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First FOUR cops didn't want to go into school. Or todays example of, everyone wants to be a gangster

i just absolutely can not comprehend how anyone, then or now, could know there is a shooting happening in a building right in front of them, and NOT go in to stop it.
yup, there is a chance they get you. but for someone who knows MOUT tactics, against a deranged stupid kid? the odds are definately on your side. i would think at the very least, the average american shooter would be able to at least get a round in them, or at least confront them......which is usually when they do themselves in.

four motherfuckers? that sherrif needs to go and the ranks need to be gutted of all cowards.
Yes the SC has ruled, but the Sheriff while responsible to uphold the Constitution is also responsible to the voters who in turn are responsible for who they give the job. It is up to the voters to make the change they want. Or if they are happy with the status quo then keep electing cowards and affirmative action hires.
Bizarre. This is the old way. No one uses it anymore. Even in little po dunk departments I live in a town of 2000 and they have had combined training with all agencies. Tribal, city, SO, Fed. When you arrive you go to the sound of gunfire. I just can’t believe they took cover and waited. One fat getby SRO not going in is one thing but 4 road Deputies? It’s Broward Co. I’m sure it’s not their first rodeo. Sounds like the city PD guys let this info out?
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......and then there is your responsibility as a human being.

That pretty much says it all. Im not military nor LEO, and have never been in a gunfight, but I just cant imagine standing around idle while I knew children were being slaughtered. If I did Id end up with a gun in my mouth.
You know that "study" that we've all heard about the Army doing? The one where people tended not to shoot past 300 yds.? The conclusion was that hits were improbable at that range, so people typically don't shoot.

The biggest thing never said, was a different study of that study, that said, even the most trained "killer" soldiers did not want to shoot unless in a defensive position [added: situation]. Outside 300 yds. is considered past a defensive need to shoot.

The defensive mindset actually goes a step further in that many who are trained and obligated by choice to go into harms way, will not. This is a classic case of training that is toned down to accept those unwilling to do the dirty job of intentionally going into harms way to defend others from a position of their own safety.
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Posted this in a different thread. I suppose it deserves to be posted here. Make of it what you will, it's just what I've found.


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First of all, I don't KNOW if ANYthing I see or hear on the news or the internet is fully true. BUT I get the feeling if FOUR deputies did not go in, they were possibly told not to go in by someone higher up. Like the Benghazi deal. In other words, the powers that be WANTED this to happen and if someone went in and stopped the killer too soon they would not be able to exploit the results as they are now doing.

ETA: I see the post above this one showed up while I was typing. It explains a lot......
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I’m a LEO and it’s disgusting. I know my partner and I have done some cowboy shit and we didn’t think twice.

Nobody in the USA who is legit will train to Wait on a active shooter.

Even if I was told to wait I wouldn’t. Those are our kids we are protecting. A hold order from a higher up is invalid in this situation.
I’m a LEO and it’s disgusting. I know my partner and I have done some cowboy shit and we didn’t think twice.

Nobody in the USA who is legit will train to Wait on a active shooter.

Even if I was told to wait I wouldn’t. Those are our kids we are protecting. A hold order from a higher up is invalid in this situation.
I am glad you would. I kind of like the cowboy cop mentality. You get closer to the truth before various entities can bury the shit with half truths. Sometimes there's too much truth to bury.
Posted this in a different thread. I suppose it deserves to be posted here. Make of it what you will, it's just what I've found.
So, the long and short of it is, these guys weren't cowards (in a bigger sense they were) they were just abiding by the system of stopping the school to prison pipeline? Which became corrupt, and put the school to prison pipeline in full gear?

I've seen a lot of cases where judicial action wasn't taken, but the issue of a crime was still dealt with. Sort of like getting a spanking by your parents when you did something wrong. You remembered not to do it. You also didn't need to have the juvenile court involved for something that could be handled outside the court. A simple corrective action that can put the kid on the right path.

It gets a little far fetched when describing minor infractions turning into this kind of shooting because Cruz was one of those students who was always let go.
Let me throw a hypothetical scenario out for anyone that wishes, to ponder;

Federal Air Marshalls;

I have heard that the per flight participation rate by a minimum of one (or possibly more) plainclothesed, armed Air Marshall(s) for at least domestic airline flights in the US is quite high. (I'm not soliciting any hard numbers, I don't think that information should be disclosed).

So, following the (lack of) thinking by the liberals, pull all of the Air Marshalls off the planes, thereby making the airline industry more like one, big "Gun Free Zone". While they are at it, pull all of TSA, including the security checkstations out. No security, no Air Marshalls, no nothing. Oh, and be sure and advertise it. Big signs stating "Gun Free Zone", advertisements in the newspapers, on the internet. Spread the word. However, citizens are not allowed to carry guns, on planes, or anywhere else for that matter.

What would anyone in their right mind think one of the first things to happen would be ?

In the context of the above, someone please explain to me why schools shouldn't have a similar "Marshall's Service" ? The airlines do, banks do, large corporations do, sporting events do and most importantly, the politicians do. I think protecting children in schools is at least as important (and usually more important) than that, say, for politicians.

edit; Oh, another closing question. Why are there so many school shootings and so few shootings on airplanes ? Personally, I credit the presence of Air Marshalls, the Marshalls themselves and a well run program. Maybe it's about time the personal protection assets of politicians were stripped and re-assigned to schools.
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So, the long and short of it is, these guys weren't cowards (in a bigger sense they were) they were just abiding by the system of stopping the school to prison pipeline? Which became corrupt, and put the school to prison pipeline in full gear?

I've seen a lot of cases where judicial action wasn't taken, but the issue of a crime was still dealt with. Sort of like getting a spanking by your parents when you did something wrong. You remembered not to do it. You also didn't need to have the juvenile court involved for something that could be handled outside the court. A simple corrective action that can put the kid on the right path.

It gets a little far fetched when describing minor infractions turning into this kind of shooting because Cruz was one of those students who was always let go.

From what I got out of it, the school system wanted more federal money, and got it by reducing their crime rates by not punishing any students, which got out of hand quickly. It's always about money. This whole Florida event stinks to high heaven.
I believe the Supreme Court ruled on this subject..... the police are not required to save your life.......

That's why they should allow teachers and other staff take their guns to school instead of make it a gun free zone. Why the fuck would I want to go to my job as a teacher at a school when I run the risk of stupid shit like this. If a school shooting is to happen, the people with a position to take down the gunner won't do shit and that leaves me there helpless and vulnerable. This is complete BS.
This is why I can't be a cop, I don't have the discipline. I don't think I could stand by hearing the shooter do his work while holding a weapon in my hand and not break ranks and enter that building. I don't know. I hope to God I never find out.
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This is why I can't be a cop, I don't have the discipline. I don't think I could stand by hearing the shooter do his work while holding a weapon in my hand and not break ranks and enter that building. I don't know. I hope to God I never find out.

Good cops break rank all the time. I’ve suffered several promotions because im not a yes man.

I’ve had the same partner for ten years. We do work, we get shit done. I’ve been quoted for telling a administrator that his head was so far up his ass he does his own colonoscopy.

I have a few letters in my file. They won’t get rid of me because I do work, and good work that makes them look good.

Break rank, tell your sgt to suck it. Do work.

Not everyone can do this job, and even less do it well.

You have to have a snake Eater mindset. And understand that when you play with snakes long enough you’re bound to get bit.

Again, every trainer I know across the us train to go inside and eliminate the threat. If you take a round it happens, this job is honorable and it would be a honorable death trying to save children in my book. I’m good with dying in this profession. I believe in it.
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So four guys with body armor, radios, and pistols waited outside while teachers and coaches without any body armor or firearms actually put themselves between the students and the shooter's bullets. Well, I guess that tells me who had courage, and who didn't.

But theyd have no problem pulling you over for that sweet sweet revenue while wearing their tactical jumpsuit, body armor and drop leg rigs. So if theyre not required to save your life, how can they give you a seatbelt ticket then?

Im curious now if they all just pussied out as well as WHEN they were there; were they standing outside while shooting inside was going on or was it already long over and quiet? Were they also instructed not to go in from higher up; if they were and firing was going on, people need to be held liable.

This leads further down the hole of now asking, whats the fucking point of even calling the police if they wont do shit when they get there to help you? If thats not evidence as to why you need a right to a firearm to defend yourself, I dont know what is.
On a side note, that 'Robert Runcie' guy sure looks like Frozone from The Incredibles. As you were. Back to your regularly scheduled outrage venting.

And yes, I too am outraged, venting, and seeing the sheer illogical-ness of the situation. Politicians have armed guards, so do banks, and aircraft. But NONE in schools,,,, where this happens all too often.

Ban mental illness. It's for the children.
On a side note, that 'Robert Runcie' guy sure looks like Frozone from The Incredibles. As you were. Back to your regularly scheduled outrage venting.

And yes, I too am outraged, venting, and seeing the sheer illogical-ness of the situation. Politicians have armed guards, so do banks, and aircraft. But NONE in schools,,,, where this happens all too often.

Ban mental illness. It's for the children.
Oh, ...they were there, ....they were armed, ...but they chose to do nothing. I guess this is the example being set for the media to pounce on that, "See, even good guys with guns can't stop an AR-15."
If a cop says "my daily goal is to go home safely to my family" then they're not right for the job. Your goal should be to do the right thing even when that right thing threatens your life. I bet if it had been four armed civilians on the outside, at least ONE would have went in. Holy fuck this makes me so damn angry. I almost feel like I need my tinfoil hat because this has conspiracy written all over it.
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Let me throw a hypothetical scenario out for anyone that wishes, to ponder;

In the context of the above, someone please explain to me why schools shouldn't have a similar "Marshall's Service" ? The airlines do, banks do, large corporations do, sporting events do and most importantly, the politicians do. I think protecting children in schools is at least as important (and usually more important) than that, say, for politicians.

edit; Oh, another closing question. Why are there so many school shootings and so few shootings on airplanes ? Personally, I credit the presence of Air Marshalls, the Marshalls themselves and a well run program. Maybe it's about time the personal protection assets of politicians were stripped and re-assigned to schools.

In addition to FAM's on the airplane, we've got the Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO) program. They take airline pilots and give them the training they need to defend the cockpit. I think this would be an excellent model for arming teachers.
My wife is a teacher here in rural nys catskills help is far far away she works with problem kids like this kid and there is nothing in place to stop it from happening again........ locals with kids in the school would get their first .
I don't have a solution but an idea. How about proximity cards to get into the school? Also, a vestibule that's monitored and has motorized doors that will slam shut if an intruder is detected? Make the school like a SCIF.
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I have three friends that are Delta pilots and carry guns on the plane through whatever program it is that allows them to do so. Two of them are solid B USPSA shooters, which is not too shabby. The general public seems to think this is a great idea. I do too. But there are also two shooters in our circle that are school teachers who are A classified. The general public does seem to think that it is a good idea that they should carry in school...

Through this debate over who should be carrying guns and protecting whom I cannot get past the idea that anyone would not begin the conversation with the idea that an individual should take responsibility for protecting themselves. When confronted with a violent assault and seeing your classmates drop around you why would someone do anything other than shoot back???

This video by NBC shows lots of people, students and teachers, asking the questions about why the coward Broward County Deputy fat-ass did not engage Cruz. This is an appropriate question to shocking and cowardly inaction (watch the video to see Peterson brag about how he is a bad ass). But what startles me more is that none of them are kicking themselves in the ass for not drawing a gun and killing this guy. Even if you gave zero forethought to protecting yourself why would you not at least wish that you had had a chance to do it, especially given the level of carnage???

So much for anti-gun arguments such as "just call the police", "the police can protect you". My current bone to pick is with the statement that "only the police need guns", to which I reply, "If the police won't use those guns to protect us, then we DO need guns to protect ourselves".

The supreme. court has clearly stated that the police to NOT have any obligation to protect us, and more than once recently, the police have demonstrated that they can not be counted on to protect our children/us.

When teachers without body armor or firearms do more in their attempts to protect children than on scene police officers who have body armor, radios, and firearms are willing to do, it is clear to me that it is up to the citizens to protect ourselves because the police and other governmental agents cannot be counted on:
1. to investigate reports that someone is planning on shooting up a school.
2. report crimes to police that could lead to getting troubled kids some help before they act out violently
3. stop the bullying that leads kids to act out against other kids
4. intervene to stop a shooting even when they are on scene with time to act
5. pass along tips to local offices or officials that can investigate reports that someone has threatened violence
6. to protect the lives of 17 dead kids, because they feared that acting on one kids bad behavior might harm his chances of future success. If the
future success they might alter is the success of killing 17 other kids, I think it might be a good idea to harm his chances of success.

The system/government/police/FBI/schools have clearly shown that they cannot/willnot be counted on to protect us. Therefore, is up to US to protect ourselves and those we care about, because the system/government/police/FBI /schools sure aren't up to the task.

I feel sorry for those officers who would have reacted differently to protect people, because I know they are out there...I worked with many. My guess is that the vast majority of officers would have reacted differently, but as usual, the poor performance of the few reflects badly on all the others...just as it did/does with priests and sex abuse, muslims and jihadists, hispanics and gangs, Italians and the mafia, etc, etc.
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Why do you think the new Lefty Memo came out... their gun control argument is falling on deaf ears.... their big push is going nowhere. More people are saying to themselves... FBI won't protect me... Police won't protect me... Government failed. Again.

In the interim... the Left is eating itself... even failing to endorse their stalwart of liberal idiocy... Feinstein... for Senate in CA.

Crap... say Pelosi and Schumer (and Obama and Soros and Bloomberg and... and... and... the rest of 'The Resistance)... we better change the discussion. Again. Let's go back to our memo. That will get them!


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And I'm not a believer in conspiracy theories... but I darn well know an orchestrated campaign when I see it. Broward county... it could have been any school shooting. But Broward happened to be where the "Go Code" was given.

So in my analysis... the "Organize" types had lined up... A campaign to attack the NRA-related businesses. Teachers Unions lined up to contact teachers to organize students in 'Study plans' and organizing to oppose guns. A narrative set up for the press. Ready to go... reporters ready to do their stories. Legislation waiting among key congresspeople and politicians at national, state and local levels. Rallies planned (and funded in advance.... busses, hotels, permit-processes ready to go... none of that is free.) Hollywood types all prepped, briefed and ready to express outrage and get on the TV the instant their services were needed. Messaging pre-tested and focus-grouped. Signs painted and TV ads ready to go.

All run through dozens... probably hundreds... of organizations funded by everything from Soros Open Societies and Bloomberg's EveryTown... to all the 'Punishment money" collected by the Obama administration from banks, etc... and distributed to community organizations. All sitting quietly waiting just to fill in the blanks on their pre-prepared press releases and legislation... Waiting for the word 'go.'

That said... this is not a conspiracy... it's a campaign. Well-planned and well-orchestrated. And noone is hiding it or hiding the fact that they are behind it. Or behind it. A campaign is not a conspiracy. It's how you shift the needle if you have the money and the messaging and the sheep. It's simply Waging Public Relations... against the NRA and the Constitutions and the gun-owning public. This is no different how you go about launching iPhone 10 or a new Hollywood blockbuster. Marketing... against the Constitution and against the Americans who support it.

When something goes to this level of 'surround sound' don't for a second believe that it is all a grassroots movement. It was all planned in advance.

The good news is that We The People are not as stupid as the Progressives believe we are. At least not all of us.

