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Foul Mike


Old tired dad
Full Member
Sep 7, 2011
Denver CO
Hello all,

Today I talked to Foul Mike and got his permission to post this in Gen Pop.
Beings Mike has always had an amazing gift for telling a story with more belly laughs than my abs can handle, seems the Pit is fitting.

Last spring Foul Mike was getting seen about some weakness in his left hand.
They did some checking and found colon cancer.
In November he was diagnosed with ALS.

He reassured me he getting great home care through the VA.
I called their home care/hospice medical director right after we hung up to verify this.

Situation is tough. He can no longer log in and read here (last visit was Feb 6).
Told me today a week or two till he takes his checkered flag.

Please pray for Foul Mike, Ina his wife, their kids and grandkids.

Foul Mike has been a member of the Hide since April of 2001 and loved every minute of good shooting information and all the jokes and fun.

Next time you shoot, take your first shot at 975 yds.
Cold bore.
At a 1/2 gallon jug.
Thats how you get good like Foul Mike 😉

Please share a great story or memory. The funnier the better.
Per Foul Mike’s request, I will let you all know as things change.
My favorite memory of Foul Mike is the time he beat me out of about $2700 cash and a FN SCAR in a poker game! I hated losing to him, but his jokes about Amish dwarves are hilarious- so it was worth the five nights in Vegas! What a boozefest that was- and the singing conjoined twins were fun too! Mike would throw olives and peas at them and make them quack like ducks!

Stay strong Mike, and tell your family how much you love them!
My favorite memory of Foul Mike is the time he beat me out of about $2700 cash and a FN SCAR in a poker game! I hated losing to him, but his jokes about Amish dwarves are hilarious- so it was worth the five nights in Vegas! What a boozefest that was- and the singing conjoined twins were fun too! Mike would throw olives and peas at them and make them quack like ducks!

Stay strong Mike, and tell your family how much you love them!
I don't know if I'll be able to find them, but he wrote some hysterically funny stories here on the Hide about being a "Professional Dynamiter" when he was about 12 years old. He was good at it. So good that he put the Adult Demolition Guys to shame.

Smoke and Prayers my Friend. I'll cuss you out if you if you don't have a cold beer and a seat reserved for me on the other side.
My favorite memory of Foul Mike is the time he beat me out of about $2700 cash and a FN SCAR in a poker game! I hated losing to him, but his jokes about Amish dwarves are hilarious- so it was worth the five nights in Vegas! What a boozefest that was- and the singing conjoined twins were fun too! Mike would throw olives and peas at them and make them quack like ducks!

Stay strong Mike, and tell your family how much you love them!
Sounds like what ""Hangover" should've been.

And God bless a man who brings that much joy to the world. And God bless his family and friends, as well as the hiders who have been with him.

Damn it, @Milf Dots you set me up. Why I oughtta....
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Going to miss seeing him around here. His username and avatar always made me smile. 🍻

Dam that sucks. We had some great conversations. He got me thru a couple of hard times. Called him, his wife answered, all I said I gotta talk to foul mike. She understood. American hero. God bless him and his family. Wish I could have met him in person. we had a lot in common . Catch U in the here after soldier. We will re-group.
That's terrible news, prayers for him and the family. Maybe he can check in from wherever he lands and tell us about the shooting ranges in Heaven or all the democrats he met in Hell.

ALS sucks, it got a coworker years back. I had tons of sick time and always donated the max every time they threatened to fire him.
I loved the story where FM had some bullshit HR garbage training in Boulder Co for work. He got to the building early before the meeting started and was sitting in his truck watching all the prairie dogs running around the parking lot, not scared of people or anything. So Mike being bored, and wanting to help, gets out of his truck, grabs his shovel and starts performing his best Happy Gilmore impression on the prairie dogs like a grown man should, I forget the count as Mike is putting in work and stacking little furry bodies of plague, some fat ugly blue hair comes smashing out of the government building screaming with pure apoplectic seizures at Mike to stop killing the cute little harmless furry creatures of Mother Earth!!! Or some woke turbo dike lexicon of pure hate. Poor Mike being caught off guard sends a volley of words back at the raging butch bitch ensuring that his title of Foul Mike is well earned and secure for all eternity. The female creature retreats back to the safety of her lair from whence she came and ratted out ol’ Foul Mike to his state boss back home. Mike then got a phone call from his boss with understanding tone, telling Mike that he no longer needs to attend the useless HR training meeting that day and to just come back to the shop and work, also promising Mike to never send him to another bull shit HR meeting again.

God Bless you Mike.

Well fuck.
Mike is a stud and lived his life like most others only wish they could. He showed a lot of people how to live and now he is going to show everybody how to leave this planet with class.

I know he is good to go with whatever fucked up ride ALS and his other ailments put him through but my heart goes out to Ina, the family and his best friends. They are the ones that are going to hurt the most because they have to watch him go through it and can't do a damned thing about it.

Strength and honor to Mike.
Peace, understanding and healing to all in his close circle.
That is the kinda story I was thinking off!

between his return from Vietnam to settling down with his Squaw, Foul Mike was a professional flat track racer.
Still not sure after a lot of talks with him, if wimmerns or motorsicles get him more fired up. 🤣

Anyways, as he settled down and was working, had a family and all, he still needed some fun from time to time.
So he would make a plan with a friend to have a garage space available and door open and he would go rip roaring around messing with the 5-0. And oh they would chase.
Well. A flat tracker vs a cruiser isnt much of a competition, so he would run em around a bit, then zip in the garage and drop the door.

Then it was off to the porch for a coolie loolie and have a good chuckle at the cops lookin for that wild ass motorcycle rider! 🤣

For anyone who hasnt met FM, he is a sizeable guy with a big commanding voice. And a big laugh you dont forget.
His laughter telling that particular story with my just turned 10 yr old daughter wide eyed and listening was pure gold!
I loved the story where FM had some bullshit HR garbage training in Boulder Co for work. He got to the building early before the meeting started and was sitting in his truck watching all the prairie dogs running around the parking lot, not scared of people or anything. So Mike being bored, and wanting to help, gets out of his truck, grabs his shovel and starts performing his best Happy Gilmore impression on the prairie dogs like a grown man should, I forget the count as Mike is putting in work and stacking little furry bodies of plague, some fat ugly blue hair comes smashing out of the government building screaming with pure apoplectic seizures at Mike to stop killing the cute little harmless furry creatures of Mother Earth!!! Or some woke turbo dike lexicon of pure hate. Poor Mike being caught off guard sends a volley of words back at the raging butch bitch ensuring that his title of Foul Mike is well earned and secure for all eternity. The female creature retreats back to the safety of her lair from whence she came and ratted out ol’ Foul Mike to his state boss back home. Mike then got a phone call from his boss with understanding tone, telling Mike that he no longer needs to attend the useless HR training meeting that day and to just come back to the shop and work, also promising Mike to never send him to another bull shit HR meeting again.

God Bless you Mike.

So, that's how you get out of a stupid meeting. I thought I had to fake a family emergency.
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Once there was some unplanned activities in regards to Vietnam on the lawn of University of Denver, circa 70 or 71.

FM was there.

Having spent a lotta months in Vietnam and been injured at least twice, he wasnt so keen on Uncle Sugar’s expenses paid camping trip to SE Asia.
And knowing FM and he was a bachelor man, he was prolly banking on there being a cute girl or 3 there.

He heard it may get sporty, so in his bag came a gas mask.

Denver cops show up and gassed em.

Except some guy with real fighting experience grabbed his mask and tossed those back canisters in several police cars. Which couldnt be used for a pretty long period.

And another hilarious escape on a motorbike, no doubt a fine lookin hippy chick on the back hanging on and screaming.
Hell of a man. I never got to meet him in person. One fond memory was when he finally got his 1st CAV avatar up and running after hours of frustration. He was struggling to get it full size and not cut off. I am not tech savvy at all, but I earned my CIB with 1st CAV and reached out to help a fellow Trooper. I had an old cropped down 1st CAV Pic to use for an avatar Pic and offered it to FM. He politely declined and said he made that avatar and he was going to stick with it. I think he was so damn proud that he managed to do it by himself it became a badge of honor for him.

Everytime I saw his unique avatar I didn't even have to read the username to know it was Foul Mike. The man is a wealth of knowledge and a pillar of this community. Prayers for him and his family.
Thanks for the update, PH, I had been thinking of calling him but hate to say "How ya doing?" and hear what I didnt want to hear.

Smooth sails brother. Brings to mind a poem I love, The Prophet, by a Sufi poet, Kahil Gibran. Forward it to Mike if you like.


Almustafa, the chosen and the beloved, who was a dawn unto his own day, had waited twelve years in the city of Orphalese for his ship that was to return and bear him back to the isle of his birth.

And in the twelfth year, on the seventh day of Ielool, the month of reaping, he climbed the hill without the city walls and looked seaward; and he beheld his ship coming with the mist.

Then the gates of his heart were flung open, and his joy flew far over the sea. And he closed his eyes and prayed in the silences of his soul.

But as he descended the hill, a sadness came upon him, and he thought in his heart:

How shall I go in peace and without sorrow? Nay, not without a wound in the spirit shall I leave this city. Long were the days of pain I have spent within its walls, and long were the nights of aloneness; and who can depart from his pain and his aloneness without regret?

Too many fragments of the spirit have I scattered in these streets, and too many are the children of my longing that walk naked among these hills, and I cannot withdraw from them without a burden and an ache.

It is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin that I tear with my own hands.

Nor is it a thought I leave behind me, but a heart made sweet with hunger and with thirst.

Yet I cannot tarry longer.

The sea that calls all things unto her calls me, and I must embark.

For to stay, though the hours burn in the night, is to freeze and crystallize and be bound in a mould.

Fain would I take with me all that is here. But how shall I?

A voice cannot carry the tongue and the lips that gave it wings. Alone must it seek the ether.

And alone and without his nest shall the eagle fly across the sun.
Dam that sucks. We had some great conversations. He got me thru a couple of hard times. Called him, his wife answered, all I said I gotta talk to foul mike. She understood. American hero. God bless him and his family. Wish I could have met him in person. we had a lot in common . Catch U in the here after soldier. We will re-group.

No surprise by anyone who knows Foul Mike.
I have 2 men I consider good friends I know for certain FM gave an ear and advice to with their struggles with PTS.

I know his wife.
I still call her Mrs Foul Mike.
She always laughs and says “let me get my dude on for ya”.
Let me get some work done, then tell yall about the neighbors cat crapping in the flower beds.

And the squirrels on the cable line in the back yard….

And the fuel pump story.

And the highway sign story.

The list of great humor is quite long.

And just ask him about the customer service at Harris Bipods where an American you can understand picks up the phone and is exceedingly helpful and polite.
And the story is about sling swivels, not bipods.
But saw some darn impressive shooting off an old Harris with an old sandbag his wife stitched up for him.
I love the other story where Mike was driving into town and see’s something shiny standing up by the side of the road, it looks like a child’s toy. So Mike stops and throws it in the back of his truck noticing it’s oddly heavy. Trying to do the right thing he drives down to the local police department to turn in what he thinks is a lost toy. The cops come out to look at it only to notice it is one of those credit card rental scooters that get left all over the place for random people to rent and ride around on. He couldn’t believe the cop telling him that these are left on the side of the road on purpose. Then he felt pretty dumb for bringing it in trying to do a good turn.

God bless FoulMike.
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Prayers to Mike and his family / friends.

Even though I am a noob on this board compared to the fellows whose friendships go way back, I only need to read very few posts from someone to know that they are a good man, and I enjoy conversing with Mike here and reading his posts.

May strength be with Mike and everyone in his circle to get through these difficult times.