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What is up with the Narcan commercials

Nik H

Constantly Learning
Full Member
  • Jan 22, 2014
    Small town New England
    I have recently seen a few commercials about Narcan available to stop an opioid emergency.

    Can non-medical people buy this now? Is the problem that widespread that people need to carry Narcan kits?

    WTF are we turning into
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    I have recently seen a few commercials about Narcan available to stop an opioid emergency.

    Can non-medical people buy this now? Is the problem that widespread that people need to carry Narcan kits?

    WTF are we turning into
    There are vending machines coming to Chicago that dispense fentanyl test kits, Narcan and underwear.

    We're a diseased society...
    How do you get accidentally poisoned by opioids?
    Some asshole drops some on a shopping cart handle or in a park and a kid gets it in his mouth. Don't take much.

    Deputy friend was assisting OSP on a traffic stop. They were conducting a search of the vehicle. Deputy opened the trunk and BAM fell on his back. Fentanal poisoning. He said he could hear and see but could not move. Said it was the most helpless he has ever felt. Other officers gave him NARCAN nasal spray.
    Some asshole drops some on a shopping cart handle or in a park and a kid gets it in his mouth. Don't take much.

    Deputy friend was assisting OSP on a traffic stop. They were conducting a search of the vehicle. Deputy opened the trunk and BAM fell on his back. Fentanal poisoning. He said he could hear and see but could not move. Said it was the most helpless he has ever felt. Other officers gav him NARCAN.
    That is fucking whacked
    From what I’ve seen and read it take a few grains the size of Kosher salt to kill you. Waiting for the ariel drop from a drone over a stadium or parade. I pray it never happens but in today’s world sick people do sick shit!
    Yes, it can be purchased without a prescription in many/most areas.

    Yes, the problem is that widespread. "Accidental poisonings" are currently responsible for about 100,000 deaths/year.

    Cue the "let them die" howler monkeys.
    LET THEM DIE! Happy?

    I know EMT's who have serial customers from "accidental poisonings". They can't afford to pay for emergency service but they can buy drugs to "accidentally poison" themselves again.

    Democrats will push for free Narcan to keep the drug trade alive and drive crime rates up so they can keep pushing for gun control.
    Some asshole drops some on a shopping cart handle or in a park and a kid gets it in his mouth. Don't take much.

    Deputy friend was assisting OSP on a traffic stop. They were conducting a search of the vehicle. Deputy opened the trunk and BAM fell on his back. Fentanal poisoning. He said he could hear and see but could not move. Said it was the most helpless he has ever felt. Other officers gave him NARCAN nasal spray.
    Years ago we stopped field testing drugs due to possible fentanyl/carfentanil poisoning. Just book it in the packaging and send to the crime lab. Just recently we received more training put out by the American medical association basically saying thats all bullshit, stop being pussies, and treat it like any other narcotic. 🤷‍♂️
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    Years ago we stopped field testing drugs due to possible fentanyl/carfentanil poisoning. Just book it in the packaging and send to the crime lab. Just recently we received more training put out by the American medical association basically saying thats all bullshit, stop being pussies, and treat it like any other narcotic. 🤷‍♂️
    The strange thing with this situation was they never found anything in the trunk. Never found any drugs anywhere. There were 2 officers down and one officer giving Narcan nasal doses in the same area and was unaffected. Shit in Oregon if its a user amount all they get is a $140 ticket. Isn't worth the trouble for LE. Other than the fact the Narcan worked, they just assumed it was Fentanyl. The Driver was a convicted parolee dealer.
    If you should somehow be inclined to narcan somebody on the street, my advice to you is to administer it and step far away 'cause there's every likelihood that the junkie's gonna come out of it wanting to fight you because you messed up his high. Think there was a story a while back where some first responders got shot at or stabbed by the POS that they resuscitated.

    Edit: https://www.postcrescent.com/story/...consider-approach-narcan-response/3710990002/
    + https://www.ems1.com/close-calls/ar...hoot-firefighters-paramedic-SymccEheiRKBh6iA/
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    If you should somehow be inclined to narcan somebody on the street, my advice to you is to administer it and step far away 'cause there's every likelihood that the junkie's gonna come out of it wanting to fight you because you messed up his high. Think there was a story a while back where some first responders got shot at or stabbed by the POS that they resuscitated.

    Edit: https://www.postcrescent.com/story/...consider-approach-narcan-response/3710990002/
    + https://www.ems1.com/close-calls/ar...hoot-firefighters-paramedic-SymccEheiRKBh6iA/
    Or you give them the narcan and the junky dies anyway and the family decides to sue you for killing their precious innocent angel
    How do you get accidentally poisoned by opioids?

    It's the CDC euphemism. Don't know the history of the term and don't really care to learn, but my guess is that most opioid ODs cases are not actively trying to kill themselves at that exact moment (the CDC has other categories for reporting that and the numbers there are also ugly).
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    I have recently seen a few commercials about Narcan available to stop an opioid emergency.

    Can non-medical people buy this now? Is the problem that widespread that people need to carry Narcan kits?

    WTF are we turning into

    I really hope the people buying Narcan are trained on how to administer it. I know. I was.

    If they're going to sell it at "full" Paramedic strength (the only "real" way they could or should), then you have to administer the doses very slowly and be ready to "roll" the patient on their side because they *will* hurl. You gotta have a "barf basin" at the ready. If you push the Narcan too fast, they're guaranteed to hurl. You don't want to introduce another problem by having them choke on their own barf.
    Accidental deaths are most likely a small percentage of the total.
    The vast majority, I'll wager, are self induced stupidity.
    If only we knew the source of this "epidemic"...
    I'd like to know the cost of a narcan pen.
    Compare that to an Epi pen, I'll bet there is a difference.
    One has a need, one has the need created by foolish behavior.

    Only reason at all that I am seriously considering adding it to my truck, is for accidental exposures for people I know. Fuck the junkies on the street. I get it, they're somebody's kid. Not mine though.
    I have a backpack I take everywhere. It has everything I need to go a few days. I keep Narcan in it now, never know if I might have to save someone, or if I was to come in contact with someone's shit.

    Here is why:

    I had a co-worker die from accidental fentanyl poisoning from the return of his stolen car about 8 months ago. He was 54 year old single dad with a 17 and 19 year old girls. Car stolen on Monday, recovered on Thursday, dead on Friday.
    I would make a bet at least 90% of the stories of someone accidentally contacting fentanyl and over dosing are bullshit.

    Accidental deaths can also come from counterfeit drugs.

    Somehow those Chinese children stuffing the pills also don't OD every day.

    Precisely. We were never cautioned about that. The only way I think it *could* happen is if the Fentanyl was in "powder" form and it was mistakenly "inhaled." This, or if it entered via an exposed wound on our hands... (which would never happen anyway because we'd all be wearing surgical gloves). And if we suspected Fentanyl in powder form, we'd back out of that scene pronto and let Haz-Mat handle it, or we'd put on face masks.
    Just a few years ago the death rate for opioid overdose was around 40K per year. Then the government passed a half trillion dollar bill for the War On Opioids. The death rate has increased drastically since then to almost 140K per year. Anyone know how much of that money got laundered back to the RNC and DNC?
    Accidental deaths are most likely a small percentage of the total.
    The vast majority, I'll wager, are self induced stupidity.
    If only we knew the source of this "epidemic"...
    I'd like to know the cost of a narcan pen.
    Compare that to an Epi pen, I'll bet there is a difference.
    One has a need, one has the need created by foolish behavior.

    It's a nasal spray. Cost me $35 for a two pack.
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    It's a nasal spray. Cost me $35 for a two pack.

    Not completely up to date but shows the trend.

    There are vending machines coming to Chicago that dispense fentanyl test kits, Narcan and underwear.

    We're a diseased society...

    Vending machines in our small towns here now… selling Narcan. When the junkies don’t smash them and steal the Narcan to sell to junkies for junk.

    Ban Narcan. Legalize everything else. From fentanyl to paint huffing. Legalize it all. Problem gone in months.

    NARCAN kills! By providing a theoretical “landing pad” it encourages bad behavior and OD’s. Get rid of it.

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    Vending machines in our small towns here now… selling Narcan. When the junkies don’t smash them and steal the Narcan to sell to junkies for junk.

    Ban Narcan. Legalize everything else. From fentanyl to paint huffing. Legalize it all. Problem gone in months.

    NARCAN kills! By providing a theoretical “landing pad” it encourages bad behavior and OD’s. Get rid of it.

    This should have been a lesson learned with prohibition. Banning things has never and can never work. If a demand exists, a supply will be found. Opium derivatives have been illegal since 1915, yet they can't even keep them out of maximum security prisons, where strip searches and body cavity searches are allowed.

    If an adult's life goal is to see how much junk he can inject into his veins, let him have at it and we'll send an ambulance to collect his body when he succeeds.
    Vending machines in our small towns here now… selling Narcan. When the junkies don’t smash them and steal the Narcan to sell to junkies for junk.

    Ban Narcan. Legalize everything else. From fentanyl to paint huffing. Legalize it all. Problem gone in months.

    NARCAN kills! By providing a theoretical “landing pad” it encourages bad behavior and OD’s. Get rid of it.

    Create the epidemic, sell the "cure."
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    Create the epidemic, sell the "cure."

    Exactly… how much in (subsidized dollars) is some pharma company getting for their “look Fentanyl and opioids are safe” cure-it-all.

    Let’s see… minimum of 30 million doses to first responders. Every hospital, Clinic and ER needs dozens of doses at hand. What… another 20-30 million? I assume every pharmacy now. That’s gotta be good for another 10 million sales. Schools, of course. What’s that… several million? Now vending machines and all kinds of other “outlets” in shithole cities or ruined small towns.

    Plus Narcan expires. Oh and training kits. Big bucks in those. Just selling packaging for as much as the drug. And training is annual or even more often.

    Doesn’t even begin to address worldwide sales… every airport… cruise line… border crossing, sports venue, shopping mall, all have to have Narcan on hand. If not and someone dies, guess who gets sued for not having Narcan.

    Some pharma company is doing well. And how many politicians are getting donations from said pharma company and its executives.

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    Oh and let’s see how this aged…

    Maryland pharmaceutical company buys maker of overdose reversal drug Narcan for $735 million (Baltimore Sun)
    Wednesday Aug 29th, 2018

    A Gaithersburg pharmaceutical company with significant Baltimore operations has acquired the maker of Narcan, a widely used opioid overdose reversal drug, and said it plans to develop more products to combat the nation’s opioid addiction and overdose epidemic.

    Emergent Biosolutions will pay $735 million in cash and stock to acquire Adapt Pharma, the Dublin, Ireland-based maker of Narcan. Officials of the Maryland company said Narcan, the brand name for the nasal spray version of naloxone, fits into its business of developing and producing countermeasures for biological, chemical and infectious disease threats for government and other customers.

    The Baltimore City Health Department like most other public health programs buys the less expensive Narcan for a negotiated price of $75 for a two-dose kit, but struggles to round up state, federal and private grants to maintain its stocks.

    Dr. Leana Wen, the city health commissioner, said if the city followed the U.S. surgeon general’s recommendation that everyone have the drug on hand for emergencies, then Baltimore would have to spend $49 million, which is twice the city’s entire public health budget.

    ^^^ read that last line. Surgeon General (isn’t that some mentally ill tranny?) recommends that everyone have a dose of Narcan handy. Everyone! So Biden Admin is trying to sell billions in Pharma for a disease they create by allowing open borders and continuing the charade that “war on drugs” works.

    No big dollars being laundered here with a bullshit cute for a made up disease. Not at all!

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    Maryland pharmaceutical company buys maker of overdose reversal drug Narcan for $735 million (Baltimore Sun)
    Wednesday Aug 29th, 2018

    A Gaithersburg pharmaceutical company with significant Baltimore operations has acquired the maker of Narcan, a widely used opioid overdose reversal drug, and said it plans to develop more products to combat the nation’s opioid addiction and overdose epidemic.

    Emergent Biosolutions will pay $735 million in cash and stock to acquire Adapt Pharma, the Dublin, Ireland-based maker of Narcan. Officials of the Maryland company said Narcan, the brand name for the nasal spray version of naloxone, fits into its business of developing and producing countermeasures for biological, chemical and infectious disease threats for government and other customers.

    The Baltimore City Health Department like most other public health programs buys the less expensive Narcan for a negotiated price of $75 for a two-dose kit, but struggles to round up state, federal and private grants to maintain its stocks.

    Dr. Leana Wen, the city health commissioner, said if the city followed the U.S. surgeon general’s recommendation that everyone have the drug on hand for emergencies, then Baltimore would have to spend $49 million, which is twice the city’s entire public health budget.

    ^^^ read that last line. Health commissioner recommends that everyone have a dose of Narcan handy. Everyone!

    No big dollars being laundered here with a bullshit cute for a made up disease. Not at all!

    You should see what we have here on CO. Medride, it gives rides to people on Medicaid for medical treatment. According to medicaid you can never get clean once you have an opioid addiction. So medride picks up junkies all over the state and takes them to methadone clinics in the city. Ostensibly forever.
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    This should have been a lesson learned with prohibition. Banning things has never and can never work. If a demand exists, a supply will be found. Opium derivatives have been illegal since 1915, yet they can't even keep them out of maximum security prisons, where strip searches and body cavity searches are allowed.

    If an adult's life goal is to see how much junk he can inject into his veins, let him have at it and we'll send an ambulance to collect his body when he succeeds.
    It works in countries where they execute drug dealers (many Asian countries). If death is on the table it solves a lot of shit.
    I was watching part of a podcast that featured a middle-aged father of teenage girls. His girls were heading, or had just headed, off to college and he was extremely proud of himself for being a "good dad" and sending them to college with "party prep kits" consisting of "Plan B, condoms and Narcan".

    Where "progressive" politics and unending tolerance get us.