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Joe unlocks 29 billion for Iran.

That motherfucker!!!!!
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sounds about right for that communist dick a tater I mean he is the same person who handed over 89 billion dollars worth of arms and cash to the taliban for shits and giggles , and gave europe a billions dollars to use however they wanted to . I am still waiting for him to hand over this countries mineral rights to china or Russia
With a few short eras as a notable exception, Iran has been a shithole for the last 1400 years. It was a pretty great place before that.

Joe Biden has been a shithead for the last 73 years. He was never anything but one.

Maybe if we hadn't toppled their democratic government and installed a ruthless dictator so British Petroleum didn't have to pay fair prices for oil, we wouldn't be in this mess...

Iran had one of the first recent democratic governments in the middle east and the USA got rid of it so BP could have cheaper oil.
So let me guess.

Iran starts talking about their nuke program on overdrive, continues to build and expand it and starts threatening both Israel, and us more and more.

Israel watches as the problem gets close to completion at the same time as Iran puts the 'death to Israel' 'death to the USA' on loop and then does a first strike on Iran.

We then lecture Israel.
Shame, place seemed like it had potential for a while.
We did kinda fuck that up a little with our illusion that we were some type of puppet master
Persia was always at it's best when Islamism was minimized.

and as far as Totalitarian Democracy.....well, lets just say we are doubling down on that right now in Ukraine. I wonder how badly they will fuck things up this time.
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Even the under the mullahs Iran of today while extremely flawed is a super democracy in comparison to most of the Arab world and just about all of GCC states , and when it comes to Terror it doesn't come close to making the list let alone topping it, almost all of the Muslim terror groups are Sunnis , only folks labeled Iranian are in their own homelands that are have been/are occupied (Yemen, Iraq, Syria) and in state of war and honestly, US state department labeling someone as a terrorist supporter or a terror group is a purely political doesn't need anything to do with facts..

The only known Iranian terror group is currently based in Albania, curtesy of US state department, evacuated out of Iraq ,Mujahedin-e Khalq a Marxist sect paid their way off the terror list and these days Guilian and other prostitutes (John Bolton,Newt Gingrich,Elaine Chao......) give paid speeches on their rallies for which they even have to pay the crowds

Guess back then Radio CIA wrote pieces targeting Trump .but project predates Trump

Tanking the JCPOA, in the end, turned to be a mistake even from Israel's standpoint. I imagine Israelis expected a different outcome, Iranian activity went of the charts in response. While Israelis might parrot to sabotage this and that, the nuclear program that was effectively dead with JCPOA and nuclear materials exported,is way more advanced than ever because of JCPOA exit. The only ones really profiting are the Chinese that get to buy about half a million barrels of Oil under extremely discounted prices and IRGC that gets paid to facilitate the sales deal only possible under sanctions.

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Shame, place seemed like it had potential for a while.
We did kinda fuck that up a little with our illusion that we were some type of puppet master


Yeah it is a shame. Best times that place had. A lot of hot babes in them times. I remember in the early 80s in 6th grade an Iranian girl who’s dad was a diplomat escaped there and she was cute and normal western culture type.
Maybe if we hadn't toppled their democratic government and installed a ruthless dictator so British Petroleum didn't have to pay fair prices for oil, we wouldn't be in this mess...

Iran had one of the first recent democratic governments in the middle east and the USA got rid of it so BP could have cheaper oil.
OG democracy lol. Calling Mosaddegh democratically elected... you’re kidding right? The details surrounding his election reek of fraud... like calling the election early.

He nationalized/stole industries the British had built. They would not have helped over throw him if he hadn’t done that. Covert actions were made and supported by the west. But the people who actually did it were Iranian, they just had western financial support.

But this has little to do with the fact that supporting Iran researching nuclear energy is fucking retarded. They are sitting on more than enough natural resources to provide energy for their economy, even sell it. there’s no reason for that shit hole despot fucking government to be being allowed to have anything to do with Nuke research!!! There are safer places than Iran... they have one intention... booom
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I am still waiting for him to hand over this countries mineral rights to china or Russia
Too late.
Rare earth deposits are off the charts in Afghanistan and that is one of the primary reasons we were there (no matter what anyone says our interest was the massive mineral deposits there).
If I'm not mistaken we just gave all that to the chingchong Chinese.
Read all about it.
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Well, for one thing the Persians are not Arabs. The rednecks who call them A-rabs might think better of them if they knew they were "āryaḥ āryacitraḥ"
Fully aware of that but Arabs are the other folks in the region, very few of which you could call even remotely democratic. Many are involved in a number of wars and support terror on a global scale not to mention pay for the spread of Islam into the west, have human rights records that make CCP look like a promised land, yet because they are formally US allies do not undergo any scrutiny at all. I toured Iran a couple of times so am somewhat familiar with it .

When it comes to nuclear technology, a number of countries in the gulf have or are building Nuclear powerplants, argument that they have enough oil and gas so that they don't need nuclear is false, large population, industry and irrigation/desalination need lots of power and tech for nuclear power and nuclear weapons is not quite the same. The only ones claiming Iran is building a nuke are Israelis. But let's not forget the same Israeli crew pushed US into Iraq and Syria.

When Clinton screwed over the norks after they dismantled their nuclear program it was over nuclear powerplants, today Norks field nuclear weapons and ICBMs so much winning it hurts. Repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results?
Too late.
Rare earth deposits are off the charts in Afghanistan and that is one of the primary reasons we were there (no matter what anyone says our interest was the massive mineral deposits there).
If I'm not mistaken we just gave all that to the chingchong Chinese.
Read all about it.
Didn't Hillary sell the Uranium rights to Russians?
Fully aware of that but Arabs are the other folks in the region, very few of which you could call even remotely democratic. Many are involved in a number of wars and support terror on a global scale not to mention pay for the spread of Islam into the west, have human rights records that make CCP look like a promised land, yet because they are formally US allies do not undergo any scrutiny at all. I toured Iran a couple of times so am somewhat familiar with it .

When it comes to nuclear technology, a number of countries in the gulf have or are building Nuclear powerplants, argument that they have enough oil and gas so that they don't need nuclear is false, large population, industry and irrigation/desalination need lots of power and tech for nuclear power and nuclear weapons is not quite the same. The only ones claiming Iran is building a nuke are Israelis. But let's not forget the same Israeli crew pushed US into Iraq and Syria.

When Clinton screwed over the norks after they dismantled their nuclear program it was over nuclear powerplants, today Norks field nuclear weapons and ICBMs so much winning it hurts. Repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results?
Democracy... calling Iran a democracy. Then touting that as some sort of great achievement...


We should not be supporting anything nuclear in Iran. I dont give a fuck what their neighbors are doing. To quote a old friend , who spent a lot of time in and around Iran, “ we cannot allow them to have nuclear weapons because they are crazy enough to use them.”

They also broke JCPOA restrictions (the reason trump pulled out)for continuing to build and test ballistic missiles.

They have more than enough energy resources. Nuke is not a necessity.
Democracy... calling Iran a democracy. Then touting that as some sort of great achievement...

View attachment 7801891

We should not be supporting anything nuclear in Iran. I dont give a fuck what their neighbors are doing. To quote a old friend , who spent a lot of time in and around Iran, “ we cannot allow them to have nuclear weapons because they are crazy enough to use them.”

They also broke JCPOA restrictions (the reason trump pulled out)for continuing to build and test ballistic missiles.

They have more than enough energy resources. Nuke is not a necessity.

For all the money we dump into Israel, can’t they be trusted to even handle keeping Iran in check? Otherwise I would like a refund please.
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The greatest enemy this country has had for the last 70 years is a Democrat in power. Biden is their king, he has been a traitor his entire life. He had 5 draft waivers, he has worked for our nations enemies since his first day in office and he has never once in his life help a private sector job.

He has not even asked for the return of the Americans imprisoned in Iran, you would think we could buy them back with $29 billion dollars.
The greatest enemy this country has had for the last 70 years is a Democrat in power. Biden is their king, he has been a traitor his entire life. He had 5 draft waivers, he has worked for our nations enemies since his first day in office and he has never once in his life help a private sector job.

He has not even asked for the return of the Americans imprisoned in Iran, you would think we could buy them back with $29 billion dollars.
Cough cough Carter cough cough.
So Joe Biden in his infinite wisdom just lifted Sanctions on Irans Nuclear program that unlocks 29 billion dollars.

Ugh... with no guarantees in return.

Welp, looks like there's gonna be more funds for Iranian backed militias here in Iraq, more funds for better drones to carry explosives to where I am, etc, etc, etc.

Yay awesome
Democracy... calling Iran a democracy. Then touting that as some sort of great achievement...

We should not be supporting anything nuclear in Iran. I dont give a fuck what their neighbors are doing. To quote a old friend , who spent a lot of time in and around Iran, “ we cannot allow them to have nuclear weapons because they are crazy enough to use them.”

They also broke JCPOA restrictions (the reason trump pulled out)for continuing to build and test ballistic missiles.

They have more than enough energy resources. Nuke is not a necessity.
In comparison to Arab neighbors

You would be chanting the same if you were sanctioned over for past 40+years.

JCPOA had not touched on ballistic missiles hence they haven't broken JCPOA at any point, it was purely Trump admin stepping out. US admin claiming someone else broke the treaty or agreement and then stepping out unilaterally doesn't mean its true. Same thing as Trump exiting the INF , not because Russians allegedly broke it but because INF did not include China ,while INF restricted US and Russia China had no limitation on its program, exit from Open sky treaty is another one where they blamed the Russians for having to fancy cameras or something, but the reality is that with advances in satellite coverage and resolution over past 30 years since Open sky came to be, there was little value to US in the treaty vs more value to Russia that doesn't have as much satellite capability.

The only relevant thing on the Iranian ballistic missile program is an UN resolution but that is not part of JCPOA
UN Security Council Resolution 2231, unanimously adopted on July 20 ,2015, contains an eight-year restriction on Iranian (nuclear-capable) ballistic missile activities and a five-year ban on conventional arms transfers to Iran, including missiles and missile systems.
specifically, Annex B of the new resolution “calls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.”

Nuclear power is not directly related to nuclear weapons they should have every right to have nuclear power plants like most of us.
The greatest enemy this country has had for the last 70 years is a Democrat in power. Biden is their king, he has been a traitor his entire life. He had 5 draft waivers, he has worked for our nations enemies since his first day in office and he has never once in his life help a private sector job.

He has not even asked for the return of the Americans imprisoned in Iran, you would think we could buy them back with $29 billion dollars.
agree with everything 100% except Biden being 'king'. Biden is nothing but a puppet who was groomed for the role. I doubt he even makes (or is capable of making) any decisions in his personal life.
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In comparison to Arab neighbors

You would be chanting the same if you were sanctioned over for past 40+years.

JCPOA had not touched on ballistic missiles hence they haven't broken JCPOA at any point, it was purely Trump admin stepping out. US admin claiming someone else broke the treaty or agreement and then stepping out unilaterally doesn't mean its true. Same thing as Trump exiting the INF , not because Russians allegedly broke it but because INF did not include China ,while INF restricted US and Russia China had no limitation on its program, exit from Open sky treaty is another one where they blamed the Russians for having to fancy cameras or something, but the reality is that with advances in satellite coverage and resolution over past 30 years since Open sky came to be, there was little value to US in the treaty vs more value to Russia that doesn't have as much satellite capability.

The only relevant thing on the Iranian ballistic missile program is an UN resolution but that is not part of JCPOA
UN Security Council Resolution 2231, unanimously adopted on July 20 ,2015, contains an eight-year restriction on Iranian (nuclear-capable) ballistic missile activities and a five-year ban on conventional arms transfers to Iran, including missiles and missile systems.
specifically, Annex B of the new resolution “calls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.”

Nuclear power is not directly related to nuclear weapons they should have every right to have nuclear power plants like most of us.
Jcpoa/un 2231 same thing... I have read the Un resolution. They breached it by testing ballistic missiles. They also refused to allow inspectors into some sites that they agreed to do.

The INF was originally signed in 1987, it was outdated, it had run its course. Comparing an old treaty is not comparable to what Iran was doing. Especially when others, like Korea and Iran for instance are capable of building such weapons. There are good reasons for ending the INF. Iran, literally ignoring the treaty they signed in 2015 with in a year after.

Nuke power is related to nukes as they will use that as cover for their weapons program. Whats the first thing the did when trump pulled us out. Started threatening weapons grade uranium enrichment and they started doing it until their facilities got bombed, physicist killed.

I think it’s pretty naïve of you to not to realize that
perhaps part of xiden's capitulation and appeasement efforts with russia, since they actually trade with iran?
Russia is exploiting the Iranian situation they managed to get huge concessions on Chalous gas fields due to sanctions .

Pretty impressive for a failed country that has less economic and military power than the state of Texas

I think the whole world like to let Russia do this stuff to have a “boogie man” to justify their defense budgets.
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So Joe Biden in his infinite wisdom just lifted Sanctions on Irans Nuclear program that unlocks 29 billion dollars.

Ugh... with no guarantees in return.

Can't really find where you are getting these ideas

There is no real lifting sanctions let alone 29billion unfrozen somewhere, just fake news.

Can't really find where you are getting these ideas

There is no real lifting sanctions let alone 29billion unfrozen somewhere, just fake news.

Its okay comrade... I don’t expect you to get it.
Its okay comrade... I don’t expect you to get it.

Facts matter and unfortunately, you are nowhere close to any either on this 29 billion claim or reasons for exit from JCPOA. Making shit up doesn't make it true even though that seems to be the MSM gold standard these days.

Literally gave you an Israeli viewpoint on the whole waiver issue so that you can see how far of base you are.