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Low testosterone at 36


Apr 26, 2023
So looking for some suggestions here.
36yo, male, in good shape minus the whole broken back and a knee with nerve damage and a torn pcl. Work out minimum 3days a week. 186lbs.

Foe a year I've been putting my foot down with my pcp saying we need to do something. I'm tired of being tired, feeling like crap after a workout, and my sex life sucking. I've now had 6 blood checks done, at three different Dr offices. Started in the mid 400s, and the last one was 371. Every freaking time the bar is moved lower and lower on what my levels "should be" despite coming in with the previous test results, and supporting documents on what my levels should be, no one will do crap about it. So it's time to move on.

Not looking for anything illegal, but a place like ways to well would be great. We're living in Michigan now, specifically the west side. Anyone have any suggestions or places they can recommend? Thanks.
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I think anything above 300 is technically considered normal so it will be considered elective meaning treatment will be out of pocket. You can look into the online trt clinics and go that route. That will be the easiest way to get it as long as you're near a facility for your bloodwork.
A regular doc isn’t going to treat outside of the “normal” range, even if you’re on the low side of normal. If you want to optimize your hormones you need to go to a men’s clinic or a naturopath who specializes in hormone optimization.

Be prepared to pay out of pocket but some insurances may cover a portion.

Google is your friend for clinic options in your area.

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So looking for some suggestions here.
30yo, male, in good shape minus the whole broken back and a knee with nerve damage and a torn pcl. Work out minimum 3days a week. 186lbs.

Foe a year I've been putting my foot down with my pcp saying we need to do something. I'm tired of being tired, feeling like crap after a workout, and my sex life sucking. I've now had 6 blood checks done, at three different Dr offices. Started in the mid 400s, and the last one was 371. Every freaking time the bar is moved lower and lower on what my levels "should be" despite coming in with the previous test results, and supporting documents on what my levels should be, no one will do crap about it. So it's time to move on.

Not looking for anything illegal, but a place like ways to well would be great. We're living in Michigan now, specifically the west side. Anyone have any suggestions or places they can recommend? Thanks.
The 300s and 400s isn’t bad at all. I was in the lower half of the 100s by 32 and I didn’t really fall apart until I hit about 200ng/dL. Everyone’s different though.

It sounds like you’re just getting older, and yes.. it sucks. With that said, test was an absolute game changer for me, so I’m not knocking the idea. Once I started I became a gym rat and ran into a bunch of meatheads that were cruising on prescribed Watson and blasting on all sorts of other stuff. As far as I can tell, they’re in every Golds Gym in America and tend to stick out like a sore thumb.

“Men’s Wellness Centers” are often on the shady side and it isn’t hard to find the ones that prescribe test liberally if you ask around. If you go over to the dark side just make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into. It’s not something you fuck around with and change your mind about later. It’s a life sentence.
Just keep in mind testoterone treatments will kill your sperm, in case you're thinking of having kids. A friend of our son and DIL was put on testosterone treatments for the same issues, wasn't told about this. He and his wife are looking to have a second kid, their looking into lawyers now...
Just keep in mind testoterone treatments will kill your sperm, in case you're thinking of having kids. A friend of our son and DIL was put on testosterone treatments for the same issues, wasn't told about this. He and his wife are looking to have a second kid, their looking into lawyers now...
Of course they are.......
If your testosterone is falling it could be your estrogen levels are rising.
Thats what I initially thought after reading his post. Just as an fyi....TRT/Steroids...whatever you.want to call it, is not something toscrew around with. There have been several "social influencers" who died this year as a result of taking that poison. But, its your life.
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TRT is becoming more popular. It is a commitment, but can change your life. I'm 35 and I've been on it for 7 months. My test was 322 but my free testosterone was really low. I feel a lot better as far as energy. Now I'm at 880, which is on the higher side of normal, but not crazy high. Feel free to ask any questions.
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Thats what I initially thought after reading his post. Just as an fyi....TRT/Steroids...whatever you.want to call it, is not something toscrew around with. There have been several "social influencers" who died this year as a result of taking that poison. But, its your life.
There is a difference between what those "influencers" were taking and low dose TRT.
Just keep in mind testoterone treatments will kill your sperm, in case you're thinking of having kids. A friend of our son and DIL was put on testosterone treatments for the same issues, wasn't told about this. He and his wife are looking to have a second kid, their looking into lawyers now...
Exactly why regular Drs won't prescribe it..... because of people like your son's friend.

I read about half of the posts here. Lots of misinformation.
Test is not dangerous if used and administered properly.
Study. Learn. Makes you're own decision.

Everything is illegal now. Decisions
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Layoff the 6.5 and start using 338 lapua and you'll get a 60-75 point jump in your level, body has no reason to produce testosterone when shooting 6.5 creed.......

Bunch of slack jawed faggots around here.

.300 Win Mag and Red Man turns you into a goddamned sexual tyrannosaurus! Just like me!

So looking for some suggestions here.
30yo, male, in good shape minus the whole broken back and a knee with nerve damage and a torn pcl. Work out minimum 3days a week. 186lbs.

Foe a year I've been putting my foot down with my pcp saying we need to do something. I'm tired of being tired, feeling like crap after a workout, and my sex life sucking. I've now had 6 blood checks done, at three different Dr offices. Started in the mid 400s, and the last one was 371. Every freaking time the bar is moved lower and lower on what my levels "should be" despite coming in with the previous test results, and supporting documents on what my levels should be, no one will do crap about it. So it's time to move on.

Not looking for anything illegal, but a place like ways to well would be great. We're living in Michigan now, specifically the west side. Anyone have any suggestions or places they can recommend? Thanks.
Find a diff Dr. Low T will have deleterious effects on muscle mass and bone density among other problems.

If it were I, I’d want good investigation as to why this is happening. If no treatable medical cause is found, then there are T gels that can be applied topically to bring you up to normal.

Low T…particularly in someone as young as you..is a real med problem. Don’t ignore it
You realize this is the "Snipers Hide" gun forum, not Dear Abby right?

Why do people insist on posting this personal crap on a fricking gun forum.
I've suggested a "Men's Health' section but nothing ever happened. A lot of good info comes through here and then just fades away.
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Guy I work with has low T. Same boat the op is in. Unfortunately it’s led to depression for him. Talk to your doctor, find the best natural ways to help keep it up. I’m not sure once you start supplementing it that you can ever go back without boosters the rest of your life
I've suggested a "Men's Health' section but nothing ever happened. A lot of good info comes through here and then just fades away.

Well, its probably just me, but I won't be asking for personal or health advice from any of you, not just here, but any gun forum. No offense intended, but I'll keep my personal issues, personal.

He should probably be asking his mother why she fed him SOY milk as a baby.
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Real shit bro... you are just experiencing life...

30 is still young..... but it's the transition where you start to see this shit.

Hate to break it to you, but you are no longer going to be fucking and fighting like you were in your 20s....

Especially where you are beat up as you are....you're gonna start to feel tired, achy, sore, and like an old man some days.

You're gonna start to get heart burn and indigestion.

I'm not telling you what to do....but I am telling you what you are going through is normal for all of us.

Now stop being a fag, shotgun a few beers, pack a lip, and go into work tomorrow like a fucking adult
And to add to that, once you are over the hill, you will be going downhill. And picking up speed.

If I had known that I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.
I tested in the middle 100s last year. It was a complete surprise to both my wife and I because (I'm mid-40's) I have more muscle mass than the average dude my age and had zero ED issues. Although I did work out fanatically for 17 of my 21 years in the Corps.

I got onto test with a 2x/month shot into the old butt, and within a month of continued exercise I had gained about 15 pounds changing nothing about my workouts...although 5 of that was probably fat as my appetite went through the roof like it used to when I was training 6 days/week, twice per day including cardio. Maybe some of that was the old 'muscle memory'. I'm not into cardio these days like when I was still in...no more 20 year-olds to have to try to run into the dirt. Actually I'm pretty content with 20 minutes on a bike these days 😄.

I do think that it helps with depression. Probably not as well as some other meds...but I don't trust the psycho meds that are always behind the craziness that seems to be going on. My wife thinks I have an overall better attitude as well.

I'm sure that if I stopped, I'd probably hit a wall. However if I had to do it again, I would.
Cut out sugar, most carbs, and most alcohol. Avoid all soy. Take 4000iu or more Vitamin D every morning. Drink 2-3 cups of good quality coffee each day before noon. Every couple-3 days exercise in some way until your knees are wobbly. If your domestic situation is a merry go round of all the ways you are not good enough , ask a man you trust to tell you the real truth about whether you are a lazy whiny pussy or your woman is just a spoiled bitch. Usually there is fault on both sides; it’s called codependency. Fix yourself by grinding out solid pursuit of excellence in a couple small ways every day. If your woman isn’t into it, you need a divorce. If you spend a lot of time gaming online, stop being a pussy and live in the real world.
Dude....Are you trying to get jiz donors lined up?

"Substantial concentrations of testosterone are present in a male's circulation, but also in its ejaculate. Surprisingly, the regulation of ejaculate T and its effects on females and their offspring, potentially a cryptic paternal trait, are not known."
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Find a clinic in your area and get on some test either the cream, a pellet injected in your butt every 90 days or weekly injections and you'll be a fucking machine again in no time. Don't listen to the females on here that are afraid of Testosterone. Arnold and Franco did more of that shit than you can imagine and they are fine and in their late 70's. Monitor your blood work and cholesterol and you'll be fine. It's gonna be low dose so no harmful side effects.
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If this is about the lawyer....wouldn't you if a doctor omited telling you something that would affect your life plans that drastically?
A quick 30 second Google search tells you all the known side effects. Anybody sticking a drug in their system, having surgery, or any other medical condition, without doing a minimum 30 second Google search, probably does need a lawyer to get through life.

Try it..."Side effects of TRT". Report back in 10 seconds. Took me about 8 seconds.

Whatever, I dont really give a fuck. Its where we are as a society .
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There is a difference between what those "influencers" were taking and low dose TRT.
They were probably just Epsteined for oozing too much toxic masculinity.

I take a massive dose of anadrol daily and wash it down with El Toro tequila.

I'm starting to turn yellow, but I starting spray tanning and now you can't even notice.
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Almost everything in life boils down to MENTALITY. Take a minute to sit down with a nice hot cup of coffee on this brisk late-autumn day and evaluate the path you are going in life. Find something meaningful and contributing and stick to it. What are you good at and passionate about? Long range shooting? Computer coding and IT? Etc... Find avenues to expand your passion in these fields and find a career out of it. When you get up each day with realistic, attainable, and PRODUCTIVE goals in mind, your entire outlook will change.

Also look at your diet. Do NOT even pay attention to all those articles out there saying "You've been doing this wrong", or "Here is a secret hack" blah blah whatever. Ray Bradbury all the way back in 1952 already made it clear in Fahrenheit 451 about all the "experts" in media giving contradicting information and arguing down each others' throats. It is all meaningless noise coming from people who want to make themselves seem influential and get their 15 megabytes of spiel onto the electronic and mass production rags. IGNORE them. I don't even read that nonsense. I only click on them just to give them a thumbs down to fuck up their ratios. If everybody starts doing this, a lot of useless noise and static would be filtered from the airwaves. Go by what is TRADITIONALLY accepted. You need a good dose of fresh antioxidant fruits like red/green apples and blueberries every day. And normal servings of meats and vegetables. If you hunt for your own meat and thus avoid all the shit that is pumped into factory farmed animals, you are already a big step ahead in the game. If you are craving a bag of chips in the afternoon, eat a red apple instead, skin and all. I eat 2-3 every day. If you drink and/or use tobacco/marijuana, do so in MODERATION along with a healthy diet. You don't need all these factory produced supplements or "enhancements". These do NOTHING and most of them are MLM (multilevel marketing) pyramid scams just like the hippies and "spiritual" types with their crystals and energy sessions and whatnot. The hardy folks who won the western frontier and carved farms out of the tornado and sandstorm blasted Midwest never relied on any of that crap to live long and productive lives.

Just my contribution to this subject.
I know the first few months after I started TRT, I would get morning wood like you wouldn't believe. It would get so hard that when I tried to push it down, it would knock my feet out from under me.
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I know the first few months after I started TRT, I would get morning wood like you wouldn't believe. It would get so hard that when I tried to push it down, it would knock my feet out from under me.
I friend of mine, when he was a spry 45 years old, the doctor found him to be low T and gave him the patch. And he experienced the same thing, like going through puberty again. Like Eddie Murphy said in "48 Hours." - "Man, when the wind blows, my dick gets hard."
If you get on testosterone make sure they check your blood on a regular basis. Good buddy of mine was going to a wellness center to get shot up, they weren't checking his blood levels like hey should have.
He wound up in the ER with some serious medical problems that could have really screwed him up. Too much of a good thing can bite you in the ass. Just be smart about it!
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If you get on testosterone make sure they check your blood on a regular basis. Good buddy of mine was going to a wellness center to get shot up, they weren't checking his blood levels like hey should have.
He wound up in the ER with some serious medical problems that could have really screwed him up. Too much of a good thing can bite you in the ass. Just be smart about it!
This is a must. I get a full work up done every 6 weeks.
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Ask doctor about 2 medications:

Clomiphene citrate
Enclomiphene citrate or HCL

Neither of these are controlled substances and have been shown to increase LH/FSH and therefore test and sperm production

Enclomiphene has been shown to work better.

Regular doctors are faggots when it comes to TRT stuff.
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