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Active Shooter in El Paso???

Off duty soldier rescues children at Walmart mall. Pulls out Glock pistol to cover their exit. I’m glad he didn’t get shot by the cops.


That is the reason why I would actually prefer to respond to an active shooter incident as an armed civilian with a handgun as opposed to a rifle or carbine. Less chance of being misidentified as a perp and shot by responding authorities. Also, a revolver, even a big one, like my Ruger, will be less likely to induce further panic amongst those around me if I am also able to announce my presence and intentions in an authoritative tone.
With his manifesto, weapon, lame wearing what looked like airport runway muffs, a guess?...REAL possible “operation” happening. Remains to be seen if even revealed.
This stinks to high heaven.

Same gun in the Gilroy Garlic festival.
Now a shooting in Ohio.

The left/.gov/soros types are behind this.
That is the reason why I would actually prefer to respond to an active shooter incident as an armed civilian with a handgun as opposed to a rifle or carbine. Less chance of being misidentified as a perp and shot by responding authorities. Also, a revolver, even a big one, like my Ruger, will be less likely to induce further panic amongst those around me if I am also able to announce my presence and intentions in an authoritative tone.
With some of the problems I’ve had with newer revolvers lately I would not trust them.

So far, I’ve put close to 4,000 rounds through my P320 without a single malfunction. It’s my EDC gun.

I’d rather have as much firepower in the pistol as possible to match a madman with an AK or AR.
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With some of the problems I’ve had with newer revolvers lately I would not trust them.

So far, I’ve put close to 4,000 rounds through my P320 without a single malfunction. It’s my EDC gun.

I’d rather have as much firepower in the pistol as possible to match a madman with an AK or AR.
Unfortunately that can’t be done.
This stinks to high heaven.

Same gun in the Gilroy Garlic festival.
Now a shooting in Ohio.

The left/.gov/soros types are behind this.

Exactly......My thinking. I think......There is something afoot, many ways to orchestrate these events in such a way as to upset stasis living perceptions. A clear and present danger in America is operating with its purpose of making “statements”. It’s happening in front of us as we type. One piece at a time, multiple fronts, subverting. Slowly reinforcing, cementing segment by segment, area by area, institution by institution. This appears to be one piece of a plan possibly to warp/effect a population into tunnel visioning a certain wished reaction.
finding yourself in the fish barrel would really suck...not only the guy shooting the place up, but how do you take action without getting shot by johnny law when they show up?

as far as the badge and whatnot....sounds like a great way to get charged with impersonating an officer....yes, they could nail you for that if they wanted. the yellow tape that says ccw aint bad, but how do you carry and deploy that when it counts?

no easy answers, but i do know that i am of the mind that everyone legally about to do so, should be carrying. imagine a world where everyone just assumed everyone else was armed to the teeth, and if you went sideways, you knew you’d get gunned down the second you start hurting people.

what we need is national reciprocity, and laws protecting those who take action. the benefit of a doubt has to go to the citizen....as it was originally intended. and they need to make it legal to kill gang members. if you are affiliated with any gang, and you turn up dead, no investigation ensues. none. in fact, put a fucking bounty on gangs and terrorists....and declare antifa a terrorist organization, because it is.

you do that, and even that cesspool chicago would run out of gangbangers in short fucking order. I’d say within 2 years, the problem would be solved.
I read on another forum that the El Paso and Dayton shooters both used WASR-10s.

I did a search on that but came up empty.

Can anyone find any truth to that?
The shootings, ideologically warping, street protestors resistance movement on violent levels, and we’re seeing new politically operating groups on the Hill and in state elections moving players around the American landscape play board...the Land Of Opportunity. Justice Democrats, and other similarly bent operating political PAC’s, adjusting strategy and operations as in:

I hate The Washington Compost as a source thru another hated source.

Sounds kinda crazy....maybe, maybe not.
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Just strange. I said what I think about this above, the narrative needs to shift, there are many ANTIFA members that have been indocked to take one for the Dem/Repub/Deep State team. As they become more desperate that trump will win look for much worse to happen.

Buy more ammo and ARs' , my assessment was that tey would wait til 3 months before the election to trigger this shit, they must have watched the Dem debates. They are desperate to not let trump get another 4 years, no matter how many they have to kill.

QUOTE="Zorrosdens, post: 7886238, member: 134779"]
And.....you’re thinking..........??? Spill it please.
This stinks to high heaven.

Same gun in the Gilroy Garlic festival.
Now a shooting in Ohio.

The left/.gov/soros types are behind this.

Didn't we have a discussion about the popularity of ammo a few days ago. I recall I said something about the popularity of the AK platforms. I recall a few said that the AKs would only be found in the hands of the invaders....

Didn't we have a discussion about the popularity of ammo a few days ago. I recall I said something about the popularity of the AK platforms. I recall a few said that the AKs would only be found in the hands of the invaders....


On Antifa discussion boards everywhere there are those common posts.....

"My WASR is 1/2 MOA all day long"

"What load for 7.62X39 using cow dung as propellant"

"Just got a Teslong for my WASR barrel - as suspected custom lapped - no pitting"

" Lapua brass for 7.62X39?"

"PSA May Day special on 7.62X39 and Railed forends!"

"Go to bullet for WASR at 1000 yards?"

If it were not for politics perhaps we could get along?....................

LOL, No fucking way.
Ex-photography journalist here thinking....used to develop my own B&W film and print my own images for compositions and contents..... look at the pants/ right arm/ face tones in the first vid shot...similar dark green toning (video degradations maybe??) affecting them making them all look different than the more full sun lit shot (maybe another surveillance cam too). My observation pants style in question but pant/arm not tatted/ and face more normal. Could be an explanation toward initial detail discrepancies.
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A couple of thoughts popped into my head over the last hours since hearing about Dayton and El Paso... the first was sparked by a brilliant comment earlier in this thread that every time something like this happens, the press and politicians immediately start calling them active shooters, gunmen, mass-shootings, etc.

The reality is that if one uses language properly, these are mass-murders. Committed by mass-murderers and spree-killers. Mostly with mental issues (I would argue that ALL have mental issues... because you don't commit mass murder unless you are an evil mass-murderer.)
This is not about video games. This is not about people who 'are' shooters (millions of them, who are honorable, law-abiding citizens who engage in shooting sports or in LE or military or pursuits that either professionally or as a hobby pursue marksmanship. This is not about access to weapons. Not even about immigrants or Christchurch or 8Chan similar excuses. This is about a generation in which mentally-ill murderers and killers are not only allowed to roam free and let their mental issues bubble into a murderous level of insanity. But in addition, they are given a free pass.... even after they commit heinous crimes. Because they are not responsible... someone or something else is. A gun. An X-box. A political discourse that fires people up. The NRA.

It's none of those things. If the language describing these people were belittling them and making them 'not' heroes... making them into the worst society can revile... it may not stop everyone. But some will decide that going out in their so-called 'blaze of glory...' isn't.

The next thing that we keep seeing is the vast conspiracy theories that these events are being orchestrated by some 'dark hand' which is sending in mass shooters to cover up for whatever political crap someone is upset about. Las Vegas... The idea that John Podesta went to Christchurch and organized that shooting. The instant backlash that this is all some kind of an orchestrated thing.

It's not. It's simply, now, the background noise of a technological society in which we have failed to deal with the mental issues that are going along with a pace of life and a complexity that some human brains are having trouble dealing with. Think about it... in just 5 generations, we have gone from a people living in a world without so much as a traffic light to a Web which is the closest thing to infinity that they human mind could possibly experience. Some aren't going to deal with it. And packed in to compressed cities and with no 'have to work to live' distraction to keep someone's brain from exploding... we are seeing a spike in mental issues and that is often (and randomly) getting acted out by mass murder. It's happened in China. In Japan. In Germany. In England... not firearms cultures. Not even video game cultures. Yet it's still happening. And it's manifested itself in everything from Tokyo subway gassings to a crazoid Harvard graduate living in a cabin in Montana and shipping out bombs... a mental schizophrenic, by the way. And a mass-murderer.

But these killings and murders now happen so often that in a world of infinite information and the so-called 'infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite numbers of typewriters... they will create Shakespeare"... then it is not hard to make connections that are not there. The conspiracy culture is also looking for an excuse... a dark hand that is guiding things in an effort to 'come after them' whether 'them' is their personae, their hobby or group, their political party or their Constitution.

I agree... there are bad actors out there. There are slimy politicians. There are crooks. There are scum at a level that is hard to fathom.
But they are not... I repeat NOT... running a giant conspiracy. Why? Because you simply can't pull it off. These clowns can't pull off anything without it getting out. Conspiracies are easy to imagine. But almost impossible to pull off. Because they are too complex and someone always screws up, talks or gets cold feet.

The 'bad' side of a conspiracy theory is that it gives the 'next' mentally-deficient murderer a reason for being. A reason to... commit murder while thinking they are a soldier in a greater cause, an avenging angel, a righter of wrongs... in other words, justify what is cold-blooded-mass murder. Whether in Christchurch or El Paso... or outside a pizza restaurant... or because you think that you will get to marry Jodie Foster... when you give a mentally-deficient person a reason that gnaws into their brain and makes them think 'it's ok' then you might as well be setting the 'random mode' on a human cruise missile and waiting to see where it lands. And yesterday it landed in El Paso... and maybe Dayton.

But they weren't undercover, soldiers and patsy's working for evil Progressive anti-gun Clinton, Soros-funded Antifa-commie political activists and others who want to transform America into the USSR. Are those people real and working hard on this mission every day? You bet!

But they are not hiring or 'running' 20-something little twats to shoot up WalMarts. Because those people are unreliable and unpredictable and un-recruitable and un-trainable and unable to work into an organization. Why? Because they are nuts... they are homicidal mental-deficient people who can't be trusted. And no organization is going to have someone out 'setting these people up' and giving them missions. It's not just one bridge too far... it's several bridges too far.

All the conspiracy theories do is make those of use to follow them look... like we're nuts. And they provide excuses for the real killers to go off and live fantasies rooted in mental disorders, not reality.

Yeah, yeah... I'm going to get flamed eight ways from Sunday for this... And I will admit, that I find conspiracy theories attractive now and then. I am amused by Q... but skeptical... as soon as the conspiracy extends into the whole concept that the world is run by a cabal of child-molesters... I just see it as another crazy connection made by infinite number of monkeys with typewriters. Would it be nice if it were true? In some ways, yes. One way of being able to deal with evil, as humans, is a way to see a hand guiding it. Satan. A bad politician. Evil corporations. The Masons. Evil is inherently so... evil, that it is comforting to think that someone is causing it rather than it is simply a fact of life and caused by people who, for lack of a better word, aren't wired right to begin with.

And in a modern world where we are all packed in... and where the ACLU spends all its time trying to make sure that noone ever goes into a padded room... or where you can 'hide' your mental deficiency in a go go go technological world... or where you can find 'birds of a feather' (incels anyone?) who are as nuts as you... but who can gather in our connected world and feed into eac,h others' mental problems... making them seem normal and mainstream. Well, then some of these people are going to commit evil acts in ways that are hard to fathom. And easy to write off by blaming someone or something else.

Is there a solution? I think there is at least a start in re-opening state mental facilities. I think there is a good move on to do things like stop staying the murderers names and to vilify them (though that's too late for their murdered and assaulted victims). But if you stop making these people into 'dark heroes' and start painting them as defective, others won't want to imitate them. I think we can do more to raise kids at home and in schools who are taught some civics and ethics and values... instead of gender bending and insolence and hatred of their society. Church? Maybe. But parenting, schooling and mentorship serves the same purpose but require hard work and getting noses out of phones. Encouraging 'real' shooters (both professional and citizens) to be trained armed and ready to respond when murderers and killers and evil surfaces in their midst? Definitely. Stop blaming 'other' things for what are, in the end, the actions and CHOICES of mentally-defective killers and murderers... stop giving them excuses to view themselves as avenging angels and glorious soldiers when, in fact, they are just nuts. I am sure there are other things... but coffee is wearing off and I can't think of them.

Well, OK, I've ranted on enough... I'll go put on my Nomex and await the response of the 8Chan commandos...

And probably go down to the reloading shop for a bit of Dillon therapy! I've noticed that people who have hobbies don't tend to murder people in WalMarts, either. Maybe we should mandate knitting and model-building as a way to keep people busy? I know it makes me happy, calm and relaxed!


On Antifa discussion boards everywhere there are those common posts.....

"My WASR is 1/2 MOA all day long"

"What load for 7.62X39 using cow dung as propellant"

"Just got a Tesoong for my WASR barrel - as suspected custom lapped - no pitting"

" Lapua brass for 7.62X39?"

"PSA May Day special on 7.62X39 and Railed forends!"

"Go to bullet for WASR at 1000 yards?"

If it were not for politics perhaps we could get along?....................

LOL, No fucking way.

I laugh at all of the claims of accuracy. Neither of my AKs are better than 3-4 MOA with run of the mill ammo. Good enough to hit a man size target 300 yards away CONSISTENTLY and will carry much more power than a 5.56 AND be lighter to hump than my AR10s.

May not be the most accurate but they are more than accurate for a job like this and they run better than an old school Singer sewing machine
A couple of thoughts popped into my head over the last hours since hearing about Dayton and El Paso... the first was sparked by a brilliant comment earlier in this thread that every time something like this happens, the press and politicians immediately start calling them active shooters, gunmen, mass-shootings, etc.

The reality is that if one uses language properly, these are mass-murders. Committed by mass-murderers and spree-killers. Mostly with mental issues (I would argue that ALL have mental issues... because you don't commit mass murder unless you are an evil mass-murderer.)
This is not about video games. This is not about people who 'are' shooters (millions of them, who are honorable, law-abiding citizens who engage in shooting sports or in LE or military or pursuits that either professionally or as a hobby pursue marksmanship. This is not about access to weapons. Not even about immigrants or Christchurch or 8Chan similar excuses. This is about a generation in which mentally-ill murderers and killers are not only allowed to roam free and let their mental issues bubble into a murderous level of insanity. But in addition, they are given a free pass.... even after they commit heinous crimes. Because they are not responsible... someone or something else is. A gun. An X-box. A political discourse that fires people up. The NRA.

It's none of those things. If the language describing these people were belittling them and making them 'not' heroes... making them into the worst society can revile... it may not stop everyone. But some will decide that going out in their so-called 'blaze of glory...' isn't.

The next thing that we keep seeing is the vast conspiracy theories that these events are being orchestrated by some 'dark hand' which is sending in mass shooters to cover up for whatever political crap someone is upset about. Las Vegas... The idea that John Podesta went to Christchurch and organized that shooting. The instant backlash that this is all some kind of an orchestrated thing.

It's not. It's simply, now, the background noise of a technological society in which we have failed to deal with the mental issues that are going along with a pace of life and a complexity that some human brains are having trouble dealing with. Think about it... in just 5 generations, we have gone from a people living in a world without so much as a traffic light to a Web which is the closest thing to infinity that they human mind could possibly experience. Some aren't going to deal with it. And packed in to compressed cities and with no 'have to work to live' distraction to keep someone's brain from exploding... we are seeing a spike in mental issues and that is often (and randomly) getting acted out by mass murder. It's happened in China. In Japan. In Germany. In England... not firearms cultures. Not even video game cultures. Yet it's still happening. And it's manifested itself in everything from Tokyo subway gassings to a crazoid Harvard graduate living in a cabin in Montana and shipping out bombs... a mental schizophrenic, by the way. And a mass-murderer.

But these killings and murders now happen so often that in a world of infinite information and the so-called 'infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite numbers of typewriters... they will create Shakespeare"... then it is not hard to make connections that are not there. The conspiracy culture is also looking for an excuse... a dark hand that is guiding things in an effort to 'come after them' whether 'them' is their personae, their hobby or group, their political party or their Constitution.

I agree... there are bad actors out there. There are slimy politicians. There are crooks. There are scum at a level that is hard to fathom.
But they are not... I repeat NOT... running a giant conspiracy. Why? Because you simply can't pull it off. These clowns can't pull off anything without it getting out. Conspiracies are easy to imagine. But almost impossible to pull off. Because they are too complex and someone always screws up, talks or gets cold feet.

The 'bad' side of a conspiracy theory is that it gives the 'next' mentally-deficient murderer a reason for being. A reason to... commit murder while thinking they are a soldier in a greater cause, an avenging angel, a righter of wrongs... in other words, justify what is cold-blooded-mass murder. Whether in Christchurch or El Paso... or outside a pizza restaurant... or because you think that you will get to marry Jodie Foster... when you give a mentally-deficient person a reason that gnaws into their brain and makes them think 'it's ok' then you might as well be setting the 'random mode' on a human cruise missile and waiting to see where it lands. And yesterday it landed in El Paso... and maybe Dayton.

But they weren't undercover, soldiers and patsy's working for evil Progressive anti-gun Clinton, Soros-funded Antifa-commie political activists and others who want to transform America into the USSR. Are those people real and working hard on this mission every day? You bet!

But they are not hiring or 'running' 20-something little twats to shoot up WalMarts. Because those people are unreliable and unpredictable and un-recruitable and un-trainable and unable to work into an organization. Why? Because they are nuts... they are homicidal mental-deficient people who can't be trusted. And no organization is going to have someone out 'setting these people up' and giving them missions. It's not just one bridge too far... it's several bridges too far.

All the conspiracy theories do is make those of use to follow them look... like we're nuts. And they provide excuses for the real killers to go off and live fantasies rooted in mental disorders, not reality.

Yeah, yeah... I'm going to get flamed eight ways from Sunday for this... And I will admit, that I find conspiracy theories attractive now and then. I am amused by Q... but skeptical... as soon as the conspiracy extends into the whole concept that the world is run by a cabal of child-molesters... I just see it as another crazy connection made by infinite number of monkeys with typewriters. Would it be nice if it were true? In some ways, yes. One way of being able to deal with evil, as humans, is a way to see a hand guiding it. Satan. A bad politician. Evil corporations. The Masons. Evil is inherently so... evil, that it is comforting to think that someone is causing it rather than it is simply a fact of life and caused by people who, for lack of a better word, aren't wired right to begin with.

And in a modern world where we are all packed in... and where the ACLU spends all its time trying to make sure that noone ever goes into a padded room... or where you can 'hide' your mental deficiency in a go go go technological world... or where you can find 'birds of a feather' (incels anyone?) who are as nuts as you... but who can gather in our connected world and feed into eac,h others' mental problems... making them seem normal and mainstream. Well, then some of these people are going to commit evil acts in ways that are hard to fathom. And easy to write off by blaming someone or something else.

Is there a solution? I think there is at least a start in re-opening state mental facilities. I think there is a good move on to do things like stop staying the murderers names and to vilify them (though that's too late for their murdered and assaulted victims). But if you stop making these people into 'dark heroes' and start painting them as defective, others won't want to imitate them. I think we can do more to raise kids at home and in schools who are taught some civics and ethics and values... instead of gender bending and insolence and hatred of their society. Church? Maybe. But parenting, schooling and mentorship serves the same purpose but require hard work and getting noses out of phones. Encouraging 'real' shooters (both professional and citizens) to be trained armed and ready to respond when murderers and killers and evil surfaces in their midst? Definitely. Stop blaming 'other' things for what are, in the end, the actions and CHOICES of mentally-defective killers and murderers... stop giving them excuses to view themselves as avenging angels and glorious soldiers when, in fact, they are just nuts. I am sure there are other things... but coffee is wearing off and I can't think of them.

Well, OK, I've ranted on enough... I'll go put on my Nomex and await the response of the 8Chan commandos...

And probably go down to the reloading shop for a bit of Dillon therapy! I've noticed that people who have hobbies don't tend to murder people in WalMarts, either. Maybe we should mandate knitting and model-building as a way to keep people busy? I know it makes me happy, calm and relaxed!



The murder/death doesn't matter to the left/media - just necessary collateral damage to their goal of disarmament.

The method is all that matters for their efforts hence these are "active shooters", "mass shootings"
Agree 98% Sirh, but who in government do you trust to make a determination of who is sane and insane?

This is just the latest symptom of frozen shit berg that is a complete lack of trust in a Government that just attempted a coup and set up a two tiered justice system to subjugate the larger citizenry. The Government elite getting away with child rape, embezlement, murder, its just a step toward general conflict in this country. Though the nut jobs might not be directly directed in what to do the evil ones are using these rare incidents to further their agenda which will cause more of the incidents and so on until they go for weapon confiscation once the mothers are screaming for safety.

Government in our republic has lost its moral authority, and in leadership that is a death blow.

Prepare for what comes next (I know you are), because its gonna be big, these fuckers wont stop.

A couple of thoughts popped into my head over the last hours since hearing about Dayton and El Paso... the first was sparked by a brilliant comment earlier in this thread that every time something like this happens, the press and politicians immediately start calling them active shooters, gunmen, mass-shootings, etc.

The reality is that if one uses language properly, these are mass-murders. Committed by mass-murderers and spree-killers. Mostly with mental issues (I would argue that ALL have mental issues... because you don't commit mass murder unless you are an evil mass-murderer.)
This is not about video games. This is not about people who 'are' shooters (millions of them, who are honorable, law-abiding citizens who engage in shooting sports or in LE or military or pursuits that either professionally or as a hobby pursue marksmanship. This is not about access to weapons. Not even about immigrants or Christchurch or 8Chan similar excuses. This is about a generation in which mentally-ill murderers and killers are not only allowed to roam free and let their mental issues bubble into a murderous level of insanity. But in addition, they are given a free pass.... even after they commit heinous crimes. Because they are not responsible... someone or something else is. A gun. An X-box. A political discourse that fires people up. The NRA.

It's none of those things. If the language describing these people were belittling them and making them 'not' heroes... making them into the worst society can revile... it may not stop everyone. But some will decide that going out in their so-called 'blaze of glory...' isn't.

The next thing that we keep seeing is the vast conspiracy theories that these events are being orchestrated by some 'dark hand' which is sending in mass shooters to cover up for whatever political crap someone is upset about. Las Vegas... The idea that John Podesta went to Christchurch and organized that shooting. The instant backlash that this is all some kind of an orchestrated thing.

It's not. It's simply, now, the background noise of a technological society in which we have failed to deal with the mental issues that are going along with a pace of life and a complexity that some human brains are having trouble dealing with. Think about it... in just 5 generations, we have gone from a people living in a world without so much as a traffic light to a Web which is the closest thing to infinity that they human mind could possibly experience. Some aren't going to deal with it. And packed in to compressed cities and with no 'have to work to live' distraction to keep someone's brain from exploding... we are seeing a spike in mental issues and that is often (and randomly) getting acted out by mass murder. It's happened in China. In Japan. In Germany. In England... not firearms cultures. Not even video game cultures. Yet it's still happening. And it's manifested itself in everything from Tokyo subway gassings to a crazoid Harvard graduate living in a cabin in Montana and shipping out bombs... a mental schizophrenic, by the way. And a mass-murderer.

But these killings and murders now happen so often that in a world of infinite information and the so-called 'infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite numbers of typewriters... they will create Shakespeare"... then it is not hard to make connections that are not there. The conspiracy culture is also looking for an excuse... a dark hand that is guiding things in an effort to 'come after them' whether 'them' is their personae, their hobby or group, their political party or their Constitution.

I agree... there are bad actors out there. There are slimy politicians. There are crooks. There are scum at a level that is hard to fathom.
But they are not... I repeat NOT... running a giant conspiracy. Why? Because you simply can't pull it off. These clowns can't pull off anything without it getting out. Conspiracies are easy to imagine. But almost impossible to pull off. Because they are too complex and someone always screws up, talks or gets cold feet.

The 'bad' side of a conspiracy theory is that it gives the 'next' mentally-deficient murderer a reason for being. A reason to... commit murder while thinking they are a soldier in a greater cause, an avenging angel, a righter of wrongs... in other words, justify what is cold-blooded-mass murder. Whether in Christchurch or El Paso... or outside a pizza restaurant... or because you think that you will get to marry Jodie Foster... when you give a mentally-deficient person a reason that gnaws into their brain and makes them think 'it's ok' then you might as well be setting the 'random mode' on a human cruise missile and waiting to see where it lands. And yesterday it landed in El Paso... and maybe Dayton.

But they weren't undercover, soldiers and patsy's working for evil Progressive anti-gun Clinton, Soros-funded Antifa-commie political activists and others who want to transform America into the USSR. Are those people real and working hard on this mission every day? You bet!

But they are not hiring or 'running' 20-something little twats to shoot up WalMarts. Because those people are unreliable and unpredictable and un-recruitable and un-trainable and unable to work into an organization. Why? Because they are nuts... they are homicidal mental-deficient people who can't be trusted. And no organization is going to have someone out 'setting these people up' and giving them missions. It's not just one bridge too far... it's several bridges too far.

All the conspiracy theories do is make those of use to follow them look... like we're nuts. And they provide excuses for the real killers to go off and live fantasies rooted in mental disorders, not reality.

Yeah, yeah... I'm going to get flamed eight ways from Sunday for this... And I will admit, that I find conspiracy theories attractive now and then. I am amused by Q... but skeptical... as soon as the conspiracy extends into the whole concept that the world is run by a cabal of child-molesters... I just see it as another crazy connection made by infinite number of monkeys with typewriters. Would it be nice if it were true? In some ways, yes. One way of being able to deal with evil, as humans, is a way to see a hand guiding it. Satan. A bad politician. Evil corporations. The Masons. Evil is inherently so... evil, that it is comforting to think that someone is causing it rather than it is simply a fact of life and caused by people who, for lack of a better word, aren't wired right to begin with.

And in a modern world where we are all packed in... and where the ACLU spends all its time trying to make sure that noone ever goes into a padded room... or where you can 'hide' your mental deficiency in a go go go technological world... or where you can find 'birds of a feather' (incels anyone?) who are as nuts as you... but who can gather in our connected world and feed into eac,h others' mental problems... making them seem normal and mainstream. Well, then some of these people are going to commit evil acts in ways that are hard to fathom. And easy to write off by blaming someone or something else.

Is there a solution? I think there is at least a start in re-opening state mental facilities. I think there is a good move on to do things like stop staying the murderers names and to vilify them (though that's too late for their murdered and assaulted victims). But if you stop making these people into 'dark heroes' and start painting them as defective, others won't want to imitate them. I think we can do more to raise kids at home and in schools who are taught some civics and ethics and values... instead of gender bending and insolence and hatred of their society. Church? Maybe. But parenting, schooling and mentorship serves the same purpose but require hard work and getting noses out of phones. Encouraging 'real' shooters (both professional and citizens) to be trained armed and ready to respond when murderers and killers and evil surfaces in their midst? Definitely. Stop blaming 'other' things for what are, in the end, the actions and CHOICES of mentally-defective killers and murderers... stop giving them excuses to view themselves as avenging angels and glorious soldiers when, in fact, they are just nuts. I am sure there are other things... but coffee is wearing off and I can't think of them.

Well, OK, I've ranted on enough... I'll go put on my Nomex and await the response of the 8Chan commandos...

And probably go down to the reloading shop for a bit of Dillon therapy! I've noticed that people who have hobbies don't tend to murder people in WalMarts, either. Maybe we should mandate knitting and model-building as a way to keep people busy? I know it makes me happy, calm and relaxed!


I laugh at all of the claims of accuracy. Neither of my AKs are better than 3-4 MOA with run of the mill ammo. Good enough to hit a man size target 300 yards away CONSISTENTLY and will carry much more power than a 5.56 AND be lighter to hump than my AR10s.

May not be the most accurate but they are more than accurate for a job like this and they run better than an old school Singer sewing machine

Yep we kid ourselves seeking .25 MOA.

It's a great challenge for the OCD inclined but general mil standard is 4 MOA.
The murder/death doesn't matter to the left/media - just necessary collateral damage to their goal of disarmament.

The method is all that matters for their efforts hence these are "active shooters", "mass shootings"

Of course that is correct... and is also causing more murders...

More importantly, it is getting people to tune into the news 24 x 7 to watch tragedy, listen to arguments and to feed their own need for tragedy as entertainment... And bank huge amounts of money in the process.

The information society... a circle of tragedy, isn't it?

Of course that is correct... and is also causing more murders...

More importantly, it is getting people to tune into the news 24 x 7 to watch tragedy, listen to arguments and to feed their own need for tragedy as entertainment... And bank huge amounts of money in the process.

The information society... a circle of tragedy, isn't it?


Some would say that it is a method of normalizing these types of events and desensitizing the emotional response of the public....makes it much easier when the GOVT actually starts doing the work..
A couple of thoughts popped into my head over the last hours since hearing about Dayton and El Paso... the first was sparked by a brilliant comment earlier in this thread that every time something like this happens, the press and politicians immediately start calling them active shooters, gunmen, mass-shootings, etc.

The reality is that if one uses language properly, these are mass-murders. Committed by mass-murderers and spree-killers. Mostly with mental issues (I would argue that ALL have mental issues... because you don't commit mass murder unless you are an evil mass-murderer.)
This is not about video games. This is not about people who 'are' shooters (millions of them, who are honorable, law-abiding citizens who engage in shooting sports or in LE or military or pursuits that either professionally or as a hobby pursue marksmanship. This is not about access to weapons. Not even about immigrants or Christchurch or 8Chan similar excuses. This is about a generation in which mentally-ill murderers and killers are not only allowed to roam free and let their mental issues bubble into a murderous level of insanity. But in addition, they are given a free pass.... even after they commit heinous crimes. Because they are not responsible... someone or something else is. A gun. An X-box. A political discourse that fires people up. The NRA.

It's none of those things. If the language describing these people were belittling them and making them 'not' heroes... making them into the worst society can revile... it may not stop everyone. But some will decide that going out in their so-called 'blaze of glory...' isn't.

The next thing that we keep seeing is the vast conspiracy theories that these events are being orchestrated by some 'dark hand' which is sending in mass shooters to cover up for whatever political crap someone is upset about. Las Vegas... The idea that John Podesta went to Christchurch and organized that shooting. The instant backlash that this is all some kind of an orchestrated thing.

It's not. It's simply, now, the background noise of a technological society in which we have failed to deal with the mental issues that are going along with a pace of life and a complexity that some human brains are having trouble dealing with. Think about it... in just 5 generations, we have gone from a people living in a world without so much as a traffic light to a Web which is the closest thing to infinity that they human mind could possibly experience. Some aren't going to deal with it. And packed in to compressed cities and with no 'have to work to live' distraction to keep someone's brain from exploding... we are seeing a spike in mental issues and that is often (and randomly) getting acted out by mass murder. It's happened in China. In Japan. In Germany. In England... not firearms cultures. Not even video game cultures. Yet it's still happening. And it's manifested itself in everything from Tokyo subway gassings to a crazoid Harvard graduate living in a cabin in Montana and shipping out bombs... a mental schizophrenic, by the way. And a mass-murderer.

But these killings and murders now happen so often that in a world of infinite information and the so-called 'infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite numbers of typewriters... they will create Shakespeare"... then it is not hard to make connections that are not there. The conspiracy culture is also looking for an excuse... a dark hand that is guiding things in an effort to 'come after them' whether 'them' is their personae, their hobby or group, their political party or their Constitution.

I agree... there are bad actors out there. There are slimy politicians. There are crooks. There are scum at a level that is hard to fathom.
But they are not... I repeat NOT... running a giant conspiracy. Why? Because you simply can't pull it off. These clowns can't pull off anything without it getting out. Conspiracies are easy to imagine. But almost impossible to pull off. Because they are too complex and someone always screws up, talks or gets cold feet.

The 'bad' side of a conspiracy theory is that it gives the 'next' mentally-deficient murderer a reason for being. A reason to... commit murder while thinking they are a soldier in a greater cause, an avenging angel, a righter of wrongs... in other words, justify what is cold-blooded-mass murder. Whether in Christchurch or El Paso... or outside a pizza restaurant... or because you think that you will get to marry Jodie Foster... when you give a mentally-deficient person a reason that gnaws into their brain and makes them think 'it's ok' then you might as well be setting the 'random mode' on a human cruise missile and waiting to see where it lands. And yesterday it landed in El Paso... and maybe Dayton.

But they weren't undercover, soldiers and patsy's working for evil Progressive anti-gun Clinton, Soros-funded Antifa-commie political activists and others who want to transform America into the USSR. Are those people real and working hard on this mission every day? You bet!

But they are not hiring or 'running' 20-something little twats to shoot up WalMarts. Because those people are unreliable and unpredictable and un-recruitable and un-trainable and unable to work into an organization. Why? Because they are nuts... they are homicidal mental-deficient people who can't be trusted. And no organization is going to have someone out 'setting these people up' and giving them missions. It's not just one bridge too far... it's several bridges too far.

All the conspiracy theories do is make those of use to follow them look... like we're nuts. And they provide excuses for the real killers to go off and live fantasies rooted in mental disorders, not reality.

Yeah, yeah... I'm going to get flamed eight ways from Sunday for this... And I will admit, that I find conspiracy theories attractive now and then. I am amused by Q... but skeptical... as soon as the conspiracy extends into the whole concept that the world is run by a cabal of child-molesters... I just see it as another crazy connection made by infinite number of monkeys with typewriters. Would it be nice if it were true? In some ways, yes. One way of being able to deal with evil, as humans, is a way to see a hand guiding it. Satan. A bad politician. Evil corporations. The Masons. Evil is inherently so... evil, that it is comforting to think that someone is causing it rather than it is simply a fact of life and caused by people who, for lack of a better word, aren't wired right to begin with.

And in a modern world where we are all packed in... and where the ACLU spends all its time trying to make sure that noone ever goes into a padded room... or where you can 'hide' your mental deficiency in a go go go technological world... or where you can find 'birds of a feather' (incels anyone?) who are as nuts as you... but who can gather in our connected world and feed into eac,h others' mental problems... making them seem normal and mainstream. Well, then some of these people are going to commit evil acts in ways that are hard to fathom. And easy to write off by blaming someone or something else.

Is there a solution? I think there is at least a start in re-opening state mental facilities. I think there is a good move on to do things like stop staying the murderers names and to vilify them (though that's too late for their murdered and assaulted victims). But if you stop making these people into 'dark heroes' and start painting them as defective, others won't want to imitate them. I think we can do more to raise kids at home and in schools who are taught some civics and ethics and values... instead of gender bending and insolence and hatred of their society. Church? Maybe. But parenting, schooling and mentorship serves the same purpose but require hard work and getting noses out of phones. Encouraging 'real' shooters (both professional and citizens) to be trained armed and ready to respond when murderers and killers and evil surfaces in their midst? Definitely. Stop blaming 'other' things for what are, in the end, the actions and CHOICES of mentally-defective killers and murderers... stop giving them excuses to view themselves as avenging angels and glorious soldiers when, in fact, they are just nuts. I am sure there are other things... but coffee is wearing off and I can't think of them.

Well, OK, I've ranted on enough... I'll go put on my Nomex and await the response of the 8Chan commandos...

And probably go down to the reloading shop for a bit of Dillon therapy! I've noticed that people who have hobbies don't tend to murder people in WalMarts, either. Maybe we should mandate knitting and model-building as a way to keep people busy? I know it makes me happy, calm and relaxed!



Nothing wrong with that. VERY well said and thought.
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Nothing wrong with that. VERY well said and thought. And may I add great typing job there (hate it these days when I keep seeing FREAKING SO-CALLED JOURNALISTS MAKING A LIVING USE SPELL WORD CORRECT OR CRAP AUTO SOMETHING....(takes a deep breath)...sorry...had to vent.

Someone wants my billet.
That is the reason why I would actually prefer to respond to an active shooter incident as an armed civilian with a handgun as opposed to a rifle or carbine. Less chance of being misidentified as a perp and shot by responding authorities. Also, a revolver, even a big one, like my Ruger, will be less likely to induce further panic amongst those around me if I am also able to announce my presence and intentions in an authoritative tone.

Idiot...They shoot people for holding cell phones but you expect them to check fire in an active shooter situation because your only holding a handgun........
Someone wants my billet.
Yeah, actually there were a few missed items edit wise but what the heck, it was a great write up.... I’m more inclined to his thoughts than the thing I wrote before his. It galls me when so many professional writers blow some things so badly AND so OFTEN. I actually removed that rant part LOL.
Lots of good theories on why this keeps happening - The Left Conspiracy, a Government Conspiracy, a Coup, Libtards going Whacko - all of them possible I guess.

Having friends all the the world (mostly EU and UK) I get a much different perspective on a lot of stuff. We all know it's not the accessibility of guns that is creating these murdering nut jobs. Maybe our Way here in America is just plain driving people over the edge? Maybe the pressure of survival here in the 21st Century US is cracking folks enough to make them go murder their neighbors because they feel it is completely and utterly Hopeless to even try anymore?

Maybe? Who knows. I predict we'll see a mass shooting a week eventually (or more) until we figure out what is happening and try to change it. We can't fix it until we know what's broken and I predict that we have so many that "know" what the problem is that we'll keep right on banging the dead horse that is causing the problem.

God help America. We sure as shit can't seem to help ourselves....I'm completely baffled how people can leave the house without being armed now days. Yer not safe *anywhere* any more and the Police can't protect US. I have family members that simply cannot understand why I carry everywhere/all the time.

For the ones comparing pictures... I’m guessing you haven’t spent much time in military towns lately. Finding a white dude in 5.11 pants and a black t shirt out in town is super common.

As for the ones who say cops should just execute them, that’s not a path you want to go down.

I will agree that this made zero sense but I won’t buy into the “the left did this to push their agenda” conspiracy. I’d be more willing to believe that the Russians (or other foreign threat) are involved/responsible, through a fuck ton of layers, just to further stir the divide because the right is so quick to blame the let just as the left is to blame the right.

Bodies weren’t even stiff yet and there was conspiracy shit spewing out everywhere.
Bodies weren’t even stiff yet and there was conspiracy shit spewing out everywhere.

Thats the state of the world we live in when we are told "Humans with dicks are chicks", "Street thugs killed in the commission of a crime are good guys and the cop attacked was the bad guy", or "just because you saw an elected political official lie or commit a crime with your own eyes does not make it a crime".

We cant explain these unexplainables that up until recently were settled science.

Therefore we must conjur up Loch Ness Monsters and Bigfoot.
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Lots of good theories on why this keeps happening - The Left Conspiracy, a Government Conspiracy, a Coup, Libtards going Whacko - all of them possible I guess.

Having friends all the the world (mostly EU and UK) I get a much different perspective on a lot of stuff. We all know it's not the accessibility of guns that is creating these murdering nut jobs. Maybe our Way here in America is just plain driving people over the edge? Maybe the pressure of survival here in the 21st Century US is cracking folks enough to make them go murder their neighbors because they feel it is completely and utterly Hopeless to even try anymore?

Maybe? Who knows. I predict we'll see a mass shooting a week eventually (or more) until we figure out what is happening and try to change it. We can't fix it until we know what's broken and I predict that we have so many that "know" what the problem is that we'll keep right on banging the dead horse that is causing the problem.

God help America. We sure as shit can't seem to help ourselves....I'm completely baffled how people can leave the house without being armed now days. Yer not safe *anywhere* any more and the Police can't protect US. I have family members that simply cannot understand why I carry everywhere/all the time.

Pressure of survival?

More the opposite. Too much free time with no needs that have to be worked for
Idiot...They shoot people for holding cell phones but you expect them to check fire in an active shooter situation because your only holding a handgun........

It is about element of surprise and better chance of concealment and blending back in once the perp has been taken down. Having extensively studied the 80's and 90's biker wars between the Hells Angels and the Pagans and the Hells Angels and the Breed MC, with attention focused on a couple of particularly vicious turf battles on Long Island and Ohio, there are no doubts that a person deploying a pistol in the midst of a chaotic environment has almost full chance of successfully interdicting the target, with little attention drawn to himself in return, as long as he keeps his head on a swivel. The same goes for putting a handgun back into concealment once the threat has passed.

Of course, I am very well aware that no plan survives actual first contact, but what we are doing here is wargaming. It helps to get an idea of what we may go up against one day and how to prepare for such a confrontation.