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just a question...


Lance Criminal
Full Member
  • Mar 14, 2010
    Sturgis, S. Dakota
    I've never seen it asked, so why not?

    What is more important; your nationality or ethnicity?

    Why am I compelled to ask this? Sunday mornings I make it a point to watch the news to catch up. Typically ends when Kalli becomes tired of me cussing out the TV.

    This immigration reform and the administration reporting that they are going to gaff it off till November is where my question spawns.

    Using the Hispanic community as the example because it's relevant, what are you? Are you American first or Hispanic first?

    Questions like this are Pandora ' s box. The hard questions typically are. I firmly believe that failure to address it makes us all weak.

    I could give two shits about someone's color. Peel our skin and we all bleed red and you'd never be able to see a difference. So that's a mute point from my chair.

    What is an issue for me however is when US citizens put their ethnic background ahead of their country. If you are a US citizen then America comes first. An illegal is an illegal. If your a minority and are here legit then your a brother or sister. Someone who isn't and here illegally needs to go. Regardless of color. You can be as white as a sheet. I don't care. If you don't belong GTFO.

    comments encouraged and keep it sane so that I don't get the ban hammah please.

    Thats an excellent question.

    I see it as much you do, Long Rifles. We are all basically the same...human first, then male/female, black/white, American/Chinese.

    I asked a jewish buddy something similar once. "Are you jewish first or human first?" He refused to answer and alleged I was being anti semitic.

    Go figure.
    I am of Mexican descent and I am very proud of that. We have our high points and low points like any other race. I am an American first and illegal alien is illegal, no matter how old they are or where they come from.

    I know some Latinos that sympathize with "wet backs" that cross the border for a better life because it's so hard over there. While some do work their asses off for wages American's would laugh at, it doesn't make it right...but, who the fuck is going to do what they do for the $$ they do it for? Welfare is too good to stoop to that level.

    To paraphrase George Lopez... "If an illegal Mexican took your job, your job sucks."

    We have enough free loading, red blooded American's to do everything for... Much less a bunch of illegals that don't habla.
    One of my Great-Grandfathers came from China, via Ellis Island. Another, from Canada, via Oswegachi, N.Y. They both came here, not as Refugees, but as men who believed they could have a better life due to the greater opportunities. To them, it was a chance to become more than their birth-nations could offer a middle-class worker. ChinWoo Hei became Charles William Hay, thanks to the clerk at Ellis, and worked his way to the Hudson Valley of New York. As a menial farm laborer, he gradually earned & saved his way to property ownership and a small family-owned business, with his Scottish-born wife.
    Charles Brilliant (nee Brillant) drove his team of six Morgans down, and settled in to Fishkill Landing, N.Y., at first pulling a trolley up and down Main Street. After years of pulling wagons for the Constabulary, he became one of their first Mounted Patrolmen.

    Although their families and friends were often spoken of, neither would commonly or openly speak their native languages, and both were proud to have earned the right to call themselves, "American". Although many in their day still referred to them as a "Chinee" or "Canuck", they both began our family traditions as Americans (note the lack of hyphens).
    huh ?

    Go figure !!

    That came out of long conversations in which he made the statement..."Being jewish just makes you different" when I tried to pin him down on 'how does it make you different?", all he would say was "You cant explain it, it just makes you different." Ive never found much that is unexplainable, if you dig deep enough. so I asked him the above question.

    Ive come to learn that for the most part we are all much alike with minor differences in color, etc.

    BTW, just got off the phone with one of my oldest, dearest, friends, a Mr. Abrams, who I have helped a lot in the last 6 months. He would be the first to say that Im not anti semitic, so dont start that. I just have a very analytic mind and like to eventually work my way down to the baseline truth of any situation. "You just cant explain it." generally doesnt work for me.
    The Nationality vs ethnicity is a good question, one which a lot of people are not willing to actually take head on, because they don't have the facts to back up their "fragile feelings". For example, if Mary Smith, 20th generation Irish, were to marry Juan Valdez, 20th generation Columbian, she takes his name, so now she is Mary Valdez, is she now "Latino"? Evidently, for the purpose of govt favoritism she is! As the question is asked, do you have a "Hispanic surname", no matter how you came to have that surname. What is ethnicity anyhow? Can a group of world class anthropologists determine ethnicity from the bones/skeletal structure? If the answer is yes, I'd agree there are physical differences that allow for a grouping, but in FAR tooooo many cases this would not be possible. It's like Race. How many 'races' are there? To hear some uneducated idiots talk on the subject, the country you were born in determines your race!!!! Again, the for me the only "races" are those that can be sorted, by DNA. According to the learned experts on the subject, all mankind originated in Africa, therefore I believe it would correct to refer to all Americans, regardless, as African Americans. Then we could all be given special set asides etc. If the great scientists are correct, then in fact we are all African Americans, the problem of course is how far back do we go? Sharia Law is an abomination, yet it is creeping in a little here and there to kiss ass on "ethnic" desires. In a melting pot, all the metals become homogeneous, as of late, we have been inundated with immigrants, that do not seem to want to become Americans, but rather, have America become like the shit hole they escaped from. What's up with that? What's worse, some of our liberal trash, are kissing their asses to help fan this desire.
    Your question would imply being Jewish would mean you are anti human ? It is a very strange question to ask .....

    I have no idea how you arrived at that conclusion. It imply's nothing of the sort, only asking if he considers his jewish ethnicity as somehow setting him apart from humanity. For instance, I could say that in the realm of vertebrates, 'being human makes you different'. It may, but to me the differences are clearly explainable, and would in no way make me anti-horse, or cow, or dog.
    Among older members of certain populations it's more difficult to ever trust that one is actually wholly and completely welcome, integrated into a given society, even ours, because of what has happened historically elsewhere to them or to their ancestors for being "different." For that matter, many of their own experiences here don't especially make them feel at home.

    I've seen it in the faces of NRI (non-resident Indian) Sikhs, who have only to remember back to the genocide in India after the assassination of Indira Gandhi, or even further back to the slaughter in 1947 when India underwent partition into Hindustan, and East and West Pakistan, and trainloads were murdered because of their religion and the direction in which their train cars were traveling.

    I can't really speak to other cases, but I do know that I feel comfortable saying that I'm an American, proud, in fact. But it's much easier when the language rolls easily off one's tongue, even the slang bits, and there's nary a trace of evidence that can't be easily removed to suggest that one or one's parents might have started out with the same dreams as every American, albeit in a different place.
    I'm an immigrant (to Denmark not the US) and the longer I live here, the more Danish I feel myself to be.

    I think it's really a matter of integration, those who do not wish to integrate themselves into the society of the country that they live in, and take that country's values and culture as their own, will never be true Americans (or Danes or whatever...).
    my 2 cents.
    Living in the Midwest has two different takes.
    Melting pot: if you are in a city like New York City, you see people coming directly from other countries, you see a lot of diversity. You see culture. You see it first hand.
    Melting pot: if you in a city like mine, You don't see it as "often". You do see it, but not as a "grand" scale like a city like NYC.

    My take is in the future, it melts. You get Chinese people speaking with a new York accent. And you get Chinese people with Midwest accent (lack of accent).

    People in other countries see us as we should be seeing ourselves. Americanized. We are Americans.
    And when you are here illegally, you are called an illegal alien, whether it is PC or not.
    You also get called an illegal immigrant because whether you like it or not, our country is going the direction of immigrating them. (you can say the word, us, not them because of this)
    I may not agree with calling them illegal immigrants, however; this is history in the making.

    We are in history in the making. We are human, yes...but we are Americans. We use hash-marks because you are describing their prior culture and distinguishing factors. Ex. Chinese-American.

    You may practice your prior culture in America. But you are also practicing American culture in your daily lives.

    A British person considers you as an American whether you speak English or not.
    A terrorist will kill you as an American whether you speak English or not.

    Human describes you being a type of mammal. Or animal.
    As far as i know,we all came from the same place.
    However some of us decided to go in different directions...

    Like the op said,
    Peel our skin and we all bleed red and you'd never be able to see a difference. So that's a mute point from my chair.

    Well said C.
    To answer the OP.

    Neither. What is important to me is conducting myself in such a way so that at the end of each day, at the end of my walk here on this earth, I can be happy with the man that I am. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Sounds like talking points of a 24 hour news network used to justify there existence... until the next crisis occurs.

    IMO your either an American or you are not. If you fall into the later category you need to leave and find your happiness elsewhere. Do not drag your past with you and in an attempt to influence change, imposing it on every one else. Nor use it as an excuse as to why your unable to conform to the present.
    just a question...

    I am of Korean decent born there.. I came here when I was 7 years old. I am now 33 years old. I work my ass off to learn the language of my new country. I didn't forget where I came from but I considered myself to be 100% American. I see racism towards me even now.. In NYC the city of diversity! Some guy called me a gook( I find that word pretty funny I don't know why) lol, and I snapped. I told him that I was probably more American than his racist ass and he asked me how. Told him I bled for this country in Iraq and Afghanistan, 3 tours all together..
    10yrs in the army and I'd do it all over again. Then I asked him wtf he did for his country.... He stfu and walked away. To me if your here.. Your an American... I'm not saying throw away your nationality background but your an American first...don't care what color your skin is...

    And my wife is white.. English,Dutch, Irish and Italian( she's all confused! Lol) and now my son 6 months old is also an American no matter what decent.
    Red blooded American. My mothers and fathers grand parents came to this country thru Ellis Island. I don't consider myself anything other than an American unless I am crossing the border. Then I am a U.S. citizen. My great grand parents considered themselves as Americans. They came here to make a better life. Which meant casting off what they were and becoming something new. Maybe it is because of them or being far removed or never having been to either homeland I would never consider myself as anything other than an American. I have worked with many Hispanics, legal and illegal, over the last several years and have learned to speak the language. I have asked several why they have not learned English. I tell them that if I can learn Spanish they can learn English. I have made it a habit to speak English to the ones that won't learn it when they speak to me in Spanish. The people that want to use hyphens like African- or Irish-...etc... piss on them. Go there and see what they think is so great. I will collect their citizenship and burn it. Don't come back!!!
    Red blooded American. My mothers and fathers grand parents came to this country thru Ellis Island. I don't consider myself anything other than an American unless I am crossing the border. Then I am a U.S. citizen. My great grand parents considered themselves as Americans.

    This is the kind of answer I wish everyone had.

    Being an American should be enough.
    A deer can cross a desert and swim across a river, but that doesn't make it a citizen.

    I'm not intelligent enough to see a way clear of this subculture mess we've found ourselves in. When well to do white Americans don't seem to take any pride in what our ancestors did, I don't see how we can expect immigrants to give a single fuck.
    Being an American is an idealism. it's not being white or black or my ancestors got here first or they were legal immigrants. Everyone knows native Americans were here first. Difference between Mexican and native American is the Spanish who conquered mexico and they changed languages. There still is "Mexicans" I mean native americans living in mexico. We call our "native" americans, Americans. Us "white" americans are nothing to do with the American idealism. idealism is something "ideal" and put into the grand scheme of things.

    It doesn't matter what color you are. I'm not fond of anyone illegally in America myself. But that has nothing to do with race.
    I'm German, Irish, Scottish and British.

    If I were to call myself German-American I AM only stating where my culture is. Any dummy knows this. It's not saying i'm both german and American. I am saying my culture comes from both Germany and America.
    This is true with African-American , etc. If you are ignorant of this, I suggest you get schooled.

    Racism has no part in being American. it's not "ideal"

    If you choose not to educate yourself about "culture" then I suggest calling yourself "dumb-ass-fucking-American"
    I'm a Man first, American second....doesn't matter what your nationality or anything else is if you can't conduct yourself in a respectable and honorable manner. American values (unfortunately a rare commodity these days) have formed my opinion of what is good and honorable so that is a very strong influence. I am still only a Man though so I am not infallible...
    Mexico and Latin America suck in general, the culture sucks, the governments suck.`If it was any good why would 20% of the population leave their homes and family to trek across a hot ass desert, swim a river or tube across the Caribbean to get the fk out of those shitholes? With the exception our generous government subsidies/welfare, this caggle of poor bastards come here for the same reason all before came, because their homeland sucks and it sucks so bad you risk your life to get the hell out. I personally write off the first generation of any group that comes here, they think their kids will miss their ancestral lands like they do, but the fact is their kids will 99.9% of the time grow up as American as the next guy and not like their parents. My wife came here from Korea when she was a young kid, arrived in Indiana, raised redneck, Army vet (interpreter), speaks Korean and has returned to her home Village, cant wait to get back to the good old USof A after a week. I just dont like Illegal immigration, it devalues our citizenship as a whole, and to me being American is more important than my religion, my race, my ethnic background, because without rights you are nothing more than a serf and those other things will matter naught. Nobody in our history came here because they were leaving a paradise.

    As far as race is concerned,there are really only 3 different races, White, Black, and Asian, and I don't think there are many people on this earth that of pure race in any of the 3 categories so be careful judging by race you might be judging yourself.
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    Nobody in our history came here because they were leaving a paradise.

    ....nor did they use to expect us to assimilate to their culture, they fell into the American Melting pot where we took the best of their culture and abilities to make a stronger alloy while the shit was washed off with the flux/chaff. Now we are expected to accept the shit and incorporate it so we bring everyone down to a weaker, lower common denominator.
    My thinking is Teddy Roosevelt was looking through glasses that not everyone looks through.

    My German side came from Germany as farmers to the Midwest as farmers.

    My late uncle owned a farm in which my aunt now owns. Out of all my relatives on that side, she is the only one who lives on a farm. When there is a family reunion, it is usually at another place and somehow everyone ends up at the farm. Everyone is drawn to it. The house is small house. There isn't chairs around for us to sit. There isn't picnic tables, etc. We stand and sit on the ground.

    This isn't because it's ghetto or white trash, etc.

    We are drawn there because it's part of the culture we came from. And it originally came from Germany. I'm proud of that "culture."

    We all have a story to tell.

    My story would that if I was alive while Teddy was alive, I would stand proud and look at him in the eye and say "I'm proud to be German-American."

    I would not be saying I am German or American, I would be saying my culture comes from both.

    We are a melting pot. We melt into what we have been and what we are. That makes America.
    America, was born out of a Revolution, our forefathers desire for freedom has been the pillars we built our country on. When we have a massive influx of those that thumb their noses at our laws, from day one (coming illegally across our borders), because they "wanted a better life, etc", what they are really saying is, "I and those millions just like me, that didn't have the balls to have a revolution, and become free, we just want what others have paid for". If these assholes (those that care nothing for our laws), we coming up here to get weapons/training/support so they could free their country from, the drug lords, the corruption (99% of all govt officals), unfair govt. practices, etc. they would have my support. But those that don't have the balls to fight for freedom, just want someone else to "give it to them", are just like our homegrown trash, they don't want to work for anything-they just want us to give it to them. I don't see how we can benefit from a massive influx of people that obey those laws they like, want free stuff, run our crime rates up, destroy school systems, get on the welfare role (as soon as possible), and have huge numbers of children (the next generation can repeat in much larger numbers what the welfare generation before them did). The US is a debtor country, we own people such as commie china huge amount of money, we can no longer afford to give every swinging dick a free ride. This shit will stop one way or the other, as we are just going to run out of the ability to barrow sooner or later.
    America isn't a place where our culture gets erased.

    There is fascinating things we can learn from our culture. There was fascinating things we have lost due to time. Even in countries where culture was "kept" there are things that have been lost.

    With every step, and in every place on earth, things have gone lost due to fear, war, progression, etc.

    From surgeries performed in ancient Egyptian times, to the Sumerian knowledge that we only now have a glimpse of due to discovered tablets, dismantling of culture can and will put us back in time.

    In the history of religion all have described heavenly beings coming down and interacting with us humans. All religions say that they gave us the gift of speech. They gave us the gift of fire. They all have been described as having the ability to fly.
    Written history in almost all religions talk about the great flood and it was the act of the heavenly beings.

    this is all part of our culture. Every culture may have slight differences, but all the stories are the same.

    Now can you imagine if "they" came back? and we've lost what we have learned? According to our history, "they" gave us culture.

    This isn't my words, it's history.
    "Divide and conquer." Sun Tzu. This has been shown in this thread.

    Many good points have been made previous.

    American culture is capitalism. You work you a$$ off to provide for yourself and your family, and if there is any left over: the less-fortunate. If you are taking (suckin' off the govn tit), you're un-American. And that is why this country will fall.

    For the older crowd in this forum, I'm a WASP.
    Being an American is an idealism. it's not being white or black or my ancestors got here first or they were legal immigrants. Everyone knows native Americans were here first. Difference between Mexican and native American is the Spanish who conquered mexico and they changed languages. There still is "Mexicans" I mean native americans living in mexico. We call our "native" americans, Americans. Us "white" americans are nothing to do with the American idealism. idealism is something "ideal" and put into the grand scheme of things.

    It doesn't matter what color you are. I'm not fond of anyone illegally in America myself. But that has nothing to do with race.
    I'm German, Irish, Scottish and British.

    If I were to call myself German-American I AM only stating where my culture is. Any dummy knows this. It's not saying i'm both german and American. I am saying my culture comes from both Germany and America.
    This is true with African-American , etc. If you are ignorant of this, I suggest you get schooled.

    Racism has no part in being American. it's not "ideal"

    If you choose not to educate yourself about "culture" then I suggest calling yourself "dumb-ass-fucking-American"

    So I take from this you are not down with baseball, hot dogs and apple pie. I am just some dumb fuck American.

    Being American is an idealism. WTF? Like I said if you want to be a German move there and leave your citizenship behind. If you want to be an American with German ancestory fine, Eat your Brats and drink your beer at October Fest or whatever is your cultural. If you are holding a dual citizenship I say fuck you. Either you are in it 100% or not. If someone puts a gun to your head and asks you "Are you an American?" What are you going to say? Ummm yes but I am a German American. As if that would make it ok.
    In my own eyes, my nationality comes first. But in the eyes of others, I would imagine that my ethnicity is likely what is the basis of their initial assumptions and assessments.
    ALL people are racist. Some just suppress it better than others.
    In my own eyes, my nationality comes first. But in the eyes of others, I would imagine that my ethnicity is likely what is the basis of their initial assumptions and assessments.
    ALL people are racist. Some just suppress it better than others.

    Find the guy that made every form in America contain the box to check off with your color or what have you and I bet you have found a racist.
    I asked a jewish buddy something similar once. "Are you jewish first or human first?" He refused to answer and alleged I was being anti semitic.

    Go figure.
    So your question was jewish or human. It is one or the other. And then you said....

    BTW, just got off the phone with one of my oldest, dearest, friends, a Mr. Abrams, who I have helped a lot in the last 6 months. He would be the first to say that Im not anti semitic, so dont start that. I just have a very analytic mind and like to eventually work my way down to the baseline truth of any situation. "You just cant explain it." generally doesnt work for me.

    So what are the options of the question you asked ? Either I am Jewish (or some other religion) or I am HUMAN (or something else)............ what kind of answer were you looking for ?
    I am of Korean decent born there.. I came here when I was 7 years old. I am now 33 years old. I work my ass off to learn the language of my new country. I didn't forget where I came from but I considered myself to be 100% American. I see racism towards me even now.. In NYC the city of diversity! Some guy called me a gook( I find that word pretty funny I don't know why) lol, and I snapped. I told him that I was probably more American than his racist ass and he asked me how. Told him I bled for this country in Iraq and Afghanistan, 3 tours all together..
    10yrs in the army and I'd do it all over again. Then I asked him wtf he did for his country.... He stfu and walked away. To me if your here.. Your an American... I'm not saying throw away your nationality background but your an American first...don't care what color your skin is...

    And my wife is white.. English,Dutch, Irish and Italian( she's all confused! Lol) and now my son 6 months old is also an American no matter what decent.

    scout, if you were on the High Line today the Mrs. Would have asked you, do you prefer 223, 556, or 308. Or maybe, 9 or 45. Now me on the other hand, I'd invite you to the range.

    Now, to answer the question, American & I love my old truck & guns.

    So your question was jewish or human. It is one or the other. And then you said....

    So what are the options of the question you asked ? Either I am Jewish (or some other religion) or I am HUMAN (or something else)............ what kind of answer were you looking for ?

    Ill try this one more time, though its beginning to look like your just looking for something to twist to cause some trouble.

    The question to him was not so much, either or, but more like, "which do you put first, which is the higher calling?" That seems pretty straightforward, wouldnt you agree? Sort of like asking a person "Do you put being Catholic/Chinese/Mexican, or being American, first?"

    To answer your second question, the answer I was looking for was an answer to my question regarding HIS statement..."Being jewish just makes you different". Remember, that was HIS statement. My question, and the answer I was looking for was ..."How does being jewish make you different?" He never did give me an answer.

    I hope that clarifies it for you.
    Unlike other members Of my community, I choose to ignore the culture of my ancestors from long ago.

    Columbus Day doesn't get my proud juices flowing, neither does cinco de mayo, black history month, st Patricks day, etc.

    What should my culture be if I was born in the USA, and I don't identify with some other country or religious heritage?

    That's right!

    I guess I'm just an American, kind of like what my passport says.

    Is being an American my culture, or is it still an idealism at this point?

    I really DGAF about the history of "my people" from 500 years ago. I'm sure life sucked back then....the food, the stench, living conditions, etc. History isn't forgotten.

    I'm not one of the jackasses that has to advertise which 3rd world shithole they're great grand daddy's came from.

    Fuck the hyphenators.
    One of the amazing things I've seen while in the military is non-citizens serving. A couple of my guys even earned their citizenship while we were in Iraq. The pride those guys had in being an American citizen made a large impact on me. I think it was mostly due to them earning it, not just having a wand waved and them being called a citizen, they earned it next to their brothers in combat.

    If you really want to see a group of guys and cultures mixed, watch a group of Infantry guys out at the bar. There will be a preppy Asian kid, a skate boarding black kid, a cowboy hat wearing white kid with a Copenhagen ring on his nut huggers, and a weird Goth kid, all hanging out drinking beer together. You can spot them a mile away, and without the military, that group of friends would probably never have hungout like that. If makes me smile to this day.

    Anyway, this post just made me think about that.
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    I'm a proud American however America is doomed if it continues down the road it's headed. But to answer the OPs question, my God made us all the same. It seems to me that the most racist are the people that have been disignated as minority in this country. I've accepted people of different color as equals all my life however I find many of them acting as if someone owed them something. I also find many of them as great people that I love and care for. I wish we could just get past all of this race BS and just treat each other with the respect that they deserve. IMO the liberal media perpetuates the great race debate where it should have died many years ago.
    Personally... I don't give a shit about race. Don't give a shit about nationality anymore either... because the America I loved when I was a kid, only existed in my mind... and the America I wake up to every morning is a fucking disgrace. This, due to the people in it, and their pathetic choices. I've met someone from every "race" that are outstanding Americans... but any nation that can make and embrace the choices currently guiding the direction we're headed is nothing I want to embrace. Everywhere I turn I see koreans behaving as if they were in korea in a straw hut, mexicans behaving as if they are in a slum in mexico, africans behaving as if they were in a cannibal tribe in africa, mid-easterns behaving as if they want to behead their neighbor, and americans behaving as if they lived in a trailer park.

    You know what I've discovered? Ethnicity, nationality, and gender don't seem to matter. It's what a person does that matters... and every single day I see people doing things that disgust me to my very core. The ever-present attack on morality permeates all things. Everything I hold to be good and just in this world is constantly on the defensive. People that don't know shit about something, talk as if they are an authority on the subject. People stealing. People killing. People raping. People that are hired to protect, doing harm. People that are hired to serve, serving themselves. People claiming to embrace freedom, trying to restrict someone else from doing something they don't like. People handing giving my staff stolen credit cards. People claiming never to have received a product, that I know damn well received it. People being given free service or goods because they complained about something, only to admit to others they only did it to get something free, and then sold the items. A thief breaks into your house, and you kick his ass but leave him alive, then he sues you and WINS. Women being impregnated as a JOB. 600 unsolicited emails per day. Every single thing I buy being DESIGNED to fail as soon as they can without arousing suspicion. When I go shopping, ANYWHERE, I hear 3-4 different fucking languages. People that don't like fags, being FORCED to let fags get married on their property. I could go on and on. One only needs to glance at a news website to be shown exactly how people are accustomed to behaving these days.

    If any of us dares to make some of those people take responsibility for their actions, and let them feel the weight of their choices, WE are sued, imprisoned, or berated and harassed. Society is catering to the lowest common denominator, and if you say anything against that fact, the whole goddamn world turns its focus on you and FORCES you into submission. What does any of that fucking ridiculous bullshit have to do with ethnicity or nationality? It's not like this country stands for anything resembling its founding anymore.

    Some days, I feel like all hope is lost. I truly feel alone. I feel like I wish a new continent were discovered, and I could go there and start a new "America" and write the constitution to specifically counter all the ridiculous bullshit that has been perpetrated upon my way of life, my loved ones, and my lifestyle.

    Then I receive a call from one of you guys. We talk about gun shit. We talk about things I love and am insanely passionate about. DTA's, TAB Gear, Tangent Theta's, or maybe you're just after some reloading advice. Maybe I whipped your ass in a match one time, and you call me to tell me how I'm going down next time. Maybe you whipped mine, and you're calling me to gloat. No matter which way it goes or what we talk about... generally I know I've got a true American on the line with me. One of my brothers, that would help me clean this bullshit up in a weekend if someone would ring the gong. Frankly, if not for you guys and my family... I'd have started doing what I think will be necessary to right the wrongs a long time ago. In the mean time... I hope.

    I hope beyond reason. I hope beyond logic. I hope beyond means. I hope beyond hope. I hope that something happens. Whatever it is. When something happens that is good enough, OR bad enough... those of us that understand what the founders had in mind will be loosed to take care of this shit. All that's required is for us to stay resolute in our morality and not let the tolerance agenda infect the minds and lives of the righteous. So God bless you people. Keep doing the right thing, and the rest will fall into place.

    Sorry for the caps but that shit irks me like no other. I'm Korean but I'll be damned if anyone ever catches me say Korean-American; I'm American.

    I hate how were losing sense of pride as a nation slowly... Some may believe it's not happening but when censorship of the flag or wearing of it is happening to appease another minority...
    What the fuck are we supposed to do?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    ^^^^ Roger That.

    Importing muzzies and "giving them thier space" has worked awesome for Europe.

    This "politically correct" sh*t is the cancer that WE leave as a legacy, it will be how we are seen if we don't crush it. There it is.
    --FF of F
    As important as my German heritage coming from my fathers' side, there is another side just as important.

    I only wanted to point out that your culture is very important. If I were to say it isn't important and we are Americans and that's just it, should we also forget our other parts of the "melting pot"?

    I also have another side of my culture. Some here may appreciate it. It's my mother's side:

    They came from Ireland to Great Britain and then to the United States. They were among the first pilgrims here in the United States. They in a sense were the founding "fathers" of this country. They are as important to me as my German ancestors and culture.

    I don't believe Americans came before the pilgrims? Pilgrims started this country. I guess some would say fuck pilgrims that's not American. fuck your culture and history and nationality.

    Well those pilgrim ancestors of mine which started this country were Irish. They came to Great Britain. (would that make them Irish or british?) Then to America to start a new life.

    Some here look at hyphenating as anti American. Well news for ya, you got hyphans. They run in your blood. Don't matter if you like em, there is no cure for you.

    There is no pure blood "Americans" as you want to see it. We are all Americans with different cultures.

    Mine happens to come from countries where they left because they wanted something better. They started something new for all of us.

    With my history of my family going back that far, it would be safe to say I'm American. However I don't like hotdogs and baseball. Slice of Apple pie would be nice.
    Unlike other members Of my community, I choose to ignore the culture of my ancestors from long ago.

    Columbus Day doesn't get my proud juices flowing, neither does cinco de mayo, black history month, st Patricks day, etc.

    What should my culture be if I was born in the USA, and I don't identify with some other country or religious heritage?

    That's right!

    I guess I'm just an American, kind of like what my passport says.

    Is being an American my culture, or is it still an idealism at this point?

    I really DGAF about the history of "my people" from 500 years ago. I'm sure life sucked back then....the food, the stench, living conditions, etc. History isn't forgotten.

    I'm not one of the jackasses that has to advertise which 3rd world shithole they're great grand daddy's came from.

    Fuck the hyphenators.
