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Missing 777


One-Legged Grunt
Full Member
Oct 16, 2011
Over the last week, I've found that my hypothesis has been more right than wrong. After hearing the initial reports from various news agencies, it was quite obvious that it wasn't crashed. I connected dots and thought "large airliner missing from country with large Islamic population (2 suspicious Iranians on board and a young single co-pilot), and good reason to believe it was landed in one piece somewhere." Does it seem improbable to believe that it was landed in Iran, and currently being fitted with a nuke? Somehow, I just see this thing blowing up over Israel. The more news that comes out seems to support that it could've made it that far, and I happen to notice that there is an international airport in western Iran in Mashhad. Why do I get the feeling that this is going to go like a James Bond movie without James Bond? The worst part is that I don't think that anyone (U.S.) will destroy this thing even with actionable intelligence proving where it is?
Why would the Iranians hijack a plane full of people when they have plenty of planes already in Iran?

They don't need to steal what they already have. I'm sure they are perfectly capable of finding an empty plane and wiring it to go boom.
Passengers are surely dead. No need to keep them alive. Also note, 777 cleared 45,000 feet for some time (not good for passengers). They say the bird had time to get to Kazakhstan which would also mean it had the ability to get to Iran.
This whole situation does not make sense. If the plane made it to Kazakhstan, nobody there saw anything? If it was a pilot suicide why bother with turning off all the transponders etc? If the pilot had some political reason to hijack the plane why didn't they announce anything? If the plane crashed in the ocean, Indian ocean possibly, where is the debris? was this a water landing and the plane sunk to the bottom, why fly a plane around for a few hours to just land in the ocean?
nice theory.

I think it was hijacked and landed somewhere in Indonesia or one of them small islands. there are a ton of Islamic fundamentalists around there. I wonder if there was something in the cargo they wanted or like you say, they are weaponizing it somehow.
I think one or both pilots have brought it north, to a spot that Al Qaeda or other organized group has prepared. Somewhere in the desert I would expect. My guess is that they will load the plane with 40,000 lbs. of flammables and try to hit Tel Aviv or other juicy target.

If this happens, hopefully air traffic will spot the plane and it will be shot down.
The whole thing is wide open to speculation, I agree, and really not much makes any good sense.

Last week I lost my cell phone and used a friends app to locate it, right where I mistakenly dropped it.

And they lost a plane that can't seem to be found?!!

The Air Force supposedly has satellites that track everything moving above ground, and they STILL can't find it?


The NSA tracks damn near everything electronic, and they can't find this plane?!!

The whole thing stinks to high friggin' heaven...
The whole thing is wide open to speculation, I agree, and really not much makes any good sense.

Last week I lost my cell phone and used a friends app to locate it, right where I mistakenly dropped it.

And they lost a plane that can't seem to be found?!!

The Air Force supposedly has satellites that track everything moving above ground, and they STILL can't find it?


The NSA tracks damn near everything electronic, and they can't find this plane?!!

The whole thing stinks to high friggin' heaven...

Agree with much of the above....it's 2014. You can't tell me that this plane just vanished. Bullshit!

--there is MUCH they are not telling us.

That is becoming apparent. Question is 'why'?
It was hijacked and probably crashed in the Indian Ocean somewhere. It is not state sponsored, why would Irsn hijack a 777 full of people out of Malaysia when they could put a nuke in a small, fast business jet they already have? Doesn't make sense. There are lots if non radar areas over the open ocean, ATC depends upon position reports from the pilots to know where aircraft are over open water. Someone took the plane for some reason, maybe terrorism, or asylum, or they were just loony, and ran it out of gas over open water.
The only conspiracy I would buy is that it approached the border of some country on the Indian Ocean, was intercepted and shot down and whoever did it doesn't want to admit it because it would piss off China.
I haven't heard any of the TALKING HEADS mention if the Malaysian Military had scrambled a couple of fighter jets when FLT 370 transponder had been turned off and FLT 370 made that initial left turn from it's routing. A couple of fighter jets could have at least confirmed what type of A/C it was, or if in fact it was Malaysian FLT 370. Fighter jets wouldn't have been able to stay with FLT 370 for a long time, but a C130 could have intercepted and tracked it for alot longer time. On the other hand, maybe jets were scrambled with no contact....who knows.
It was hijacked and probably crashed in the Indian Ocean somewhere. It is not state sponsored, why would Irsn hijack a 777 full of people out of Malaysia when they could put a nuke in a small, fast business jet they already have? Doesn't make sense. There are lots if non radar areas over the open ocean, ATC depends upon position reports from the pilots to know where aircraft are over open water. Someone took the plane for some reason, maybe terrorism, or asylum, or they were just loony, and ran it out of gas over open water.
The only conspiracy I would buy is that it approached the border of some country on the Indian Ocean, was intercepted and shot down and whoever did it doesn't want to admit it because it would piss off China.

I've seen nothing here to ever make me disrespect you. If you're right. I'll make sure you drink for free on me if we're ever within 100 miles of each other. I just have a gut feeling that it isn't that benign. Offer always stands.
Many possibilities exist, and it's just a matter of time that we find out what really happened.

I think a more plausible explanation, or my educated guess is the aircraft had an electrical fire, either causing smoke in the cockpit, noxious fumes, and/or loss of cabin pressure. The electrical fire could have rendered the TCAS/ACAS/ASAS, communications, and transponders inoperable, and from those looking at the big picture i.e. ATC, would appear that the transponder was turned off.
As the crew was dealing with an inflight emergency, they started to turn around, but were succumbed by noxious fumes, fire, or lack of oxygen. The Aircraft continued to fly on its last heading until crashing into a mountain or dropping into the ocean.

Back in the 90's, we had a plane (RC-135) returning from an Operation Southern Watch deployment, and while over the North Atlantic and off the coast of Greenland, lost all electrical. The crew managed to fly the plane to the Canadian coast, and using the magnetic compass, aeronautical charts, and comparing land features to those on the charts were able to figure out their location. They started calling MayDay using a PRC survival radio they pulled out of one of the parachutes, and luckily a Canadian Forces C-130 was in the area and heard their weak radio transmission. They assisted getting the plane down to the nearest Airbase.

This all happened as the sun was going down, and if it had happened a few hours later, it could have all ended with the plane lost without explanation, just as this 777 has disappeared in the night.
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Alpine, good point.

That could very well explain a lot.

Remember when that golfer's plane did virtually the same thing here in the U.S. about 10 years ago?

It had erratic flight so bad that F-16's were scrambled, and they could see the pilots passed out prior to the crash. Really creepy.
All the transponders and communications were manually turned off......It was hijacked. Probably by the two Saudies and a complicit crew member.
My theory from the start has been a state sponsored take down... Who were these Iranians that wanted to leave and what did they know. But my question of late has been what’s up with a US destroyer roaming around when a Carrier group would be significantly more effective.
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Many possibilities exist, and it's just a matter of time that we find out what really happened.

I think a more plausible explanation, or my educated guess is the aircraft had an electrical fire, either causing smoke in the cockpit, noxious fumes, and/or loss of cabin pressure. The electrical fire could have rendered the TCAS/ACAS/ASAS, communications, and transponders inoperable, and from those looking at the big picture i.e. ATC, would appear that the transponder was turned off.
As the crew was dealing with an inflight emergency, they started to turn around,

Their last verified transmission (strangely enough not actually reported till many days later it seems) was with Vietnamese air traffic control, and all was normal on that contact. they were close enough to Vietnam that the emergency protocol would have been to land there rather than turn back, so I do not think the turn around was due to any aircraft issue.

It seems the story keeps changing as if more data is being released at a measured pace on purpose.

I still think it bears all the marks of somebody stealing the plane for some event or specific reason & it being sponsored by a nation state or major organization from one. Also I would not be surprised if "somehow" the plane was loaded with more fuel than the documents list.

There is a lot of reasons to want a civilian plane that has a huge range and can carry an enormous amount of cargo.
This article gives a pretty good graphic of 634 runways that are large enough for that aircraft to land on, and close enough to reach with the estimated range:

Malaysia Airlines plane: The 634 runways where missing flight MH370 could have landed - Mirror Online

If you've never had the pleasure of flying in and out of Kuala Lumpur or Jakarta, you're really missing out on an experience being the only non muslim on an aircraft. TSA's head would explode if they dealt with the passenger manifests that are the daily norm in that part of the world.
Niles Coyote said:
But my question of late has been what’s up with a US battleship roaming around when a Carrier group would be significantly more effective.

Battleship? You mean destroyer (USS Kidd)?

After the first couple days of this, I had a VERY uneasy feeling that this was a 'deliberate act'.

That said, one does not simply 'steal' a 777. You'd have to have five things:

1. Somebody to fly the damn thing, skilled enough to land it without damage so it could be flown again, restart it, and depart
2. Somewhere to land the damn thing that has the infrastructure and fuel capability to support it
3. Somewhere to hide the damn thing wherever you land it (BIG hangar)
4. #2 and 3 would have to be somewhere that air defense radar wouldn't see a primary target moving at high speed going into and send interceptors, OR they'd turn a blind eye to it (sorry, I doubt that in that part of the world)
5. Nobody would have seen it land or parked...or did see it and hasn't told anybody

If somebody was looking to throw a nuke on an airplane and use it as a delivery system...it'd be much easier to use a business jet like an old Gulfstream, Hawker, Falcon, etc than a massive widebody airliner with 200+ people onboard.

I do think if its in one piece and being re-purposed as a weapon or weapon delivery system, its probably in Indonesia.
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Also, my boss was on this.exact.flight 8 days before this one went missing.

He thought a business partner was on this particular flight, but thankfully he came back to the States a different routing.
I just don't think it would be possible to successfully steal and conceal an aircraft this large. To many people and resources would be used. I'm not saying the plane wasn't hijacked. But no way it landed somewhere with 240 passengers and no one is talking about it. To many people would be involved.
If somebody was looking to throw a nuke on an airplane and use it as a delivery system...it'd be much easier to use a business jet like an old Gulfstream, Hawker, Falcon, etc than a massive widebody airliner with 200+ people onboard.

Small and light takes years and tons of money / technology / testing to make.
5 to 40+ ton models are much easier to make if you have the materials but no advanced designs / technology and you really only have enough for one go.
I don't think we're looking at a Dirka Dirka Manhattan Project here...especially when rogue nations like Best Korea have enough trouble making weapons go boom properly.

No, an existing warhead would be the biggest threat.

The physics package of most any "recent" (lets say mid-60s and later) warhead of the 500kt and smaller range would pretty easily fit in a mid or large cabin bizjet with the interior stripped out...and be well within its payload capability.
I have had similar theory and as the week goes on I have been more right than wrong. It was deliberate for sure. Also until proven otherwise I believe the two Iranians with stolen passports are involved. Lets get real, passport stolen almost 18 months apart yet tickets purchased with in 20 seconds apart. Really, we asked the family and they said they are just peace loving people. Is that not the same thing that the family of the Boston Marathon bombers said. Sorry but they have a history of standing in the way of investigations.

Next when it first happened the news talked to a airline investigator and said the plane had a range of 3500 miles. Now they are focused on a circle of 2500 miles because that is how far Beijing is (original destination) well dumbass's planes carry reserve fuel, they don't land on fumes. Plane should have had at least 2hrs of extra fuel, at 500 mph equals the original statement of 3500 miles. Now with that range it could have made it to Iran or Afghanistan or a couple other 'stan's. If it made it then it could be filled with explosives and you have one huge ass guided missile.

for those that say it would be easier to use a "leer" type business craft, do you believe one of those would have brought down one of the World Trade Center towers? Also I would think that the 777 has a much longer range. Repaint the plane, and I would think you could mask it as a commercial flight until about 10 seconds before it hits it's target. Hell paint it as a UPS/DHL/FedEx plane.

The plane would have to land in a country that is friendly to the hijackers. As for the people on board they are probably dead, personally if that was my mind set they would have been dumped into the Indian Ocean. Which then if found would slow the search for the plane even further since the searchers would think they were on to something.

I think this was the plan, whether or not they made it is unknown. The terrorist know how well a plane works, go with a proven tactic.
I agree with most of what 2ndA. above says. However it was most likely the pilots who stole the plane due to training needed to pull this off. Also, I believe the passengers would have been killed in flight, from lack of oxygen or other means. I suspect they could land the plane in the desert and cover it with camo netting.

I would expect them to use it as a flying bomb, but probably not nuclear. In the end the plane could be caught on the ground by western forces, or shot out of the air. Sooner or later it is going to be found, one way or another.

Like WWII, the enemies had a 10 year head start in preparing for the war. The allies caught up as quick as they could. Terrorists may have started this plane issue, but those who want peace will work very hard to stop any nefarious plan.
However it was most likely the pilots who stole the plane due to training needed to pull this off.

While it is true that one or both the pilots (is there not a navigator anymore?) could have done something, Why is it so hard to believe that a passenger or a group (probably need more than 3 or 4) could do this. Modern aircraft (the 777 is one of the most modern) are relative easy to fly once at cruising altitude. Did you all forget about 9-11-01, those planes were flown perfectly into the WTC towers and the Pentagon. Once at altitude it really isn't much different than driving a car down the freeway. Taking off and Landing are the the only real technical parts of flying and even then the computer will tell you when you are doing something wrong.

Also some PC based flight simulators are so real that the FAA will count simulator hours towards your training for certification on aircraft. Seriously for about the same price as most of us would spend on a rifle and scope you could teach yourself to fly at home.

The terrorists on 9-11 only had training on little single engine aircraft but still were able to pull it off, because the mechanics are still the same.

It was also reported on the first day that the odds of a mechanical failure big enough to bring a plane down while at cruising speed and altitude are less than 9%, the lowest possible odds of almost any outcome. Yet that is the idea that was followed for 3-4days.
Regardless of what happened to the aircraft it doesn't look like it made it. Reddit posted maps and it looks like they found it there, heading towards India floating just under the water

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk and Siri, just in case it doesn't make sense.
Not one call, text, or email from 239 passengers. How did this happen?

Since it has come up a few times...

An aircraft can zoom above its certified ceiling but will not stay up there. You do not need to be at 450 to knock someone out, without pressurization at the normal cruise altitude you won't last more than 10 seconds once the cabin pressure is equal to ambient pressure at 40,000 feet. It isn't the same thing as holding your breath, anyone can hold their breath for more than 10 seconds. Aircraft depressurizations are different. When you hold your breath on the ground, you are continually using the oxygen in your lungs which is being pushed into your blodd stream by the pressure in your lungs. When you are at 40,000 feet there is not enough pressure in your lungs to force oxygen across the membranes at a rate quick enough to survive in an atmosphere that is only 18% O2. At 34,000 feet and above the lungs just cant process O2 quick enough at that pressure unless the atmosphere is 100% O2. At 40,000 feet and above not enough 100% O2 is enough, it must be under positive pressure to help force O2 into the bloodstream. Without this supplemental O2 you are surviving mostly on the O2 already in your bloodstream and brain and thus you will pass out in seconds, just as you do when someone clamps down on your carotids in a good sleeper hold. Thats why they tell you, if you have children with you, to put your mask on first because you will be out in seconds if you don't and your child will be an orphan in an emergency situation. They will survive if you get the mask on them (assuming the pilots are doing their job and have initiated an emergency descent) even if they are out before you get it on them.

If you spend enough time at that altitude unpressurized you can get the bends but your blood doesnt actually physically boil at 98.6 degrees until the pressure is reduced to the ambient pressure that exists at 63,000 feet which is called the Armstrong line. That said, blood isn't exactly uniform and other solutions exist in the body at various pressures so you will get evolved gases coming out of solution even before the blood boils, in other words unpressurized above 50,000 feet for any amount of time you could see some injuries due to gases coming out of solution, which could be life threatening in the lungs, brain, or nervous system.
Thanks for the most interesting post, KYpatriot. I still think shutting off the O2 delivery system via the circuit breaker was probably done. If not, that would explain why the plane has been reported as climbing above 35,000 feet. If they did that twice, as reported, those in control of the plane may have gone back and checked for any live persons, and then decided to climb again.

If the O2 system only had 15 minutes of supply, perhaps those in the cockpit did not know how to pull the circuit breaker. I still think this is like "Thunderball", the movie...
Man thats one cold hearted prick to be able to go and do that. Believing a human being could be that cold is likely reason why many dismiss that thought.

Frig people cant even leave a burning plane without a selfie and a Facebook update these days. If the fire is two rows behind they even add in a quick tweet.

Whatever happened must have happened fast.
No different than shooting everyone in the head as you go thru the objective,....

Sure assuming the pilots did this that would be their mindset.

Now assuming an American soldier going through his objective he would have the clarity of conscious that "better him than me and his intent was to do me." He still better be sure the enemy was still a combatant though.

In my mind much different cleaning up after an assault than suffocating the guy that was only concerned about whether getting peanuts or the party mix with his 1/2 can of soda.
This article gives a pretty good graphic of 634 runways that are large enough for that aircraft to land on, and close enough to reach with the estimated range:

Malaysia Airlines plane: The 634 runways where missing flight MH370 could have landed - Mirror Online

If you've never had the pleasure of flying in and out of Kuala Lumpur or Jakarta, you're really missing out on an experience being the only non muslim on an aircraft. TSA's head would explode if they dealt with the passenger manifests that are the daily norm in that part of the world.

Even the tits are fake in the Mirror....
Really no different at all, to me. Once you start down a path that involves disposing of those in your way, if you might have issue with that, don't step off in the first place. To do so knowing it may become a problem for you, may allow your own compassion to cause hesitation. Hesitation can get you or those with you killed. Like it or not that is the truth about war, or completing a mission in same.

Stating if the pilots were the ones that intended for the plane to disappear I am in agreement with you that their line of thought would be as you point out....but my point is that WE can not equate the wanton murder of civilians as morally equivalent to producing casualties amongst enemy combatants.

Its a thin line between the moral/immoral, freedom fighter/terrorist, right/wrong the ultimate victor gets to right the story.
I understand were your coming from, but they operate to the beat of a different drummer. We do as well but only when we have to. To them life is cheap and meaningless.

Yes, to them anyone's lives by theirs has no meaning and no value. Fortunately, those who think like that usually are not effective in the long run. In the meantime, they certainly wreck havoc though. I suspect that plane will be found on the ground somewhere, and those how have done this will get their just rewards. If the perps are caught or killed, it will just be more bad publicity for their side.
I understand were your coming from, but they operate to the beat of a different drummer. We do as well but only when we have to. To them life is cheap and meaningless.

Which is what scares the crap out of me about socialism and fascism. When you are just a cog in the machine and the individual has no value you are expendable. Any effort, hopes, dreams you expended on the planet can be erased with no harm to the collective - that's the twisted thinking anyways.
edit to my last - Somehow the elites are never part of that great mass of equality. They actually think of themselves as the indispensable individual without which all society will fail. Odd isn't it?