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Neighbor's dog


One-Legged Grunt
Full Member
Oct 16, 2011
I'm not an animal hater, but this dog is testing my kindness. My neighbor's dog keeps coming in to my yard and tearing the bark off of my maple tree. Today she started on my willow. What would you do if this was happening to you? The neighbor knows, apologizes, but they keep letting the mutt out.

<a href="http://imgur.com/4CdCzmh"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/4CdCzmh.jpg?1" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a>
My first attempt would be to try to associate pain with pulling off the tree bark -- Use a pellet gun that stings but doesn't penetrate.

If that won't work....
Raw hamburger meat rolled up in a ball with a cocktail in the middle. Your choice on the dosage....

Edit: Sorry...I guess you should call the authorities first. ;)
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Barbed wire or chicken wire wrapped around the tree should work. My father cured a neighbor of letting his dog out unsupervised around 11 PM to poop in dad's back yard. Tried talking to neighbor about it, neighbor denies it was his dog. Dad buy three packs of EX-lax, chocolate flavored laxative, spreads it around back yard. Three days later dad says, good thing it wasn't your dog, because with all the ex-lax that dog must have shit all over somebody's house. Neighbor turns beet red, won't cop to it, but walks the dog in the street after that.
Well, I'm a dog lover but just can't stand when people let their animals run free................especially on my property and really so when my livestock is endangered. I think you already know the answers but make it the owners problem............................send him a rather large bill for the tree damage, get an estimate from a tree farm for replacement. If he doesn't respond or shrugs it off threaten to sue, that usually works in getting people to secure their animals. If not you could razor wire your trees (if practicable.) Spray them down with OC spray (bear size) or commercial canine repellant (more expensive.) Of course, as already advised you could use slingshot, pellet rifle, shotgun and ultimately a more lethal firearm. Another method is a loud high pitched air horn and make sure you use a long enough blast to annoy the neighbors also.
50 cal would do it.. do you need to borrow a scope:)
Call humane society to come and get that dog
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Sounds like a neighbor problem rather than a dog problem.

That being said, if you want to go along to get along then you can loosely wrap the tree with chicken wire. Go to a local tack and feed store or online and you can find a liquid pepper mixture(same thing as pepper spray) that you can swab on the metal. Its used for horses that chronically grab a hold of metal fences etc with their mouth.

While its not rain proof and needs to be replaced every few weeks it has worked 100% of the time for me. Just use gloves when applying and stand upwind of it unless you favor that pepper spray experience. I dont have to worry about being there when they are chewing.
I have a similar but poop related problem with neighborhood dogs. Put down tack strips (the carpet type) around the trees with the nails facing up. Also collect YOUR (male) piss in a bottle and spread it around the base and up the sides of the trees. A dose of piss every few days + the tack strips should do the trick. It's worked for me for a few months now, but if it happens again....

If that doesn't work, see Thrusty's post.

I should add that I pour a boarder of piss around my yard all on and along the sidewalk and now most dogs won't even touch my grass because they won't cross that piss boarder (it takes a lot of piss).

I've read some other good tips about dealing with dog shit (off topic I know) but I figured I'd pass them on here.

In addition to what I said above. Some people with this problem prefer to leave the dog shit in place and simply cover the shit with bacon grease so that another dog eats it. I've read that a lot of people will tuck high dose laxative into a dog shit and then cover it with bacon grease too. Then there's always the people who use a dog treat laced with rat poision but I think that would have to be a finial option as that's a horrible way to die and it's really the owners who are at fault anyway.
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I've never confirmed it, but I hear that if you'd cover the tree or around it in cayenne pepper, dogs won't touch it. Get a big jug from Sam's or Costco.
Electric wire on the trees will do the trick. Train him up with some peanut butter. Pup goes to eat it an bang. Pup will run home fast.
electric fence to base of tree, frozen paint balls, air rifle, dog abduction. In my county the most lawful way to eliminate a dog is to have it attack you (people), your pet, or live stock while on your property. By a chicken, cover it in bacon grease, have the dog lick it or eat it, then shoot the dog.
Looking at the pic again have another person climb the tree above the reach of the dog, call the dog over get it to attack the tree, take pic, shoot dog.
Have some small children come over, have them crying while on video with the dog, imply they narrowly evaded death from dog while on your property, shoot dog.
Make friends with dog to where the dog likes you better than owner, put dog up for adoption or have euthanized.
Study dogs habits, make favorite meal for dog, throw meal in road, while dog is eating it, run over it (the dog).
Set a trap involving a bucket of maple syrup. dog comes near tree syrup falls on dog, what a mess, add fire ants if needed.
I had a dog that did this kind of dump crap....but since it was my dog I just used an electric collar and shocked the crap out of it overtime it started. I would have never let that monster outside my own yard!
Warn the neighbor that you going to call the authorities, if it continues have the dog picked up and send them a bill for replacing the trees.....
Man, there's some cruel shitbags on here. Little future Ted Bundys. Chicken and barbed wire. Poison. .50BMG.

I'm guessing you've openly spoken your concerns to them without any innuendo? They get it crystal clear, that you don't want their dog tearing up your tree, and they understand tearing bark off of a tree will kill the tree?

Then try using, before it's too late, liberal coatings of pepper spray. Maybe wrap the tree or treat the wounds first and put that on top? Or only put it on good bark? If you use pitch, you can put the pepper on top of that for sure. The thicker the better. If you empty out a large can in a pot with a bag covering the top to catch overspray, and evaporate off the liquid, you're left with essentially a pepper oil/light grease. It'll stand up to the elements a little better. It probably won't take too many tries before he gives it up.

While I wouldn't hurt the dog, I WOULD threaten the neighbor with that if they just acted like they really didn't give a fuck about your property. I also might tell them that the pepper oil or the pitch or whatever, is some stuff I put on the tree to help nurse the tree back, but that the stuff turns out to be highly poisonous to dogs. Sorry, it was all they had available that would work on that type of tree. So you're warning them to keep the dog away from the tree now for it's own good, please.

While your neighbors, sadly, don't give a shit about you or your property, they likely do about that dog. So while they wouldn't keep the dog away from the tree just out of respect for you, they likely will keep him away from the tree out of fear of losing their dog. Our dogs, in case you aren't a dog lover, are like our kids, our family.

This option has the benefit of applying something that actually might stop the dog if he DOES try it again, as well as motivate the neighbors to watch their dog. It doesn't carry a direct threat or hurt the dog so as to cause tension between you and your neighbor (even worse). The fear comes from "medicine" used to help nurse the tree back to health vs. threatening to poison or kill the dog (or doing it). It may make them better neighbors.

Downside, which isn't all that bad, is if they see the dog lick it, even once, they'll wanna know what's in it to rush to the vet, and you may have to come clean. Even so, it illustrates that you simply wanted to save the tree, not hurt their dog, yet at the same time, spur action from them that assists in both. Again, it may make them better neighbors.

If it makes 'em worse neighbors, well, then you know what kind of trash you're dealing with.

Glad I have good neighbors. Ones that show up armed if the alarm goes off, ones that help out, ones that helped me look for my dog for four hours until 1am on a work night. If you do have bad neighbors and can turn 'em, it's worth it. Good neighbors, to me, are an important part of life. Good luck.
This dog doesn't seem to mind the sprays or the pepper.

All of the tips I read when I was researching solutions for my problem said all that pepper shit wouldn't work and the rotten animal small commercial sprays don't work either. You have to make it hurt (like spikes through their feet) and mark your territory.

You could always remove/replace the tree/s and then sue them for the cost...
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I like the suggestion with the ex lax. Teaches the dog not to eat in your yard and teaches the neighbor a solid lesson about being neighborly. Be sure to do it on a really nasty snowy night when the dog really doesn't want to go out.
I should add that I pour a boarder of piss around my yard all on and along the sidewalk and now most dogs won't even touch my grass because they won't cross that piss boarder (it takes a lot of piss).

^^^ This cracked me up Binder!! lol I imagined you storing 2 liter bottles of it for weeks so you can dose your yard on a weekend.

Back to the OP's question....while laxatives are funny as hell knowing the dog would be about to shit its brains out - it won't solve the problems. Dogs love to eat and as long as it tasted good going down, that's all they are concerned with. I'm no dog whisperer, but I don't think they would make the connection....

Animals will only make the connection that they aren't supposed to do something if there is an immediate pain (or reinforcement) involved at the time of their behavior. The OPs root problem is that the dog is crossing into his property - to effectively solve ALL problems with the dog, grab your pellet gun as soon as he crossed your boundary line. Don't stop smacking the dog's hind quarters with pellets until it's back on your neighbor's land. Will take a few attempts, but he'll get the hint. Just don't aim for the face or the family jewels...that's just inhumane. ;)
This was his response to being told about the problem once again.

<a href="http://imgur.com/bSH4KKp"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/bSH4KKp.jpg" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a>

How would you like to see that crazy dog bleeding from its mouth and nose next time this happens?
Whatever you do please don't kill the dog. It's obviously not trained so you can't blame the it. I would wrap electric wire around the tree and zap it or shoot it with a pellet gun but not its face. Like someone said, associate the tree with pain and it will stop.
All I'm going to say, and I think others can/will chime in here on this, is that the bark removal from a tree equals sure death for the tree. Unless some sort of action is taken, you'll be cutting it down in the next year or two.

I don't know if the tree has any other value, be it sentimental or intrinsic, but that is something that you can't leave for any length of time. Good luck with your situation.
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It's cheaper to replace the dog than the tree. We planted that tree the week we moved in to our house.
The pepper spray shit they sell in the pet store WON'T cut it, true, I've seen dogs eat that stuff. The bittering agent only works so long too if they REALLY want at whatever is in that bark. You MUST use human strength pepper spray, the big ass can, and then reduce that to an oil, ideally. It WILL NOT be chewing on that shit, I promise you. It only takes a little in the nose, and like thrusty said, it's an immediate correction, which is what you need to be successful.

But I still bet the key is to simply put SOMETHING on the tree, tree meds, pepper oil, etc., and tell them that it's highly poisonous to dogs for all the reasons I listed above. Because if you simply try to correct the dog, it being their dog, you're gonna be doing this for the rest of your or its life. It's never really gonna learn to stop without the owners intervening.

In a perfect world, you'd affix the electric collar to the neighbors and train them to mind their dog.
The owner obviously doesn't care. Hey some noise taps and put them around your trees. A few good snaps should get the dog attention.

I am going through the same thing with my neighbors cat, keeps coming to my yard shitting every where and tearing up my yard. Cat came home with a mouse trap on its law a and called the cops. Explained what was going on, and the cops told him he needs to keep is cat inside.
Mouse traps is a great start. I sent my wife a text to go to Wal-Mart and get at least 20....
I can just envision a pellet getting under the dog's skin and the dog suffering a terrible infection that the garbage neighbour won't have treated. Moreover, I bet it's you who gets in trouble at that point. A paint ball gun might be better, but still may get you in legal trouble.

I would put a 6' fence around my whole property -- though that, like so many of the homespun solutions suggest here cost you money. How about a couple of lines of electric hot-wire?

Did you call up your city? Animal control? Start keeping a log with dates and times. Take photos. Keep hounding the authorities. Down here they would probably eventually start citing the guy and/or taking the dog away. I'm guessing a few hundred dollars in citations would motivate the owner.
Hell If I caught one of my GSD tearing up someones tree like that i shoot it in the ass also. But I'll never have that problem cause I will not put up with a crazy dog. If it does not learn it will not stay long for it will be culled. My dogs most learn three very important things: come here / inside (meaning go inside your pen) also outside (meaning to get out of the house) / no (meaning stop what your doing and look at me) most anything else I can deal with unless he is a biter don't like dog that bite for no reason. These few rules and the dog and I can get along. But in most cases with dog I've worked with they can learn to do much more.
Thank God I live among civilized people and have great neighbors. Some of you guys are savages.
I can just envision a pellet getting under the dog's skin and the dog suffering a terrible infection that the garbage neighbour won't have treated. Moreover, I bet it's you who gets in trouble at that point. A paint ball gun might be better, but still may get you in legal trouble.

I would put a 6' fence around my whole property -- though that, like so many of the homespun solutions suggest here cost you money. How about a couple of lines of electric hot-wire?

Did you call up your city? Animal control? Start keeping a log with dates and times. Take photos. Keep hounding the authorities. Down here they would probably eventually start citing the guy and/or taking the dog away. I'm guessing a few hundred dollars in citations would motivate the owner.

A 6 foot fence could be quite expensive....

Mouse traps is a great start. I sent my wife a text to go to Wal-Mart and get at least 20....

Use rat traps they are bigger and will leave a more lasting impression.

I can just envision a pellet getting under the dog's skin and the dog suffering a terrible infection that the garbage neighbour won't have treated. Moreover, I bet it's you who gets in trouble at that point. A paint ball gun might be better, but still may get you in legal trouble.

I would put a 6' fence around my whole property -- though that, like so many of the homespun solutions suggest here cost you money. How about a couple of lines of electric hot-wire?

Did you call up your city? Animal control? Start keeping a log with dates and times. Take photos. Keep hounding the authorities. Down here they would probably eventually start citing the guy and/or taking the dog away. I'm guessing a few hundred dollars in citations would motivate the owner.

A 6 foot fence could be quite expensive....

Mouse traps is a great start. I sent my wife a text to go to Wal-Mart and get at least 20....

Use rat traps they are bigger and will leave a more lasting impression.

Take your neighbor to small claims court. You will win easy.
small claims court. with that pic the judge will rule in your favor in 10 min.
Holy cow. Bla bla bla! Gut shoot the cocksucker and he will run off and die somewhere. If you're worried about that just bust him up with a ball bat or chunk of pipe to the point that he will never return. Leg trap works too. Then neighbor can't really deny it was his dog huh. Chain the snare or trap to the tree. Kinda cut and dried huh. Go to the pound and get about two dozen mean hungry big ass dogs and turn them out on his ass. Make friends with the dog so you can lure him in to your garage or shop and make him fucking disappear. Have fun with it. These situations can be pretty fun. My neighbors, that still have pets never let them out. I make sure they're outside and I walk to the property line with a bucket and prestone and wave and say good morning. It's NOT your problem. It's theirs. Good luck
It's NOT your problem. It's theirs. Good luck

^^ THIS a million times. It sucks that the dog has to pay when the owners should be the ones to suffer but it's not your fault, it's theirs.

+1 on the prestone idea, though I think I'd just put a Prestone bottle next to a bowl full of the green Gatoraide/Koolaide. But it sounds like the owners would probably encourage the dog to drink it because it seems like even they hate him.
Load a couple 12 Ga shotgun shells with rock salt. Go light on the load and aim for the ass. Burns like hell and does not kill the dog.
Also. If you confront the neighbor and then kill the dog, you are always the first suspect. I've had cats piss all over my boots, grill cover, life jackets, dogs piss on kids swing set, scare kids, shit in yard on and on. I refuse to put up with it so that's what I do. If it's to rated r then take the abuse and be quiet. You asked for help on how to solve the problem. That's what I do. What, cover or spray tree. Then what? He goes to the next tree, or siding on your house, or picnic table? Kill that bitch and be done. Quit fighting this war to win hearts and minds and go japan 1945 on his ass. We won that one. All the way.
Every time the dog chews on your tree, go hogtie his wife and give her a good screwing while he watches. I think this will alleviate your problem, of course if he's into that as well you may have to take him to court. It's not a dog problem, it's a dog owner problem. He's just doing something animals do. Don't punish the dog.
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"Bitters" at a pet store or just dump tons of Cayanne (sp) pepper all over the fucker, and on the ground. He/she will walk in it and it will irritate his/her paws. He/she will lick the paws and it will burn. Eventually she will associate the smell with the burning paws, tongue, etc. and will get bored with your beautiful tree. Keep doing it. If the dog still persists, then I agree with a pellet gun to the rear flank. Shephards have coarse fur and it shouldn't hurt too bad. Maybe a blood blister under the fur at most.
Thank God I live among civilized people and have great neighbors. Some of you guys are savages.
I know I'm fairly new and all but....this.
Its a tree....Take care it inside legal means....If the dog is threatening you or your family this would be different. As I said I used to have a dog that did this (inside my own yard), but never once was that dog aggressive towards people and was overall a good dog. Some people have worse behavior than this....
I'd harm a person before a dog.....
Wonder if I could make a business out of this kind of problem. Name my 7 saum the dog whisperer?
Pellet gun. Keep telling the neighbor about it. I would then put signs up about animal traps on property and when his dog got caught. Well 22 to the head and you can hang it by its hind lets in the tee it was tearing up.
Unless you want to be charged with a Felony you should not harm that dog like others have suggested. Call the local animal control.
Magua speaks with white man tongue. The Huron would just eat the dog.