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losing sleep--CT AR15 "registration"

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Who knew that CT had so many sheep?

Who knew that CT had so many sheep?


Calling the people here "sheep" does no one any good. You want to divide and conquer and start talking shit about your own fellow gun owners? It's easy to talk big when you are on the outside and aren't going to become an instant felon. A bunch of assholes on the NRA facebook page were doing the same thing. Calling people fools and idiots as well as the ever popular sheep. Well they were all from free gun loving states. I wish they were here so I could see how tough they actually were and if they walked the walk to their talk about never registering. That's fine until you get caught with a magazine or AW and are arrested and lose your rights to own a firearm for FOREVER! Just think twice before name calling as you are lucky you are not walking in their shoes.

We tried our best to fight this but the sandy hook stigma was to thick for our cowardly legislators. We will try and fix that in November.
Well said. I would say it's a matter of time before other states are doing the same and I have a feeling Illinois will be one of the next ones. I will sell my ar rather than registering it and the magazines. I won't become a felon over the situation, especially since once you're a felon you don't have to worry about owning any firearms legally.
The thing that scares me the most is there aren't any Peace Officers speaking out against this. This is bad.
Someone once told me the only way to win this particular war is to have kids and teach them to think like you do.

You have to start from the bottom up to correct the problems we have now.

It starts in the schools/colleges/books/school board and what you're teaching. Then it moves to media, judicial and political offices.

If you're graduating kids properly educated, they will move in and retake the old retiring liberals, socialists and communists jobs and things will start to change.

They have been doing this very thing to us for a long time. It's how we've got to this screwed up backwards point in America.

These radicals always start by trying protests and even violence (weather underground bombings, etc).

Once they figure out they're seen for what they are, dirty hippies (socialists and communists) and domestic terrorists, the smart ones went back to the drawing boards and figured out the only way to win is to educate and indoctrinate the youth to share your opinions and political ideology. Off comes the tie-die shirts and on goes the suit and tie and infiltration of the system begins.

At my local state university, I see globalism, environmentalism, socialism (social justice), and even a touch of communism in the text books. Most of the professors, even conservative, just follow the books and teach it. This is why the political pendulum keeps swinging more and more left as time goes on. If you look at a lot of elections and what folks agree on in political ideology, you can see we're getting closer to 50/50 and before long, it will tip left-wing politically as these kids get taught in school, college and by the media and graduate in to the world.

That's my 2cents....
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Calling the people here "sheep" does no one any good. You want to divide and conquer and start talking shit about your own fellow gun owners? It's easy to talk big when you are on the outside and aren't going to become an instant felon. A bunch of assholes on the NRA facebook page were doing the same thing. Calling people fools and idiots as well as the ever popular sheep. Well they were all from free gun loving states. I wish they were here so I could see how tough they actually were and if they walked the walk to their talk about never registering. That's fine until you get caught with a magazine or AW and are arrested and lose your rights to own a firearm for FOREVER! Just think twice before name calling as you are lucky you are not walking in their shoes.

We tried our best to fight this but the sandy hook stigma was to thick for our cowardly legislators. We will try and fix that in November.

Rob01 said it best in his posts. Yes, this is a crappy situation for all law abiding firearms owners, but it also could have been worse. We tried hard to prevent it and hopefully it's not over yet. You would have to live here to really understand what this single event did to this State. And the whole sheep thing is crap as well, those guys are just trying to make a point by overwhelming the process at Headquarters. Just about everyone I knew who needed to register, waited until the very end to submit paperwork. Some submitting individual forms for each mag. Did it make a difference? Probably not, but it did make a point. To sit back and say you would not do this is your opinion, but I still want to shoot what I have and not get jammed up by some LEO who does not know the law yet. And in speaking to some, they have no idea, should be interesting.
Registration means later confiscation.
Make your private property compliant the best you can until we vote the radicals out of office.

History proves the key is always law enforcement, since politicians can do nothing without them. How we preserve liberty for our children depends on each LEO's answer to this question: Is there any law they won't enforce, or will they always use the Nuremberg inspired "just doing my job" excuse? Totalitarians are powerless without pass-the-buck henchmen with a badge willing to do what they are told instead of what is right. I fear we are approaching a time where it will be impossible to "do your job" as a LEO and be a patriot at the same time.

Politicians always put in place those who agree with them and will protect them. Don't count on any LEO's being on your side. We barely have any Sherriff's that stand up to BS like this now. Most agree with the anti-2nd Amendment movement by the left-wing radicals.

If gun confiscation happens, all gun owners need to stand up much like the people in Athens TN did over corruption.

Hitler didn't have to deal with the Internet.

If he had, the 'Undesirables' would have been rounded up in a fraction of the time. Like us, they never learned how and when to keep their traps shut!

I post on the internet with the understanding that there is no privacy, and that if you think you have secrets, you are most likely dead wrong.

They can come get me any time, I don't mind. They won't find any evidence of law breaking going on; because there ain't no law breaking going on...
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I look at that picture of the line of people seeking to comply with an unjust law, and I can't help but think that back in 1775 most of them would have been up the hill, just inside the tree line.

God help us.
Confrontation? Some will, and I'm certainly not going to try and stop them.

But I think the bigger effect could come from infiltrating and tossing over the applecart from within. It can be hard for the overwatch to take you out when you're watching from over their shoulders.

To each, ...


+1 on what Greg said. Holding folks accountable for what the say and do!
Is this the future of America? :(

From now on, we just lay over and let the political-elites in their minority rule the majority?

So if anti-rights politicians decide you no longer deserve your constitutional rights, they revoke them with the stroke of a pen, and then the very folks I'd expect to stand up, fight back in a massive revolt actually just line up to be registered and disarmed?

WTF has happened to us?

How did we go from the country that would fight to the death over lesser infringements on our rights and freedoms, to being too lazy, busy, scared, etc., to stick our necks out to even go organize all gun owners to march on that Govt and fight the BS anti-2A crap?

Why are they not fighting to repeal this BS anti-2A law?

I'm utterly and completely disappointed in CT gun owners. They responded like a bunch of cowering animals. Duck your heads down in fear of your political ruling class elites and comply with their (IMHO) illegal and unconstitutional demands. :mad:

And yes, I am for all peaceful means of revolt. Even infiltrating one or both parties and fighting the battle from within. If you use the same tactics the radical left-wing has used, I'm sure you'll eventually see some success. But you got to stand up and fight these battles in whatever way you can with whatever means you have, not just give up and do nothing! They've got to know you're not going to put up with it and comply, nor let them continue to take away your rights and get away with it!

[/end rant]
We can right the ship. But it takes action, not complaining about it on some internet forum. When was the last time you took an anti-gunner to the range? Last time your wrote your reps? Did you submit a comment on the recent ATF changes to Title II stuff? Given money to a local gun organization? Do you give money to pro-gun organizations in anti-gun states? Volunteered to teach an Appleseed? Are you a firearms instructor? Been to a Boy Scout meeting recently to volunteer on the rifle range? Do you lead a good life? Are you an outstanding member of society?

Sitting back and saying "it's happening" won't fix it. Going out and fixing it will. Is that a daunting goal? Yes it is. Though, when has strife been a reason not to do something?

So how do you do that? Run for office. Become a lawyer and sue the government. Volunteer on a political campaign. Teach others about firearms and liberty. Be proactive. Do something.

I'm young. I revere you guys, reading the pages of this forum has been wonderful. I've learned so much about marksmanship here. We've got to be proactive. It's the only way to win. I believe in my own life that I should serve in the military, it's just how I'm wired. I'll serve if they select me for an officer slot. But if that doesn't happen and I end up enlisting. It's full time to work on fixing this country (after I'm out.) Be it law, politics or teaching. I'll do something to try and right what's been happening.

I talk to other people my age and I get the "it could never happen here" response way too often. "One person can't fix the problem" is another one. Sure, maybe one person can't. But lack of trying is shameful and abhorrent. Are you the summer soldier and sunshine patriots Paine talked about? Or are you they type of men and women to winter with Washington in Valley Forge? "Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated." [Paine, The Crisis]
If you register your weapon then you are in effect saying it is just a sporting good, not an essential right. How many would have signed up to receive their free speech registration?

Imagine if every CT and NY gun owner just said no. That these guns aren't just for entertainment but are essential tools for liberty. What a message that would have sent. Now look at the picture, and the message that was actually sent.

Why should these tyrannical bastards believe what we say, when obviously we don't believe it ourselves?
Just think twice before name calling as you are lucky you are not walking in their shoes.

We tried our best to fight this but the sandy hook stigma was to thick for our cowardly legislators. We will try and fix that in November.

What are they going to do? Put 1 million + people in prison for not following an unjust/unconstitutional law? NO. Sheep are critters who mindlessly follow the herd. Individual people (i.e. you) in CT are powerless and must register or become felons and we all understand that but as a group and a very big group at that, this group HAD the opportunity to nullify this law by simply NOT registering because again: what are they going to do, put 1 million + people in prison? The point here is that these people standing in this line and the countless others around CT are in the group sense: sheep. Not a single one of these guys standing in line believes this is just/constitutional but when everyone lines up to kneel they, as a group become sheep. Think about it. If only 10 people showed up and registered it would render the law unenforceable but being that long lines (I've seen CT gun-confiscation lines far longer than just the one in the above pic over the last week) of people are showing up signals a kowtow to those who would have held out and the would be hold outs in-turn decide the battle is lost and show up the next day in a now even longer line, ad infinitum, a collective victim of group-thinking. Sorry but the term 'sheep' is an appropriate label for this 'group'. Now Rob. are you as an individual a sheep? No, but the first people to show up in lines last week decided to drag you into their herd and render you a sheep but never fear, my state along with the rest of the country is only a few years (if we're lucky) behind joining the herd so you're in good company and we'll all go to slaughter together.

So in short, I'm not insulting individuals (you/anyone else in CT). I'm insulting the group-thinking process that forces individuals to do these things.
The thing that scares me the most is there aren't any Peace Officers speaking out against this. This is bad.

Thing is they dont ask us because they are not likely to get the response they want.

So they roll out the political guy with scrambled eggs and 5 stars and have his political ass speak for all of us.

Based on the statements of the 5 star you would think we roll around in the cruiser in fear of the 99.9 percent of the good people who pay my salary and to whom I appreciate their giving me this great career. I serve good people not fear them. The 5 stars got it backwards punishing the 99.9 while letting the .1 feed on a defenseless hen house.
I think some of you are finally getting it (too bad you were too dumb to understand this while it was in the history books or in other countries and there still were political means to reverse this) how real repressive systems work and make no mistake about it sooner or a tiny bit later this will be the norm all over the US. Texas won't comply? No problem here comes "insert your cutest school/kinder garden here" news event and before you know it there will be similar queue lines all over.

It comes to simple choice be a felon or not be the felon because sure as hell government will make felons out of everyone but the most obedient serfs...
Calling the people here "sheep" does no one any good. You want to divide and conquer and start talking shit about your own fellow gun owners? It's easy to talk big when you are on the outside and aren't going to become an instant felon. A bunch of assholes on the NRA facebook page were doing the same thing. Calling people fools and idiots as well as the ever popular sheep. Well they were all from free gun loving states. I wish they were here so I could see how tough they actually were and if they walked the walk to their talk about never registering. That's fine until you get caught with a magazine or AW and are arrested and lose your rights to own a firearm for FOREVER! Just think twice before name calling as you are lucky you are not walking in their shoes.

We tried our best to fight this but the sandy hook stigma was to thick for our cowardly legislators. We will try and fix that in November.

Thank you for this sir, could not have said it better, also on top of losing your rights forever you can add that mandatory year behind bars. I registered my guns, but I am surely no sheep.
Thank you for this sir, could not have said it better, also on top of losing your rights forever you can add that mandatory year behind bars. I registered my guns, but I am surely no sheep.

I wish you well in your fight. Please if necessary get someone in a headlock and drag them to the polls with you in November. Ita apathy that allows this to happen. I think that if voter turnout approached even a C grade we would have a much different reality.

Who is the best group fighting for your rights? Be happy to send them $5 or $10.
I went through that once in California. Never again. Come try and take it, and if I am at a range, you better bring friends and a lunch because it will take a while.
I will never register jack shit again, and if some douchebag says I have to it will mean I am willing to be a criminal with a rifle.
With everything we have spoken about on this subject, I am surprised so many SHEEP were willing to stand in line for some liberal leftist infringements. You don't like me calling you sheep? Screw you. I have been here before and will never do it again. I KNOW what happens after this.
I think many of us are losing sight of what these laws are designed to do. Fifty years ago (yes, it's THAT anniversary, too), we could do according to our own consciences (I can remember back that far, at least...). Then, several prominent figures got taken out and our betters recognized (rightly) that sauce for another's goose could just as easily become sauce for their own particular ganders. They decided right then that there was not going to be any more of that, no matter whose rights and Constitution had to go by the wayside. They realized almost immediately that no caring constituent would support such shenanigans, so they needed a scapegoat, and to enlist the gun owners' own innate love for the rule of law against them.

Why do you think the counterculture sprang up and was immediately conscripted to make the very things it was doing unacceptable. The Big Brother they feared emerged from their own ranks. Like all revolutions, theirs got perverted too. Only the people who get out and do get anything at all, and it's usually far different from what they wanted in the first place. Remember, a committee is a creature with many pairs of legs and no head.

What followed all of this was a crapload of measures and prohibitions that even the moderately loopy could see was simply the Emperor's new clothes and a whole lot more of suchlike. It didn't need to make sense, it just needed to confound the gunowners incrementally; and eventually, totally. Never again were they to be a free and strong political force.

Take the SAFE Act. I think the reason it passed so quickly is that they knew it wouldn't stand, and standing wasn't the goal anyway. It was to confound the gunowners, and build 'tough guy' reps for the implementers; the better to build political advancement upon. And who knows, the courts might drop this ball, too...

When I speak of infiltration, I'm taking about ALL the political entities. It really needs to be across the board to be truly effective.

When I speak of subterfuge, I especially do NOT mean anything either overt or felonious. It is enough that those who oppose our rights are uncertain of their power base, and nobody needs to hit them over the braincase to make this happen.

Let me put this gently...

This all happened for myriad reasons, but mostly, because we lost faith in the system and backed clean out of it.

By infiltration, I simply mean for us to get back in, right up to our elbows. Simply put, I'm talking about resuming our rightful place as responsible citizens and political creatures. Can't sit outside and throw stones anymore; gotta get right in there, right into the midst, and make our presence known. I use words like 'Infiltrate', and 'Subterfuge', but what really mean is 'join', and 'participate'; and I do this because folks have become so gun-shy that they're beginning to believe the Banners' own propaganda, so they think that doing things openly will just bring down the retribution of Big Brother on all our heads.

My answer to that is "NO, we are right, you are wrong; and you've been playing fast and loose with our government's power for far too long". The day that saying such becomes actionable, we really WILL need the guns. Stop being circumspect, what we want is what we always had, and what the pointy heads no longer want us to have.

Yes; we lost our faith in government, and it was that abandonment on our part that made this all possible. We're the ones who screwed the pooch, and it's only us who can make this right.

To get our rights back; first we have to take our government back. Make it so the usurpers, banners, and grabbers are the ones who have to keep looking over their shoulders, like those defeated Nazis who had to scatter like roaches. I know of this because one of my Wife's Uncles was an SS Colonel who booked out to Argentina and was never seen or heard from again, even by his own wife and children.

After the Reichstag fire; all of Germany could have (and should have) risen up and driven Hitler and his storm troopers out of the Reich on a rail. But they didn't and tens of millions of people had to die before the same thing could happen. Sure it's risky, all the really good moves usually are.

All we need to do can take place at the polls and in the local party meetings. So we get our butts out there and PARTICIPATE!!!

Screw 'em, it's our government, too. The only ones who are saying different is US! In the political world, if you want something to happen, you need to go in, get your hands dirty, and make it happen all by yourself. Accept the failures and keep your eye on the prize. They do. Nobody will do it for you. So if clean hands are what you want, just remember the other guy is so not so fastidious.

You don't get freedom by talking others into it, you stand up, you take it, you make them stand up and risk their own necks (and not some minion's), to take it away.

You can talk in parables about your frogs and hot water, but we're past that. We're at the 'put the lid on' stage...

I suspect that if the SAFE ACT emerges from the court with any teeth left, New York will be but the first of many unhappy places across our land.


PS, Well, so much for the courts...
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Thing is they dont ask us because they are not likely to get the response they want.

So they roll out the political guy with scrambled eggs and 5 stars and have his political ass speak for all of us.

Based on the statements of the 5 star you would think we roll around in the cruiser in fear of the 99.9 percent of the good people who pay my salary and to whom I appreciate their giving me this great career. I serve good people not fear them. The 5 stars got it backwards punishing the 99.9 while letting the .1 feed on a defenseless hen house.

I hope you're right. Stay safe.
United we stand, Divided we fall.

As far as I am concerned, with Connecticut, America lost a battle to cancer and it's the rest of America who are the "sheep". The 2nd Amendment citizens of Connecticut are the victoms due to the rest of America hanging them out to dry. We stood by and let it happen. My wife and I went to every single Rally in our area and most times we were two of less than 30. These laws are coming to your state and when they come, the people of Connecticut will already be neutered of their firearms plus which ever states have fallen by that time. So, go ahead and call the people of Connecticut "sheep" just because they were the first to get it from the Goverment but just remember, while you were standing by pointing your finger and calling them out.....by the time your time comes you may not have much backup at all. And the backup you do have may not mean much. The whole country may not be worth saving.
I think one of the key mistakes made by the gun owners in CT was they didn't fight back.

I think if all gun owners in CT organized in mass and made those politicians uncomfortable, and if you had to, go out to their homes and protest even when they're off, you could have shut their anti-2A BS down.

That and so much more could have been done to fight these anti-rights political ruling class elites.

I'll add another thought...

The fact that most gun owners and folks on the right in general nowadays just won't get up off their ass, organize, and fight the battles the right way that need to be fought is a big reason you people in CT got your rights trampled by a bunch of spineless left-wing political asshats that would be powerless if you stood up to them.

Maybe if CT gun owners and folks on the right wake up, they can fight back now and get this BS repealed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro v2.2
United we stand, Divided we fall.

As far as I am concerned, with Connecticut, America lost a battle to cancer and it's the rest of America who are the "sheep". The 2nd Amendment citizens of Connecticut are the victoms due to the rest of America hanging them out to dry. We stood by and let it happen. My wife and I went to every single Rally in our area and most times we were two of less than 30. These laws are coming to your state and when they come, the people of Connecticut will already be neutered of their firearms plus which ever states have fallen by that time. So, go ahead and call the people of Connecticut "sheep" just because they were the first to get it from the Goverment but just remember, while you were standing by pointing your finger and calling them out.....by the time your time comes you may not have much backup at all. And the backup you do have may not mean much. The whole country may not be worth saving.

Thank you for having the balls to speak some sense here, the people of CT did not just stand by and watch our rights get trampled over, like said by others, if and when this BS hits other states I will be waiting to hear and see all the finger pointers. I will be there in any way I can to back the rights of those states, but your finger pointing at us in CT does no one any good.
Update on the NYSAFE State Supreme Court decision:

December 31, 2013 Update: The Court ruled against us on guns, but dismissed 7 round limit. Here is a copy of the decision. A formal opinion of this decision will be posted here at a later date.

Justice Skretny's Ruling

LA Times

Dave Henderson

Wall Street Journal

I have nothing further to say on the subject, and stand by my most recent remarks.

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Fellows, this is just the first pebble kicked loose at the top of the hill, it's rolling down loosening other pebbles and gaining speed. It's partially our fault for letting it get this far by not being more politically active. for the most part, "it's over". just a matter of time. It's like a cancer consuming logical thinking. As earlier mentioned re: Nazi Germany, It's inconceivable to think that each and every German soldier agreed with Hitler's politics, but they knew the consequence of failing to carry out any order. It wont be any different here when it comes to that point. It was good while it lasted, but I see a dark horizon looming.
Whats different between Colorado and CT? New laws are similar. One has shit canned three while the other has not. Doesnt mean it cant happen.

What is the CT gun rights org with the most juice? For everyone that thinks they suck put a $5 bet on it by donating that cash to their gun rights org. Assuming no one is rich but $5-$10 should be affordable.
Glad to see I woke up a few folks here. Until it actually happens, I think gun owners thought that the NRA was being paranoid. Now we know. Just look at the NYC notification of registered .22 rf bolt guns, telling them that 5 rounds is the limit, now. They are using Salami tactics, slicing off our rights a bit at a time. Like the priest in Germany that wrote, "when they came for the Jews, I was silent, because I wasn't Jewish, when they came for the Gypsies, etc, etc, When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out." AR15s are just the nose of the camel. Every time a law has no effect, they pass another, and of course, the laws never affect the criminal or lunatic. Civil disobedience worked for civil rights, and Canadian gun owners, we can do it too.
Fellows, this is just the first pebble kicked loose at the top of the hill, it's rolling down loosening other pebbles and gaining speed. It's partially our fault for letting it get this far by not being more politically active. for the most part, "it's over". just a matter of time. It's like a cancer consuming logical thinking. As earlier mentioned re: Nazi Germany, It's inconceivable to think that each and every German soldier agreed with Hitler's politics, but they knew the consequence of failing to carry out any order. It wont be any different here when it comes to that point. It was good while it lasted, but I see a dark horizon looming.
Wow. I agree with about most of the responses here. What I see is a tactic the other side has implemented is a sort of guerilla tactic. There are no real defined lines. It's a slow fade from right to wrong. This past year I have really come to realize everything in life is a slow fade. Your promotion at work took a while to earn. Your diabetes came from a long line of bad food choices. Your gun rights went away because of a lot of apathy. The worst part of all of this is thru history, we have been TOLD what happens next. I believe in the sheep, sheepdog and wolf teachings with all my heart; God bless Lt. Col. Grossman. But I'm not exactly sure that even applies here. It's easy to define a sheep and sheepdog in a combat zone, or on patrol as an officer. But this is a deeper and darker matter that has affected EVERY......SINGLE......AMERICAN.

We all have been lulled to sleep and the thief comes in the night not with one huge hit, but many small and subtle break-ins. First it's the fine china you never look at, then the jewelry you never wear. Before you know it, you wake up and you're house is empty and you don't even know where to start.

I often think about what any of the founding fathers would say or think if they got to walk around places like Lake Champlain, New York where ages ago they overthrew a British fortress and drove them out of Boston at such a high cost, or Breed's Hill just outside of Boston where they sacrificed so many men for a just and noble cause. What would they say about us? What would they say about the Amendments, and the whorehouse we call congress? What would President Washington say about our abused and adulterated Oval Office?

It has gone way beyond just 2A, it's a cancer that feeds and festers upon every moral fiber America used to stand for. America used to be a place of refuge, “Give us your tired, your poor, your hungry, your huddled masses yearning to be free”. The cure starts with the fathers of this country. So where are you, men of courage?
Gun registration is just a side issue to distract the people from the biggest gun control act that has already passed and will affect every state, every gun owner and is set in stone because we let it happen !! Obama Care will be the death of private gun ownership in our country . We have allowed Insurance Co. to dictate how we are prorated do to age,lifestyles, where we live, race ,gender, what kind of car we drive the list goes on . They made us wear helmets, seatbelts why would they LET us own guns!!! What will you do when your Mandatory insurance premium is 2 times the rate of a non gun owner? what about 10 or 20 times. What about refusing you for a policy owner because you are a danger to yourself or your family because you own a gun??PAY THE FINE god bless you what if you can't afford to?? Bury your guns or lie about owning one?? Great try practicing or hunting or defending yourself or your family while digging a hole to get your shit! Who will protect your family next time they need protecting . You will be in jail for insurance fraud along with your wife while your kids are raised by Gay liberals. We need to stop al threats to the Constitution and our Freedom or all is lost.
You've got to love the whole gun forum sheep, sheepdog and wolf analogy. Yeahhhh.
A sheep, it's obvious.

A sheepdog: run by a master, imposes its will or the will of the master on the sheep by force and manipulation. Oppresses the sheep just because it is told to. Does not support its self, but takes handouts from it's master, and therefor does what it is told so that it keeps getting what it wants.

A wolf: Free creature, provides its own food. Gathers with like minded creatures to protect one another and provide for their needs.

Lol...you dirty sheep, I'm a sheep dawg, I wouldn't let that happen where I live, rarrr, rarr, ruff ruff!

It kind of takes away from the argument in my eyes. Anyway, disregard, it's just one of those days here.
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