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Rifle Scopes A Really Good Question....


Full Member
Jul 6, 2009
Louisville, KY
I am trying my hand at the Mildot calculations and I am a bit baffled about one thing. At what scope power do you calculate the mils? I went to the Quickload website and they have a simulation to try. You chose between 10x and 20x. When I calculate the mils using 10x I come really close to the distance in yards. But when I use the 20x I am usually about half the actual distance.

When I use my 6-18x40 mildot scope, do I have to set it to 10x to determine the mils? I am new to long range shooting but I have a general understanding of how the mildot system works. This one thing is bugging the hell out of me though.
Re: A Really Good Question....

Put a yard stick at 100 yards or mark off 36" and when adjusting your power ring that distance is equal to 10 mils then that is the power that your scope mils correctly on. Mark your power ring for future use.
Re: A Really Good Question....

Most scopes have a power setting where the Mil-Dots will be accurate and true to scale. Usually there is a dot on the power ring that shows where to set it. It will vary with scope brand so look it up in your owners manual.

Do what Rob suggests to double check it for accuracy.

Re: A Really Good Question....

I will try that this weekend. Thanks for the advice.
I looked on my Buckmaster and the 12 does have a mark next to it and says mil. This must be what you are talking about.

Sorry for the blury pic.
Re: A Really Good Question....

The simulation is simulating an SFP scope, so 20X the picture is magnified, but the reticle's subtension is the same.

There's a lot of good reading for you in the optics FAQ threads.....
Re: A Really Good Question....

I have read quite a bit of the FAQs. You are right, lots of good reading. I was just stumped why my calculations were way off when I went from 10x to 20x. I couldnt find an answer in the FAQs.
Re: A Really Good Question....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lindy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Even if you think that mark is correct, check it the way Rob suggested. In my experience, those marks are often off enough to create problems at relatively long distances, so it's a good idea to check them.

I will this weekend when I visit the parents. They have a nice size lot in the coutry in northern ohio.
Dad has a 100yd range set up and if the crops arent to high I may take some 500+yd shots. I dont have a 20moa base so I wont be trying any 800-1000yd shots til I get one. Instead of using a range finder I was gonna try my mildot buckmaster.