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Mandatory vacs it begins

I'm generally well-read, so I'm not sure what you're referring to, but OK. I've traveled to India several times each year for the last 20 years as part of my job. As a culture, they are among the smartest, kindest, most helpful and most generous people of any in the world. Hearing them disparaged as a nation by someone that's probably never enjoyed their hospitality and friendship ... well ... it just doesn't sit well with me. To each his own.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that shit is literally everywhere, Karen.

"I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I'm the kind if guy who wants to sit in a greasy spoon and think, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese, okay?"
Sound like you don't have a good grasp of what Constitutional Law says on the matter:

The same court provisions that made for regulatory laws that restrict abortion to one location in a state or restrict admitting privileges for doctors at hospitals to prevent abortions from occurring there also make your argument a moot point.

6/14/2021 the ship sailed on the tenuous violation of the Nuremberg codes argument.
Can you say we are being told the truth about said medication and trials....I don't think you, myself or anyone else can know for sure.

So if the government lies about the "widespread need", is that ok in your book and we should just not contest it anymore?

One federal judge made a ruling, are these the same federal type judges who dismissed all these voter integrity cases also even though we know there was widespread voter fraud?

Damn, if you were in charge of this country we would have been speaking chinese or russian years ago......

Can you say we are being told the truth about said medication and trials....I don't think you, myself or anyone else can know for sure.

So if the government lies about the "widespread need", is that ok in your book and we should just not contest it anymore?

One federal judge made a ruling, are these the same federal type judges who dismissed all these voter integrity cases also even though we know there was widespread voter fraud?

Damn, if you were in charge of this country we would have been speaking chinese or russian years ago......

it is sad about the blind faith that some have in the government, and FDA approvals.

many drugs that have gone through the entire "gold standard" clinical trials have turned out to be not only ineffective, but in some cases outright deadly, after millions were prescribed them, and billions were made for big pharma,

Sound like you don't have a good grasp of what Constitutional Law says on the matter:

The same court provisions that made for regulatory laws that restrict abortion to one location in a state or restrict admitting privileges for doctors at hospitals to prevent abortions from occurring there also make your argument a moot point.

6/14/2021 the ship sailed on the tenuous violation of the Nuremberg codes argument.
So one womans feelings should override all these facts that we know currently and more coming out with each passing day????
Can I get a true and unbiased answer from you...

  • Haha
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Widespread voter fraud at a level that would effect National Election outcomes has not been documented. Quite the opposite, it happens, but it is rare and unsystematic.

Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud

The Government is exercising the police powers granted to it by the Constitution:

And as far as the truth about these vaccines working I think the proof is in plain sight:

I am no Liberal. I am highly skeptical of Government on many levels. I don't trust the FDA farther than I can throw them. I lost my Mother to a likely Vioxx related lung embolism. I've been vaccinated because I think the dangers of Covid-19 outweigh the dangers of the vaccine for my age group and this has been born out by the reduction of covid cases in vaccinated populations and the concentration of current cases almost exclusively in nonvaccinated populations.

There are no magnets or chips being implanted in you.

Bill Gates isn't treating you like a mosquito.

You are absolutely free to pass on taking the vaccine.
you are dangerous and working for the other side
Widespread voter fraud at a level that would effect National Election outcomes has not been documented. Quite the opposite, it happens, but it is rare and unsystematic.

Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud

The Government is exercising the police powers granted to it by the Constitution:

And as far as the truth about these vaccines working I think the proof is in plain sight:

I am no Liberal. I am highly skeptical of Government on many levels. I don't trust the FDA farther than I can throw them. I lost my Mother to a likely Vioxx related lung embolism. I've been vaccinated because I think the dangers of Covid-19 outweigh the dangers of the vaccine for my age group and this has been born out by the reduction of covid cases in vaccinated populations and the concentration of current cases almost exclusively in nonvaccinated populations.

There are no magnets or chips being implanted in you.

Bill Gates isn't treating you like a mosquito.

You are absolutely free to pass on taking the vaccine.
First, just because cases are dismissed by politically appointed judges doesnt mean it didnt happen.

Secondly, have you looked at Iceland's numbers, 95% of their population vaccinated and yet their cases are skyrocketing right now.

Never said anything about a chip, has nothing to do with my response here. That's a nice strawman argument though.

Have you read the article from DARPA( R&D arm of military), where they have developed a chip to turn a different color if a soldier developed symptoms?

If you dont think for one minute that the FDA and all these medical companies arent in bed with each other, you have many issues.

Numbers were highlighted by the CDC stating that only 6% of the 600k deaths in america were actually from Covid, all other deaths were comorbidities. It's weird, because the normal flu kills the same way every year, but we dont lockdown for that.

I am free to pass on the shot as you are to take it, unless they coerce me with my lively hood, family or way of living, which we sadly are seeing....

Yes I do, proven court cases such as "my body, my rights", also we dont truly know the side effects, so the person above saying it doesnt go against the nuremburg code is full of shit.

So if the city of Pasadena knew they were giving out polluted water, you are saying they couldnt be held liable....

If you are coerced into taking something that is listed as experimental, such as the reason I listed above, it's not consent.

I cannot give drugs to a patient who refuses them as a combat medic/paramedic/RN. I need consent, and that's for proven drugs.

If I ever coerced a patient into taking a drug by threatening them, their livelihood or anything else, I would have all my credentials pulled.

Might want to look into different types of consent before putting your 2 cents worth in.

I’m agreeing with you man..this is the trial phase..you can’t force people to take part in a trial
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I responded to every worthwhile rebuttle and proven my argument everytime.

Welcome to Capitalist America, Comrade. Have you never held a job before? If you are gainfully employed in the U.S.A. you are subject to be fired at anytime for any reason. And if you don't like the terms and conditions of employment you're free to find work elsewhere. This is something anyone who's been in this country for more than a minute knows.
You are truly funny.

I have worked my whole life actually amd never been fired for working any job, however now if you arent in the correct political party you are being fired enmasse.

Kinda sounds like another few countries out there.

As far as being able to go to another job, why should I have to just because of my beliefs.

I dont know how old you are but back in the 80s when I was growing up we actually had constructive conversations that were based on facts and not feelings....

What part of "we live as free men" dont you inderstand.

Coercion on any level isnt ok...

Now go away shill, I'll take a page from your book, I'm tired of keeping the "moral high road".


Constructive... conversations...

Born in '77, grew up in the '80s, spent a decade in the Army, love my guns, same as you. Not sucked in by the ideologies of "Conservatives" or "Liberals" though. I think that's the difference.
Funny, but so quick to dismiss everything the constitution stands for.

I love it, must have been one of those who joined for the college money....

Sound like you don't have a good grasp of what Constitutional Law says on the matter:

The same court provisions that made for regulatory laws that restrict abortion to one location in a state or restrict admitting privileges for doctors at hospitals to prevent abortions from occurring there also make your argument a moot point.

6/14/2021 the ship sailed on the tenuous violation of the Nuremberg codes argument.
Do you believe the Supreme Court is the only one that gets to decide what the constitution says?
I have to wonder if we are going to be operating as a split society in the near future where a vaccinated person will operate in one area and frequent select businesses and the unvaccinated will be operating in an underground/grey market economy, probably more rural setting.

With the large number of unvaccinated individuals and vaccinated persons that are rethinking the vaccine as the boosters continue to roll out it seems that the underground market could quickly become the larger of the two markets. Communication, healthcare and banking may be the only stumbling blocks to the underground and each of these could be solved.
We were told this thirty-five years ago when all this end times, computer chip implant talk was just an outlandish sci fi scenario.

Paper money would no longer be legal tender as every transaction would be scanned from your chip's bar code. Meanwhile, the un chipped would live an underground, black market existence.
  • Like
Reactions: Edgecrusher
We were told this thirty-five years ago when all this end times, computer chip implant talk was just an outlandish sci fi scenario.

Paper money would no longer be legal tender as every transaction would be scanned from your chip's bar code. Meanwhile, the un chipped would live an underground, black market existence.
You are correct but who would have guessed that the Beast would come from the medical community? Your post made me think of the people living in the Las Vegas underground tunnels.

Constructive... conversations...

Born in '77, grew up in the '80s, spent a decade in the Army, love my guns, same as you. Not sucked in by the ideologies of "Conservatives" or "Liberals" though. I think that's the difference.

You can't even get this right.
Your idea of what constitutes "growing up" sheds a lot of light on your position with current events.

You grew up in the 90s. You were a child of the 80s.
We were told this thirty-five years ago when all this end times, computer chip implant talk was just an outlandish sci fi scenario.

Paper money would no longer be legal tender as every transaction would be scanned from your chip's bar code. Meanwhile, the un chipped would live an underground, black market existence.

This isn't that.
This is the dress rehearsal for that.
Once the government began taking over the medical side you lost your choice. Give it another year of the Pelosi presidency it will become mandatory for many. Two years if you don't have your papers you are going to be excluded from society.
These terms are acceptable, may I have it in writing!! I'm pretty well done with society and their f'ing Vax
ME: CDC, should I get poked if I already had Covid?

CDC: “Yes, you should be poked regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.”

ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does poke-induced immunity last?

CDC: “There is still a lot we are learning about COVID-19 pokes and CDC is constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are poked.”

ME: Okay … but wait a second. I thought you said the reason I need the poke was because we don’t know how long my natural immunity lasts, but it seems like you’re saying we ALSO don’t know how long poke immunity lasts either. So, how exactly is the poke immunity better than my natural immunity?

CDC: …

ME: Uh … alright. But, haven’t there been a bunch of studies suggesting that natural immunity could last for years or decades?

CDC: Yes.

NEWYORKTIMES: “Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study.”

ME: Ah. So natural immunity might last longer than poke immunity?

CDC: Possibly. You never know.

ME: Okay. If I get the poke, does that mean I won’t get sick?

BRITAIN: Nope. We are just now entering a seasonal spike and about half of our infections and hospital admissions are poked people.

ME: CDC, is this true? Are there a lot of people in the U.S. catching Covid after getting the poke?

CDC: We stopped tracking breakthrough cases. We accept voluntary reports of breakthroughs but aren’t out there looking for them.

ME: Does that mean that if someone comes in the hospital with Covid, you don’t track them because they’ve been poked? You only track the UN-poked Covid cases?

CDC: That’s right.

ME: Oh, okay. Hmm. Well, if I can still get sick after I get the poke, how is it helping me?

CDC: We never said you wouldn’t get sick. We said it would reduce your chances of serious illness or death.

ME: Oh, sorry. Alright, exactly how much does it reduce my chance of serious illness or death.

CDC: We don’t know “exactly.”

ME: Oh. Then what’s your best estimate for how much risk reduction there is?

CDC: We don’t know, okay? Next question.

ME: Um, if I’m healthy and don’t want the poke, is there any reason I should get it?

CDC: Yes, for the collective.

ME: How does the collective benefit from me getting poked?

CDC: Because you could spread the virus to someone else who might get sick and die.

ME: Can a poked person spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: So if I get poked, I could still spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: But I thought you just said, the REASON I should get poked was to prevent me spreading the virus? How does that make sense if I can still catch Covid and spread it after getting the poke?

CDC: Never mind that. The other thing is, if you stay unpoked, there’s a chance the virus could possibly mutate into a strain that escapes the pokes protection, putting all poked people at risk.

ME: So the poke stops the virus from mutating?

CDC: No.

ME: So it can still mutate in poked people?

CDC: Yes.

ME: This seems confusing. If the poke doesn’t stop mutations, and it doesn’t stop infections, then how does me getting poked help prevent a more deadly strain from evolving to escape the poke?

CDC: You aren’t listening, okay? The bottom line is: as long as you are unpoked, you pose a threat to poked people.

ME: But what KIND of threat??

CDC: The threat that they could get a serious case of Covid and possibly die.

ME: My brain hurts. Didn’t you JUST say that the poke doesn’t keep people from catching Covid, but prevents a serious case or dying? Now it seems like you’re saying poked people can still easily die from Covid even after they got the poke just by running into an unpoked person! Which is it??

CDC: That’s it, we’re hanging up now.

ME: Wait! I just want to make sure I understand all this. So, even if I ALREADY had Covid, I should STILL get poked, because we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts, and we also don’t know how long poke immunity lasts. And I should get the poke to keep a poked person from catching Covid from me, but even if I get the poke, I can give it to the poked person anyways. And, the other poked person can still easily catch a serious case of Covid from me and die. Do I have all that right? …

ME: Um, hello? Is anyone there?
ME: CDC, should I get poked if I already had Covid?

CDC: “Yes, you should be poked regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.”

ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does poke-induced immunity last?

CDC: “There is still a lot we are learning about COVID-19 pokes and CDC is constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are poked.”

ME: Okay … but wait a second. I thought you said the reason I need the poke was because we don’t know how long my natural immunity lasts, but it seems like you’re saying we ALSO don’t know how long poke immunity lasts either. So, how exactly is the poke immunity better than my natural immunity?

CDC: …

ME: Uh … alright. But, haven’t there been a bunch of studies suggesting that natural immunity could last for years or decades?

CDC: Yes.

NEWYORKTIMES: “Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study.”

ME: Ah. So natural immunity might last longer than poke immunity?

CDC: Possibly. You never know.

ME: Okay. If I get the poke, does that mean I won’t get sick?

BRITAIN: Nope. We are just now entering a seasonal spike and about half of our infections and hospital admissions are poked people.

ME: CDC, is this true? Are there a lot of people in the U.S. catching Covid after getting the poke?

CDC: We stopped tracking breakthrough cases. We accept voluntary reports of breakthroughs but aren’t out there looking for them.

ME: Does that mean that if someone comes in the hospital with Covid, you don’t track them because they’ve been poked? You only track the UN-poked Covid cases?

CDC: That’s right.

ME: Oh, okay. Hmm. Well, if I can still get sick after I get the poke, how is it helping me?

CDC: We never said you wouldn’t get sick. We said it would reduce your chances of serious illness or death.

ME: Oh, sorry. Alright, exactly how much does it reduce my chance of serious illness or death.

CDC: We don’t know “exactly.”

ME: Oh. Then what’s your best estimate for how much risk reduction there is?

CDC: We don’t know, okay? Next question.

ME: Um, if I’m healthy and don’t want the poke, is there any reason I should get it?

CDC: Yes, for the collective.

ME: How does the collective benefit from me getting poked?

CDC: Because you could spread the virus to someone else who might get sick and die.

ME: Can a poked person spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: So if I get poked, I could still spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: But I thought you just said, the REASON I should get poked was to prevent me spreading the virus? How does that make sense if I can still catch Covid and spread it after getting the poke?

CDC: Never mind that. The other thing is, if you stay unpoked, there’s a chance the virus could possibly mutate into a strain that escapes the pokes protection, putting all poked people at risk.

ME: So the poke stops the virus from mutating?

CDC: No.

ME: So it can still mutate in poked people?

CDC: Yes.

ME: This seems confusing. If the poke doesn’t stop mutations, and it doesn’t stop infections, then how does me getting poked help prevent a more deadly strain from evolving to escape the poke?

CDC: You aren’t listening, okay? The bottom line is: as long as you are unpoked, you pose a threat to poked people.

ME: But what KIND of threat??

CDC: The threat that they could get a serious case of Covid and possibly die.

ME: My brain hurts. Didn’t you JUST say that the poke doesn’t keep people from catching Covid, but prevents a serious case or dying? Now it seems like you’re saying poked people can still easily die from Covid even after they got the poke just by running into an unpoked person! Which is it??

CDC: That’s it, we’re hanging up now.

ME: Wait! I just want to make sure I understand all this. So, even if I ALREADY had Covid, I should STILL get poked, because we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts, and we also don’t know how long poke immunity lasts. And I should get the poke to keep a poked person from catching Covid from me, but even if I get the poke, I can give it to the poked person anyways. And, the other poked person can still easily catch a serious case of Covid from me and die. Do I have all that right? …

ME: Um, hello? Is anyone there?


Mic drop
End of thread

This is why the lemmings look so fucking retarded.
ME: CDC, should I get poked if I already had Covid?

CDC: “Yes, you should be poked regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.”

ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does poke-induced immunity last?

CDC: “There is still a lot we are learning about COVID-19 pokes and CDC is constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are poked.”

ME: Okay … but wait a second. I thought you said the reason I need the poke was because we don’t know how long my natural immunity lasts, but it seems like you’re saying we ALSO don’t know how long poke immunity lasts either. So, how exactly is the poke immunity better than my natural immunity?

CDC: …

ME: Uh … alright. But, haven’t there been a bunch of studies suggesting that natural immunity could last for years or decades?

CDC: Yes.

NEWYORKTIMES: “Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study.”

ME: Ah. So natural immunity might last longer than poke immunity?

CDC: Possibly. You never know.

ME: Okay. If I get the poke, does that mean I won’t get sick?

BRITAIN: Nope. We are just now entering a seasonal spike and about half of our infections and hospital admissions are poked people.

ME: CDC, is this true? Are there a lot of people in the U.S. catching Covid after getting the poke?

CDC: We stopped tracking breakthrough cases. We accept voluntary reports of breakthroughs but aren’t out there looking for them.

ME: Does that mean that if someone comes in the hospital with Covid, you don’t track them because they’ve been poked? You only track the UN-poked Covid cases?

CDC: That’s right.

ME: Oh, okay. Hmm. Well, if I can still get sick after I get the poke, how is it helping me?

CDC: We never said you wouldn’t get sick. We said it would reduce your chances of serious illness or death.

ME: Oh, sorry. Alright, exactly how much does it reduce my chance of serious illness or death.

CDC: We don’t know “exactly.”

ME: Oh. Then what’s your best estimate for how much risk reduction there is?

CDC: We don’t know, okay? Next question.

ME: Um, if I’m healthy and don’t want the poke, is there any reason I should get it?

CDC: Yes, for the collective.

ME: How does the collective benefit from me getting poked?

CDC: Because you could spread the virus to someone else who might get sick and die.

ME: Can a poked person spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: So if I get poked, I could still spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: But I thought you just said, the REASON I should get poked was to prevent me spreading the virus? How does that make sense if I can still catch Covid and spread it after getting the poke?

CDC: Never mind that. The other thing is, if you stay unpoked, there’s a chance the virus could possibly mutate into a strain that escapes the pokes protection, putting all poked people at risk.

ME: So the poke stops the virus from mutating?

CDC: No.

ME: So it can still mutate in poked people?

CDC: Yes.

ME: This seems confusing. If the poke doesn’t stop mutations, and it doesn’t stop infections, then how does me getting poked help prevent a more deadly strain from evolving to escape the poke?

CDC: You aren’t listening, okay? The bottom line is: as long as you are unpoked, you pose a threat to poked people.

ME: But what KIND of threat??

CDC: The threat that they could get a serious case of Covid and possibly die.

ME: My brain hurts. Didn’t you JUST say that the poke doesn’t keep people from catching Covid, but prevents a serious case or dying? Now it seems like you’re saying poked people can still easily die from Covid even after they got the poke just by running into an unpoked person! Which is it??

CDC: That’s it, we’re hanging up now.

ME: Wait! I just want to make sure I understand all this. So, even if I ALREADY had Covid, I should STILL get poked, because we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts, and we also don’t know how long poke immunity lasts. And I should get the poke to keep a poked person from catching Covid from me, but even if I get the poke, I can give it to the poked person anyways. And, the other poked person can still easily catch a serious case of Covid from me and die. Do I have all that right? …

ME: Um, hello? Is anyone there?
This is fucking brilliant
Once the government began taking over the medical side you lost your choice. Give it another year of the Pelosi presidency it will become mandatory for many. Two years if you don't have your papers you are going to be excluded from society.
Yikes. And with just a click of a button that vomitous, drunken bitch wonderful lady can pull up my social media history and political standing. I bet I get loved tenderly in the Pelosi regime medical system.