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I'm not a big PETA fan but-

Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

I believe it is wrong to mistreat animals, they should be respected, but my take is that they arent humans and shouldnt be treated as equals.

If no one wants them, then the government run shelters ought to put them down. Our government is broke enough from out of control spending that we dont need to be feeding dogs no one wants. One more example of the negative consequences of irresponsible decision making. Frankly, we ought to be much more concerned about the children of people who mistreat and abandon their pets.

Private shelters who arent using my money, money I earned by spending an irreplaceable, finite asset I cant get back called my time, can do whatever they want.
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

I don't have a problem with PETA at all. Their involvement in the meat industry has contributed to the creation of a sub-industry that is focused on safer and humanely reared food. I think it's wrong to test cosmetics on animals and don't pay for those products that have used animal testing. I love meat but when out in a restaurant if it's not organic and free range then I go veggie. I would love to be in a situation where as much as possible the meat that I and my family eat is from animals I've hunted in the wild. It's called having principals and living by them. To some this is important and others not so much.

As usual however, there are many who have no idea what they're talking about and are happy to keep it that way.... nowhere has PETA said an animal is more important than a human baby. What they say is that it's not acceptable to assume animals deserve no consideration for ethical behavior. In regards to medicine, they hold that the majority of testing can be done more ethically and bio-techs choose not to for margin/profits reasons.

In the UK from what I know, the special forces medics and those soldiers who want medical training, get sectioned to trauma/ER units in the larger hospitals both at home and abroad. Apparently working on real humans with gunshot wounds, burns etc is pretty effective for treating humans. I don't know that animals aren't also used in a supplemental manner.
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: EventHorizon</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think it's wrong to test cosmetics on animals and don't pay for those products that have used animal testing.</div></div>

Better avoid modern medicines too then, which almost all go through a rigorous "pre-clinical" phase which involves animal testing. I work on various "high-throughput" bioninformatics technologies that "could" one day replace animal testing, but honestly we're a long way from replacing animal testing. No way would I let a member of my family try a new drug that didn't go through animal testing.
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: EventHorizon</div><div class="ubbcode-body">hence why I made a point of cosmetics in regards to animal testing. </div></div>

Gotcha. I should point out though, that PETA doesn't limit their concern to cosmetics. They picket our organization from time to time, have harassed some of my coworker scientists at their homes, over testing on *rats*. Rats!

Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KYpatriot</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
If no one wants them, then the government run shelters ought to put them down. Our government is broke enough from out of control spending that we dont need to be feeding dogs no one wants. One more example of the negative consequences of irresponsible decision making. Frankly, we ought to be much more concerned about the children of people who mistreat and abandon their pets.

Private shelters who arent using my money, money I earned by spending an irreplaceable, finite asset I cant get back called my time, can do whatever they want.

There's the HUGE MISCONCEPTION. The vast majority of Animal Care and Control departments that are gov't ran are funded through licensing fees and fundraisers. They are not (for the vastly most part) taking one dime of tax money.
Other organizations, Such as Arizona Humane Society, and such organizations elsewhere are private 401c3's, and not gov't ran.

But you say we (as in society ie-gov't) should be involved in the3 children of those who abandon or are cruel to pets??? Sounds like more of a "liberal spending more tax dollars on welfare" proposition than anything else posted in theis thread!
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sobrbiker883</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
KYpatriot said:
But you say we (as in society ie-gov't) should be involved in the3 children of those who abandon or are cruel to pets??? Sounds like more of a "liberal spending more tax dollars on welfare" proposition than anything else posted in this thread! </div></div>

I think the point Kypatriot was making was if these loose cannon are abusing animals they are the types that possibly will abuse their children also and not to exaggerate be possibly very dangerous people to other members of the public as there is a correlation between animal abusers and violent crime
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

I really think that rescuing is the way to go if you just want a pet. However,if Peta gets its way, it wont be long till all dogs are gone. Lets say every dog gets spayed/neutered. Then everybody only gets rescue dogs. Soon any dog that is bred will end up in a rescue centre,because no one is buying. Those dogs then get sterilized. Now we have no dogs being bred and soon we run out of dogs.
Responsible and ethical breeders are vital to the existence of dogs as a species.
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

Two separate issues here: a. Rescue animals vs. "bloodline breeding" vs. puppy mills and b. PETA.
Some people will want those bloodline bred dogs, just like some people want a BMW instead of a Hundai. Puppy mills are a different story - and thats something legislation has to go after. If you have a mutt, yes they should be fixed; I don't know many rescues that don't insist you pay the cost of "fixing" pre-adoption.

On PETA/ALF: they shut down a good quality research lab I worked in (Harisson dept. of Surgical Research, Univ. of PA Dept. of CT surgery) over a pizza delivered to a tech that was watching post-op animals overnight - despite that sheep had "ad lib" (as much as wanted) sheep food in front of it..No, it was "cruel" to taunt the sheep with the tech eating a pizza nearby - ridiculous. That lab and that research, I can proudly say pioneered the development left ventricular assist devices. (If any one has a heart attack and is too unstable for immediate bypass surgery we now have LVAD to use in humans to bridge them to the point where they are stable for bypass, transplant etc.) And though my lab used sheep,the lab next to us did use dogs. LVADs, and much other medical technology, would not exist without use of animals. PETA is absurd.

I have zero problem with animal use as Jaime described - I think ch'e is pretty ignorant and out of touch with reality - you can't put the equiv. of an SF "medic" through 4 yrs. med school & 5 yrs of residency when he's going to be deployed in 6 months; there is no training equiv. to what was done and I can completely understand why that training is necessary.
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: UKDslayer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
I have zero problem with animal use as Jaime described - I think ch'e is pretty ignorant and out of touch with reality - you can't put the equiv. of an SF "medic" through 4 yrs. med school & 5 yrs of residency when he's going to be deployed in 6 months; there is no training equiv. to what was done and I can completely understand why that training is necessary.

I just wanted to add that wool comes from sheep, not goats... This is pretty much the only thing goats are good for....well, that and ramming you when you least expect it... oh yeah, and walking on your car or truck, but other than that, they have no use. All goats go to hell.
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

I agree with the OP. I feel bad for all of these dogs having to be put down because idiots decide it would be a good idea to get a dog for their irresponsible kids. Then once they are tired of their dog they just dump it at the pound thinking someone else will want it.

Since the passing of my dog I haven't had the heart to get another one, but I know if I did it would be a shelter dog. I've been looking lately on a whim and it seems the shelters are choc full of chihuahuas since that seems to be the flavor of the day.
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ewoaf</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: UKDslayer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
I have zero problem with animal use as Jaime described - I think ch'e is pretty ignorant and out of touch with reality - you can't put the equiv. of an SF "medic" through 4 yrs. med school & 5 yrs of residency when he's going to be deployed in 6 months; there is no training equiv. to what was done and I can completely understand why that training is necessary.

I just wanted to add that wool comes from sheep, not goats... This is pretty much the only thing goats are good for....well, that and ramming you when you least expect it... oh yeah, and walking on your car or truck, but other than that, they have no use. All goats go to hell.</div></div>

Yeah, one of my jobs was to shave the wool off the sheep pre-op, do their cut-down, intubate. Some people do like goat milk - then again no other animal "face" is used for Satan more than the goat.
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

My wife rescued a horse. This thing is a lawn ornament. It cost me over a thousand dollars every month and will continue to do so for a least the next ten years. If this was 100 years ago this horse would have been taking out back and shot; then turned into glue. So I can say I do my part; even if I really don't want to be doing it. Crap a horse cost a lot of freaking money. I bet PETA would have put this horse down.

Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

If you could use the glue.....
Seriously, if its suffering, put it down. If your wife rescued a horse without understanding the responsibility she is part of the problem, but I applaud that you are taking care of it (and I understand you frusatration better-my wife has rescues that I never would have taken in our house that cost me an assload of money annually).

Euthanasia is definitely a practice that has its place for ending lives when there is no quality of life (and should be avaialble to humans as such as well).

The principle I'm pointing out with the post is that most Americans have no clue that large organizations that many think are gov't funded and arent', organizations that donors think do everything in the best interest of the animals they are trusted and funded to protect don't, and that our landfills are being filled with dogs and cats while we buy puppies for our kids for christmas....
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

If I understand the inner workings of PETA correctly, they go much further than “Don’t Eat - Don’t Test”. They don’t want pet animals to exist at all. I believe their ultimate goal is the total elimination of all pets, making it illegal to have one anywhere, period. If it can’t live in the wild they want the species to die off. Their strategy is meant to cause an animal holocaust with mass extinction of all species of "PETS", animals that cannot survive without human intervention. I am not okay with that and would spend my time and money on any other organization that is not hell bent on the elimination of the “PET”. Just my two cents worth on PETA, check into it if you have any doubts about them. I could be wrong about them but I don’t think I am.

I am however okay with eating most animals for food but there are other ways to get testing done. Training on animals is one of those necessary evils that’s done for the greater good. Some day that too will have a non-animal method but for now that is not totally realistic.

We have five rescue animals and one pure bred in our household. They are not “like family” they “are family” to us. I get a little worked up when I see people mistreat animals. Animals have no say as to the life they will live. We as their human family members must provide for them. Even an outside animal deserve a little out of the blue kindness, just because. It goes a long way towards keeping an animal happy. They are not toys to be played with then abandoned when something new catches our fancy. Pets deserve everything we can give them; after all we are their whole reason for being. Pets left to become wild had nothing to do with their predicament, some irresponsible human is at fault. Too bad we can’t put down the offenders instead of having to clean up the tragic mess they leave behind.

Sorry for the rant, I got a little carried away.

What’s next, some crazy group chanting “SAVE THE PLANTS”? Stop all cultivation of crops and only eat naturally growing “Free Range” varieties?

Oops, I did it again!
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kinsman</div><div class="ubbcode-body">When the are allowed to breed "in the wild" they become a nuisance, and in many cases, a danger.</div></div>

The same can be said of many humans.
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

At the end of the day PETA are extremists. They are to nature conservation and animal rights what the Westboro bunch of pricks are to freedom of speech.
Re: I'm not a big PETA fan but-

What gets me the most about the organization, is the founder is a diabetic. How the F do they have the right to condemn hunters, trappers, animal testing, etc. when they use insulin? Insulin is made from pigs, and they wouldn't have it if they didn't do animal testing!!!