I know that my thoughts are crazy and insane, but.... here in Manitoba we have a LOT of hydro-electric dams. The gov't built the dams using taxpayer funds and such, over the decades. Add to that, each and every household HAD to be connected to the grid (by law) therefore each and every household ALSO paid for the building of these dams. For years now, we've been generating excess energy, and selling it to numerous Northern U.S. States.
Here's my question. If 'we, the people' bought and paid for the construction and maintenance of these power generating dams.... and have enough to sell to other users.... why are we still getting a bill?
When you purchase a pick-up truck, and over the years pay-it-off.... and then once the debt is paid off and you're still using the truck,,,, do you continue paying the bank?
I think not.
Sure, I get that there is 'maintenance' and such..... but once the initial outlay is paid, why aren't our monthly bills reduced? Hmmmmmmmmmm?
Exactly how insane can I get?