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This should be on EVERYONE'S radar screen starting on Jan 7.

If the court decides in favor of the Administration's mandates the $#!@ should be hitting the fan on many fronts.

1 - SHUTDOWNS: there is talk of walkouts and strikes which would have major impacts on all aspects of this country. If the trucking industry holds their ground and does go on strike, store shelves will be empty in days. Medical Facilities are already short of personnel, and this could send many of them to a point of not being able to provide services.

2 - GREEN LIGTH: if the Court allows these mandates to be enforced, then that is a green light to the current Administration and it's Puppet Masters to start pushing their various agendas.

If you check MSM, Social Media, etc. for the most part crickets are chirping when it comes to this issue. IMHO, that is a bad sign of things to come. In theory, our Congressional Reps can have no impact on the Courts decision, but IMHO they should be getting way more vocal about this.

IMHO, this will either be the STAND or FALL!!!
Actually the senate passed a law against the shot mandate, but the house refuses to take it up, and the president would veto it.
The nursing profession is absolutely fucked once the Covid money shuts off. I have a lady friend who does travel nursing and makes $64,000 for a 13 week contract, and says there is no way in hell she is going back to regular staff nurse work.

I have another lady friend that quit nursing in 2018 to become a stripper because she made double the money showing ass than being a nurse dealing with shitty patients and doctors. She picked up back travel nursing in 2020 and will do it while the pay is good and then probably retire at the age of 30, lol.
Contact info? 🥴🥴🥴
Kids these days have no imagination. Back in my day, we played with power outlets out of sheer curiosity. Or, in my case, made use of wire cutters vs. a cord of an alarm clock plugged into the wall in the garage 😛.

Yay sparks and zippy-zap in my hands.

We didn't need a device to tell us to do stupid things. We were professionals at doing stupid shit on our own!

The only Alexa I'm remotely interested in is this one. The stabby type.


Alexa Aimes

You're welcome
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Thank you for posting that! I will readily admit some of it is way over my head for sure, but the overall I gleaned from it is that there is a for sure general consensus it works as both a prophylactic and a treatment, especially when administered early. What stood out the most to me is not a single study conducted in the USA was listed. NOT FUCKIN ONE!
Thats actually kinda normal. Africa is so desperate for medical care, the countries exchange medical research for medical care. So lots of medical research takes place in Africa. It also makes sense they would test a $2 treatment in these undeveloped countries because if effective they can more effectively deal with the disease or (any disease for that matter) given their inability to procure more expensive treatments.

That's similar to what we were told on our kids. My wife and I tested negative with rapid about 7 days after testing positive. Kids tested positive when we tested negative. Took them to pediatrician to try for a negative test so they could go back to daycare. Doc said once the kids test positive, they don't test them again. They just quarantine for 10 days and they go back to normal life after the 10 days and at least 24 hrs with no symptoms. She said the kids can test positive for the " COVID cold " for 90 days afterwards.

Fyi, the kids has no symptoms at all. 18 month old had a runny nostril for 3 days. But at that age when don't they have a snotty nose?
Cliff Notes?
Trump sold us all out...was paid off to push through the Vax. Lets not forget he pushed rendesivir as well. Which is also killing people. 9/19/19 executive order to mandate a vaccine urgent platform that include gene tech. (The current vax) Start vid at around 44:00

Admittedly I am not surprised and I am glad someone else is saying it. Trump has been pushing the vax. Something does not seem right. Remember this all happened under his watch. Pompeo as Sec State had previously been CIA Director...knows all about psyops. I will leave it at that.

EDIT: I should also add, there was discussion as well that maybe Trump's advisers conned him. I guess anything is possible. :rolleyes:

Another note: He did push Hydroxychloroquine and other non life threatening treatments. So it clouds some things. This exec order though..and what he says at his rallies smh
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After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.
CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses

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More and more... The "Courts" are beginning to appear as one more weapon against "We The People"....
Judge Friot has traveled and lectured extensively in the Russian Federation. Those activities include service as the U.S. judicial delegate to the Tenth International Forum on Constitutional Review, in Moscow in 2007; as a U.S. judicial delegate to the U.S.-Russia Judicial Partnership Forum in St. Petersburg (co-sponsored by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation) in 2011 and as a U.S. judicial delegate to the Second U.S. Russian Judicial Peer-to-Peer Dialog in Washington, D.C. in 2011.

Judge Friot is the author of three articles published in the Comparative Constitutional Review (Moscow): "Judicial Independence: A Time for Patience, Persistence and Public Awareness" (64 CCR 4, 2008); "Boumediene v. Bush: The Latest Chapter in the U.S. Supreme Court's Jurisprudence at the Intersection of the War on Terror and the Constitutional Doctrine of Separation of Powers" (66 CCR 147, 2008), and "Citation of Foreign Sources of Law by the United States Supreme Court in Cases Addressing Business and Economic Issues: An Analysis of Long-Standing Practice and Contemporary Controversy" (81 CCR 23, 2011).

Judge Friot has lectured as an invited guest lecturer at the faculties of law at the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (2019), the Lobachevsky State University in Nizhny Novgorod (2011, 2012, 2014, 2017), the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) (2019), Moscow State University (2015 and 2019), the Pericles Law Center, Moscow (2019), the Russian State University of Justice (2019), Saratov State Law Academy (2015 - 2019), and Ulyanovsk State University (2008). He was a plenary speaker at the Conference of Judges of the Regional Court of Arbitration at the Academy of Justice, Nizhny Novgorod in 2012, at the Research to Practice Conference, Lobachevsky State University Faculty of Law, Nizhny Novgorod in 2014, and at the Second Moscow Legal Forum, Kutafin Moscow State Law University, in 2015.

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The last I heard from my county health department (back at the beginning of December, which is about three years ago in Covid time), the CDC was saying that one should not retest with PCR for a full 90 days after a prior positive test for this exact reason.

I also understand that the NFL's latest test-to-return policy doesn't rely upon a standard PCR test for clearing a player.
Uttar Pradesh is 200 million in an area roughly the size of the UK.
Months ago the government issued households simple kits containing PPE supplies, thermometers, Ivermectin, and a few other things.
Here's the latest from Uttar Pradesh.

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Kids these days have no imagination. Back in my day, we played with power outlets out of sheer curiosity. Or, in my case, made use of wire cutters vs. a cord of an alarm clock plugged into the wall in the garage 😛.

Yay sparks and zippy-zap in my hands.

We didn't need a device to tell us to do stupid things. We were professionals at doing stupid shit on our own!

The only Alexa I'm remotely interested in is this one. The stabby type.

View attachment 7771461
Alexa Aimes

You're welcome
I think back, in the day, and wonder how I F'n survived. Just as you said, playing with cords, nails, bare wires, elec. fences, not to mention, riding bicycles/m.c. without helmets and pads. Heck, riding in the back of the ol' man's '60 Ford p/u, hanging on to two GS dogs, at 70 mph on calif. freeways. Throwing pocket knives at each other, just to see how close we could get to each other's feet, on a dare. How I F'n survived. Mac
ETA: Thanks for the pic!

Doctor 1: I know why these people have heart issues we should stop giving -

Administrator: No, you don't

Doctor 1: I'm sure this is why, the data is showing -

Administrator: No, you don't know anything *pulls out pink slip*

Doctor 1: .........I have NO IDEA why any of this is happening

Administrator: *shreds pink slip*
Trump sold us all out...was paid off to push through the Vax. Lets not forget he pushed rendesivir as well. Which is also killing people. 9/19/19 executive order to mandate a vaccine urgent platform that include gene tech. (The current vax) Start vid at around 44:00

I honestly believe, initially at least, Trump although a "business" genius, was an idiot scientifically. He trusted people based on "reputation" . He had a sincere desire to get things done. They took advantage of his mega-egomaniac traits "You'll be the first to make a vaccine happen so fast" , he knew COVID would be used against him in the election, and went with it. He was told the liability release would "speeded things up". He should have realized then, there should ALWAYS be liability on part of pharmaceutical agents, because they have proven they can't be trusted.

My problem now is, he can't claim ignorance any longer. You can't tell me, esp. with Don Jr. so up on "conspiracy" theories, that he doesn't know what's going on.He doesn't know the problem with the VAERS collection data starting 14 days post second vaccination? The real morbidity and mortality numbers? The success of actual, readily available and dirt cheap treatments making emergency use authorization invalid? If he really wanted to make a change, he would say, Hey - look how India and Japan "cured" COVID...but he is not. Which is very, very disturbing.
Trump served his purpose. He exposed the swamps depths and the extent that they will go to protect the swamp. He showed that America can be great again IF the people will act. He exposed the republicans for what they are as well as the democrats. He was one person in a sea of evil and anyone that thinks that he could go it alone against the machine of evil set on destroying this country is delusional.
I honestly believe, initially at least, Trump although a "business" genius, was an idiot scientifically. He trusted people based on "reputation" . He had a sincere desire to get things done. They took advantage of his mega-egomaniac traits "You'll be the first to make a vaccine happen so fast" , he knew COVID would be used against him in the election, and went with it. He was told the liability release would "speeded things up". He should have realized then, there should ALWAYS be liability on part of pharmaceutical agents, because they have proven they can't be trusted.

My problem now is, he can't claim ignorance any longer. You can't tell me, esp. with Don Jr. so up on "conspiracy" theories, that he doesn't know what's going on.He doesn't know the problem with the VAERS collection data starting 14 days post second vaccination? The real morbidity and mortality numbers? The success of actual, readily available and dirt cheap treatments making emergency use authorization invalid? If he really wanted to make a change, he would say, Hey - look how India and Japan "cured" COVID...but he is not. Which is very, very disturbing.
Look at how many people fooled us. Mattis is a prime example. Pence, sessions and many others that we thought would be great turned out to be nothing more than dressed up swamp dwellers. Probably the only person that could have been an asset was destroyed before he was sworn into office. (Flynn)