Wind, Rain, or Snow, If we can shield our camera equipment from the elements, we will get kill shots.
Join O'Neill Ops, on a hunt that many wouldn't film in, as we trek 2 miles into a "Snow Storm" with sub zero windchill to bring you another intense "Dixon Special" this hunt has also been dubbed "Snowy Dixon"
GET YOUR CAN ON! (and if you haven't, you'll have your chance to win one on our facebook page, details to follow)
as always fellas if your bandwidth permits, click the sprocket in the lower right hand corner and watch it in HD, ENJOY!
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Join O'Neill Ops, on a hunt that many wouldn't film in, as we trek 2 miles into a "Snow Storm" with sub zero windchill to bring you another intense "Dixon Special" this hunt has also been dubbed "Snowy Dixon"
GET YOUR CAN ON! (and if you haven't, you'll have your chance to win one on our facebook page, details to follow)
as always fellas if your bandwidth permits, click the sprocket in the lower right hand corner and watch it in HD, ENJOY!
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>