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Snowicane 2018


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Feb 13, 2015
Southern VA
They're really hyping this East coast storm to be one for the record books.
By the time it gets off the VA coast it could essentially be a winter hurricane, replete with visible eye and everything.
Snowing in Tallahassee this morning.
Tidewater area of VA expecting blizzard conditions with a foot of snow or more.
That's a lot of people affected in that area.

What a drayma. We will get 12 snow flakes here, there will be 1200 car accidents and 8 hour gridlock on the beltway.

On a brighter note I would love to drive to the beach to see 4-6 on the sand up to the water line.

But your new plowing business should flourish.
I wouldn't wish that on anybody...but...

Heating oil prices have been a little soft now that I think of it while sitting in my office here at the refinery. I guess I'll just have to tough it out.

Besides, it's supposed to be 70 this weekend.

Could you imagine how fucked up the roads would be down here with a little ice...
I-4 is a nightmare in dry weather.

To give your question a serious answer, this thing doesn't have enough free board to put up with these crazy winds.

Ever seen 'Black Ice". I got introdced to it leaving Houston one morning. It hadnt rained there for weeks and the roads were covered with oil deposits. ThenIt and misted freezing rain and a dusting of snow all night. The water leaches the oil up into the ice and ...FUCKED UP. I havd a front weel drive Saab make for that kind of shit in Sweden and it was useless. Most fightened Ive ever been n a car. People were trying to drive 60 mph and wrecking all around me. About 20 miles east on I 10 they had a big detour...A station wagon with a family in it had spun out and slid under a tanker of acid...whaich ruptured and ...it wasnt pretty.
I love the forecast this morning:

"Snow starting some time after midnight; 4-12" possible."

OK. 4-12" is pretty much 95% of every snow storm in recorded history around here. And after midnight means anytime tomorrow.

What a cool job as a "forecaster".

I grew up here in New England and you learn one thing about the weather early on: If you don't like the weather, just wait a half-hour.

But I think I'll dig out the snow blower tonight in case it ends up being 4+12" tomorrow. Then traffic starts to get silly.

I lived in England for three years, Idaho for five and just over twelve years in South Dakota.
I've experienced a bit of it during that time.
That black ice will sneak right up on you and put you in a ditch or over a cliff in a jiffy.

It's actually going to get down to freezing tonight. If these idiots around here don't scrape their windows in the morning, there will be a ton of accidents.
So glad I'm retired and don't do any commuting
I just received a call from our local Township & they asked everyone to remove their cars off the street. Announcement prediction was for 6 plus inches. I can see the local snowflakes from Ivy League college marching with their signs which state.......global warming is real. Parents pay almost 60k a year for that. Just amazing

And over in that ditch, you will see the meeting of the "Allweather Tires" club... All Weather means spring, summer, fall and night. Physics... it continues to affect idiots in cars with slicks!



I drive 30 miles of state/county highways through pretty rural flatland to get to work and then back. I run no shit snow tires (Firestone Winterforce) from mid Dec to late Feb/mid March. I don't normally see people in ditches too much, but I do pass quite a few who are driving like total pussies because their piece of shit all weather tires give out any faster. Best of all is getting on the unplowed left lane of a divided highway and pressing on past the lemmings on the right.

Just your basic front wheel drive Jap car with real tires is all it takes.

Hell, I made it out of this fucked up icy mess in a Chrysler 300 rental with shitty factory rubber. Just ahead over the Rouge River two semis and a couple of smaller trucks were jacknifed/wrecked and I wove my way around taking advantage of the traction control and a reeealy light foot. Once past the wrecks I got on the right lane and kept around 40 just to watch dumbass Detroiters speeeding by and wrecking wholesale.
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And over in that ditch, you will see the meeting of the "Allweather Tires" club... All Weather means spring, summer, fall and night. Physics... it continues to affect idiots in cars with slicks!



Get ready dawg. Looks like this thing creeping up the coast could buty you til spring. be careful, stay warm. Fortunately we didnt get a flake.
NASA temperature anomaly map. Red is warmer than usual, blue, colder. Check out Alaska.

I can understand that. Especially in the South.

That kind of weather is a normal thing for most of the upper Midwest. It's been mild here this winter so far, snow fall wise, barely a foot. It's just been cold and windy. Which is normal.
NASA temperature anomaly map. Red is warmer than usual, blue, colder. Check out Alaska.


Why is this nigga not in warm sunny San Dego where I belong?
We already have 7 inches which is really nothing but the winds are pretty crazy. We have sustained at 40 mph and gusts to 55 mph. Creating crazy drifts. We now also have lightning flashes...pretty crazy
I drive up the highway, I drive down the highway.

Plows are plowing. People that are not cowering be peopling.

During some down time bought an almost new looking 1968 Coleman lantern with case and accessories off Ebay.

I think Ill eat a banana now.

Got the radio set to WJIB 740AM. All like barber shop music, big bands, crooners, Old western Ballad Marty Robbins type music, pretty cool.
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I live in Central Virginia and we aren't getting anything other than a bunch of wind :mad:

Same here in Ruckersville. NO white misery but cold.


[IMG2=JSON]{"alt":"Things to Know: Grayson's Timing, Increasing Totals","data-align":"none","data-size":"full","title":"Things to Know: Grayson's Timing, Increasing Totals","src":"https:\/\/dsx.weather.com\/util\/image\/map\/DCT_SPECIAL107_1280x720.jpg?v=ap&w=650&h=366&api=7db9fe61-7414-47b5-9871-e17d87b8b6a0"}[/IMG2]
Would one of you engineers please develop a windshield defrost system that you can balance it out so that it will perform its intended function without having to cook the occupants?

Fucking around here all morning with trying to figure the correct level for each window to be cracked open so as I don't overheat wearing storm gear yet can still see where I am going.
RB Greaves - Letter to Maria in a blizzard - and to think I get paid for this shit.

What person doesn't want to be in a storm?

Better than Xbox!
Throw boiling water on it;)

Would one of you engineers please develop a windshield defrost system that you can balance it out so that it will perform its intended function without having to cook the occupants?

Fucking around here all morning with trying to figure the correct level for each window to be cracked open so as I don't overheat wearing storm gear yet can still see where I am going.

NASA temperature anomaly map. Red is warmer than usual, blue, colder. Check out Alaska.


See that thick band across the upper Midwest? It sucks, and it's been sucking since Christmas.

We get a respite starting on Sunday, which can't get here fast enough.