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The war in Ukraine and Donbas

Basically its over in military strategy sense. Only variable is time will they slowly creep on and bleed them dry as in "if you keep coming we will keep killing" or if decision has been made to do a more swift "break the line and push through to Dniepr and see if we can collapse the country". But in the end it may just as well be make a buffer zone, keep killing, keep one eye on the actions of the west and while propaganda in the west is that we are somehow (how is beyond me) weakening Russia in reality its the west and especially the EU that is weakening by having a huge "beggar&parasite" stuck to its brain...Sooner or later something will give and judging by reports from Germany their economy is in free fall and people (white and those not cucks - yes both of you Hans and Holgar :)) are really upset. We'll see what both two noncucks in Germany can do :)..../sarcasm off


Zelensky Unmasked is an explosive 12 part series that exposes the truth behind the war in Ukraine, as well as the face of it all. The series reveals who masterminded the cult of Volodymyr Zelensky and why it was created. It also investigates the deep state and corporate interests that have profited off of this war. Who is really benefitting from the over $100 billion dollars the US has sent Ukraine? What’s the Nord Stream pipeline and who blew it up? Where are all the weapons we have sent? And why has Ukraine signed its destiny over to BlackRock, the world’s largest monopoly? This series answers all of these questions and more, while unmasking Zelensky and one of history’s deadliest conspiracies.
It has been proven many times over since 2014 who are genazidal maniacs. Not to mention most of the ruling “elite” in EU are descendants of original genazidals. Red army left business unfinished and it comes back to bite.
you mean, like this unfinished business by the red army?

Cruel efforts under Stalin Red ARMY to impose collectivism and tamp down Ukrainian nationalism left an estimated 3.9 million dead


Russia let a few live, now they are coming back for the rest
After May 21st, ukie clown will officially stop being president of this screwed up "ukraine", including not being a "commander-in-chief" any more. I'm curious if some ukies will use this opportunity to get rid of this POS (and his buddies) and try to change something.
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After May 21st, ukie clown will officially stop being president of this screwed up "ukraine", including not being a "commander-in-chief" any more. I'm curious if some ukies will use this opportunity to get rid of this POS (and his buddies) and try to change something.
Don't hold your breath.
you mean, like this unfinished business by the red army?

Cruel efforts under Stalin Red ARMY to impose collectivism and tamp down Ukrainian nationalism left an estimated 3.9 million dead


Russia let a few live, now they are coming back for the rest
The USSR was multi ethnic. Stalin was Georgian, not Russian. Jews were massively overrepresented in the Bolshevik top ranks.

the only thing you can say truthfully is that the communists killed more Russians than the Mongols, more than the Nazis or anyone else. The communists also killed a lot of Ukrainians, as you mentioned. But that was more because of the collectivization of the farming system at the time, and not their ethnicity. Even into the 60's, farmers didn't have nearly the same rights as the average city dweller.

Trying to pin the USSR on "Russians" is like trying to pin the extermination of Native American tribes during the Beaver Wars on the United States.

Also, the NKVD would have been more fanatic at all this than the Red Army was, although both took part. And ultimately the blame falls on Stalin himself, although Lenin also killed a lot of Ukrainians too.
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Damn, it's so hard to pick sides in history. the communists, the nazis. Who was worse? They were evil mirror images of each other.

And Bukovsky was correct. The EU is a new Soviet Union. Except this time control is universal and orwellian. Evil governments don't have to have a spy hanging out on the collective kitchen of the apartment building anymore, they just record and store everything you say, text, or type into your search bar. Interestingly enough, the guy who told us all that, Snowden, now lives in Russia after escaping our own SMERSH agents who were hot on his trail.

Orwell was right. And we are just letting them do it to us.

Take Solzhenitsyn's words to heart, because this shit is coming.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough."
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
And Bukovsky was correct. The EU is a new Soviet Union. Except this time control is universal and orwellian. Evil governments don't have to have a spy hanging out on the collective kitchen of the apartment building anymore, they just record and store everything you say, text, or type into your search bar.
It's not even that, look at covid, society now polices itself. It's organic, it doesn't need an overlord.
From your keyboard to God's inbox. But what are you basing this on?
I believe it's according to their laws and emergency powers act of some sort that expires on that date.

That memo above has no tags or markers, odd.
And that isn't even half the money we've pissed away over there in total.
It looks like it was written by a diversity hire.
since the beginning of Russia’s unprovoked and brutal invasion on February 24, 2022.
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From your keyboard to God's inbox. But what are you basing this on?
Not sure what will happen, but situation may become somewhat "interesting". Here is just one of many articles about it:
In theory, clown political opponents over there may try to use this situation. And Russians will absolutely ignore him after May 21st, their argument being that nothing can be settled with the "leader" who is not officially confirmed, or something like that...
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Russia got a new minister of defence, A. Belousov, known for his very successful economic activity.
More details about various changes within Russian government and other related stuff, very interesting:

Another source of info:
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It's hard to prove anyone is targeting civilians. Russia took out a hotel they claimed was used by military.
Why do you go on the internet and lie like this?
It's been proven hundreds of times that ukraine government are actively doing terror campaigns against civilians.
Odessa protests, artillery barrages into residential areas of Donetsk, before the war, and several Toschka strikes after war broke out.
Daily shellings across the border into Belgorod for the last year.
Not to mention all the assasinations of anyone criticizing the government in Ukraine.
i have no sauce for this

There's this:

Road Opens for VDV and Marines operation: Ukes move reserves from Kherson to Kharkiv - risk of total front collapse


The situation is critical for Khrakiv: Russian forces crush 2nd Ukranian line of defense in Kharkiv - Ukrainians surrender en masse
The Ukranian defense is non-existent - The Russians are advancing

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There's this:

Road Opens for VDV and Marines operation: Ukes move reserves from Kherson to Kharkiv - risk of total front collapse


The situation is critical for Khrakiv: Russian forces crush 2nd Ukranian line of defense in Kharkiv - Ukrainians surrender en masse
The Ukranian defense is non-existent - The Russians are advancing

i had read that russian attacks on kharkiv were meant to force ukraine to move defense assets to the north, so that may be true.
The Sympathizer season 2025 might drop Vietnamese and instead feature Ukrainians taking over San Fernando Valley cashing in on the talent 💪
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May be related to the planned exercise below reported back in January. May be a sight seeing tour of the Kaliningrad border?

But what is the "all in" piece?

"Some 90,000 troops are due to join the Steadfast Defender 2024 drills that will run through May, the alliance's top commander Chris Cavoli said on Thursday."

"During the second part of the Steadfast Defender exercise, a special focus will be on the deployment of NATO's quick reaction force to Poland on the alliance's eastern flank."
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May be related to the planned exercise below reported back in January. But what is the "all in" piece?

"Some 90,000 troops are due to join the Steadfast Defender 2024 drills that will run through May, the alliance's top commander Chris Cavoli said on Thursday."

"During the second part of the Steadfast Defender exercise, a special focus will be on the deployment of NATO's quick reaction force to Poland on the alliance's eastern flank."

I would love to see a detailed breakout on "90000 NATO troops". I spent some time at 3rd Army HQs in Kuwait in 2006 and I sat in the daily morning briefings where we would discuss the NATO/European contributions. Coalition of 28 Countries or so - most sent a couple of LNOs, the Italians were told never leave the FOB, the Brits rotated back home every 30 days, and so on - complete sham. 90000 is equivalent of about 6 Divisions. Doubt Germany can roll out one Heavy Brigade of troops and functional equipment. Same with Brits. Most other European units are peacekeeping or disaster response.

May be related to the planned exercise below reported back in January. May be a sight seeing tour of the Kaliningrad border?

But what is the "all in" piece?

"Some 90,000 troops are due to join the Steadfast Defender 2024 drills that will run through May, the alliance's top commander Chris Cavoli said on Thursday."

"During the second part of the Steadfast Defender exercise, a special focus will be on the deployment of NATO's quick reaction force to Poland on the alliance's eastern flank."

I hear they buy some Natural Gas from the Rooskis...

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you mean, like this unfinished business by the red army?

Cruel efforts under Stalin Red ARMY to impose collectivism and tamp down Ukrainian nationalism left an estimated 3.9 million dead


Russia let a few live, now they are coming back for the rest
STOP being a moron, it's apples and oranges to what he's talking about. JHC there is always one dolt in the group
There's this:

Road Opens for VDV and Marines operation: Ukes move reserves from Kherson to Kharkiv - risk of total front collapse


The situation is critical for Khrakiv: Russian forces crush 2nd Ukranian line of defense in Kharkiv - Ukrainians surrender en masse
The Ukranian defense is non-existent - The Russians are advancing

one can only hope. we want Russia to take over Ukraine to save us from having to spending billions building it back up. It's Russian anyway, who fking cares

I had read somewhere that Ukraine decided to put contracts up for tender for the building of defence lines instead of using army engineers.

Where the private companies were meant to find the man power or machines to complete said contracts should have raises some eye brows somewhere, if it was not theft from the start.

But hey it’s Ukraine so if course it was.
I wonder if will only be the 18 year old ethnic Germans? Because the immigrants will not comply with being conscripted and what would the German .Gov do ? Not a damn thing against their newest citizens.
The Goal is to kill off as many white christians as possible. WEF is in control of all Western .gov!

Apparently the Germans have learned nothing from the past two wars they were so gloriously happy to fight.
Germany cannot replace any losses of ethnic Germans, the statistics simply show it's impossible, it's already dwindling.
Pretty much any hot war means Germany becomes not German anymore in short order.
At least whatever is left of Germany after the Russians say 3 times in a century is too much, back to the stone age with you...