheese pre-nup.
One thing that annoys me is a hairy vag & rosebud... Ladies, please wax that undercarriage! I hate wool underpants, a.k.a. winterbush. It's a hygiene issue!

The only hair on a woman should be eyebrows, eyelashes, and the hair on her head. A small, neatly groomed strip above the hood is fine too.
Gross. Couldn't disagree more. I like my women to look like women, not pre-pubescent girls. One more aspect of our twisted, youth worshiping, porno, pedophile culture.

I have no problem with some manicuring and trimming the verge neatly as opposed to a wild jungle, but the bald completely turns me off. If it has to be one extreme or the other I'll take natural.
One thing that annoys me is a hairy vag & rosebud... Ladies, please wax that undercarriage! I hate wool underpants, a.k.a. winterbush. It's a hygiene issue!

The only hair on a woman should be eyebrows, eyelashes, and the hair on her head. A small, neatly groomed strip above the hood is fine too.

Nope, the adult human female has hair down there. It is the way it was intended to be.

Story time: Not sure if I have told this one before or not......

My boy is roughly 17-ish at the time. We are doing something hot and nasty outside, I don't remember what, hay most likely. He comes up to me and says,

Boy: Hay dad you got any baby powder.
me: ahh no why in the hell would I need baby powder
Boy: For when you start to chafe
Me: what is chafing
Boy: You know.......down there.
Me: no....why are you chafing down there.
Boy: You know shaved down there.
Me: You shaved down there
Boy: You don't
Me: nope, you do.
Boy: Yea everyone does.
Me: Everyone, does your girlfriend
Boy: Yea, there is only one person in school that does not and he gets made fun of.
Me: I never understood that, Is it some kind of Pedo thing, does you girl like to think she is with a 5yr old boy
Me: So you like to pretend to be with a 5yr old girl.
Boy: I knew better then to ask you anything.
Me: You know I am busting your chops......but no I don't have any go ask your mom.
Boy: I am not going to ask mom
Me: then go inside change your shorts, wash yourself off and get your 5yr old little winkie back down here.
Me: Move.
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Gross. Couldn't disagree more. I like my women to look like women, not pre-pubescent girls. One more aspect of our twisted, youth worshiping, porno, pedophile culture.

I have no problem with some manicuring and trimming the verge neatly as opposed to a wild jungle, but the bald completely turns me off. If it has to be one extreme or the other I'll take natural.

Couldn't just offer an opinion without making a highly personal insult- see bolded above... You made the exact same absurd strawman argument the leftist lesbians make- 'if a man likes a woman's crotch to be neat and clean rather than hairy- it could only be because he's a pedo'.

You simply ignored that I mentioned the part about a neatly trimmed patch/stripe above the goods.

I prefer the hygienic look with just a small neat patch, versus anything hairier. But you do you, lady.

You sound like a gross leftist lesbian!
Nope, the adult human female has hair down there. It is the way it was intended to be.

Story time: Not sure if I have told this one before or not......

My boy is roughly 17-ish at the time. We are doing something hot and nasty outside, I don't remember what, hay most likely. He comes up to me and says,

Boy: Hay dad you got any baby powder.
me: ahh no why in the hell would I need baby powder
Boy: For when you start to chafe
Me: what is chafing
Boy: You know.......down there.
Me: no....why are you chafing down there.
Boy: You know shaved down there.
Me: You shaved down there
Boy: You don't
Me: nope, you do.
Boy: Yea everyone does.
Me: Everyone, does your girlfriend
Boy: Yea, there is only one person in school that does not and he gets made fun of.
Me: I never understood that, Is it some kind of Pedo thing, does you girl like to think she is with a 5yr old boy
Me: So you like to pretend to be with a 5yr old girl.
Boy: I knew better then to ask you anything.
Me: You know I am busting your chops......but no I don't have any go ask your mom.
Boy: I am not going to ask mom
Me: then go inside change your shorts, wash yourself off and get your 5yr old little winkie back down here.
Me: Move.

Your kid has good common sense about hygiene.

Also, the amount of natural pubic hair from one adult woman to another can range from very little, to OMG gross full granny wool underpants.
You're right. I replied before I read the qualifying sentence at the end. :unsure:
Do you also manscape, or just expect it from women?
I manscape because I expect ladies to be well groomed. They seem to appreciate it, and I've never had a woman say she liked more pubes, LoL
Children and eunics are the only humans who don't naturally have hairy bodies due to hormones. We're mammals. If you don't think this is cultural and on purpose you're kidding yourself. So I guess if you're shaved you don't have to wash? Hair doesn't wash? To each his own, but we're shaped by culture. Be aware of it.
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Where are the good Christian girls who love spending copious amounts of money on guns, are rock solid conservatives, and have good morales/values?
they're all waiting to friend zone you, while they bang some douchebag boyfriend with no job, bad credit, and a criminal record.