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Well, it's pretty clear that NO ONE wants to be cuffed and arrested which is why I hate the resisting arrest charge because it's bullshit. There's 2 types of resisting. There's passive resisting which is your body's involuntary reaction when you're first put in cuffs. And then there's active resisting where you're actually fighting the cops. So yeah, you can't exactly blame anyone for not wanting to get arrested and will lie to get out of it.

Anyone put in cuffs and resist even passive resisting has to have a very low IQ if any at all not to understand once in cuffs you have to be stupid to think resisting is going to change your current position of being pinched.

Should we install rails in the city sidewalks that if the criminal resists that the Officer cuffs them to the rails and comes back several hours later when they have calmed down .
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So George Floyd was killed on Memorial Day and Derek Chauvin was convicted on 4-20. Basically two awesome days that are most likely gonna be ruined for years to come thanks to this nonsense.
Nothing can ruin Memorial Day. I will always honor my brothers, and sisters in arms who fought, and died for my country. No piece of shit criminal getting dead could ever change that.

Now 4/20... who gives a shit? Unless you're into celebrating Hitler's birthday, or are a major pothead, 4/20 is just another damn day. Well, not any more. Now it's the day the justice system died...

OK, America, and what's going on...

I'm ashamed of my countrymen.

Even President Trump.

But I was glad when he stepped down, even though I knew in my heart the election was stolen.

I was glad, because I thought he was saving the nation from being embroiled in a bitter, destructive civil war that surely would have kicked off had he decided to fight for what had been stolen from the American people.

In retrospect, I kinda wish he'd just put his foot down, and made the decision for us at the time.

Now we all have to watch everything continue to go to hell, and wonder what the trigger will be that will finally kicks things off. Doesn't look like this miscarriage of justice is it.

Somehow though, I'm getting the feeling that it's getting closer, and closer to somebody, or something lighting that fuse. The left has been emboldened now like never before, and there's no telling how far they'll try to take it.

Only question is, how far will it go before the self restrained, have had enough?
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I understand what you are saying. My point of disagreement is that while you think voting matters and the people have a real choice in that regard, I believe its all an illusion. Real change doesn’t happen at the ballot box. Never has. Never will.
Think of it in the context of Pascal's wager. If you are right, but you vote anyway, things are just as bad as you thought, and all you had to do was check a box and refrain from telling other people not to. If you are wrong, but you don't vote and convince other people not to, then you are doing real damage. It almost doesn't matter if you are right or wrong. Political conflict needs to be fought on all levels, and the easiest engagement is to vote and to tell other people to do the same. It is basically cost free if you are right, and very profitable if you are wrong.

What a lying fucking cunt! I remember Owens from the GamerGate bullshit when she was a Leftist who used to have a website dedicated to doxing Conservatives and anyone else she didn't like. She got thrown under the bus by her own tribe of Leftists and was begging for forgiveness. She is NOT nor was she EVER a Conservative. She's nothing but a lying Leftist grifter who works with the other fake Cuckservatives at Conservative Inc.
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What a lying fucking cunt! I remember Owens from the GamerGate bullshit when she was a Leftist who used to have a website dedicated to doxing Conservatives and anyone else she didn't like. She got thrown under the bus by her own tribe of Leftists and was begging for forgiveness. She is NOT nor was she EVER a Conservative. She's nothing but a lying Leftist grifter who works with the other fake Cuckservatives at Conservative Inc.
Let me guess...

None of that "every saint has a past, every sinner has a future" for you huh? 🤣

I used to be a brainwashed, screaming liberal until I woke up politically (Thank you Ron Paul) So I guess fuck me too huh?

Maybe give her the benefit of the doubt. Or at least "dont throw the baby out.... " People do change, not often but they do. I would sooner die now than lose the self integrity I found when I grew up, became accountable, and evolved to become a hard Conservative.

I'll go with the benefit she provides today. And she does.

But I also don't support her financially.
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Let me guess...

None of that "every saint has a past, every sinner has a future" for you huh? 🤣

I used to be a brainwashed, screaming liberal until I woke up politically (Thank you Ron Paul) So I guess fuck me too huh?

Maybe give her the benefit of the doubt. Or at least "dont throw the baby out.... "

I'll go with the benefit she provides today. And she does.

But I also don't support her financially.

The thing that's different between you and her is that you just simply woke up and yeah Ron Paul is great and doing that. Owens on the other hand jumped ship not because she woke up, but rather she's vindictive against the Leftists who threw her under the bus and what better way to piss off a party you once supported than to jump ship?
This should have been considered a mistrial on Friday. With that cunt Waters, stirring shit up,
C J Pudding voicing his babbling b.s., NBC listing/doxing some of the jurors, judge should have made the claim of a mistrial. Fu$K, Chauvin was guilty, the moment he first stepped into the courtroom.
He never had a chance. Welcome to the NWO. Mac:mad:
Shit, I totally forgot about that.

There was a finding on it just this week...

My work used to get our boots made there. Ive been down to the factory to get fitted.

Workstation after workstation of people making a great product. One of the last of its type in an area that used to shoe the country.

Alden shoes may cost a buck but you get a good product.
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This isn't the end, but just another step toward anarchy. I've watched this play out for 50 years now, since the MLK riots. White liberals have tried to appease, tried to buy peace. We've spent trillions on the 'great society' programs. This forced verdict only emboldens racial hatred. Again, where is the justice for Ashlii Babbitt?
What happens when what was not a crime now is? What happens when what was legal now isn’t? Sometimes doing right can land you in cuffs while something that is clearly wrong gets a pass or is even rewarded.

Each person has to decide for them if "that thing" that was just made illegal is worth dying over.
Is a counterfeit $20 bill worth your life? Selling loosie cigarettes? Not to me.
Are there things worth my life? Yep.
This isn't the end, but just another step toward anarchy. I've watched this play out for 50 years now, since the MLK riots. White liberals have tried to appease, tried to buy peace. We've spent trillions on the 'great society' programs. This forced verdict only emboldens racial hatred. Again, where is the justice for Ashlii Babbitt?
This country is not moving towards anarchy. Just the opposite. You are looking at a freight train running full steam into the iron bars of an authoritarian police state run by corporate oligarchs. It’s called fascism (not the false wikepidia definition of the word).
This country is not moving towards anarchy. Just the opposite. You are looking at a freight train running full steam into the iron bars of an authoritarian police state run by corporate oligarchs. It’s called fascism (not the false wikepidia definition of the word).
So true , anyone that believes end game is anything else than a way more authoritarian police state is a fool . US is already a police state that gave up everything post 9/11 now just running the final circle, NSA and host of other 3 leter agencies are already leaps and bounds beyond Stasi 2.0. The new 'domestic terror' laws and ideas are just bringing GWOT and its practices home. But remember most cheered for it all the way to the final stretch .

*Same Police that is about to be defunded today will in a couple of years be hounding you at gunpoint while wearing Google ,Amazon, Facebook sponsor labels on the uniform.

Can add BLM logo and you are ready to go.

*Note in DDR Stasi had 1 informant per cca 89 people , in practice modern society 'out snitches' DDR by such magnitudes that would make Stasi top brass blush in embarrassment.😵
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That’s easy, in short by the time enough recognize it and agree on it, it will be too late.
That's the crux of the problem. Jump too soon, you're the sacrificial lamb, and it's off to the gulag. Wait 'til you're positive, you're up against an unmovable wall.

Some senile old fart may get us into a nuclear war over the Ukraine soon, and it will all be over anyhow...
Greg Gutfeld is officially a POS.

His words are sad because it reflects the situation of our society alter by the government. If he was found not guilty they would riot , so his words if he was found guilty avoided a riot which is the stark truth. Since the rule of law doesn't apply to those who riot and they are allowed to destroy other peoples property without any consequences what so ever then Chauvin took one for the team so to speak as did the jury.

Now if we had rule of law and rioters and looters were shot on sight then his words would be offensive.
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This country is not moving towards anarchy. Just the opposite. You are looking at a freight train running full steam into the iron bars of an authoritarian police state run by corporate oligarchs. It’s called fascism (not the false wikepidia definition of the word).

Spot on. And this train didn't just start moving down the tracks in 2020; it's been building speed for the past two decades, and a ton of people on both sides got talked into shoveling coal into the boiler, and most of them will come to the realization that they were wrong much too late.

I don't know who to credit with the success of this destruction - Bin Laden, China, Russia, the deep state, all of the above - but damn, it was a job well-done. Definitely one for the history books.
We did it to ourselves. It's our fault - we lost our objective reasoning and stopped making people accountable for their actions. We let our Politicians and Government be purchased and obligated to the Oligarchy (because of the greed for money and power) instead of being a Government by, for, and of the US People.

We allowed this to happen. And now we'll have to fix it when it's so broken it can't work anymore. Which is now.

The thing that's different between you and her is that you just simply woke up and yeah Ron Paul is great and doing that. Owens on the other hand jumped ship not because she woke up, but rather she's vindictive against the Leftists who threw her under the bus and what better way to piss off a party you once supported than to jump ship?
Then she'd have to be acting (and with great zeal) in a manner that is exactly opposite of what she truly believes. I don't see it, I think she woke up. Regardless like @gayguns said, she provides benefit to conservatives either way. There are several conservatives who used to be liberals, I don't think they should be set aside because they weren't born into this thinking.
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From an outsiders point of view, if I were a Minneapolis PO, I'd quit today and either go somewhere else (like a smaller MN town) or just be done with that line of work entirely. If I were a Minneapolis resident, I'd be looking for job options elsewhere and plan to move within the next few months. Not because of the verdict, but because of the way the trial was conducted, the 6th amendment did not apply to this trial, especially the impartial jury part. There's no way I'm living somewhere that I'd have to trust my future to a Minnesota court of any kind if God forbid something happened to me. The 6th amendment apparently doesn't apply there once enough pressure from the media and other branches of government mounts.
His words are sad because it reflects the situation of our society alter by the government. If he was found not guilty they would riot , so his words if he was found guilty avoided a riot which is the stark truth. Since the rule of law doesn't apply to those who riot and they are allowed to destroy other peoples property without any consequences what so ever then Chauvin took one for the team so to speak as did the jury.

Now if we had rule of law and rioters and looters were shot on sight then his words would be offensive.
Why don’t the people of these cities that are on fire fight back? Why do they not protect their own neighborhoods? What is the single largest deterrent?

There is no rule of law in this country. There probably never was. What is needed is rule of morality. People should do what is right regardless of the state’s laws. In your scenario this would be going on the offensive against those harming the community. It’s not legal to do so but it is the right thing to do.

Have you noticed the fight against decency and the push towards acceptance of degeneracy. The victor of this battle takes all.
We did it to ourselves. It's our fault - we lost our objective reasoning and stopped making people accountable for their actions. We let our Politicians and Government be purchased and obligated to the Oligarchy (because of the greed for money and power) instead of being a Government by, for, and of the US People.

We allowed this to happen. And now we'll have to fix it when it's so broken it can't work anymore. Which is now.

How? Where is the start? Voting? Disobedience? Rebellion?
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So true , anyone that believes end game is anything else than a way more authoritarian police state is a fool . US is already a police state that gave up everything post 9/11 now just running the final circle, NSA and host of other 3 leter agencies are already leaps and bounds beyond Stasi 2.0. The new 'domestic terror' laws and ideas are just bringing GWOT and its practices home. But remember most cheered for it all the way to the final stretch .

*Same Police that is about to be defunded today will in a couple of years be hounding you at gunpoint while wearing Google ,Amazon, Facebook sponsor labels on the uniform.

Can add BLM logo and you are ready to go.

*Note in DDR Stasi had 1 informant per cca 89 people , in practice modern society 'out snitches' DDR by such magnitudes that would make Stasi top brass blush in embarrassment.😵
I believe the plan is to have a national police force and to do away with local and state police. Wasn't it 44 that wanted to start a national police force. 46 is just going a long with the same idea.
How many years is he going to sit in solitary (protective unit) before he wins his appeal?
I dunno but when he gets out he should sue for wrongful conviction and walk away a very wealthy man.
$100 he gets eppsteined before his appeal date.
This would be me fear.
I believe the plan is to have a national police force and to do away with local and state police. Wasn't it 44 that wanted to start a national police force. 46 is just going a long with the same idea.
Agreed. I think this is the goal, it’s in the communist playbook. Replace all officers that would defy orders with people that will have no problem enforcing said wrong orders. There is no shortage of people that they can replace good officers with and thereby they solidify their new brown shirt army. I think you are seeing this play out live.
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I believe the plan is to have a national police force and to do away with local and state police. Wasn't it 44 that wanted to start a national police force. 46 is just going a long with the same idea.

I mean, the FBI is already acting like that's their job. National police force for one specific political party, no less. All of the alphabets fall into that category. The whole "it's just the top brass" narrative went out the window during Trump's term -- the whole of each agency is leftist henchmen.

Sure, there may be some good folks in there. But you find peanuts and corn in shit, too -- it's still shit.
Why don’t the people of these cities that are on fire fight back? Why do they not protect their own neighborhoods? What is the single largest deterrent?

There is no rule of law in this country. There probably never was. What is needed is rule of morality. People should do what is right regardless of the state’s laws. In your scenario this would be going on the offensive against those harming the community. It’s not legal to do so but it is the right thing to do.

Have you noticed the fight against decency and the push towards acceptance of degeneracy. The victor of this battle takes all.
What we have is, we, as law abiding citizens, have run our lives with the Rule of Law, for decades in this country and now, we see it turning to shit. The common man (sorry ladies I'm not trying to leave you out, but, I do know you're out there), is very apprehensive of taking certain measures to the streets. Deep down, we know it would be the right thing to do, but, it's like someone in a bar coming up to you, and he's drunk, and calls you a F wad. Some people would just jump right in, punch the F'er in the face, then be done with it. OR, and I feel this is our situation, we are sitting back, waiting for the same F wad, to actually put their hands on us after the same comment, then taking care of business. With all the shit that's been going on, we have had great resolve/restraint.
When it does come the time to take to the streets, to protect our neighborhoods, families, friends,
it will be a very bad situation for all.
Are we ready to make that ultimate sacrifice?? Because, you will be making the ultimate sacrifice and putting it all on the line.
We can talk all the shit we want to, but, when that match finally strikes that fuse, it's NOT going to be good or pretty.
I've lived 60+ years in this great country, and I never, ever, thought I would see it swirl the toilet bowl, as I see it now doing.
Communism is at the front door.
I shed tears for my Country. To get it back, it is going to cost many a sacrifice.
We have one hell of a pot-holed road to travel.
I believe the plan is to have a national police force and to do away with local and state police. Wasn't it 44 that wanted to start a national police force. 46 is just going a long with the same idea.
46 isn't "going a long" with anything.. He reads his teleprompter and signs whatever is placed on his desk. That's the extent of it...
"... Uhh.... What am I doing here?..." In his live speech a few weeks back pretty much sums it up.
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Whole tiral and evidence produced was a waste of time.
Decision by jury was made after the video was shown. they neither had the mental capacity to interpret the expert medical testimony or did not care.
they feared for their lives. What do I have to say to get the F out of here?
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So since chauvin was convicted of 2nd degree murder.....which is death resulting from a felony assault.....

is anyone going to ask the Minneapolis police chief why "felony assault" is a department approved technique?

Why is "felony assault" being taught in police manuals that he approved?

You know, if we had actual reporters, they would be asking him those questions..

The asshole was quick to toss his own officers under the bus, maybe he needs to be held to account
I would have bet the farm on a hung jury on this. 2nd degree murder......WTF! I believe he had som culpability in this, but 2nd degree murder?

My neighbors daughter was stabbed 36 times, had 50 bruises, a 4-1/2" slit on her throat, and was found dead in 2003. The attacker got second degree murder.

I must have missed something in the video??????
What we have is, we, as law abiding citizens, have run our lives with the Rule of Law, for decades in this country and now, we see it turning to shit. The common man (sorry ladies I'm not trying to leave you out, but, I do know you're out there), is very apprehensive of taking certain measures to the streets. Deep down, we know it would be the right thing to do, but, it's like someone in a bar coming up to you, and he's drunk, and calls you a F wad. Some people would just jump right in, punch the F'er in the face, then be done with it. OR, and I feel this is our situation, we are sitting back, waiting for the same F wad, to actually put their hands on us after the same comment, then taking care of business. With all the shit that's been going on, we have had great resolve/restraint.
When it does come the time to take to the streets, to protect our neighborhoods, families, friends,
it will be a very bad situation for all.
Are we ready to make that ultimate sacrifice?? Because, you will be making the ultimate sacrifice and putting it all on the line.
We can talk all the shit we want to, but, when that match finally strikes that fuse, it's NOT going to be good or pretty.
I've lived 60+ years in this great country, and I never, ever, thought I would see it swirl the toilet bowl, as I see it now doing.
Communism is at the front door.
I shed tears for my Country. To get it back, it is going to cost many a sacrifice.
We have one hell of a pot-holed road to travel.
adding to your point is the fact that many citizens on the right have worked hard and as such achieved wealth to varying levels. Boats, vacation homes, expensive guns college educations, land etc.....the left and powers that be know that it will take a lot for people to get mad enough that they no longer care about everything they achieved and saddle up and go 1776. It’s also a main reason most on the right don’t riot, loot, etc because there is too much to be lost...jobs, stocks, credit rating, 401k, just to go out and teach some of these shitheads a real lesson on what it means to fuck around and find out.
On the opposite side however, most on the left have none of those things. The rank and file soldiers if you will, already have nothing to lose. Which is why they can form mobs, riot, loot, they can because rule of law for them means nothing. No job, no credit rating, no boat, no vacation home to lose when they get arrested for robbing target. We could discuss for weeks why this is but the fact remains that the left has at its disposal masses of uncaring people that are easily manipulated with no regard for law and decency.
I believe this is another huge reason the left did everything it could to get President Donald Trump out of office. He truly was bringing the nation together. It was showing in the polls with his popularity among minorities was growing. the left was losing one of its biggest assets and that could not happen.
the left know that people on the right are too complacent and while the possibility is always there for an ” enough‘s......enough” scenario, in reality it really isn’t. The left know this and is why they keep doing what they do. They erode, undermine, divide, lie, cheat, remove god, brainwash, etc.... and the right keeps telling them to knock it off or else.....as we are loading up our yeti coolers and taking our bass boats out on the lake.
I believe the plan is to have a national police force and to do away with local and state police. Wasn't it 44 that wanted to start a national police force.

Yes, he campaigned on creating a brown shirt army in '08. Then over 8 years, created racial tensions and destroyed trust in police. Don't forget there was also the big city PD federal takeover in policy making. I forget what the program was called but he put agents into all the big city PDs to start the takeover "policy changes" is what they claimed to be doing.

What you are seeing now is the result of 44s hard work.
Yes, he campaigned on creating a brown shirt army in '08. Then over 8 years, created racial tensions and destroyed trust in police. Don't forget there was also the big city PD federal takeover in policy making. I forget what the program was called but he put agents into all the big city PDs to start the takeover "policy changes" is what they claimed to be doing.

What you are seeing now is the result of 44s hard work.
Consent decree and Biden is reinstituting it through Merrick Garland.