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Latest gun rights attack.

Spot on Veer. I expect to see an attack on ammo and reloading components in the near future. If you can’t get the gun then get the ammo.
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This one, though I can't imagine it going anywhere is really rough...
Would shut down parts kit importation among other things they threw in there.
I have to wonder to if it would affect gun forums if they interpreted things oddly.
Ok, circle the wagons, section 2.a.2 seeks to ban

An assault weapon parts kit.

That could be a trigger, a LPK or anything, and would effectively stop any one from repairing, upgrading or building a mag fed, semi automatic pistol or rifle which could be construed as an "assault rifle" in the definitions of the bill.
I hate that we have degraded to the point that we have to fight tooth and nail to retain rights explicitly protected in the very founding document of our nation.
Inches were given years and years ago and they will continue to whittle away at us piece by piece. A defensive posture isn't working.
I want to see a new law that defines ANY effort to remove or lessen a Constitutionally protected freedom as a blatant act of treason with severe penalties. It's insane that sworn legislators are crafting this shit!
This was not written overnight.... this has been written, sitting, and waiting, for a time to surface, and this version is now up, from midterm losses.

There are more ready and waiting. Those people never sleep.... They have spent a bunch of bloomberg $ to keep the little people in line, working for next to nothing, while they grow filthy rich, and pour $ into changing the Constitution to suit them and their "oligarchy".
And the NRA doesnt change tactics to deal with them.
Copies of this bill were out there awhile yet nobody said, "hey y'all, look at this crap"..
In the past, every time the NRA did show these "pre-bills", they were the ' "wolf cry" for $' and gun people got jaded, separated, and attack the NRA.
Gun people attacking the NRA are doing bloombergs work for him for free.

Martin Niemoller was a prophet.
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On top of what Bills we see that our Politicians are wanting to pass....more importantly and very often overlooked is what the BATFE has on its' agenda.

The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has released the Fall 2018 "Statement of Priorities" for all Cabinet Departments.

Here is the synopsis of what the ATF has on their Fall 2018 Calendar:
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
ATF issues regulations to enforce the Federal laws relating to the manufacture and commerce of firearms and explosives. ATF's mission and regulations are designed, among other objectives, (1) to curb illegal traffic in, and criminal use of, firearms and explosives, and (2) to assist State, local, and other Federal law enforcement agencies in reducing crime and violence. ATF will continue, as a priority during fiscal year 2019, to seek modifications to its regulations governing commerce in firearms and explosives to fulfill these objectives.
As its key regulatory initiative, ATF plans to amend its regulations to clarify that "bump fire" stocks, slide-fire devices, and devices with certain similar characteristics (bump-stock-type devices) are "machine guns" as defined by the National Firearms Act of 1934, and the Gun Control Act of 1968, because such devices allow a shooter of a semiautomatic firearm to initiate a continuous firing cycle with a single pull of the trigger. This is one of the Department's Regulatory Plan entries. In addition, ATF plans to update its regulations requiring notification of stored explosive materials to require annual reporting (RIN 1140-AA51). This regulatory action is intended to increase safety for emergency first responders and the public.
ATF also plans to issue regulations to finalize the current interim rules implementing the provisions of the Safe Explosives Act (RIN 1140-AA00). The Department is also planning to finalize a proposed rule to codify regulations (27 CFR part 771) governing the procedure and practice for proposed denial of applications for explosives licenses or permits and proposed revocation of such licenses and permits (RIN 1140-AA38). As proposed, this rule is a regulatory action that clarifies the administrative hearing processes for explosives licenses and permits. This rule promotes open government and disclosure of ATF's procedures and practices for administrative actions involving explosive licensees or permittees. ATF also has begun a rulemaking process that amends 27 CFR part 447 to update the terminology in the ATF regulations based on similar terminology amendments made by the Department of State on the U.S. Munitions List in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, and the Department of Commerce on the Commerce Control List in the Export Administration Regulations (RIN 1140-AA49).

I was under the impression the gov haven’t let any gun parts kits be imported in quite a few years? You don’t currently have to put a serial # on guns you make for yourself. They aren’t gonna take em just yet if they can criminalize em and use militarized police and swat to kick your door in for a piece of scrap aluminum. So I guess along with gold and silver, I will invest in aluminum and gold.
Gun owners better wake the fuck up. Winter isnt coming, Winter is here......


Parts kits are being brought in still but now they don't allow barrels that were installed on a machine gun.
Also a while back they made the receiver demil a lit tougher with 3 angled torch cuts. Now I don't think they want the remnants of the receivers even brought in, I think anyway.
One must wonder if the Democrats feel that they (and the deep state) will benefit from simply keeping both bases stirred up until exhausted both collapse back to apathy.
I'm not trying to stir anything up. Gun violence is a matter of human agency, the gun being inert until used. My fear is that unless the gun owners come up with some idea on how to deal with the violence and move the discussion meaningfully to the issues of mental illness and crime, the largely urban population will see gun violence as a tool-issue and be very comfortable simply restricting access to the tools.
I'm not trying to stir anything up. Gun violence is a matter of human agency, the gun being inert until used. My fear is that unless the gun owners come up with some idea on how to deal with the violence and move the discussion meaningfully to the issues of mental illness and crime, the largely urban population will see gun violence as a tool-issue and be very comfortable simply restricting access to the tools.
You are assuming that reason and logic can be used with the proponents of gun control.

You are assuming that reason and logic can be used with the proponents of gun control.

Yep! Like throwing petrol at the sun. We MUST take pages from the gay rights movement (The Spartans of political and cultural warfare)

We must come out of the closet, not go in.
We must treat 2A like a human right (not pretend to).
We must become intolerant to disent and bigotry directed at us.
We must come together as a group and dissuade those who think compromise is the answer. When attacked we seek to TAKE ground and not willingly yield one inch.
We must learn what boycott means and stop yawning when the enemy advances.

Gun control is not coming. IT IS HERE.....

This is what the “Spartans” did and still do.
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Somehow he's been convinced that guns are the problem, even though they've been with us for centuries.
But what else could it be?
Pharmaceuticals? Degradation of morals due to the erosion of basic family structures? A lack of a basic understanding of the finality of death as kids are raised on video games instead of farms? Violence in film and television? All the attention the media gives deranged mass shooting perpetrators?
Let's not ever hurt anyone's feelings by taking good hard looks at our failing culture. Let's just get rid of guns and trust in government. They'll take good care of us.
Give the man a cigar
Walk through it.

Is this like video games cause violence because they desensitize people, or, that social media amplifies emotions, or, social media gives publicity?

It ain't the guns, it's the people using them that we gotta deal with.
Walk through it.

Is this like video games cause violence because they desensitize people, or, that social media amplifies emotions, or, social media gives publicity?

It ain't the guns, it's the people using them that we gotta deal with.

That is what we have to deal with but that isn’t the end goal of the gun grabbers.

Gun grabbers and left leaning fucks hate freedom. It threatens them. Owning a firearm is the ultimate freedom.

Think about it
That is what we have to deal with but that isn’t the end goal of the gun grabbers.

Gun grabbers and left leaning fucks hate freedom. It threatens them. Owning a firearm is the ultimate freedom.

Think about it

Gun ownership and the Second Amendment peptuate automy from the “collective” and the Goverment. This individuallity and self reliance is incongruent with the Marxist Post Modernist ideology.

Furthermore, if the Second Amendment can be undermined and reinterpreted to “modern times” this weakens the Constitution as a whole, furthering the idea that it is a “living document” as opposed to “original intent”. This is Marxist’s Post Modern Democrats’ wet-dream.......
You know, it’s scary how much this issue parallels the Palestine Israel issue. Israel has been in the right the whole time. They give land to palestines even though they were never “displaced” and the Palestine’s keep taking and keep attacking. Entire countries won’t even acknowledge their right to exist. U.n. Will not support them, they are criticized when they defend themselves.. does anyone else see all these parallels?
As others have posted the 2A prevents slavery and the liberals hate what they cannot own/control. As long as we have guns we will be the enemy AND one day blood will be shed in defense of the right.
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I'm not trying to stir anything up. Gun violence is a matter of human agency, the gun being inert until used. My fear is that unless the gun owners come up with some idea on how to deal with the violence and move the discussion meaningfully to the issues of mental illness and crime, the largely urban population will see gun violence as a tool-issue and be very comfortable simply restricting access to the tools.
You speak of gun violence, gun control, and mental illness.. who has the right to define these things? Take a “crazy” person for example. If you go read many definitions of crazy the common denominator is it’s a term to describe someone’s actions when you don’t understand them or it makes no sense to you. That being said if you don’t understand a nucular physicist like Albert Einstein you say he is crazy because your not on his level. So who should be given the power to say “I don’t understand you because I’m no where near as smart as you so obviously you must be “crazy” because I am that self righteous”?
Now let’s talk about violence.. I’m gonna assume by your questions that your not a vet, and definitely not a combat vet of a infantry variety. One thing taught that any infantryman would know is “violence of action” Anyone that hasn’t experienced this probably sees it negatively but if you have ever been attacked and used “violence of action” to defend yourself then you see it in its proper place, a tool, just like martial arts or a gun. (They teach these techniques to women in rape avoidance classes by the way. I’m sure they call it something else though.) And even if you or your gov doesn’t recognize your God given right to defend yourself, the constitution does. They took it a step further and acknowledged that God gave us this right, not man.. what God gives no man can take away. That is the single most important gift our founding fathers purchased with blood.
Now let’s talk about control.. They want it. They can’t have it as long as we are armed. You were talking about gun control though. It’s not the government’s to control. It’s not our responsibility to come up with a solution. Rome wasn’t conquered by any army. They were destroyed internally. Our gov must get rid of the constitution in order to be able to control our arms. If they succeed in removing the constitution then America is No More. If and/or when America is no more we will find ourselfs occupied by tyrants. That will be a civil war like the world has yet to see, or will be a u.n. Invasion.. unless they are slick enough to dumb down America enough to regulate us to muskets before this. Even that won’t guarantee tyrant victory as long as real Americans breathe. How many events were a gun saved the day do you see on your news? Do you think that’s because it’s not happening or are they trying to keep the sheeple distracted with their adgendas??
I think it is more than this.

We are a democracy and the rights granted are subject to conditions expressed in law and regulations. That's just fact. Violence is just another word for crime and if deeper or more consistent punishment is proposed, i can fully support it. But, to not offer a recognition that gun violence is occurring in our schools and on our streets is dishonest. And, if we recognize the violence and want to preserve our effective rights to gun ownership, we need to start encouraging the national organizations and leadership to propose measures that address the former and preserve the latter.

The proposed legislation does neither. My grandmother always said " you cannot beat smething with nothing" and the legislation is the "something". Unless the community has an alternative, we have nothing.

I do not know the answer which is why I proposed the question.
I think it is more than this.

We are a democracy and the rights granted are subject to conditions expressed in law and regulations. That's just fact. Violence is just another word for crime and if deeper or more consistent punishment is proposed, i can fully support it. But, to not offer a recognition that gun violence is occurring in our schools and on our streets is dishonest. And, if we recognize the violence and want to preserve our effective rights to gun ownership, we need to start encouraging the national organizations and leadership to propose measures that address the former and preserve the latter.

The proposed legislation does neither. My grandmother always said " you cannot beat smething with nothing" and the legislation is the "something". Unless the community has an alternative, we have nothing.

I do not know the answer which is why I proposed the question.
No it’s much simpler.. 2ND Admendment.
From my cold dead hands. If you are not for the constitution you are against it. I took a oath and I will uphold it.
And we are a constitutional republic not a true democracy.. regardless the constitution is the law of the land. And that’s why the founding fathers gave us the second, to protect the first and to keep our gov in check, not so we can go hunting on the weekends between the hours of noon and 4 but only when the federal game officer is present to insure that your blunderbuss has its powder charge limiting device installed. What state are you goat kid? East coast or west coast?
Walk through it.

Is this like video games cause violence because they desensitize people, or, that social media amplifies emotions, or, social media gives publicity?

It ain't the guns, it's the people using them that we gotta deal with.
Social media is never “off”. It’s always there and always on. Most people addicted to it won’t turn off their device to access it like a drug. People who are somewhat alienated become totally alienated and take it completely seriously. It’s not just bullying, but social pressure too. Obviously young girls (killing themselves in greater numbers) and young boys are most susceptible, because they want to be cool and accepted, and if they’re not this turns from alienation to loathing, and that’s what leads to violence. Every one of these people has a social media footprint the size of Asia, and it’s the first place the detectives go, because it’s usually broadcast power intentions, or crazy, or violence, or whatever justification. Normal people don’t shoot or hurt random people. You have to stop seeing them as human and stop empathizing with them. Social media does these things to some people.
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I love how all they all end with "and other purposes".

Sure, I'll just throw away a lifetime's collection and investment AND concede the Constitution was just an illusion all along.

We're already closer to civil war now than anytime since 1850, let's throw a Constitutional crisis in there and see what happens. Again.
Grasshoppers are pretty harmless right? Until they turn into locusts and become literal biblical plagues. The transformation from grasshopper to locust is interesting.. their shell becomes harder, they grow wings then they plague as a group. You know what stimulates this transformation? Overcrouding! Scientist have been able to stroke a grasshoppers leg for an hour a day (to simulate overcrouding as in nature) and cause the transformation in a controlled environment. Pack animals will eat their young if they start to get too big and have food scarcity issues. Even guppies will eat their young when not enough food is present. Can violence be stopped while resources are dwindling? Does this explain why all mass shootings are in big cities? Or is it just statistical?
No it’s much simpler.. 2ND Admendment.
From my cold dead hands. If you are not for the constitution you are against it. I took a oath and I will uphold it.
Oh, I'm for the constitution all the way, but that's not the issue. The issue is that 2a advocates seem to only frame the issues of gun usage in the absolute language of a constitutional right. This approach induces the other side to consider regulations like that cited by the OP which erode the right. Tactically, it would be better to change the conversation - recognize the issue and offer alternatives.

As to your question, I live in Virginia.
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I'm not trying to stir anything up. Gun violence is a matter of human agency, the gun being inert until used. My fear is that unless the gun owners come up with some idea on how to deal with the violence and move the discussion meaningfully to the issues of mental illness and crime, the largely urban population will see gun violence as a tool-issue and be very comfortable simply restricting access to the tools.
yes.....actually there is.


if you are too dangerous to own a gun, you are too dangerous to be walking free.....either hang them, shoot them, or lock them up.

but we need to stop treating law abiding citizens as though they are criminals in the making just because they are exercising their rights.

if youve lived a good life...you should be able to walk into any store and buy a full auto 40mm grenade launcher, no questions asked...no BG check, no license, no BS.
Oh, I'm for the constitution all the way, but that's not the issue. The issue is that 2a advocates seem to only frame the issues of gun usage in the absolute language of a constitutional right. This approach induces the other side to consider regulations like that cited by the OP which erode the right. Tactically, it would be better to change the conversation - recognize the issue and offer alternatives.

As to your question, I live in Virginia.
My apology goatboy. I’d been taking your posts a bit to serious while you were apparently just being devils advocate.. the problem with your questions is the same problem as the Israel Palestine thing I mentioned in that the gun grabbers won’t be happy until they are all taken and we are like Australia or England or any other country.. Once you recognize that one simple fact, should you yield one inch peasfully knowing it will never satisfy and you will never regain ground?
My apology goatboy. I’d been taking your posts a bit to serious while you were apparently just being devils advocate.. the problem with your questions is the same problem as the Israel Palestine thing I mentioned in that the gun grabbers won’t be happy until they are all taken and we are like Australia or England or any other country.. Once you recognize that one simple fact, should you yield one inch peasfully knowing it will never satisfy and you will never regain ground?


I like mine with butter and a little salt.
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I think it is more than this.

We are a democracy and the rights granted are subject to conditions expressed in law and regulations. That's just fact. Violence is just another word for crime and if deeper or more consistent punishment is proposed, i can fully support it. But, to not offer a recognition that gun violence is occurring in our schools and on our streets is dishonest. And, if we recognize the violence and want to preserve our effective rights to gun ownership, we need to start encouraging the national organizations and leadership to propose measures that address the former and preserve the latter.

The proposed legislation does neither. My grandmother always said " you cannot beat smething with nothing" and the legislation is the "something". Unless the community has an alternative, we have nothing.

I do not know the answer which is why I proposed the question.
I think you're a fucking troll

Constitutional carry would end mass shootings/criminals commuting crimes with guns.

You and your statist brethren can't have that though. Can't let the little people see they don't need .gov telling them what to do and when to do it and being the only protection.

.gov creates a mess then idiots like yourself want more .gov to fix it. Ie student loans/healthcare/banking/etc/etc/etc
I think it is more than this.

We are a democracy and the rights granted are subject to conditions expressed in law and regulations. That's just fact. Violence is just another word for crime and if deeper or more consistent punishment is proposed, i can fully support it. But, to not offer a recognition that gun violence is occurring in our schools and on our streets is dishonest. And, if we recognize the violence and want to preserve our effective rights to gun ownership, we need to start encouraging the national organizations and leadership to propose measures that address the former and preserve the latter.

The proposed legislation does neither. My grandmother always said " you cannot beat smething with nothing" and the legislation is the "something". Unless the community has an alternative, we have nothing.

I do not know the answer which is why I proposed the question.

We are not a democracy and the constitution is the supreme law. And rights come from God. Not piece is shit politicians.
We need to start following their lead by coming together and sticking together strength in numbers and not to yield to their will anymore. Way too much has already been given up the National Firearms Act of 68 86 89 have all given too much of our rights away and the truth is they will never be happy until we are subjugated like Australia and Great Britain
goatboy wants more "conversation". The problem is that every time the conversation drifts to "compromise" and only one side compromises. It's a fucking joke. Compromise is when both sides give up a little but gains some also. The reality is that the 2A says shall not be infringed. Where do you believe "compromise" is insinuated? Our problem is the people that we elect to represent us in Washington. Those are the cock suckers that have compromised our rights. The sad fact is that they have done so without repercussions .
These are the same POS's that are driving the separation/divisions pushing towards what many believe to be another civil war. They are doing so because there's no repercussions to their actions. Think about it. How many politicians are ever killed/injured in civil wars?