Long Range ShootingMarksmanshipPrecision Rifles

Redefining “Length of Pull”

A classroom full of eager students sits bright-eyed on Day One of Precision Rifle One. Theories and terms are bouncing off the walls. Some are innovative, cutting edge and some have been around since our Granddad took us on our first squirrel hunt. But they are all relevant. Especially those that have been pounded into us but we never took the time to fully understand, like “Parallax”. Got it. Heard it mentioned a thousand times and pretty sure I’ve got it figured out… but do you? We move to the range to do some scope tracking and half the class experiences parallax for the very first time. That is when the light truly comes on.
Long Range ShootingRifle ScopesSniper Rifles

Zero Compromise MPCT3 Reticle Detailed Explanation

By now you’ve probably seen and heard a lot about the new ZCO reticle called the MPCT3. This new reticle has many small details that may go unnoticed until the reticle is being used. Because we’ve talked to numerous shooters around the world who are curious about the MPCT3, we’ve noticed a trend that most of these shooters hadn’t realized some of the smaller details in the reticle. We’ll describe these details and explain the advantages of them.