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Proverbial 2nd Amendment Grenade Toss

Reverie Ranges

11B3HB4 1997-2007
Full Member
Dec 16, 2019
Vancouver, WA
Do you believe that the Constitution still protects the 2nd Amendment as it is alive and well or has our country allowed it to be eroded to the point that it has become a privilege and not a right.

Please indicate still a right or has become a privilege and why you have come to your conclusion.
Unfortunately, I believe that our rights were restricted years ago and the 2nd Amendment does not protect our rights as we would wish them to be. The erosion by NFA laws, magazine restrictions, permits, and gun free zones have infringed upon the rights of good men and women by the ignorance and intolerance of others. Laws will eventually reflect the mantra of carry only in these places instead of the restriction of carrying in certain places.

I know the law as written, but that it no longer provides us the safety to exercise that right without repercussions. Throw a rifle on your back and walk into any metropolitan city and see what happens to your “rights”. The increasing likelihood that someone is going to dial 911 and complain that you threatened them will happen. Pleading the 2nd Amendment won’t stop them from detaining you for an extended amount of time and the probability that half of you other rights will then be infringed for an extended amount of time. Good luck with the lawyer fees and forgiveness of the courts for exercising your rights.

I wish it wasn’t so, but look at the reality of the situation. If our Government doesn’t emplace permanent provisions to restrict the States from this erosion, issues like what is happening in Virginia will continue.
well when a countries people are so lazy to allow there rights to be removed or hampered without much of an up roar and politicians are allowed to hold an office for ever unchecked it happens you can either go along for the ride or stick a fire under your politicians butt I am as guilty as anyone else I called my elected official only when something being brought up for a vote that concerned me and what I like to do apparently you have to demand more and ride them like a pony at a hay ride , if you want them to keep things above board and sort of honest or hire different public officials or best of all run your self apparently the job is not as hard as they would like you to think it is I mean if ocd (aoc) could do it a blind crippled monkey could Nancy is no Albert Einstein none of them are extremely well endowed but they hold there posisition for decades .
It's one of those cases where too many jerks have ruined it for everyone. People are sick of dumbasses misusing guns and killing innocent people far too often. Every day innocent people get killed. So as a result, more and more, the right to bear arms is becoming a privilege in this country. The average person isn't worried about the government becoming tyrannical and coming for them. They are more worried about being shot by some gang member or some person with a short temper.
It's one of those cases where too many jerks have ruined it for everyone. People are sick of dumbasses misusing guns and killing innocent people far too often. Every day innocent people get killed. So as a result, more and more, the right to bear arms is becoming a privilege in this country. The average person isn't worried about the government becoming tyrannical and coming for them. They are more worried about being shot by some gang member or some person with a short temper.
WTF?! How about drunk drivers? Ban cars? Ban alcohol? How about texting and driving? Ban cell phones? Ban cars(again)? FUCKING IDIOT!
I believe the 2A has been eroded but that erosion has occurred as a result of the degradation of the morality of our population.

Remember when people were ashamed of accepting public assistance programs? Now it's a badge of honor.

Remember when a family unit consisted of a mom, dad, boys, and girls? Now its maybe one mom or dad, and boys and girls (dont kniw which bathroom to use) who don't know who or what they are because their parents won't raise them.

Remember when the phrase "tough shit" came out of your parents mouth almost daily? Now everyone demands all their wishes and dreams are satisfied because they're entitled to it.

Remember when your parents said "when you turn 18 you're on your own"? These days parents coddle, stroke, and enable their kids to be failures and never have to actually work at something they want.

Remember when there was right and wrong and you were held responsible for your actions? Now it's "I'm always right and I dont want to hear anything else". The state of our justice system is appaling.

Personal injury attorneys. Enough said.

I believe the 2nd Ammendment was born in a different time, but its meaning and intent was meant to endure. The number of those "types" of people who understood and support that have dwindled and have been replaced by sandle / sock wearing, custom blend coffee drinking, peloton bike riding, hair dyed, whining pussies who are afraid of life, hard work, and those out there.......who are not afraid. They have weakened our country and society as a whole and are a poor excuse for those generations ago who endured wars, sicknesses, financial hardships, and life in general and never made a whimper.

In summary, on paper it is a right as it's written but it becomes a right in peril if those who live under the constitution don't support it. I do all I can to change the thinking of those who "fear" firearms, hunting, shooting sports, etc. Sadly most are so brainwashed they aren't willing to try new and different things.....unless it's a new smartphone app.
It's a Rollerball World, largely icons and slogans; but real meanings elude actual sight and hearing.

Soon, very soon; elected representation will be eliminated as a redundancy.

We obey those whom we elected to represent us.

Freedoms are not an illusion only in so far as we can keep them alive.

The real work of restoring and maintaining actual freedom lays ahead. It should have been a constant effort, but for at least the past half century, it hasn't been.

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WTF?! How about drunk drivers? Ban cars? Ban alcohol? How about texting and driving? Ban cell phones? Ban cars(again)? FUCKING IDIOT!
Cars must be inspected, registered, you have to take a test in order to be licensed to drive, police constantly make sure you don't drive like an idiot and there's punishments if you do.

Alcohol is limited to only those 21 or older. Acting irresponsible in public while drunk is against the law. Bars are held responsible if you drink too much.

Most states ban handheld phones while driving. They regulate it because people suck at talking/texting while driving.

What's your problem? I didn't say we should treat it like a privilege. I'm saying why this country is changing it to a privilege. Get off your high horse.
The problem with mass killings and drunk driving and all the other shit going on is the people involved. Guns don't kill people. Cars don't kill people. Cell phones don't kill people. People kill people. Ban people! And no id no vote!
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There is no need for discussion on this subject as to what is or isn't.

As currently practiced in this country by the courts, politicians and consented to by people, even lots here on this forum, the Second Amendment is a "Second Class right" and is for all intents and practice a privilege.

You can't even get people on this site to agree that it's right up there with the First Amendment as a natural God given right that cannot be taken away.
Operating motor vehicles and phones are not specifically Constitutionally protected rights. Using anything that is not contained within the Constitution as a comparison is misleading. The constitutional protection of the people of the country to keep and bear arms is on the same level as protection for the press and religion.

We already have protections built into law for the misuse of firearms, same as for someone yelling "FIRE" in a crowd causing a human stampede or using their religion as a guise to commit rape upon adolescents. Murder, aggravated assault, willful endangerment, all serious felonies that are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law when they occur, each with compounding factors for sentencing when involving a firearm.
Cars must be inspected, registered, you have to take a test in order to be licensed to drive, police constantly make sure you don't drive like an idiot and there's punishments if you do.

Alcohol is limited to only those 21 or older. Acting irresponsible in public while drunk is against the law. Bars are held responsible if you drink too much.

Most states ban handheld phones while driving. They regulate it because people suck at talking/texting while driving.

What's your problem? I didn't say we should treat it like a privilege. I'm saying why this country is changing it to a privilege. Get off your high horse.

Where are any of those mentioned in COTUS?

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams
Sam would be great at a party....

“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”
― Samuel Adams

“The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”
― Samuel Adams

“Nil desperandum, -- Never Despair. That is a motto for you and me. All are not dead; and where there is a spark of patriotic fire, we will rekindle it.”
― Samuel Adams

“How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!”
― Samuel Adams

Oh hell,,,,,,just go to the site and read for yourself. They are all postable.

Show a source to support your statement, or it's just your typical bullshit opinion masquerading as facts.
Source: No one but lunatics, criminals, and terrorists fear the government coming after them. Literally no one cares about taking all those guns stored up in his shed. The government has a billion other more important things to do. Also, WAY more people are killed daily by idiots using guns than the government killing off its citizens. If you went door to door and polled people, asking which is more likely, "Getting shot by someone random or the government coming for you", the extreme majority is going to pick the former.

Where are any of those mentioned in COTUS?

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams
What's the relevance of that question? Cause the people constantly voting against our 2A rights sure don't care if it's in the Constitution.
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What's the relevance of that question? Cause the people constantly voting against our 2A rights sure don't care if it's in the Constitution.

Its not people voting against our rights....

Its unelected judges deciding our rights.....

There are some 2a related cases coming up soon.

Will you squeal if the results dont go your way?

The people have no power to vote my rights away, they just are.

You really do advocate for some supressive govt.
It's one of those cases where too many jerks have ruined it for everyone. People are sick of dumbasses misusing guns and killing innocent people far too often. Every day innocent people get killed. So as a result, more and more, the right to bear arms is becoming a privilege in this country. The average person isn't worried about the government becoming tyrannical and coming for them. They are more worried about being shot by some gang member or some person with a short temper.
More innocent people are killed because they didnt have a gun because of gun control shit. Gun control laws get more people killed than idiots who misuse guns.
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Source: No one but lunatics, criminals, and terrorists fear the government coming after them. Literally no one cares about taking all those guns stored up in his shed. The government has a billion other more important things to do. Also, WAY more people are killed daily by idiots using guns than the government killing off its citizens. If you went door to door and polled people, asking which is more likely, "Getting shot by someone random or the government coming for you", the extreme majority is going to pick the former.

So in other words, you have zero evidence and once again are pulling things straight out of your ass to pass off as facts.

Just because you say so.

Go away asshole
Is it another "I support 2A but...." fella? Wait wait let me guess NJ, NY or some other shitstain state and transplant into a Free state for work? :ROFLMAO: Go back to Reddit or ARFdotcom with nonsense argument for gun restrictions and asking for what God given rights you can have today.
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It's granted by God.

I still can't figure out how politicians think they, of all people, can limit it based on that fact alone.

Gun 'control' is a thing that started when politicians figured they could get something in trade for a small erosion of it that most wouldn't even notice. And as a mile is made up of many inches, instead of a resounding 'fuck off' with consequences, its now acceptable as something that is in constant debate.
The whole fucking thing, America, needs reset and clarified. We need a new government and the Constitution needs to be fixed. The 2A needs to say "the right of all people to bear arms shall not be infringed. Any laws enacted that infringe on this right carry the death penalty for the drafters and enablers of such legislation."

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The Constitution is fine. It's the perversion of laws and regulations that the government added to it. Mostly by alphabet agencies that have no liability to the populace.
The Kenyan blurted it out when he said that he has a phone and a pen.
He called his appointments they prescribed the regulations and he signed them.
This is a drastic perversion of how our government is supposed to work. The sickening fact is that we have become numb to it.
Cars must be inspected, registered, you have to take a test in order to be licensed to drive, police constantly make sure you don't drive like an idiot and there's punishments if you do.

No vehicle inspection laws in AL. No registration doesn't stop someone from driving. No law stops a person from driving without a license.

Alcohol is limited to only those 21 or older. Acting irresponsible in public while drunk is against the law. Bars are held responsible if you drink too much.

Buying alcohol under 21 is quite different than drinking it when under 21. No law stops people from drinking.

Most states ban handheld phones while driving. They regulate it because people suck at talking/texting while driving.

It's not that people suck at it, it causes people to DIE when they suck at it.

Just watch Live PD on a Friday and Saturday night. It's laughable your statements can be proven wrong with a TV show. LMAO
Just prove that you are a citizen voting in the propper jurisdiction.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

I shouldn’t have to give anyone any of my personal information to vote.
Urbanization has been the bane of liberty. I have to haul my own trash to the convenience center. The city guy relies on someone to do it for him. I'm an avid shooter, with a range in my yard. Shooting places are limited for the city guy. Therefore it becomes too difficult to be an enthusiast. Look where Liberals are concentrated. Cities. They willing trade away freedom for convenience/perceived safety. Where are gang shootings concentrated? Cities.

And I know a token Lib who thinks like Greenday. The government won't take guns away. Even though their presidential candidates now openly say that is goal. And these hopefuls still have a chance of being elected. Death by a thousand cuts, our RIGHTS are disappearing, 2A just one of them.
I lived in Australia when I was on active duty for 3 years. I was speaking to a group of Australian shooters after an F-class match at the club bar about freedom. They gave the opinion that freedom is a myth. You are only as free as you can be before they lock you up. The idea that a revolution will happen if our freedoms are washed away is romantic but highly unlikely. If you don't believe me look at Europe, they have had their own personal freedoms reduced to nothing, especially in the UK and nothing has been done about it.
I’m no leftist or city folk but I’m about to pick away at this one.

Trash service: if you compared taxes between you and the city folk I’m sure they’re paying for that trash service in city’s tax and you shouldn’t be in you’re county tax. At least that’s how it is here. No problem if you don’t mind paying for the service it i taxes.

I can shoot on my land but shoot at multiple clubs around and there’s a massive amount of members that come from the city.

Trading liberty for security: ALL Americans are guilty as hell of this.
I'm have no interest in arguing with anyone. But why do you think the liberal hot spots are large cities?
Heard that line before. So we should pay extortion money so we aren't robbed? Organized crime think it works.

Better question is why is someone in such poverty?
Because they were born to poor parents, went to a shitty school with teachers who didn't give a shit, and no one taught them any better that they could do something with their lives.

Poverty is just one giant cycle.
Sales tax.
Property tax.
Gas tax.

Who isn't paying taxes?

All discretionary.

You have the choice to buy or not buy that product to pay or avoid the tax.

Uncle Sam reaches in my wallet every pay check and whether I like it or not he takes my money.

Why should someone not paying income taxes have the right to determine how my govt uses those takings?
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