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Problem is there are idiots on both ends.

Having a early abortion isn’t fucking “baby murder” and more than me pulling out and shooting my would be “kids” in my chicks eye. Thankfully most sane people ain’t down with zero tolerance crap, including many right leaning people who have had any success/experience in life.

Now on the other side you have nutters who think you should be able to have a abortion damn near till the fucker the crowing. Thankfully most sane people ain’t down with this, including maybe left leaning types who have any success/experience in life.

Frankly this should be left to a gray area, the gov should stay out of medical all together, * NOW if it’s some fucked up shit, well obviously a jury of mainstream will agree beyond any reasonable doubt, try your case. Otherwise, Karen and Todd need to practice the sadly lost art of stay in their own fucking lane.
Actually it is murder. Where do you put this imaginary line of being a human being if not where science does? Just how fucking arbitrary and capricious is TurboTrout?
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Women lay down with dirt bags then get praise for having abortions or putting dead beats back on the streets. It’s not the killed children after the abortion that did wrong it was a moral less mother that laid down with garbage. That’s not anyones fault but her own. Coming from a man that got a woman pregnant, begged her to not have an abortion, even went to the lengths to let her walk away afterwards with no strings attached she still did it and thought I was funny for wanting my unborn child to have a chance at life. Those children didn’t try to push morals on their mothers but they were killed!
Wild, huh?

Consider this....

Women have historically taken the lead in regards to rearing children and they ultimately determine which genetic traits are passed on to future generation through selective reproduction. That gives women far more control than men over both nature AND nurture. Like it or not, they have far more influence over the future of mankind than any group of men.

But yeah. All the worlds problems can be traced back to the patriarchy, institutional racism etc.
Want a real solution, market REAL birth control like child hood vaccines.

But nah let’s trusting some teen to remember to bring a condom or take a pill, shit they don’t even clean their rooms, or best yet tell hormone raging teens “you better not” 😂

Have your boys get this done,

and when they want a family they can go to any clinic and have it easily undone, 100% effective, 100% reversible, less side effects than the pill, nothing to forget, and cheaper than condoms, and way cheaper than oops babies.

It’s actually that fucking simple

Preventing the oops babies, well for many reasons that’s not something the ruling class wants to do, not the left, or the right.

Children are the best chains to keep the classes separate, keep making enough criminals to warrant the police state, and keep the military full with Canon fodder, and big corps filled with cheap labor.
Racial Purity was a left wing agenda, still is or are Dems right wing and Repubs left wing? Of course that wouldn't be the case since conservatives values are of equality (for all), free market, limited government (as opposed to the Nazis that controlled everything like Dems aka lefties:unsure:) are some of the few.
If we were anti-communist, freedom and democracy loving men, in China, we would be left-wing, because we would be anti-establishment. If we were men in China, who loved communism and the current way of life, we'd be right-wing conservatives, because we would wish to continue the status quo. From a geopolitical and historical perspective Left/Right, Conservative/Liberal has meaning relative to a moment in political time and place.
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What if Jesus Christ was a false Prophet and the Bible was written by control freaks looking to control the masses?

That can't be possible.
Then He wouldn’t have raised from the dead. And His definitions would be full of contradictions like the shifting sand of all the other man-made religions. They would be on revision 20 or whatever like the New World Translation.
This whole thing is retarded and the timing is worse than pulling your pants down while at church. Why is this an issue all of a sudden? Why is a 'conservative' court hauling this old ass thing out of the storage closet months before the midterms during a time when the US is in the worst shapes its been in since most of us were alive? Oh, and the republicans are currently supposed to sweep those midterms.

Do they honestly believe this is what most people in the US want? News flash, outside of hard line Biblethumpers, this issue was somewhere between cleaning out the garage and doing taxes, for most people.

Want an abortion? Go fucking have one. Trust me, just like firearms, some lame ass law isn't stopping anyone.

Do I think its right/agree with it? Not really.

Do I want people having more kids (especially those people who tend to have abortions) Absolutely fucking not. Hell I've killed most of you, and your loser ass kids, in my mind already.

We have $5 gas, 20% inflation, food/supply shortages, an absolute muppet 'in charge', stolen elections, voter fraud, a ministry of truth and a SCOTUS judge who was just confirmed based solely on the fact that she is black and has a vagina and what do we do....oh lets rewrite our take on Roe V Wade.

Couldn't take up a stolen election or most 2A cases, but lets get right on this old ass thing that regardless of what the law is, will change literally nothing as having an 'illegal abortion' will be somewhere up there with being a sanctuary city or how most of us would act is they banned all firearms. It will change nothing, yet it will just piss off the other side to do dumb shit.

You know how when you think of the middle east and how they all have fought and killed each other for 1000s of years and you're like, why are they so dumb? Why do they keep doing that dumb shit over and over?

Well, this is that.

What in the actual fuck?
Jokes aside, bidens numbers are in the shitter, it’s getting harder and harder to prop ukraine up as a hero, every single covid “conspiracy” has now been proven as true, and midterms are right around the corner.

And something comes out with a trajectory to hit the 10 ring to enrage the masses against conservatives just before midterms, complete with biden reading a teleprompter on cue about it?

That’s about as likely as the wuhan virus coming from bat soup in some market in wuhan… vs the fucking wuhan virus factory.
The left is threatening violence. Happy to meet them in the field over murdering babies. I hope they go completely nuts ala 2020.

The point of the leak WAS the Midterms.
Maybe. Maybe they hoped the threat of violence would put the fear into the justices and they would change their decisions.

We know the supreme court are a bunch of corrupt spineless pussies so it wouldn't take much.

Either way, its going to benefit the Left.
One more time. You're speaking from a current, USA political context. I'm not. Leftists in the USA, today are freaking evil. Did you know that most of what we call conservative, in the present, is really "classical liberalism"? Research it for yourself.
Liberals co-opted that term for their own nefarious purposes. Most current "classical liberals" now identify as libertarians.

With that said, no part of Nazism bears any resemblance to the right wing.
No matter what anyone believes, this is only going to give the Left motivation to get out and vote for midterms. It was a stupid decision to overturn and is probably by design. Can't let too many people get redpilled or the whole charade ends.

The sooner the right stops using religion as an identiy, the sooner it can move on and win.
it's a set up. there is no reason for them to do this right now, other than to sway the election or justify packing the court. it's a scam, pure and simple.
Life begins at conception.

And as a kid my sock was a mass grave

Oh and there’s a rabbit that actually lays chocolate eggs and a fat fucker who will climb down your chimney and give you free shit if you’re good.

When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.”

Funny thing is before I knew that came from the bible , I thought it was talking about religion.
No. I also never saw slavery, the conquistadors, or even Vietnam and yet I believe those events happened.
You can see slavery today. You can see conquests today and you can even go to Vietnam and see the results of the war.

Let me know where you can go to see a dead person raise from the grave after 3 days.
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And as a kid my sock was a mass grave

Oh and there’s a rabbit that actually lays chocolate eggs and a fat fucker who will climb down your chimney and give you free shit if you’re good.

When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.”

Funny thing is before I knew that came from the bible , I thought it was talking about religion.
Bro I just killed 50K babies this morning. Somebody call Nuremberg and the Hague to report this genocide.
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Liberals co-opted that term for their own nefarious purposes. Most current "classical liberals" now identify as libertarians.

With that said, no part of Nazism bears any resemblance to the right wing.
the Red background of the Nazi flag symbolized the Workers. Just like the party was called the NSDAP, the Worker's Party.

just like communism. The main difference was in the scope. the nazis were nationalists, the bolshevik marx-leninists were internationalists. Their conflict amounted to "who is king of the hill"
the Red background of the Nazi flag symbolized the Workers. Just like the party was called the NSDAP, the Worker's Party.

just like communism. The main difference was in the scope. the nazis were nationalists, the bolshevik marx-leninists were internationalists. Their conflict amounted to "who is king of the hill"

But they all were statists

Commies vs fascists, very different wrapper for the same shit flavored nugget
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Per my post, in reply to quietmike:
It seems as if y'all are thinking left-wing=evil and right-wing=good. This is a false assumption. Both can be good and both can be evil. For example, pro democracy dissidents in China would be considered left-wing, as they are opposed to the status quo. Pro communist hardliners would be considered right-wing, as they are for more of the established system. Get it?
This is frankly mental gymnastics.

The Nazi's said they were leftists. And Progressives. And the leftists (communists) of the time and the Progressives of the time have changed VERY little.

Planned Parenthood = Eugenics against the Blacks.
Illegal Immigration = replacement plan for the Blacks with a mostly white population.
Rap Music/ Grand Theft Auto = Cultural plague for the Blacks.
Welfare = Slavery for the Blacks.

Nothing changed. Sometimes, like Joe Biden, not even the faces.
Do you also think chicks who swallow are murders? I mean those all could have been babies!! Oh the humanity

You're a clown. Science places when life becomes a human being, squarely, unambiguously, and with certainty at Differentiation. That is the point after fertilization when the zygote contains a complete human DNA but has not yet replicated. After that point you are "killing" a human being, PERIOD. Whether you think that's murder or not clearly depends on how rational you are.
You're a clown. Science places when life becomes a human being, squarely, unambiguously, and with certainty at Differentiation. That is the point after fertilization when the zygote contains a complete human DNA but has not yet replicated. After that point you are "killing" a human being, PERIOD. Whether you think that's murder or not clearly depends on how rational you are.

Science also said I should wear a bandana to save the world from a virus they said came from bat stew.

Common sense didn’t agree, guess which one was proven right.

If you think life starts the second you blow your wad in an chick, wow, that’s special.

Do you also think if you’re a good little boy you go to heaven to hang out with all your dead buddies and your dead dog too?
If we were anti-communist, freedom and democracy loving men, in China, we would be left-wing, because we would be anti-establishment. If were men in China, who loved communism and the current way of life, we'd be right-wing conservatives, because we would wish to continue the status quo. From a geopolitical and historical perspective Left/Right, Conservative/Liberal has meaning relative to a moment in political time and place.
So, how does the view relate to current
Liberals co-opted that term for their own nefarious purposes. Most current "classical liberals" now identify as libertarians.

With that said, no part of Nazism bears any resemblance to the right wing.
I see a lot of conservative leaning libertarians. And my point in response is that the term nazism does not relate to to the old or current conservative.
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But they all were statists

Commies vs fascists, very different wrapper for the same shit flavored nugget
that's the point. the nazis used the same red flag symbolism as the Marxists, for the same reason. they were ideologically opposed to the "conservative" establishment. Hitler was a radical, not a christian conservative. he despised US Constitutional values. there are no valid philosophical parallels anyone can draw between classical enlightenment liberalism and nazism.

Even Goebbels considered himself to be a marxist before meeting hitler and jumping on the *national* socialist bandwagon instead of the *international* socialist bandwagon. Same ideology, same methods, same immorality. Different scope and different "out group"
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that's the point. the nazis used the same red flag symbolism as the Marxists, for the same reason. they were ideologically opposed to the "conservative" establishment. Hitler was a radical, not a christian conservative. he despised US Constitutional values. there are no valid philosophical parallels anyone can draw between classical enlightenment liberalism and nazism.

Even Goebbels considered himself to be a marxist before meeting hitler and jumping on the *national* socialist bandwagon instead of the *international* socialist bandwagon. Same ideology, same methods, same immorality. Different scope and different "out group"

Personally I don’t get that into it, statist are a plague, don’t care what color their flag or if they have snazzy Hugo boss outfits, or wear a tag watch and play basketball, hammer sickle, dildo pickle, don’t care, statists, of all varieties, all should go play in traffic.
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You can see slavery today. You can see conquests today and you can even go to Vietnam and see the results of the war.

Let me know where you can go to see a dead person raise from the grave after 3 days.
The event doesn’t happen anymore, the evidence is everywhere.

However, if you wait patiently the man whose bones no one can find has promised to come back. Won’t that be something?
Now almost every woman in the country, except for some brain-washed southern Baptist girls and some Catholics who still believe in the Pope, are going to vote while holding this grudge against the Republicans. What a disaster for the Right. The Dems had no issue, no platform, no anything before this. Now they really got something to work with, going into the midterms.
At this point, it's also a lose lose for the Supemes, no matter what they do or how this shakes out ...
So, how does the view relate to current

I see a lot of conservative leaning libertarians. And my point in response is that the term nazism does not relate to to the old or current conservative.
It's not a view. Left/Right, Conservative/Liberal, are relative to the geopolitical place and time. Hitler wanted a German, western world: essentially all of Europe, as an Aryan land, with Germany as its capital. Nazis were right wing because they wanted a strong, united Germany, of Aryan people, to be the dominant power in the world. It has nothing to do with conservative politics in 21st century USA.
Now almost every woman in the country, except for some brain-washed southern Baptist girls and some Catholics who still believe in the Pope, are going to vote while holding this grudge against the Republicans. What a disaster for the Right. The Dems had no issue, no platform, no anything before this. Now they really got something to work with, going into the midterms.
At this point, it's also a lose lose for the Supemes, no matter what they do or how this shakes out ...

The Supreme Court was a joke when they upheld the NFA, “patriot act”, damn near unlimited police “discretion”, and all the other unconstitutional BS they always uphold.

Who’d have thunk a bunch of judges with a career working for the government, appointed to a lifelong position in the government, by the government; would consistently rule in favor of….the government

The Supreme Court has about as much credibility as a day time talk show, shit I probably trust Joe rogans YouTube channel more than those crooked fucks.
Killing and Fucking.

The two most fun things there are in life.

"Conan, what is best in life?”
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!”
In all seriousness I will pray for you and in all seriousness if you ever pray please pray for me I could use it. Maybe we both benefit from it.
This whole thing is retarded and the timing is worse than pulling your pants down while at church. Why is this an issue all of a sudden? Why is a 'conservative' court hauling this old ass thing out of the storage closet months before the midterms during a time when the US is in the worst shapes its been in since most of us were alive? Oh, and the republicans are currently supposed to sweep those midterms.

Do they honestly believe this is what most people in the US want? News flash, outside of hard line Biblethumpers, this issue was somewhere between cleaning out the garage and doing taxes, for most people.

Want an abortion? Go fucking have one. Trust me, just like firearms, some lame ass law isn't stopping anyone.

Do I think its right/agree with it? Not really.

Do I want people having more kids (especially those people who tend to have abortions) Absolutely fucking not. Hell I've killed most of you, and your loser ass kids, in my mind already.

We have $5 gas, 20% inflation, food/supply shortages, an absolute muppet 'in charge', stolen elections, voter fraud, a ministry of truth and a SCOTUS judge who was just confirmed based solely on the fact that she is black and has a vagina and what do we do....oh lets rewrite our take on Roe V Wade.

Couldn't take up a stolen election or most 2A cases, but lets get right on this old ass thing that regardless of what the law is, will change literally nothing as having an 'illegal abortion' will be somewhere up there with being a sanctuary city or how most of us would act is they banned all firearms. It will change nothing, yet it will just piss off the other side to do dumb shit.

You know how when you think of the middle east and how they all have fought and killed each other for 1000s of years and you're like, why are they so dumb? Why do they keep doing that dumb shit over and over?

Well, this is that.

What in the actual fuck?
Can we get a three thumbs up button?
Not a bible thimper, so maybe others more bible thumping will respond , but why is it you think anyone other than Hitler would need to explain the rantings of Hitler, a maniac whom I have no relationship with?

Because he claimed to be of the same religious sect as me?

Curious what you bible thumpers have to say about that?
Not a bible thimper, so maybe others more bible thumping will respond , but why is it you think anyone other than Hitler would need to explain the rantings of Hitler, a maniac whom I have no relationship with?

Because he claimed to be of the same religious sect as me?
It’s just another failed attempt to discredit Christians
Reproduction needs to be a free choice with no significant inducements to do as "The State" (whoever happens to control it) thinks is correct.
Any other path leads you very quickly into a dystopian nightmare, even the Chinese have realized that their attempts at government control of reproduction have left them with a very unstable country that is at serious risk of imploding.

What you need to do is the opposite of what "welfare" in this country has done.
You need to encourage stable families with 2 parents taking care of their children.
NOT using financial inducements to make it so if you are a single baby mama you get all the free stuff but the moment you let one of the men be a father to their children you get that up to what could be $100k of benefits cut off.
But again that was done on purpose to destroy the African American communities because the Democrats were afraid they were waking up and beginning to understand they could have their own political power.
No argument here. I was playing devil's advocate. Again, even forced birth control does seem to be exactly as you said...dystopian nightmarish. Again, we can argue that all we want; but in the end (at least if I were a serious advocate) I'd be a complete hypocrit since I think the government was COMPLETELY out of bounds forcing a vaccine on people...even those working as a federal contractor. So, if it was right to say "no" to the Clot Shot, then I cannot morally go so far as to say "forced" birth control.

At best, offer it up to them as an incentive and STOP paying people to have children so they can get more in their welfare check. There is more than one way to skin a cat so to speak. De-incentivize is the best method. These people are not so damn stupid they haven't figured out how to milk the system and drive around in nicer cars than most folks I know. Low IQ or not...
This whole thing is retarded and the timing is worse than pulling your pants down while at church. Why is this an issue all of a sudden? Why is a 'conservative' court hauling this old ass thing out of the storage closet months before the midterms during a time when the US is in the worst shapes its been in since most of us were alive? Oh, and the republicans are currently supposed to sweep those midterms.

Do they honestly believe this is what most people in the US want? News flash, outside of hard line Biblethumpers, this issue was somewhere between cleaning out the garage and doing taxes, for most people.

Want an abortion? Go fucking have one. Trust me, just like firearms, some lame ass law isn't stopping anyone.

Do I think its right/agree with it? Not really.

Do I want people having more kids (especially those people who tend to have abortions) Absolutely fucking not. Hell I've killed most of you, and your loser ass kids, in my mind already.

We have $5 gas, 20% inflation, food/supply shortages, an absolute muppet 'in charge', stolen elections, voter fraud, a ministry of truth and a SCOTUS judge who was just confirmed based solely on the fact that she is black and has a vagina and what do we do....oh lets rewrite our take on Roe V Wade.

Couldn't take up a stolen election or most 2A cases, but lets get right on this old ass thing that regardless of what the law is, will change literally nothing as having an 'illegal abortion' will be somewhere up there with being a sanctuary city or how most of us would act is they banned all firearms. It will change nothing, yet it will just piss off the other side to do dumb shit.

You know how when you think of the middle east and how they all have fought and killed each other for 1000s of years and you're like, why are they so dumb? Why do they keep doing that dumb shit over and over?

Well, this is that.

What in the actual fuck?
For me, this law could have been about the ethical treatment of midgets while engaged in the production of duck decoys.

Its a good thing they decided to take the axe to it because Roe vs Wade was a clear shining star example of "whatever it takes to get our political agenda in" and not "good jurisprudence." The things the court did to create the ruling they desired bore more in common with the bullet time scenes from the Matrix than it did any simple legal gymnastics.

And I for one will take some (very rare) motion towards an ethical and literal Supreme Court over politically wise timing.

Who gets elected to office in the midterms doesn't mean shit in our nation. Our Supreme Court taking an "anything goes" approach to a law just to satisfy political concerns is a goddamn nuclear bomb going off in the very heart of the concept of justice within our institutions.

A reversal based on clear legal principles will take decades off the age of our dying empire.