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Maggie’s Desantis vs Newsome Debate is fuck’n my brain right now..

Necessary 3vil

Walking through hell.
Full Member
  • May 10, 2014
    South Carolina
    GOP should force Haley-P and DeSantis-VP to consolidate before NH. Trump Runs independent. Doesn't matter who the democrats come up with.
    Fuck Nicki Haley.

    Desantis/Owen. Candice Owen is one of the brightest minds I've watched, good debating on her feet, and beautiful as well. Not afaid to speak the Truth

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    I actually do think DeSantis would be a better VP. The extreme contrast of what can be done if you get a guy with hunger to perform vs what we've gotten with VP Harris ;). Haley is just the next biggest block and makes a good fight against Trump for nomination.
    But she's a relative unknown, getting traction takes time. That's a bridge too far IMO - find an under the radar Congress-person(sic?) If you don't like Haley that much. But they won't do well against Trump at all.
    But she's a relative unknown, getting traction takes time. That's a bridge too far IMO - find an under the radar Congress-person(sic?) If you don't like Haley that much. But they won't do well against Trump at all.
    She was in Trumps group...Press Sec? So she's pretty well know and he quality stands for itself whereas to me, Haley feels like a mediocre opportunist who will swing where the wind blows for a vote.

    If it goes like last time it wont matter.
    If Trump wants to win he needs an entirely new story. Can't do a repurposed repeat of businessman You're Fired type.


    Don't bother talking about a wall because its related to China -fentanyl et al.
    Societal problems in America - China
    Social Media - virtually all sold out to China
    Chaos abroad - China
    Balloon overhead for a week - CHINA!
    Focus on slowing the rise of China - implications if Taiwan is eyeballed any harder - high end semiconductors market
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    If Trump wants to win he needs an entirely new story. Can't do a repurposed repeat of businessman You're Fired type.


    Don't bother talking about a wall because its related to China -fentanyl et al.
    Societal problems in America - China
    Social Media - virtually all sold out to China
    Chaos abroad - China
    Balloon overhead for a week - CHINA!
    Focus on slowing the rise of China - implications if Taiwan is eyeballed any harder - high end semiconductors market
    Good thought but I dont think America has suffered enough to give up cheap stuff from

    DeSantis was dishing out haymaker after haymaker. NewSCUM probably needed an ambalamps afterward. Actually, scratch that, fuckface probably needed to be Life Flighted to critical care from how much concussion he got from the ownage...

    In the age of the Internet, narcissistic fuckbags like Newsome cannot just lie and not get fact-checked by millions of viewers who had been following unfiltered truth on gun forums since day one. Like him or not, DeSantis MADE FLORIDA GREAT and kept Florida great. He and Sheriff Grady Judd put the fear of God into pedophiles lurking in cesspools like Disney. And now it is DEATH PENALTY to anyone who hurts children. DeSantis/Trump are equally good as candidates for MAGA 2024 with Candace Owens as VP.

    Oh and by the way... "More people moved from Florida to California"?????? LOLOLOL I am surprised Newscum was able to say that with a straight face. What. The. Fuck...
    I have no idea what the purpose of this debate is for?
    1. Illusion. To keep the populace believing in the chance to right the ship.
    2. Dog and pony show to keep the populace entertained
    3. Introducing Gavin to the Fox viewers as the next installed president.
    4. Self promotion by hannity
    5. Ratings
    There's more but I think those are sufficient.

    Pretty sure you already knew
    This country is doomed. We have a actually serious candidate who laid waste to the dems and there policies in his state with actual plans to win and retards are focused on his footwear. Have any of you idiots heard Trump lately? He doesn't know what a women is, still pushing the jab, gaslighting our side, and straight up lying, not to mention back tracking on roe. The guy was awesome first time around but didnt do any of what he said he would and doesn't have a plan this time. People still blindly following him remind me a lot of democrats that just refuse to look at any facts. Plus he's going to be fucking 80. No more geriatrics please
    This country is doomed. We have a actually serious candidate who laid waste to the dems and there policies in his state with actual plans to win and retards are focused on his footwear. Have any of you idiots heard Trump lately? He doesn't know what a women is, still pushing the jab, gaslighting our side, and straight up lying, not to mention back tracking on roe. The guy was awesome first time around but didnt do any of what he said he would and doesn't have a plan this time. People still blindly following him remind me a lot of democrats that just refuse to look at any facts. Plus he's going to be fucking 80. No more geriatrics please
    Yer funny. "We have a candidate" bwaaaahahaha

    "Refuse to look at the facts"
    What is your opinion on the Russian Trump collision to win the 16 election?
    What is your opinion on the corruption in the FBI, CIA, DHS?
    Did Joe Potato get 81 million votes in 20?
    This country is doomed. We have a actually serious candidate who laid waste to the dems and there policies in his state with actual plans to win and retards are focused on his footwear. Have any of you idiots heard Trump lately? He doesn't know what a women is, still pushing the jab, gaslighting our side, and straight up lying, not to mention back tracking on roe. The guy was awesome first time around but didnt do any of what he said he would and doesn't have a plan this time. People still blindly following him remind me a lot of democrats that just refuse to look at any facts. Plus he's going to be fucking 80. No more geriatrics please
    People need a hero to worship. The Dums did it with O bammer and the Repub s do it with Trump. Trouble is, thats the height of stupidity.

    There is no salvation apart from Christ, in this world, and no 'saviors', just men. Wake up.

    I dodnt 'follow' any human. I may vote for one but I realize thats only a stop gap measure.

    Earth needs a redeaux
    1. Illusion. To keep the populace believing in the chance to right the ship.
    2. Dog and pony show to keep the populace entertained
    3. Introducing Gavin to the Fox viewers as the next installed president.
    4. Self promotion by hannity
    5. Ratings
    There's more but I think those are sufficient.

    Pretty sure you already knew
    You looked behind the curtains. Most do not.
    Yer funny. "We have a candidate" bwaaaahahaha

    "Refuse to look at the facts"
    What is your opinion on the Russian Trump collision to win the 16 election?
    What is your opinion on the corruption in the FBI, CIA, DHS?
    Did Joe Potato get 81 million votes in 20?
    Plain and simply Trump didn't need the establishment and spoke against longtime corruption of the establishment. There is a speech Trump gave early in his presidency where he prematurely put the nail in his coffin by the establishment when Trump detailed the "problems" he was going to address and the corruption aka bad deals. Those "bad deals" were the establishments lifeline of kickbacks and selling out the people of this country.

    As far as your 3 bullet points listed. The establishment only perfected their scheme to stay in control.
    Trump's role was to expose the swamp. He did a great job exposing how deep it truly is. How are we different from any banana republic? Corruption at all levels, imprisoning political activists, imprisoning political opposition, stolen election, corrupt media and a monetary system that's bankrupt?
    Unfortunately a vast majority of the population are indifferent.
    Go desantis!! He's going to fix it!!!
    You looked behind the curtains. Most do not.

    Plain and simply Trump didn't need the establishment and spoke against longtime corruption of the establishment. There is a speech Trump gave early in his presidency where he prematurely put the nail in his coffin by the establishment when Trump detailed the "problems" he was going to address and the corruption aka bad deals. Those "bad deals" were the establishments lifeline of kickbacks and selling out the people of this country.

    As far as your 3 bullet points listed. The establishment only perfected their scheme to stay in control.
    Sadly, in his way, he was likely as corrupt as the rest. You dont build casino's in Atlantic City without paying people off. And thought they definitely have a nefarious agenda in attacking him, it looks like a lot of his dealing were at the borderline of legal, some likely crossed it. Inflating the value of a $1,000,000 property to 8 million, to get loans isnt really kosher.
    Sadly, in his way, he was likely as corrupt as the rest. You dont build casino's in Atlantic City without paying people off. And thought they definitely have a nefarious agenda in attacking him, it looks like a lot of his dealing were at the borderline of legal, some likely crossed it. Inflating the value of a $1,000,000 property to 8 million, to get loans isnt really kosher.

    Yer an idiot if you don't know that over statement of value isn't part of business. That's why banks do their own appraisal. What did the bank actually loan on the property? What was the value when finished? Was the bank returned it's investment and profit?
    Biggest question to ask. Was Trump a repeat customer?
    Sadly, in his way, he was likely as corrupt as the rest. You dont build casino's in Atlantic City without paying people off. And thought they definitely have a nefarious agenda in attacking him, it looks like a lot of his dealing were at the borderline of legal, some likely crossed it. Inflating the value of a $1,000,000 property to 8 million, to get loans isnt really kosher.
    Trump, and anybody running for office for that matter, isn't a saint. Trump did use his knowledge to better America which meant clamping off a lot of money flowing outside the USA with the veins trickling back with establishment kickbacks. It is also depressing to see what happens to someone who runs for that office that wants to "drain the swamp" even if it means he's still walking through the puddles.
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    Yer an idiot if you don't know that over statement of value isn't part of business. That's why banks do their own appraisal. What did the bank actually loan on the property? What was the value when finished? Was the bank returned it's investment and profit?
    Biggest question to ask. Was Trump a repeat customer?
    I'm quite aware of all that. The banks are just as corrupt as the politicians, in fact it seems they may buy and sell corrupt politicians.....2008 housing meltdown and no n one went to prison. Not one.

    That doesnt make it right.

    A lot of it depends on HOW it was done.
    This country is doomed. We have a actually serious candidate who laid waste to the dems and there policies in his state with actual plans to win and retards are focused on his footwear. Have any of you idiots heard Trump lately? He doesn't know what a women is, still pushing the jab, gaslighting our side, and straight up lying, not to mention back tracking on roe. The guy was awesome first time around but didnt do any of what he said he would and doesn't have a plan this time. People still blindly following him remind me a lot of democrats that just refuse to look at any facts. Plus he's going to be fucking 80. No more geriatrics please
    If the guy is that insecure about his height he is going to go to those foolish lengths than he will lie about anything.

    Can we just get anyone, anyone that isn’t into illusions?

    Florida men and their insecurities….

    If the guy is that insecure about his height he is going to go to those foolish lengths than he will lie about anything.

    Can we just get anyone, anyone that isn’t into illusions?

    Florida men and their insecurities….

    View attachment 8285377
    Wouldnt that also apply to The Donald's insecurity about his hair? There's no way that bouffant is natural.

    Wouldnt that also apply to The Donald's insecurity about his hair? There's no way that bouffant is natural.

    View attachment 8285390
    If you can grow hair and comb it over that’s one thing….he even allowed commie Jimmy Fallon to touch it and mess it up n his TV show. Dude is willing to acknowledge his insecurities to include joking about being a germaphobe.

    Wearing your wife’s high heels inside your boots is weird.
    Yer funny. "We have a candidate" bwaaaahahaha

    "Refuse to look at the facts"
    What is your opinion on the Russian Trump collision to win the 16 election?
    What is your opinion on the corruption in the FBI, CIA, DHS?
    Did Joe Potato get 81 million votes in 20?
    Obviously all that is bs. You do realize there is a margin of cheating right? They cant run their scam everywhere. It was 4 to 6 precints that rigged 2020. The system is corrupt as fuck but not totally gone. And if you believe it is that far gone its time to start fighting back in any way possible. Maybe im wrong and if nothing else this election will be conclusive of exactly where we are as a country. Either way im sure our side will do what it always does, grift and bitch, and nothing else
    Obviously all that is bs. You do realize there is a margin of cheating right? They cant run their scam everywhere. It was 4 to 6 precints that rigged 2020. The system is corrupt as fuck but not totally gone. And if you believe it is that far gone its time to start fighting back in any way possible. Maybe im wrong and if nothing else this election will be conclusive of exactly where we are as a country. Either way im sure our side will do what it always does, grift and bitch, and nothing else
    It's obvious to me every day where we are as a country. I don't need the next election cycle to prove it.
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    I have no idea what the purpose of this debate is for?

    - Hannity wants to prove that he and the establishment can still play kingmaker

    - Desantis very badly wants to convince everyone that he has an actual personality

    - Newsom will take every opportunity he gets to say that he's not pursuing a 2024 presidential bid, which is exactly what he's doing

    It's basically the opening act to Trump getting taken off the ballot in several states and Biden not running again for whatever reason becomes most palatable to swing voters.
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