Re: Average hunter skills
Incase you guys missed it when you signed on:
In order to keep these forums enjoyable and interesting for all of our users, we ask simply that you follow these minimal rules. By participating in the Sniper’s Hide Forums, you are consenting to these rules. Violators may be warned, suspended from posting, or barred from the forums at the sole discretion of the Sniper’s Hide Administration and its Moderators.
<span style="font-weight: bold">1.Exercise common sense and be considerate toward your fellow users. Diversity of opinion and intelligent civil discourse is encouraged; by the same token, Personal attacks, rudeness, flaming, baiting, insults to others, or arguments will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully. Any member who threatens anyone on the forum, via PM, instant messengers, or Email, will be subject to disciplinary actions, including but not limited to banishment from the site.
2. Do not post off-topic. Please keep your comments consistent with the subject and purpose of the conversation thread. Deliberate disruption -- such as consistent off-topic commentary -- will not be tolerated and may result in posts being removed. Failure to heed warnings may lead to banishment.
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4. Do not post the same topic in more than one forum. Pick the most relevant forum for your post. If you are unsure, put it in the Bear Pit, say you were not sure where it belonged, and someone will move it to the proper forum for you. Sniper’s Hide reserves the right to move, or remove any post it deems unacceptable at any time.
5. Posted images should be no larger than 800x600. Images that are larger than this will be converted to a link without notice. Remote avatars should be 100x100 or smaller (actual image size, not the image dimensions displayed after being converted by the forum), and no larger than 30KB file size. Larger avatars will be removed without notice. Uploaded avatars have a limit of 100x100 and 10KB. If you want help creating an avatar or resizing images, post a question on the forum asking for help. There are several members who will be happy to assist you.
6. Political discussion not directly related to firearms and shooting related issues are prohibited, as is any discussion on religion and religious matters. The posting of political or religious material will be deemed disruptive and maybe result in disciplinary action without notice or warning. Sniper's Hide has zero tolerance for political posts of any kind. Whether under guise of a political joke, or a blatant propaganda piece, no political posts means, no political posts, period.
7. No all-caps (FOR EXAMPLE, LIKE THIS) please. It is extremely hard to read. Posts submitted in all-caps will be deleted automatically.
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Rules for posting in the For Sale Section:
1. Minimum of 51 posts. You must contribute to this site in a positive manner. "LOL" does not count as a contribution.
2. You must fill out your profile with a city, state, and email address in your profile.
To do this, your city and state goes in the "Geography" line.
The email we need to see is in the "Public Email Address" box.
If you do not meet this criteria you will be asked to correct it. If you do not correct it, your post will be locked. If it is still not corrected, you will be removed from the forum for no less than 3 days.
Sniper's Hide does not check the validity of posts made in the For Sale Section, and bears no responsibly to ensure a smooth transaction. Users of the For Sale Section do so at their own risk. Any disputes or fraudulent transactions will result in one or both members being removed. Sniper's Hide also cooperates with any and all requests from Law Enforcement without hesitation to prosecute criminals attempting to use this board.
<span style="font-weight: bold"> and its moderators reserve the right to delete posts and/or whole conversations we determine are of an irrelevant, abusive or disruptive nature.</span>
Disciplinary actions are up to the sole discretion of Sniper’s Hide and its moderators, each offense will be taken as a separate incident or maybe compounded with incidents of the past resulting in harsher penalties including prolonged banishment from the site.
Anyone attempting to circumvent the disciplinary actions of the moderators maybe permanently removed from the board without warning or notice.
This is your community - let us or your fellow posters know if you feel things are getting off-topic or inappropriate.
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