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Universal background bill headed to Senate

Do any of you guys in law enforcement and the military agree that this government is illegitimate? If you do agree then you must accept that the gov’t broke the contract with it’s people. There is no consent by the governed any longer. This can only logically mean that ANY AND ALL laws are unlawful and enforcement is tyrannical. Do you want any part in that? Even sending someone to court over a speeding ticket is putting them at the mercy and into a corrupt and unjust system. I hope you guys think long and hard and come to terms with this. Hopefully you make the right choice. We need as many as we can get on our side.
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There are a lot the agree in the mil here at carson that doenst believe this shit just happened like it did.

There are a lot the agree in the mil here at carson that doenst believe this shit just happened like it did.

What does that mean? Anything? Nothing? These guys going to get out when they can or sign back up?

Thoughts and feelings mean little. It’s actions big and small. This applies to us all.
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What does that mean? Anything? Nothing? These guys going to get out when they can or sign back up?

Thoughts and feelings mean little. It’s actions big and small. This applies to us all.
Yeah well a lot of these soldiers are in the middle of their contracts because of bonuses offered a few years back

Myself, I am getting out and will be finished my mil career in june/july timeframe.

Others arent so lucky and they cant just put their two weeks notice in at this point.

I had my "conservative white males" in the military brief yesterday

Phones were collected at the door prior to the briefing so I wasn't able to take any pictures of the slides and such to put il on here.

However with my facts that I brought up, I was kicked out and got to have a one sided chat with my CSM for about an hour afterwards.

This isn't looking good at all. This shit is in overdrive to say the very least at this point.

The people in my circle at work will NOT collect weapons or fire on Americans. I can say that.

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Yeah well a lot of these soldiers are in the middle of their contracts because of bonuses offered a few years back

Myself, I am getting out and will be finished my mil career in june/july timeframe.

Others arent so lucky and they cant just put their two weeks notice in at this point.

I had my "conservative white males" in the military brief yesterday

Phones were collected at the door prior to the briefing so I wasn't able to take any pictures of the slides and such to put il on here.

However with my facts that I brought up, I was kicked out and got to have a one sided chat with my CSM for about an hour afterwards.

This isn't looking good at all. This shit is in overdrive to say the very least at this point.

The people in my circle at work will NOT collect weapons or fire on Americans. I can say that.

I appreciate the insight. My words are not to attack mil and police, but to give them a perspective they may not have considered and to possibly save lives in the future. Anger will be directed at any authoritative figure without a doubt.

I have been told that a soldier doesn't have to obey an unlawful order. Who decides what is unlawful in the moment. It matters none what the soldier thinks is lawful. It is what the top tier decides what is lawful or unlawful after the fact. Many atrocities have been committed by authoritarian regimes. They were all lawful by their standards. Any decent would mean harsh punishment. What is happening here is no different. This is why I think most soldiers and law enforcement will do what they are told regardless out of fear of persecution. This is also why I encourage anyone to absolutely stay out of the military and law enforcement today. Why put yourself in that position. I would hope men like you that are in the field would tell any youngsters the same and then explain why.
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Mine sent me this - after I contacted her.

March 11, 2021​


Thank you for contacting me to express your thoughts on gun control. I appreciate you taking the time to share your views with me.

I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and responsible gun ownership. Before serving in Congress, I oversaw licensing for hunting and sport at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. I know that responsible gun ownership is a part of our tradition here in Iowa. I am also a mom, and every time I hear of another school shooting, I am reminded of parents who have had to endure pain no parent should have to endure. Congress has a responsibility to make sure we’re keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people while still protecting the Second Amendment.

That’s why I supported bipartisan, commonsense measures this Congress – to make sure that guns are bought and sold safely, and that we prevent guns from being possessed by dangerous, distressed individuals. This included a pair of bills that would expand and strengthen background checks: the Bipartisan Background Checks Act and the Enhanced Background Checks Act. If we are serious about keeping guns away from people who cannot legally own them, we must have strong background checks that enforce these laws.

These bills close two loopholes in existing federal law. Currently, unlicensed sellers are permitted to sell guns without conducting a background check, sometimes referred to as the Gun Show Loophole. Sellers are also permitted to “default to proceed” on a sale if a background check is not completed in three days, which has been called the Charleston Loophole. The Bipartisan Background Checks Act closes the Gun Show Loophole by prohibiting any person without a license to transfer a gun to another unlicensed person without a background check. And the Enhanced Background Checks Act extends the background check period, providing time to complete background checks on individuals requiring additional review while maintaining a quick, efficient process for law-abiding gun owners.

I am also proud to have voted to pass the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019. This legislation would improve services provided for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking – including prohibiting individuals subject to a temporary court order for these crimes from possessing a firearm. People impacted by intimate partner violence should never have to fear for their lives because they took action. That’s why it is important that alleged perpetrators are kept away from firearms that make these situations more dangerous for victims, their families, and their loved ones.

By encouraging responsible ownership and keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals, we can help protect our communities, our families, and our children from gun violence. I will continue to keep your concerns in mind as the House of Representatives considers any other legislation that may impact gun ownership in America.

Thank you again for contacting my office. Please keep in touch with any additional questions or comments by emailing me at https://axne.house.gov/contact. If you would like to receive regular updates from me, please visit https://axne.house.gov/contact/newsletter to sign up for my e-newsletter.


Cindy Axne
Member of Congress
Like most of our politicians she is a freaking idiot. I’d point out to her what all these Gun laws on the books have done which is virtually nothing. I’d also point out that the AWB in the 90’s had the complete opposite effect, gun crime skyrocketed. You can find this is CDC and FBI findings if my memory is correct. And finally you can point out that gang bangers and cartels ain’t buying their guns from your Pappy down the street. If she really believes that most are getting their guns this way then she is too stupid to hold office.
Congress has the duty of keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. GREAT JOB! Where were you during Obama's “Fast and Furious”
The best service they get provide battered and abused women is to stop disarming them and protecting the attackers from harm.
The Republic is no more. The communists refuse to follow and enforce just laws, and pass and enforce unconstitutional, illegal laws.

There is a clear, two tier justice system. One for the rulers/nobility (Democrats/communists), and one for the proletariat and anyone who is Christian and/or conservative. The media spews their propaganda 24/7, and their tech moguls silence all dissent.

All three branches of government are completely infiltrated by by them, and now the element of democracy and control by the people is being eliminated by HR1.

If anyone is surprised that disarming is CENTRAL to their plans, you’re not paying attention.

The above will probably get me arrestet in a year or two. They cannot tolerate any dissent, or any dose of reality. As they tear down what’s left they will get more totalitarian and more violent.

You’re wrong about door to door. They’ll murder a few families and most people will fall in line. It will be all up to 1-3% to save the rest, as it always is. It’s going to be a lot harder in modern, totalitarian, surveillance, police state.
As always, it's not about "Covid Relief", or "healthcare", or "Women's Healthcare" (murdering babies), or guns, or "access to voting" (legalized fraud), or "systemic racism", or ANY of the complete bullshit Newspeak that comes from the left.

As always it's about CONTROL. It's about POWER. It's about the greatest human failing and biggest sin possible, and they justify their rarified totalitarianism by saying it's for our own good. It isn't any wonder the laws no longer apply to the rulers or the government.

I won't even speak of the horror the FBI has become because it is too tragic and against SH rules. All you have to do is pay attention. This is no longer a nation of laws. It is no longer a nation. Socialism/Communism cannot coexist with liberty. It is one or the other, and the government has already chosen.
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Don’t get me wrong. I’m pissed about it the voting shit too. I just don’t see “voting them out” as a viable option anymore given what we witnessed in this past election. Putting faith in that avenue is just not something I can believe in anymore
They need to disarm US so they can get on with liquidating US....they'll get yer 401K's, Savings, take yer SS, and get $2000 a month out of your paycheck for Healthcare "Insurance" soon. America's wealth is being assimilated by Global Oligarchy and they own our Politicians.

It's a matter of time before the .01% get 90% of what we have left and if we are armed we'll fight back. So we'll be disarmed to facilitate their Final Solution. It was all predicted by the Founding Fathers.....

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Most Republics in history only has managed to survive an average of like 200ish years and we have been a Republic since 1776 - we are due for an oil change and our Government knows it. Or rather the despots running this country (all of them) know that we are due to replace them as the founders did. They, like all tyrants and despots, will not willingly relinquish their hold on US. I have no idea where we go from here in this time and age but I am certain that being disarmed will open the door to wholesale abuse. The only reason to disarm a free man is to enslave/arrest/subdue him. To destroy him. There is no other reason that a reasonable person would see an honest citizen disarmed and deprived of his ability to defend his Life and the Lives of his loved ones.

It's not that they want my arms that is bothering me....it's *why* they want me disarmed that keeps me up at night. So I am unable to comply with their ideas to disarm me. I simply will not comply. I can't.

They need to disarm US so they can get on with liquidating US....they'll get yer 401K's, Savings, take yer SS, and get $2000 a month out of your paycheck for Healthcare "Insurance" soon. America's wealth is being assimilated by Global Oligarchy and they own our Politicians.

It's a matter of time before the .01% get 90% of what we have left and if we are armed we'll fight back. So we'll be disarmed to facilitate their Final Solution. It was all predicted by the Founding Fathers.....

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Most Republics in history only has managed to survive an average of like 200ish years and we have been a Republic since 1776 - we are due for an oil change and our Government knows it. Or rather the despots running this country (all of them) know that we are due to replace them as the founders did. They, like all tyrants and despots, will not willingly relinquish their hold on US. I have no idea where we go from here in this time and age but I am certain that being disarmed will open the door to wholesale abuse. The only reason to disarm a free man is to enslave/arrest/subdue him. To destroy him. There is no other reason that a reasonable person would see an honest citizen disarmed and deprived of his ability to defend his Life and the Lives of his loved ones.

It's not that they want my arms that is bothering me....it's *why* they want me disarmed that keeps me up at night. So I am unable to comply with their ideas to disarm me. I simply will not comply. I can't.

You won't be able to hide them either. Won't do you any good. If a man chooses not to comply then running and hiding isn't an option. It must be known that we aren't and won't comply and anyone that would try and bring harm would be met. Power and money is all these bastards respond to. Anything less is foolish.

This is what my POS Senator responded with.
Yes, this is the same Bill Cassidy (R) that voted to convict Donald Trump.

Bill Cassidy
March 12, 2021

Dear Srgt. H
Thank you for writing in with your support for the protection of our Second Amendment rights. This is an important topic and I appreciate hearing from you.

The Second Amendment clearly states that individuals have the right to bear arms. I am a proud and firmsupporter of our Second Amendment and I have an A rating with the NRA. We need to better enforce current laws, rather than passing new legislation which punishes law-abiding citizens for the acts of criminals. We must also continue to find solutions to mental health issues in our nation. My legislation, the Mental Health Reform Act, which was signed into law in 2016, is a good start as it directs resources to help the mentally ill find treatment for their conditions. I will always fight for a free society while at the same time putting systems in place to try and prevent mass shootings and other crimes.

Legislation pertaining to the Second Amendment is generally handled by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. While I do not serve on that committee, please know that I will continue to make sure that our rights are not infringed upon.

I will continue to represent the views of my state and do so through hearing from constituents like you. Please continue to reach out, either by phone or by email, when you have another question or concern. You can reach my office in Washington DC at 202-224-5824 or submit an email at https://www.cassidy.senate.gov/contact.


Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D.
***Please do not reply to this message as this mailbox cannot receive incoming messages.***​
DC Office:
Suite SH-520
Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Baton Rouge Office:
5555 Hilton Avenue
Suite 100
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

(225) 929-7711


This is what my POS Senator responded with.
Yes, this is the same Bill Cassidy (R) that voted to convict Donald Trump.

Bill Cassidy
March 12, 2021

Dear Srgt. H
Thank you for writing in with your support for the protection of our Second Amendment rights. This is an important topic and I appreciate hearing from you.

The Second Amendment clearly states that individuals have the right to bear arms. I am a proud and firmsupporter of our Second Amendment and I have an A rating with the NRA. We need to better enforce current laws, rather than passing new legislation which punishes law-abiding citizens for the acts of criminals. We must also continue to find solutions to mental health issues in our nation. My legislation, the Mental Health Reform Act, which was signed into law in 2016, is a good start as it directs resources to help the mentally ill find treatment for their conditions. I will always fight for a free society while at the same time putting systems in place to try and prevent mass shootings and other crimes.

Legislation pertaining to the Second Amendment is generally handled by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. While I do not serve on that committee, please know that I will continue to make sure that our rights are not infringed upon.

I will continue to represent the views of my state and do so through hearing from constituents like you. Please continue to reach out, either by phone or by email, when you have another question or concern. You can reach my office in Washington DC at 202-224-5824 or submit an email at https://www.cassidy.senate.gov/contact.


Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D.
***Please do not reply to this message as this mailbox cannot receive incoming messages.***​
DC Office:
Suite SH-520
Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Baton Rouge Office:
5555 Hilton Avenue
Suite 100
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

(225) 929-7711

Your lucky My Congressman , Brian Fitzpatrick ( R ) Pa is a Rhino . Senator Bob Casey Jr ( D ) Pa is a Leftist and Senator Pat Toomey ( R ) Pa is not running again . Toomey is selling out for a cushy private sector job . I have zero representation . I still call a voice my wants . Man we are so fucked .
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