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Suppressors TBAC Ultra 9 for 300 Norma Mag?


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Jul 18, 2014
Anyone regularly use a TBAC Ultra 9 with 300 Norma or similar?

I may eventuality get a 338 Ultra but I was curious if the Ultra 9 would be sufficient for regular use.
It could be done, but I wouldn't shoot too fast with one. I have one too but wouldn't trust myself with it on there with my cadence of shooting. Hence why I have a Gen 2 SR in jail waiting for approval. I have already blown up one suppressor with the NM.
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Those Abel dudes in SoCal also know a thing or five about low runout cans that hammer with heavy 30s... Just a couple of Theorem-Ls prosecuting steel below.
I have both the Ultra 9 and 338. I actually prefer the 338 can on my 300NM

According to their numbers it does make it quieter by 4.6dB at Shooter's Ear.

Did you have any issues with fhe Ultra 9?

It's rated for it, and its a decent volume can.

If you have an Ultra 9, I see no reason not to use it on a .300NM. If you are looking to purchase a can for a .300NM, then the Magnus would be more optimal.

Just prefer to use what I have currently if possible rather than chasing the new thing.

It could be done, but I wouldn't shoot too fast with one. I have one too but wouldn't trust myself with it on there with my cadence of shooting. Hence why I have a Gen 2 SR in jail waiting for approval. I have already blown up one suppressor with the NM.

Out of curiosity, which can got killed by a NM?
I use a gen 1 ultra 9 on a 26" 300NM and it works great. I don't rapid fire large magnums in general so I can't comment on how it would handle it. I know the barrel wouldn't like it. Maybe save up a little longer to get a 338 sr gen 2 instead because nothing would probably beat it.
@Beardsli I experienced no issues with the Ultra 9, that said it just seemed to me that the 338 Ultra did a better job of mitigating the recoil impulse and sound. That said its all subjective so YMMV
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I run an ultra 9 on my 300NM.
It’s actually re-cored to a Gen2 Ultra from the OG… a 30-p1

Does great, a 338 SR is probably quieter, but I wear ear pro anyway and only shoot the Norma suppressed.
I run an AI, which is heavy, but recoil is a non-issue IMO running the TBAC

TBAC has it rated for 300NM down to 20”, so I wouldn’t really worry.
Out of curiosity, which can got killed by a NM?
Silencerco Hybrid 45. I did put a couple of hundred rounds through it before it shot off the end of my barrel. I only had 5 rounds left for the day and decided to burn through it really fast at 1100 yards. On the very last shot of the day the core let go, never to be seen again. At least I had the outer shell and Silencerco did warranty the suppressor. That's the part where I learned my lesson to not shoot a big magnum really fast on a 1.5" suppressor.
My buddy has one on his 300 NM. He pretty much only shoots it with the can on, but it is a hunting rifle so it doesn’t see high round count. I would say it’s sufficient for regular use as long as you aren’t trying to burn it down
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Thanks for the feedback everyone.

Not trying to burn it down, just regular long range shooting.

I'll just send it. I contacted TBAC and they didn't give any qualifications aside from barrel length (22" minimum).

338 Ultra SR still on the wishlist.
It would work but if buying a new can I would get a Magnus. The best rated 30 cal can out there. (I have one in Jail)

I would do a dominus before a Ultra series anyway. Shorter and fatter.

If you already own the Ultra 9, just run it unless you want to spend more money and wait another year.