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Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em


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Full Member
Apr 13, 2008
Smithville, MO
All right, i'm a fairly new poster, however i've lurked for a little while. What i'm asking here is simply to get some ideas for my "gun room" as I call it since I was banished to keep all firearms, hunting, and just about anything "man" related since we started having children. Well i'm wanting to overhaul it, and I have some money now to spend to make it the best that I can make it. Now I just need ideas. May I have the privilege of seeing your own personal "man spaces".

Thank you,

Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em


Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

Damn, you win. Seen a lot of people with 1 1050. But 2? I count 7 presses, any others not pictured?
Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

I finished this up last weekend, snagged the cabinets for $30 a piece at lowes

the girl wanted it all to look nice and match so i had all the paint blended, women....but i think it turned out nice

Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

So, here's my setup. Bare with me, its pretty sparse, but I've yet to reload a single round and I'm actually waiting on the big brown truck to drop off the rest of my stuff tomorrow so I can actually start reloading. I have a bench in my office for my RC Helicopters, but the wife said no to reloading in the house.

Well, in our garage, we had this pile of left over bricks from when the house was built. I got the idea that I could use those pretty easily and make a pretty good reloading bench. After a day of moving stuff around in the garage and moving all the bricks three times, this is what I ended up with.




Just for giggles, here's my deer blind

Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: h2osport</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There is a great thread over on enos that is 34 pages long. Some great ideas for benches.

http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5485&st=0&start=0 </div></div>

Thanks for that link! It took me quite a while to get through it, but there's some great stuff over there.
Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

Nice setup Math

This is my setup... not too large, just humble enough to get the job done



All components get locked away

Press is located on a different bench to avoid clutering as well we keep vibrations away from the Chargemaster and Beam Scale. I can have two people working in the room and not getting in each others way.
Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

Thanks Vman it's a work in progress. It was the last room I finished in the basement still more work to do but it's functional.

Vinconco, No doubt he's one lucky Dude!!! I'm keeping this in mind for when I retire in About 20 more years.

Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

Just a quick tip: linoleum flooring. Dropped cases can sometimes get dented on cement floors if they land on the mouth. This is particularly aggravating if they are already sized and primed. Don't use carpet as it makes it more difficult to clean up powder spills.
Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

After many different tries at suitable loading benches over the years, I just never figured out "that" bench. I think I've found a keeper this time. I installed two t-tracks into the top so as to allow mounting my presses, trimmers, measure, etc via some z-bar, 3/8" bolts and knobs while being able to quickly remove anything. I can now use the bench for more than loading. I did add some UHMW strips on the bottom of the z-bar to prevent trashing the finish on the oak.

Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

bkincaid thats a really nifty looking setup.

Is it easy to find components to do what you have done? Im not too handy and have never seen anything like it so im a bit of a newb.

Was it hard to do and where could I find the parts to do it?

Cheers in advance
Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vman</div><div class="ubbcode-body">bkincaid thats a really nifty looking setup.

Is it easy to find components to do what you have done? Im not too handy and have never seen anything like it so im a bit of a newb.

Was it hard to do and where could I find the parts to do it?

Cheers in advance</div></div>

The z-bar is probably the hardest thing to find but should be available at any place that makes traffic signs, they use it for stiffening wide signs, I paid $86.00 for a 10' piece. The t-track is the heavy duty type and is available at many woodworking supply shops. Not hard to do at all, just set the depth and width of tablesaw or router and install the track. It just uses regular old everyday 3/8" shank bolts and the hex heads fit the slot perfectly. Cut the z-bar to the lengths you need and the slots in the z-bar could be just drilled and sawn to the edge with a hacksaw, although it was really easy on the mill.

I really think this is going to be the cat's meow for me. I have built way too many benches over the last 25+ years and I think I have finally built my last one. Another plus is that it is 12' long, one piece and I just have to remove one strip of trim along the wall and it can be moved if the need ever arises.
Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: chuff</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: h2osport</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There is a great thread over on enos that is 34 pages long. Some great ideas for benches.

http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5485&st=0&start=0 </div></div>

Thanks for that link! It took me quite a while to get through it, but there's some great stuff over there.

Forget the reloading benches, I'm mesmerized by chuff's girl getting her pants on
Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vinconco</div><div class="ubbcode-body">


I am SO jealous of this one - his shooting bench is INSIDE his loading room!!!!!!
Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

Dang, I need to get my mancave finished and stocked up like you guys. Those pics were awesome, alot of great ideas for setting it up as well.
Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em




Figured I'd join in. 'Course I took this pic when I first got started up reloading a month ago...it's got ALOT more stuff now.
Best part, that workbench is a $75 shelving unit from Lowe's reinforced with birch plywood that's sandwiched underneath for good measure. Don't hate on the camo paint on my Remmy!!
Re: Reloading benches, and work areas, lets see 'em

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: colt933</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vinconco</div><div class="ubbcode-body">


I am SO jealous of this one - his shooting bench is INSIDE his loading room!!!!!! </div></div>

At least the lucky bastard has to deal with the noise of shooting in a barn/shed!
