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The war in Ukraine and Donbas

Meet “Ukraine”

Tell us about her wheat basket.

Russia is the country will never be defeated.
Hard to explain, but may be you can get sort of understing watching this:

I get what you are putting down. The US was once similarly homogeneous in identity and resolve. I realize that was a gentle propaganda presentation, but coupled with the strong fatalism exhibited across Russian society and the enormous size of the country, beating it into submission is a pipe dream.
I get what you are putting down. The US was once similarly homogeneous in identity and resolve. I realize that was a gentle propaganda presentation, but coupled with the strong fatalism exhibited across Russian society and the enormous size of the country, beating it into submission is a pipe dream.
You certainly understand.
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the swedes,french and germans have invaded russia and failed badly. reagan beat them but had sense enough to not start a war with them. the chinese have fooled around at times but haven't and aren't going to get into it with them. not a big fan boy,but putin has played russsia perfectly. now seems to have raised patriotism to level that stalin did using same moves. looks like his results are going to better for the russian people than stalin's results. whenever he is replaced after his death the questions about the future of russia will be interesting to see answered. he won't be assassinated because i think the cia and fbi can't get to him like here in america.
Thats a bingo… Really interesting part is experiencing first hand how otherwise intelligent individuals fall into the trap of “group think”. Covid and Ukraine and now Israhell are basically 1930 in person and suddenly its clear why in 1939-41 everyone in Germany was full blown nazi or at least masturbated on the idea and in 1945 everyone was a Stauffenbergs aide, cook or a driver…
The more things change the more they stay the same. Bar some rare individuals most od the “stock” are really dumb sheep in essence.
So is it true that for every,Russian bear video we see there are ten more where everyone gets eaten? 👿


2 observations:

A: The bab.la is most definitely hot and not a dude. Both are big pluses on cold Siberian nights.

B: Note the person mostly out of frame to the right, tossing treats to the HFB* that are stuffed with enough Valium to kill a man.
*Huge Fucking Bear.

So Kortik is it true that for every Russian bear video we see there are ten more where everyone gets eaten? 👿


When I've lived in the USSR, I've never seen a bear, except the one in Moscow Zoo. About russian girls - I've met one, who was a professional dancer. At any rate, she was very cute, small size and extremely muscular (danced with her, so I could feel). The legend about this girl was that boys were perfectly safe walking with her anywhere, cause she could beat the crap out of anybody if necessary...
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i suspect he could go "grozny" on ukraine if inclined, but he doesn't want to be that monster.
if this was turned around, "we" would have fucking destroyed kiev long ago.
I don't think he wants to, or feels he needs to. Leaving the bulk of the Ukraine standing is going to bleed the west dry in ways a real war could never do. I think that is why he has zero interest in taking the entire country. Yes early mistakes got made, that convoy for one, but nothing happened that could end it then and there, so now he is happy just sitting behind his line. I think he has most of the area where the "native" russians were getting screwed over by the Ukes, so that is all he ever wanted. I look for this go go on this way for about another year, with a hot spot here or there. In the end there will be another 38th parallel.....If he will accept that. He might want the areas he already controls, and those areas given to him by Obummer to stay his.
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Very hard Russian strike against Kiev: The air defense of the Ukrainian capital was dismantled - B. Putin: "I am boiling with rage"

This is not about the Dec 29th attack, but the one that occured 1/2/24.

"For his part, Mykola Oleschuk, commander of the Air Force, pointed out that yesterday's strikes are a repeat of the large Russian attack on December 29 in terms of the number and type of missiles."

"Kiev's air defenses failed once again. Due to the large number of missiles, Ukrainian air defense crews ran out of ammunition. At the same time, they did not have time to reload the IRIS-T and Patriot air defense systems."
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British colonel: "NATO will send troops to Ukraine if the country collapses - within 2024 the crucial decision"

What a damn fool.
British colonel: "NATO will send troops to Ukraine if the country collapses - within 2024 the crucial decision"

NATO tool the peace dividend when the Soviet Union dissolved - "what" NATO troops? Germany and Great Britain - how much combat power do they have left? The other NATO nations have essentially police units and "peacekeeping" formations. I assume NATO troops = US. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan - what did the European nations contribute? Nothing of consequence.
NATO tool the peace dividend when the Soviet Union dissolved - "what" NATO troops? Germany and Great Britain - how much combat power do they have left? The other NATO nations have essentially police units and "peacekeeping" formations. I assume NATO troops = US. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan - what did the European nations contribute? Nothing of consequence.
Been reading several pieces and interviews in the last 24 months that point out how bad it has gotten (not that they ever were a serious force) in the French, British, German and Canadian militaries. They got into actual numbers as far as how few fieldable tanks, attack planes, ships and subs they are maintaining. Most of the reported numbers are inflated in that the readiness rate for all the above is below 50% with some categories in the 30% bracket. They don't have enough numbers to sustain the first week of a serious fight.

Ditto for how many trained and combat effective troops they have deployable.
Ditto for almost no recruits in the pipeline to stop further decline in numbers.
Ditto for almost zero ability to produce replacement armor, planes or ships.

I know there are still some meat eaters within their ranks but they are extremely few and dwindling faster than being replaced.

Our own leadership is hell bent on racing them to the bottom. I guess our armed forces are so big by comparison, it just takes longer to see the degradation, waste, lack of leadership and lack of support.

The little generals in NATO need to stay in the back room polishing each other's medals before they fuck around and drag us into a real war.

Nato is an flashy catch phrase but in reality a empty sack, and it always has been. Many are about to learn that in spades. What has taken place in the Krain in the last 30 days proves 20 wars with cave dwelling types, is not the same as fighting a peer, or better. No matter how you think you can control the news or agenda the truth gets out. We are going to lose this one plus if they keep fucking around there, the American people will get lesson of what real war is, with a front row seat from their couch.
We are not just going to be fighting Russia, we will be fighting Russian, China, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea & all their proxys. The American people allowed & voted for the shit storm thats coming, we'll see who they try to blame once reality arrives.
What rock have you been living under? Americans DID vote but the Criminal Conspiracy FUBAR'd the count. The current WA DC government was INSTALLED, not elected.

This did not happen within the last few election cycles. This is the kind of shit DDE warned about in his farewell speech. The same kind of Shit that got JFK killed, the same Kind of shit that got Klinton elected, then Chaney, then Obummer. The American people own this 100% do to greed, glutton, & sloth. Nor would any of this have happened if the American people had not voted their wallet every voting cycle, and vetted who the fuck they were really voting for. When you pay people to be sorry (or not think for their selves) they will never disappoint you.
Nato is an flashy catch phrase but in reality a empty sack, and it always has been. Many are about to learn that in spades. What has taken place in the Krain in the last 30 days proves 20 wars with cave dwelling types, is not the same as fighting a peer, or better. No matter how you think you can control the news or agenda the truth gets out. We are going to lose this one plus if they keep fucking around there, the American people will get lesson of what real war is, with a front row seat from their couch.
We are not just going to be fighting Russia, we will be fighting Russian, China, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea & all their proxys. The American people allowed & voted for the shit storm thats coming, we'll see who they try to blame once reality arrives.
I think you are right about fighting more than Russia. But it will be more than kinetic. It will also involve economic warfare via the BRICS nations. The Israeli conflict has only galvanized them and other non-BRICS players that would probably join them. If there is any cyber attack, regardless of its origin, it will escalate or initiate the conflict as it will be blamed on adversaries.

This whole thing is ramping up and is no joke. Russia and other nations are mobilizing while the West can’t even resupply Ukraine or themselves. The trap is obvious to see - we have depleted ourselves and everyone else while showing multiple weaknesses.
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Oh a sight for sore eyes! You’re back :).
I’m still hoping that enough people will mobilize once they jail/kill Trump and realize there is no peaceful solution to the stolen government and all the consequences emanating from it. Just read how dep. of agriculture “attacked” amish farmer for not complying with poisonous farming regulations, while other agencies are blatantly violating from Constitution to every moral principle there is and the amish farmer is a problem. But i digress as i’m seeing there is a preparation of public for inevitable Ukrops defeat and elites are hoping they will somehow survive another “emperor has no clothes” moment.
Oh a sight for sore eyes! You’re back :).
I’m still hoping that enough people will mobilize once they jail/kill Trump and realize there is no peaceful solution to the stolen government and all the consequences emanating from it. Just read how dep. of agriculture “attacked” amish farmer for not complying with poisonous farming regulations, while other agencies are blatantly violating from Constitution to every moral principle there is and the amish farmer is a problem. But i digress as i’m seeing there is a preparation of public for inevitable Ukrops defeat and elites are hoping they will somehow survive another “emperor has no clothes” moment.
Hello my friend, how have you been?
The issue is many of us know what stage of the end game is transpiring here. You are right it would take a total & complete burn down by the American people to take back this country. However that will not happen as the General public is too stupid & lazy to grasp what they have empowered over the last 60+ years. It's telling the way the brain washed, parrot after leaving their sounding rooms. At some point the none thinking types who don't self research, into "Their Candidate" will realize to what point they are/were mere pawns.

Today's cluster fuck started during WW I, and those thinking, power/money hungry assholes laid out the plan/s to play most people on this rock like a fiddle. After WW II it was full throttle time. Ike warned about it but he was too strong for them to push it. JFK was weak and they went for it & won.

When you get notice the US has gone black or large scale events are taking place all over, check with your local Ham Radio operators who are a cut above your average highest level of operators . Many of us will get the truth out about what is happening here. This site should already be known to those types I'm suggesting.
I'll leave you now with these old sayings,
When you pay people to be sorry they will never disappoint you.
Its very easy to acquire votes via legalized theft, when the target voter is not the victim.
Its easier to fool a man, than making him understand he was the fool being fooled.
If there is not a problem that furthers your agenda, create one that can be morphed/nudged easily.
Today's cluster fuck started during WW I, and those thinking, power/money hungry assholes laid out the plan/s to play most people on this rock like a fiddle. After WW II it was full throttle time. Ike warned about it but he was too strong for them to push it. JFK was weak and they went for it & won.
It is mind-boggling to realize the level of deception that is taking place by OUR unelected employees and elected professional liars. With that said, replacing every politician in DC would not change a thing. The Puppet Masters would simply buy, kill or render anyone inept who was willing to take action.

The fight is with the Puppet Masters that run Governments and those controlling the agenda.

THIS is what most people do not realize.
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It is mind-boggling to realize the level of deception that is taking place by OUR unelected employees and elected professional liars. With that said, replacing every politician in DC would not change a thing. The Puppet Masters would simply buy, kill or render anyone inept who was willing to take action.

The fight is with the Puppet Masters that run Governments and those controlling the agenda.

THIS is what most people do not realize.

Here is part of the problem,
The public is so stupid and ignorant and greedy, that they are easy sheep to control and they can easily be "suggested" to vote out any decent politicians.

That is the problem with democracy,
(and wait... before you get all riled up that we have this "republic" thing not a democracy, ask yourself, can enough stupid folks simply get together and vote out any and all "protections" you think you have? If you look at history, the answer is yes by a large margin. Can enough folks simply vote to ignore your rights as if they don't exist? Yes is the glaring historical answer.)

I was listening to an older member of our Church talk about personal virtue.
They were telling the story about how their father was on the city council for a large well known city.
Some developers wanted changes to benefit themselves and increase their profits and control.
It was not something that was good for the citizens, good for the common people, good for the city or good for the future.

They were a bit stuck, so they came to him and said essentially, look we know you are a Church member and so we can't bribe you, but just tell us what it will take for you to agree to vote for what we want.

He told them clearly they could not change his mind as it was against the best interests of the people he was elected to represent.
They countered with well, no problem we'll just make sure you are voted out in the next election.
And that's exactly what happened. Money and propaganda made sure the stupid "good folks" voted out a good honest, decent uncorruptable man and voted in a corrupted man they were told was "the good choice".

That sad story has repeated itself over and over on every level of government and control for generations.

So even if you got rid of all the bad politicans and got rid of all the "government employees" and those running the show behind the scenes, it wouldn't take more than a generation or two for it all to go back the same way because those with money and motivation and dedication to evil will beguile many "good folks" and take over once more.
Nato is an flashy catch phrase but in reality a empty sack, and it always has been. Many are about to learn that in spades. What has taken place in the Krain in the last 30 days proves 20 wars with cave dwelling types, is not the same as fighting a peer, or better. No matter how you think you can control the news or agenda the truth gets out. We are going to lose this one plus if they keep fucking around there, the American people will get lesson of what real war is, with a front row seat from their couch.
We are not just going to be fighting Russia, we will be fighting Russian, China, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea & all their proxys. The American people allowed & voted for the shit storm thats coming, we'll see who they try to blame once reality arrives.
They will blame us for not telling them the truth sooner. Perhaps it’s best if they are culled by the illuminated.
Here is part of the problem,
The public is so stupid and ignorant and greedy, that they are easy sheep to control and they can easily be "suggested" to vote out any decent politicians.

That is the problem with democracy,
(and wait... before you get all riled up that we have this "republic" thing not a democracy, ask yourself, can enough stupid folks simply get together and vote out any and all "protections" you think you have? If you look at history, the answer is yes by a large margin. Can enough folks simply vote to ignore your rights as if they don't exist? Yes is the glaring historical answer.)

I was listening to an older member of our Church talk about personal virtue.
They were telling the story about how their father was on the city council for a large well known city.
Some developers wanted changes to benefit themselves and increase their profits and control.
It was not something that was good for the citizens, good for the common people, good for the city or good for the future.

They were a bit stuck, so they came to him and said essentially, look we know you are a Church member and so we can't bribe you, but just tell us what it will take for you to agree to vote for what we want.

He told them clearly they could not change his mind as it was against the best interests of the people he was elected to represent.
They countered with well, no problem we'll just make sure you are voted out in the next election.
And that's exactly what happened. Money and propaganda made sure the stupid "good folks" voted out a good honest, decent uncorruptable man and voted in a corrupted man they were told was "the good choice".

That sad story has repeated itself over and over on every level of government and control for generations.

So even if you got rid of all the bad politicans and got rid of all the "government employees" and those running the show behind the scenes, it wouldn't take more than a generation or two for it all to go back the same way because those with money and motivation and dedication to evil will beguile many "good folks" and take over once more.
Someone will always take the “golden juice” in return for their soul. Payback is long and crushing. The Epstein list is filled with know nothing media created empty shells that became household names after accepting the juice. I mean, who in actual fuck is Jimmy Kimmel? Just a random clown who helps control the masses. No talent or personality.
Someone will always take the “golden juice” in return for their soul. Payback is long and crushing. The Epstein list is filled with know nothing media created empty shells that became household names after accepting the juice. I mean, who in actual fuck is Jimmy Kimmel? Just a random clown who helps control the masses. No talent or personality.

Those that sold their souls think the benefits are "forever" but don't understand they are just tools that can and WILL be tossed aside when they are no longer needed. And if burning the tools in a nice big showy fire happens to be an option, all the better so they can't ever be taken seriously if they try to say anything and the public which at their core loves dirt and drama and seeing the bad in folks, is joyfully distracted.
I was listening to an older member of our Church talk about personal virtue.
They were telling the story about how their father was on the city council for a large well known city.
Some developers wanted changes to benefit themselves and increase their profits and control.
It was not something that was good for the citizens, good for the common people, good for the city or good for the future.
Yes, we have some of the best growing soil in the entirety of Australia in the region that could not be developed upon, a simple change of local government zoning laws fixed that for MuH GRoTh!!

So now land that can not be replaced is trashy fucking buildings selling trinkets to fat fucks.
Sounds like the powers behind digital ID are looking to be trialed in Ukraine.

Ukrainian TV explains how the new mobilization law will works:
“More than 10 million Ukrainian men in Ukraine and abroad can be recognized as “needed” within 20 days after the adoption of the mobilization law.
”After the adoption of the law, Ukrainians without a military ID will not be able to:
– conduct transactions with residential real estate (purchase/sale);
– use medical services;
– leave the country;
– drive vehicles;
– manage money on bank accounts and cards.

Sounds like the powers behind digital ID are looking to be trialed in Ukraine.

Ukrainian TV explains how the new mobilization law will works:
“More than 10 million Ukrainian men in Ukraine and abroad can be recognized as “needed” within 20 days after the adoption of the mobilization law.
”After the adoption of the law, Ukrainians without a military ID will not be able to:
– conduct transactions with residential real estate (purchase/sale);
– use medical services;
– leave the country;
– drive vehicles;
– manage money on bank accounts and cards.

When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
Ukraine is just leading rest of us by 5 or 6 years 🤪
Your very optimistic.
I think the krain is & has been just a test bed past the day they believe we had their backs once they gave up their Nukes. Course having both hands on their shoulders from behind and lubed up could be construed to having their backs right?