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Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st


Full Member
May 9, 2002
Watkins Glen, NY
We had a nice group today...16 guns.

<span style="font-weight: bold">F-Open </span>

1. JDA Jr. 199-27V (6BRX)

2. STP 195-21V (6BRX)

3. JDA Sr. 188-12V (6BRX)

4. Greg 188-10V (222Rem)

5. David 150 (260Rem)

<span style="font-weight: bold">F-TR </span>

1. K. Mussack 197-19V (308Win)

2. Kasumi 195-25V (308Win)

3. Woody 191-18V (223Rem AR15)

4. USSR 186-9V (308Win)

5. Tom 186-8V (223Rem)

6. Curt 185-11V (308Win)

7. Jeff 179-8V (223Rem AR15)

8. Sled 178-13V (308Win)

9. Jeoff 178-9V (223Rem)

10 Howard 174-7V (223Rem)

11 Jim R. 174-5V (223Rem)

My goodness, what a great group we had to shoot the match. 16 guns and 3 relays saw us finish at 2:00PM. The temps were quite warm, with brilliant sunshine and rather calm breezes from the south.

We enjoyed 4 new competitors today...they all did very well. It was very satisfying to watch them at their first match. If they choose to do so, I`ll let them speak up and tell us what their thoughts are.

I told you the F-TR class would be hotly contested...

We had some "recreational" shooting afterwards for about an hour. I left the club near to 4:00PM.

Thanks one and all!

Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

OK, first off thanks to Scott and Greg for running a great match. Things got rolling ahead of schedule to accommodate those with afternoon commitments.
As I drove away feeling pretty good about my score, I knew K.Mussack was putting together a great string. Congrats to K.Mussack and JDA Jr.
11 guys on the line in the F-TR Class, look at those scores Woody working his magic with a AR15.

I thought the GAP Crusader could reach the 190's but I didn't think I'd get a 195 w/25 V, using factory loads FGMM 168 gr. If you are on the fence about coming out and trying the Odessa Match, just do it. Its a great bunch of people, lots of knowledge to help us beginners.

Time to drink a cold Bass Ale and grill a steak. Kasumi out......
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st


Thanks for logging in to the Hide and posting your thoughts. We enjoyed your participation today. You posted a fine score for your first match.
We try to make things simple...to replicate a real "sanctioned" F-Class match. Your most welcome to shoot with us again in the future.


A fine job today sir...well done indeed!

Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

I finally made my first match! I'll try to keep making them. I don't expect to be traveling and having work conflicts for a while.

As one of the new guys, I'll say that it is a great atmosphere - low pressure and friendly. Scott was especially helpful with some tips on technique for me that I think will make a big difference next time also. Greg also had a few pointers for me that helped a lot.

For me, it was a great day. I got to shoot at 200 yards (a first for me). I learned a few things. And I got to watch my shooting improve over the course of 4 targets. Now the challenge will be to see my scores improve over time. My confidence is up after learning a few more tips after the match!

I'd encourage anyone in the area who is on the fence about trying this to come out and give it a try. It's a great time, and the worst that could happen is that you burn up some powder and maybe even learn something new.

ETA: What is the difference between open and TR class? Not that it makes any real difference, but I just got thinking about it.
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

Great match all! Yes I was a first timer also. My little woodchuck gun didn't let me down, it held MOW....Minute of Woodchuck..all day!!
Had fun talking with everyone and meeting new friends. Yes I finally tossed out that old brass
Hope to shoot again soon.

Be Safe
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

Hi guys, once again a great time at Odessa. I look forward to every months match. One thing struck me as I reviewed the scores. We have 170's, 180,s 190's those are some impressive numbers (at least to me). I am pleased to see my scores move up and improve a little bit each match. Great time and look forward to the next match. Thanks again Scotty.
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

A social gathering and burning power, what better way to spend a Saturday. To all great shooting, Clint you really turned it up today. Tom, when you can snap the spent brass in two with your fingers coming out of your chamber, it is time to get some new stuff
Are there any wood chucks left around your house? I enjoyed today very much, spending time with friends and making new ones also. Looking forward to the next event, Scott you the man!
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

Had a great get-together; reminds me of younger days. Lotsa new and semi new faces and names to put together, which is not my strong suit lately. SniperOne brought the Club some humdinger steel gongs and we got a start at getting them rigged for use. I expect we'll have it all up to speed by next match. Much, much appreciated.

Christened a new/old gun; something from my dim and distant past. Last time I shot it was in the first Carlos Hathcock Match; inherited it when my eldest Brother passed on last year. STP had been doing some ladder testing on it, but I got antsy and preempted it for this match with an untested load (actually two untested loads, neither of which are the real deal for this one, yet...). But the gun definitely wants to shoot, and for a bipod foray, not bad, not bad at all. It's an older M700 BDL Varmint .222Rem, totally original and unbedded; and wears, for now, one of my $80 Tasco Varmint/Target 6-24X42 MilDot scopes. Unless it acts up, will continue to do so. Even without any substantial load development, it promises to shoot far better than I can. Once it's up to speed, I might like putting into the hands of a <span style="font-style: italic">real</span> shooter and having a look-see at what it can really do.

I'm turning it back over to STP to complete working his magic for at least the next two matches. That's how much ammo I still have made up for the .223, and there's no reason to let it sit upon the windowsill; especially when the new protege is in STP's capable hands.

For those who are wondering, we shoot these matches twice a month (first Saturday each month, then the Sunday second weekend following) whenever the snow hasn't driven us indoors; and yes, we shoot in the rain (we cheat though, we have the covered firing line and concrete pad). Taken as a whole, it's an outstanding opportunity to put your equipment through its paces under nearly all conditions. It might seem as if, "It's OK, there are plenty of matches, I can hold off..."; but that's not it at all. We are having far too much fun to be blase and let it pass us by. Each opportunity lost is lost forever; so get your young asses out here, BWAGO!

The atmosphere is intended to bypass the stress of formal competition, while offering an opportunity to get those comp skills off the ground and into at least an intermediate gear. As far as challenge is concerned, the target is the great equalizer. Nobody's cleaned it yet, although we've had a couple of glancing blows taken at it the last few matches.

But the camaraderie and spirit of helpful competition is of exactly the tone I had hoped would develop. Whenever I have participated in assisting with comps, I have always avoided any sort of palpable awards. They bring out precisely the wrong spirit and attitude. Our comps are about bringing us all along as an ensemble; and so far, that's just what's happening. I am very gratified, and I hope it stays just so.

After match, I brought out the old DCM Garand. It had been languishing in my locked gun cabinets for over a year and I could hear it whining through the locked door (to which I had lost the danged keys) to come out and play. Well play it did, even met a new friend. I took advantage of the outing to replace the front sight with the Match Rifle hooded sight and ring insert, and add the 1" butt pad extension. The 1/2Min rears go on next, followed by final sight registration to get everything onto the sight adjustment center line. But for the moment, she fell right on target on the 200yd gong without any fiddling or tuning. The conditions in the cabinet were less than ideal, and once she came out into the full light of day, I am ashamed to say, I noted some rust spots. This will not do, and will be addressed pronto.

Our outing was also brightened by the appearance of a delightful young lady named Jenny, and JDA Sr's affable Irish Setter AKA Duke; who has become a fast friend to us all.

Days as good as this one, you count on one hand.

F T/R (Target Rifle) is confined to .308 and .223 calibers, and is fired from an attached support, most usually a bipod, whose weight is counted when the rifle meets weight restrictions.

Open has an upward chambering limit (I think it may be .338LM, but don't quote me), is fired off separate support, most usually an adjustable rest, and has a top weight limit of 10Kg (about 22.5lb). Both classes permit a rear bag. I think there may be a lower weight limit for F T/R, but again, don't quote me.

I know of no ammunition restrictions other than that it has to be lawful to be legal.

Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

I also wanted to thank the shooters that let me peek through their top notch optics! Got to see USO's and S&B and and few others. I think the glass on the S&B has the nod in my humble opinion. Only had one taker on the offer to try my .338 LM, but it brought out alot of grins when it went off and the sound it made on that pour gong
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

Greg, you and Scott have done well setting the tone for the match. There's nothing wrong with a little friendly competing. When it turns from friendly to less than friendly it does tend to sour the mood. But everyone seemed supportive of everyone else, and hoping for everyone else to shoot great targets. And that is what makes this fun.

Right now, I'm like a dry sponge dropped in a bucket of water - I have so much to learn and so little to offer. Maybe someday, after a few years of soaking up everyone else's knowledge I'll be able to pass some along. It's a worthy goal. For now, I'll keep learning, keep having fun, and keep shooting! And hope for more great days like yesterday.
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

Thank you sled. You'll find, as Scott and I (and many others here as well, I'm sure) have discovered that the final and most effective stage of the learning process comes when one turns around and passes on the knowledge.

Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

I missed this shoot, when is the next one scheduled? Wellsville to Odessa is just a short drive for me.

Keep me in mind and shoot me a PM..............
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: STP</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have to ask this to usmcsniperone...

What did Howard have to say on the way home?


Scott, Howard was very talkative on the way home. He hoped that he didn't embarass himself, but I reasured him that he did not. That was the first time he has ever shot with more than one other person, let alone competed.He was wondering when I was going to buy new brass!!I think he will be shooting again and hopefully I will have time to work up a load for both of our guns instead of using our woodchuck load that I had to compromise on to shoot o.k in both of our guns.
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

Gotta say even those who didn't compete had a fine time--sniperone thanks for lettin me shoot the .338 Lapua. Really not too bad on the shooter with that muzzle break. See you guys next time...I'm gonna pick up some match ammo for my old 700 30-06 and see how it fares on the 16th...
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

TXtransplant; thats the ticket, There were plenty of factory stock rifles on the line, I noted a AR15 Rock River, a Savage in .223 and a Rem 700VS .223. All shooting very competitively, some with factory ammo.
I'm shooting 168gr FGMM for now and may get into handloads later on.

You don't need a custom bolt rifle to have fun, granted the custom build will have an edge, but hell......look at Woody and his AR15. A 191-18V geez..........
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st


He was wondering when I was going to buy new brass!!I think he will be shooting again and hopefully I will have time to work up a load for both of our guns instead of using our woodchuck load that I had to compromise on to shoot o.k in both of our guns.

I've got 60-80 rounds of once fired .223 brass, Federal. Your's if you want it. I'll bring it to the Sept 5th match. lemme know.
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

Thanks to both of you ,but Howard doesn't realize how much brass you end up with after a few years of highpower...I probably have around 6000 .223 brass laying around. I already got some ready to load for the next match and it has only been fired 3 times...not 15 like the batch I had Sat.

I will take any brass you want to dispose of for woodchuckin though!
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

Hey Greg, i got one mad dog sitting next to me right now. he wants to inform you that he is a golden retriever, not a lowly irishman
but he says no apology is required this time, just don't never make that mistake again
Re: Results Odessa FV 200yd F-Class August 1st

Before anyone starts misunderstanding; I am simply a supernumerary at these matches, they are STP's brainchild and he does the heavy lifting that makes them happen. Credit where credit is due. My presence is as a competitor, kibbitzer, and sometime coach.
