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Great Neighbors !


Full Member
Dec 22, 2013
Well I have had an on going issue with my neighbor over property lines he is apparently under the impression that it is all his and his kids and friends should be allowed to ride ATV's and Dirtbikes all over my property and tear everything all to hell. Now let me start off with I live in a rural area and we have Amish neighbors down the road so its not like we are in a suburban area. As I was leaving for work one morning I noticed the property stake was missing so when I got home I went down and added a new one to the previous hole. Thinking one of the kids might have been playing with it I brushed it off. Well this eventually became a cat and mouse game to the point where I put bearing grease all over a stake to help prevent it from disappearing. So as this cat and mouse game continues I put out the trail cam heres some pics of a POS for you to enjoy ! 33 years old still lives with his mother married and two kids and this is how he act.

Yeah well a call to the local Sheriff should have fixed the issue hopefully but there as been around 7 posts taken, I honestly thought it was just kids until it became a weekly occurrence. But this guy has the nerve to tell the cop he didn't do it and we used the police dept to harass him even though we never call the cops. There has been a on going issue with this dirt bag and it just seems that the cops can never do anything with out video or pictures. An even better story is them blowing off over 4lbs of exploding targets just 40yards from the back of our homes. Im a pretty chill person we should at my house all the time because its 200 yards deep with a natural berm so we do a lot of shooting at the house but are never going all day with it and no crazy hours but stupidity doesn't begin to explain all of the events.
The last stake was 6ft tall and I left about 3 inches showing. They Charged him with Trespassing Criminal Mischief and vandalism so hopefully this is a wake up call to him that there are cameras now and he stops being a d-bag. Stuck a piece of rebar that was greaser than the single mom pole and dammit if that didn't get pulled out too.
Might I recommend running a hotwire to said Property Stake/grounding rod? A cattle transformer will say "go away" pretty quickly. Should he decide that mild electrical stimulation isn't persuasive, then some X-acto blades JB Welded to the stake should make a recurrence difficult, at least until he gets his fingers re-attached.

If you decide to get serious and move on to pressure plates let me know :D

In seriousness, that sucks bro. We buy our homes/property with the idea of peace and tranquility after coming home from a day of dealing with PEOPLE, and the last thing you need is some jack-leg next door wrecking your solitude.
Im assuming that the posts he's moving we're put in place by a survey company? If not, pay one to put in new posts....it'll strengthen your case in the long run.
I'd suggest the hog-tie thing but a lawsuit may be more effective.
He's causing you and you family unnecessary stress.
Lastly, invoke the power of the hide and post his name, address and phone number. Then hold a Hide gathering at your house.
A night out with 20 or so, like-minded ghillied brutes may change his mind.

I could also send you some poison oak clippings...smear them into the stakes or rods and let the fun commence!
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I would advise that you hide your cameras well, because once he finds out he is being charged from photos taken of him, he is likely to try to steal the cameras. Have two cameras watching each other, so if he steals one you get him for theft.
In your state is it not a crime to remove a survey stake?

yes it is that is why we went the route with the sheriff not exactly my style but beats me the alternative. As being in the running for a job with a government agency I would like to keep certain mishaps to a minimum lol.

And you nailed it Hazord we locked it up good to begin with but would not put anything past this guy.

Its really pathetic we live in a world where no one respects another property if I had done something like this as a kid my dad would have whooped my ass I was afraid of my dad not because he beat me but because it was DAD ! I think we have lost that in society today.

Thanks for all the advice again guys I had to try to blow off some steam about the situation so I didn't make a rash decision .
Now he's got used to the feeling of grease on the stakes and knowing that he is a nocturnal visitor I do believe it's time to replace the grease with good, old fashioned shit... He'll be covered in it before he realizes it's not grease any more...
Ill back up on the Claymore...temporarily. Why don't you just send him copies of the photos and tell him you've notified the PoPo. If that doesn't stop it he's just fouling the gene pool.....Claymore.
Some of the posts above are funny but don't do anything that could potentially cause this knucklehead bodily harm otherwise you may find yourself facing criminal charges as well as civil action. Document it and establish a pattern of behaviour which will help you make your case with authorities. Sometimes fences make for good neighbours.
Research,... Tangle-foot,...it is a very sticky chem that is use to track/trap ants and assholes. Once he gets it on his hands, the proof is traceable via your local LE back to that stake very easy. Don't dick with him, break it off in his ass. If the Tangle foot does not stop him, you can step the chem program up very quickly until he will rethink his abilitys and motive. There are two very simple chems that alone are nothing, but when they touch each other even in a dry state, the smell is 10X worst than being sprayed directly by a skunk. One DB in Indiana had to completely gut the interior of his brand new Caddy, as he must have pissed off the wrong guy. Seems his pants picked up one chem from his office chair, and his front seat was sprayed with the other. The dealer said the problem was not covered under warranty,... ain't life a bitch,...
I say go with a "green" method. Replace the stake yet again, but this time leave enough sticking out so the shitbag can get a good two handed grip. Now if you can track down some wild parsnip plant.... Being super careful wearing rubber gloves & long sleeves, break the stem and crush up some of the leaves to extract oil from the plant matter. Rub said oil on the exposed stake. Once done, go inside and enjoy a cold beer and wait.

If the shitbag comes back once again and gets that plant oil on his skin, you can rest assured he will have received a gift that keeps on giving. An added bonus will be if he rubs his eyes or goes to piss and puts a firm grip on his junk.

This plant is considered a noxious weed here in Minnesota and it grows wild especially in road ditches and along the edges of farm fields. When the plants reach maturity and flowers it looks very similar to wild mustard, but do not be fooled!!!

On duty, we go out of our way to stay away from this plant or ensure we have turnouts on if we must respond to an accident or call where it grows.

My aunt took a digger with her mountain bike and landed in wild parsnips. The oil from the plant causes very painful and itchy blisters. However, this isn't the worst of it. When these blisters rupture, the liquid if it gets on unaffected skin, starts the process all over again. My aunt suffered for 6 months before it cleared up and was left with scars to prove it.

Don't take my word for it, goggle it and see for yourself.

Get some, apply it, and let this shitstain cure himself. If by chance the plant is common to your area, even better. Then, whose to say how he got into it.

It can also be applied to car door handles, steering wheels, rubbed into underwear or towels hanging on a clothesline..... Just sayin'
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Put a paint bomb under the new stake, like the ones the bank uses, or put up a motion sensor and go out and beat his ass, either one will stop him from removing another stakes, a little blue paint or a good ass beating will make him remember that being stupid has it's consequences
For surveillance I would recommend decoy/highly cameras, have the real ones better hidden and or along the path to the stakes.
If he removes the stake, transportation would be his priority, set cameras on your property scanning his property likely paths perpetrator would take.
Trip wire, tamper alarm system could be a deterrent, one or two well hidden air horns with a trip wire could be amusing.
Bad neighbors are such a pain in the ass. I have a set of my own. A whole family of toothless hill people who live in my neighbors old hog house, barn, horse stalls and a tore in half mobile. These people give trash a bad name. Unfortunately they have grandchildren living with them too. That bunch and my neighbor both do about 50-60 mph out my driveway and run in my grass to miss any potholes they create in the process. I've been trying to make them get their own driveway for years but it's a 100 year old deed I'm dealing with, so no dice.
Bad neighbors are such a pain in the ass. I have a set of my own. A whole family of toothless hill people who live in my neighbors old hog house, barn, horse stalls and a tore in half mobile. These people give trash a bad name. Unfortunately they have grandchildren living with them too. That bunch and my neighbor both do about 50-60 mph out my driveway and run in my grass to miss any potholes they create in the process. I've been trying to make them get their own driveway for years but it's a 100 year old deed I'm dealing with, so no dice.

Nail strip.
Bad neighbors are such a pain in the ass. I have a set of my own. A whole family of toothless hill people who live in my neighbors old hog house, barn, horse stalls and a tore in half mobile. These people give trash a bad name. Unfortunately they have grandchildren living with them too. That bunch and my neighbor both do about 50-60 mph out my driveway and run in my grass to miss any potholes they create in the process. I've been trying to make them get their own driveway for years but it's a 100 year old deed I'm dealing with, so no dice.
Do you ever hear them sqeiling like pigs and have they ever told you that you have a purdy mouth?