How Trump's Peace Plan Will Change the Middle East
Ian Bremmer breaks down the details of what's new in Trump's Israel-Palestine peace plan.
I have to say, although I hate to agree with "Time" on anything (up to and including the actual time), I'm completely unimpressed in terms of being a "peace plan". As a declaration of our support for Israel and a promise not to completely betray and fuck them (OBAMA), I love it. The map basically leaves things mostly as they are, and does not start by trying to make Israel give up it's land or its security as the last administration so modestly proposed.
Those Pali Tangos will never accept peace. Asking them to remove murdering all Jews from their official policy platforms as a precondition is a non-starter. That's who they are. It's all they are. It is totally pointless to offer them anything, and I'm glad that Kushner didn't and was realistic about this "Peace Plan". Which is to say this is mostly PR bullshit that confirms reality and may give an opening to other Arab allies.
I rolled my eyes when Trump started talking this pie-in-the-sky, Middle East, "peace" bullshit, and I'm very glad to see that they are not totally ignorant and incompetent like the Obama administration's blunders and betrayals weakening and beclowning the USA in the region. The contrast is unbelievable.